A heavy rain Thursday night preceding the Reunion made it necessary for workmen to get out at 4 o’clock in the morning to get side streets and the rodeo grounds in readiness. From then on until midnight everything moved in perfect accord to make this the best ever. More families congregated and more celebrities of Oklahoma were present than ever before in Cheyenne.
In the afternoon an outstanding program was given from two platforms, one in each of the two blocks of main street roped off for this special event. Gov. Raymond Gary and Lou Allard, Chairman of the OK Semi-Centennial Commission, each brought greetings. More than 200 quarterhorses exhibited at the Peter McCue Horse Show. Two big dances, one for everyone and one for teenagers, completed the activities of this great day in Cheyenne.
The coronation of Miss Lanita Maddux as 1957 Queen of the C&A Country was unusual in that both her maternal and paternal forbears made the Run for homes on April 19, 1892. The 1957 Queen also had the distinction of having the Governor of Oklahoma, Raymond Gary, place the crown upon her head. Gov. Gary also placed the crown upon Miss Ima Jeanne White Skunk of Hammon, Cheyenne Indian Princess. The 1957 Old Settlers Reunion in Cheyenne kicked off the year long semi-centennial celebrations held throughout Oklahoma. This Re-union received great publicity, both on the state and national level.
Queen Lanita Maddux has the distinction of serving in three capacities, 1947 flower girl, 1952 attendant and 1957 Old Settlers Queen.
Lanita’s maternal grandmother, Elsie Payne also made the Run into Old Day County making Lanita twice blessed.