Newspaper Summaries for 1902

News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.

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Cheyenne Sunbeam Jan. 3, 1902

Senator John B. Harrison of Cheyenne, a member of the last legislature assembly and Judge J.W. McMurtry, his law partner, traveled to Guthrie last week to appear before Chief Justice John H. Burford to petition for bail for Robert Riggins, a cattleman of Roger Mills Countywho killed a man named Sears last July. The controversy which resulted in the shooting was over the herd law and free range proposition which has caused so much trouble in the western counties and which frequently has been in the courts. Riggins is in jail awaiting the action of the next Grand Jury. Mr. Lonnie Parrish has moved his family to Doxey, the new town on the railroad, where he will go into business. Cistern water is again becoming scarce in town. A large part of the trouble is in defective cisterns. Mrs. Huff moved out to the ranch Monday. Mr. Hodges has had a windmill erected near his dwelling and proposes to have the prettiest place in town. Charles Hensley, writing to a friend here, announces his marriage to a lady in Texas. Dr. Johnson and J.R. Casady came in from Sayre Monday. Some weeks ago, Joe Dudney, whose health has become very poor, left for southern Texas. Whilst at El Reno a thief stole his pocketbook, containing $125. There must be a tough set in that town when a sick man cannot pass through without being robbed and they should be given the full benefit of the law if caught. Miss Bean has gone on a visit to friends in Texas. Quite a number of young folks from this place attended the dance at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Warren last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Parrish gave a party to a number of their friends last Sat. night and a jolly time was had. Hoefle and Company are having a well sunk and windmill erected back of their business house. John Stahl has been embellishing his new building this week. Married on Wed. last, at the residence of Milo Burlingame, James C. Hart and Miss F.E. (Effie?) Newby, Judge Houston officiating. Married on Sun. last at the residence of the bride’s parents on Current Creek, Ernest O. Johnson and Miss Nettie Rosser, Judge Houston officiating. Dave Sullivan appeared before Judge Houston Wed. to answer for shooting with intent to kill Albert Williams. He was bound over to await action of Grand Jury in the sum of $500. The trouble occurred in a saloon in the new town of Doxey. A dance was given by Mr. Winn in his new $800 barn on Wed. evening last, attracted a number of visitors from Cheyenne and they report having a good time. Died on Thurs. Dec. 26, P.H. Hill, a respected resident of Timber Creek. County Attorney Tracy was in Elk City Wed. representing the territory in a case wherein W. Graveitt was charged with burglary. The prisoner was bound over to await action of the Grand Jury. The entertainment given by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union at the church New Year’s Eve was largely attended and highly enjoyed. The little folks had a very enjoyable party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Herring New Year’s Night. The young folks had an enjoyable gathering at the home of Mr.and Mrs. S.A. Wallace last evening. Born Thurs. Jan. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Morris, a son. Judge Houston will have a residence built here in the near future. He is figuring on the lumber. Mr. Herring has bought Mr. Hall’s claim up the Washita. Cattlemen are well pleased with the winter so far, stock having held up remarkably well. Married on Tues. Dec. 24, 1901, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. Walter Simpson and Miss Maggie Kendall, Rev. J.W. O’Bryant officiating. The groom is one of Day County’s highly respected energetic and prosperous young farmers.


Sunbeam Jan. 17, 1902

A delightful time was had by the young folks last Friday night at the residence of Mrs. Fields on Sourdough Creek.  A number went out from town in a hay wagon and a report having had a jolly time. The young men charged with breaking into the Redmoon Post Office were bound over in the sum of $1500 each. One gave bond, the balance were taken to Guthrie by U.S. Marshals. Died on Friday, Jan. 10 at the home in El Reno, Judge William H. Grigsby, aged 60 years. Deceased was well known to many old settlers here and in the panhandle, having been a resident of Mobeetie for many years. The owner of one red cow branded JHC, connected, on right side, cross on left side, with crop and underbit each ear, can hear of same by applying at this office. She has a young calf and needs attention. Married on Tues. last. N.J. Lacey and Miss Mildred Eakins of Nine Mile Creek, Judge Houston officiating. Married on Wed., Jan 15, at the office of the Probate Judge, Mr. J.A. Henning of Doxey and Miss Katherine Hanna of Sayre. The First National Bank of Elk City has increased its capitol stock to $100,000. Once again railroad talk is monopolizing attention in Cheyenne. The surveyors  passed through our neighborhood last week, and everybody expects to see the cars sometime this year. {Note It would be more than ten years before Cheyenne would build their own short line railroad to Strong City} A Mrs. Moody died Wed. morning at her home seven miles west of Cheyenne. J.R. Boughan was fined $5 in Justice Court this week for assault and battery. Elk City Marshal Caldwell received word last Sat. that his father was dead and took the train Sat. night for Dallas. The deceased was an old settler in Texas, going there in 1832 and was 91 years old at the time of his death. His life was an active one and he lived during stirring times. When he first went to Texas he paid $5 a bushel for corn.  Ed Morris is a wide awake watchman at King’s Store in Elk City and hears every sound that is made and some that are not made. He heard seventeen burglars breaking into the store last Fri. night and turned loose his guns of war, never stopping pulling the trigger until all the cartridges were gone. The boys say he shot at the back door but investigation showed three holes though the roof, a horn off a $40 saddle, a hole through a pile of clothing and a general destruction among the crockery, shoes and other merchandise and the clerks nearly scared to death. No damage done to the back door. Commissioners proceedings show that the bids were accepted for building a bridge on the Washita River for $445; Sergeant Major $279; Starvation Creek $465; Bids for Gyp Creek and Upper Sandstone were rejected. Ads: Monroe Hotel, Cheyenne, O.T. offers good fare, polite attention and reasonable rates. H.C. Laird, Physician and Surgeon, practice limited to chronic diseases, teeth extracted. Office at residence one mile west of Cheyenne.

Final proofs of Land: Robert H. Denniston 32-14-24 with witnesses Robert Ross, Archie Anderson, Thomas B. Cree and Garrrett H. Dobbs; Daniel Webb 5-14-22 and 32-15-22 with witness John Caffey, John West, Gilbert H. Hodges, William T. Bonner; Thomas C. Tubbs 9-13-23 with witnesses Gilbert W. Hodges, William A. Beaty, Allen O. Miller, Edward E. Tracy; Robert H. Davis 31&32-14-21 with witnesses Alexander P. Davis, Nathan J. Lacey, Thomas J. Eakins all of Hammon and Wallace Curby of Cheyenne. Cheyenne


Cheyenne Sunbeam Jan. 24, 1902

Mr. and Mrs. Hodges left Tuesday for Paris, Texas, where they have a number of relatives. Whilst away Mrs. Hodges will receive medical treatment with the hope of securing better eyesight. A couple of horse buyers are in town buying all the horses and mares they can get. Born on Wed. last to Mr. and Mrs. Hale, a daughter. Mr. Charles Hensley, who has been visiting in Texas, returned Wednesday. Mr. A.O. Miller’s son, Maurice and family spent several days here the past week. The hearing of the Herring & Creagor cases has been set for Jan. 31 at El Reno. Died on Wed. last Mrs. Taylor of Timber Creek. Deceased was a sister to the late Mrs. Mounts and was the last of five children of W.T. Chafin, who has lost all his children since March last. Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks from the panhandle country were visiting their son at this place this Sunday. There are a number of teachers in town taking an examination for certificates. Miss Florence Thurmond will leave for Ft. Worth tomorrow to be absent the balance of the winter. The dust storm last Mon. was about the worst we have ever had. Still the weather continues to be favorable for livestock, but rain is needed for wheat and for plowing. Old timers don’t expect to see much rain before April. We have always had dry winters. Judge Houston has purchased the Conway house in town and has taken possession. Mr. John Ford of Elk City, spent a few days in the city this week and slept on his claim. CITIZENS MEETING: On Wed. last there was a meeting at the office of Mr McMurtry and Harrison for the purpose of discussing the railroad chances for Cheyenne. E.G. Thurmond was voted to the chair with W.G. Morris secretary. Mr. McMurtry explained that a road would shortly be built by the Santa Fe from Gage to Mangum and that it would be advisable to send a committee from this place to show the surveyors now in the field a feasible route through Cheyenne, which lies directly on the course of the proposed road. F.E. Herring, A.S. McKinney, J.W. McMurtry, E.G. Thurmond and W.G. Morris were appointed as a committee to take any necessary action. C.Falconer, N.R. Monroe and J.H. Parrish were appointed on Finance. Meeting adjourned subject to meet when called by the chairman. Final Proof of Land: David F. Nichols 29&30-14-22 with witnesses, Edward E Tracy, John Caffey, Thomas White, Charles B. Howerton; Elizabeth Holder 17-14-22 with witnesses James W. Cooper, Alrfed A. Hitchcock, Kinzy Caldwell, Edward T. Holder all of Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, Jan. 31, 1902

Local & Personal: A so-called fortune teller visited this place during the Christmas holidays and took in many dollars from those ignorant enough to patronize her. She told several people here that a disastrous fire would sweep away the business portion of town on or before the 29th day of January. This of course caused some anxiety, as it would be an easy matter for the unprincipled rascal to make her prophecy good. A night watchman was hired and has been kept ever since and the town is still here.  In the future such characters should receive no encouragements, but should rather be given to understand that Cheyenne is  an unhealthy place in which to practice their nefarious business. The jail is the proper place for all such characters. The snow of the past week will be  of great benefit to the wheat crop, which had begun to suffer for want of moisture. The mails failed to arrive here Wed. owing, no doubt  to the cold weather. There is said to be a case of smallpox at Sayre. The weather the past week has been the worst of the season to date. The thermometer was hugging the zero mark Sun and Mon. and was followed by snow and sleet Tuesday. Owing to the severe weather Sunday, no services were held at the church.  Died Gordon Munsen, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wood, Saturday, Jan. 25, age 3 years, 1 month. Died on Fri. Jan 24, Naomi, the beloved wife of P.S. Taylor. Deceased was 66 years of age and had raised a large family. Most of her children being honored citizens of our county. Married on Wed. last. Bee Turner and Miss Elizabeth Dobbs. An injunction suit will be heard in Judge Houston’s court in connection with the proposed herd law election. Warren M. Cozby of the Redmoon community announces that the following astray took upon residence on his premises, one heifer calf, color red, some white, age 7 months, no marks or brands.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Feb. 7, 1902

Teachers R.E. Johnson and May Slain request your consideration of our proposition to teach a select school of ten weeks beginning immediately at the close of the winter term. Report of Perry School for month ending Jan. 31, 1902: Number of days taught 20; Number of scholars enrolled for the month 33; Total attendance 5491/2. Average Daily attendance 27 plus. Of those in daily attendance are Annie, May, James and Gus Cofer; Henry, Jesse and Haskell Pitts; Kirah Cook; Claude Baldwin; Edith B. Franklin, Teacher. The young folks had a pleasant gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bonner last Fri. evening. Co. Treasurer Hodges returned from his trip to Texas Sunday. For the first time in many years the citizens of Cheyenne have been able to put up ice this winter. The Land Office business of Roger Mills County has been transferred from Guthrie to Mangum. Those needing professional services at the new office should consult attorney J.M. WIleman, whose card appears n this issue. Married on Sat. last by Judge Houston, John K. Sherill and Mrs. Esther Ramsey, both of Grimes, this county. Mr. G.C. Banks and Miss Roma Peters have secured a marriage license They live in the Sweetwater area. Count Supt. Van Vactor has been unable to fill several appointments this week owing to sickness. Died on Mon. last at the residence of his son on the Washita, Mr. Charles Guernsey, age 77 years. Cattle on pasture are said to be in better condition this year than usual. We have more cold weather, but less moisture and cattle have not suffered as they would have done had the cold spells also been wet ones. Died on Tuesday last, Emma, beloved wife of S.J. Wiley, aged 33 years. Deceased was one of the sweetest natured women of our community and her death is greatly mourned. We are pleased to learn that Miss Verna Young is rapidly recovering from her long and serious illness. There is a marked improvement in the weather today, but there is no telling what tomorrow will bring forth. Business is dull as usual at this season, and it all depends on the rainfall as to future prospects. With an abundance of rain and plenty of warm weather, everybody’s prospects will brighten and their pocketbooks be loosened. Our railroad prospects are bright enough to keep us all hopeful as to the future. Should we secure a road next summer, Cheyenne will outboom all other western towns and some of us old foggies will have lots of new vim injected into us. That we shall eventually secure a railroad is fully believed, but we would like to see one poco tempo, as deferred favors are said to make the heartsick. Alva C. Borrows connected with the Choctaw Townsite Co. was here this week investigating the records. There are quite a number of cases of pneumonia in this area. There is lot of corn in this part of the country, but not withstanding the high price, is hard to get, the owners holding for still higher prices. The hearing of the Herring & Cregor case last week at El Reno resulted in the acquittal of Mr. Herring and the finding of a verdict of manslaughter against Cregor. This latter verdict has been set aside and the case will be retried at some future date. I.C. Thurmond has sold his interest in the Port State Bank to F.A. Mosher, the present cashier. One of the most terrible accidents it has ever been our duty to record happened Wed. in the family of Joe Meeks, a resident of the Washita Valley about five or six miles west of Cheyenne. Mr. and Mrs. Meeks left home Wed. afternoon to get a load of wood, leaving their two children, one a girl 5 years and the other younger, fastened in the house. Whilst playing around it is supposed that the elder girl caught her clothes on fire from an open fireplace in the room and that being fastened in the house, she could attract no attention from neighbors. Helpless and frantic with pain, the poor child must have run around the room until exhausted, as when the parents returned, the furniture was all on fire and the nude body of the little sufferer lay apparently dead on the floor. Help was immediately secured and the house saved from destruction, but the child died about one hour after the arrival of medical aid. The youngest child was uninjured. Two suspicious characters were arrested here last week and put in jaul. An examination showed that they had in their possession four large pocket knives, one razor and a pistol. They were fined $25 by the probate judge and are now in jail. Dr T. Standifer of Elk, arrived Wed. evening and visited old friends Warren M. Cozby of Redmoon gave notice that the following estray had taken up on his premises, to wit: one heifer calf color red, some white, aged 7 months, no marks or brands. Dead Letters at Post office: J.M. Boldridge, Ralph Carter, J. F Green, Thone Mexitan, John Ottis, D.C. Peace, W.C. Pullep, Willie D. Renner, R.H. Sloan, M.B. Smith, Miss Lila Kirby, Miss S.C. Riviera, Jacob Beard, postmaster.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Feb. 14, 1902

Died on Thursday Feb. 6 in San Antonio, Texas Joe Dudney, a young man who left us last fall in search of health. The remains will be shipped here and buried by the Woodman of the World of which order the deceased was a member. Joe was a quiet gentlemanly fellow and his untimely end is sadly regretted by a host of friends. A marriage license was issued Wed. to B.B. Godfrey and Miss Bessie Porterfield, both of Hammon. Charter for railroad from Woodward, Ok to Quannah, Texas has been granted. The line will pass through Cheyenne and Mangum. Railroad surveyors are said to be laying off a townsite four miles north of Butler, Custer County on a line running southwest from Enid. Cattle are still doing well and losses have been light. Some few stockmen have lost calves from blackleg. After the trial of Herring and Cregor case, the judge voluntarily reduced Cregor’s bond from $15,000 to $5,000. Born on Wed. last to Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame, a daughter. A woman named Morris with her two children was thrown from a wagon last Sun. and sustained a fracture of the hipbone. The children were unhurt. Herd Law Election: From the amount of talk and the feeling exhibited for the past few years we supposed that an election on the above subject would have called out a full vote at any time. But the election in districts number 2,6,8,&9 have held during the past week and the vote was so small as to indicate a want of interest among the majority of the voters of those districts. The question to be decided was: Shall stock be restrained from running at large. Resulted as follows: 440 yes, 112 no. Another spell of bad weather is here with indication of snow or rain. E.E. Tracy and Cosmo Falconer returned last evening from Guthrie. Teacher’s association had a meeting in Elk City. From the Day County Progress, Grand, OK. Thursday night Jean Park and James Wickson, two of Sheriff Smith’s  prisoners held in default of bond for horse stealing, cut through the floor and made good their escape. A fresh horse track near the jail showed that there had been a well matured plan to break jail. Some gunshots were heard by parties awake but as that is such a common occurrence nothing was thought of it at the time, but it is now thought that friends of the prisoners had horses prepared for them and that the shots were fired that they locate their friends and expedite their flight. Sheriff Smith is in hot pursuit and posse of ten or twelve men will make a desperate effort to run them down before they get out of the territory.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Feb. 21, 1902

Born on Wed. Feb. 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Anderson a son. Oklahoma Gov. Ferguson honored a requisition from the governor of Nebraska for the return of Samuel Truaz to Butte, Nebraska and who is under arrest in Cheyenne, O.T. He is an alleged fugitive from justice. The above refers to the one of the two men arrested some time ago as suspicious characters. Sheriff Bullard received orders from Nebraska to hold the man and later received orders from the same source to turn him loose. A few days after he was released, the officer arrived here after him, but it was too late. A rather strange proceeding anyway. The proposition to form a farmers institute in our county should be encouraged by all. E.J. Peery and W.L. Blackburn, committee. It is only by gathering together and talking over matters of interest, debating schemes for mutual benefit and the exchange of experiences that may be beneficial that farmers will attain the success and recognition their calling is entitled to. Let the meeting at Berlin be well attended and from that meeting let others grow all over the county. Jesse W. O’Briant was charged in justice court Monday with assault on the person of R.K. Houston. The jury failed to agree. On Tuesday the case came up again and resulted in an acquittal. During the hearing on Mon. O’Briant was fined $5 for contempt of court, but the fine was remitted later. The services of the WOW at the funeral Mon. were of an impressive character. This order has a large following here and is becoming more and more popular. S.L. Schubert and Orville Monroe were each fined Tues. for (scrapping). Rev. Dickey, the Methodist minister who left Cheyenne some two years ago for New Mexico where he regained good health, has evidently been successful because he was married last week. Mr. Bonner and Mr. Young will leave tomorrow for St. Louis on a purchasing tour. The local Democratic Club will meet Sat. March 1 at 2:00 p.m. All interested should make a point of being on hand, the bad weather prevented the last meeting, but it is hoped that the next will be well attended. There has been some trouble in School District #19 between some of the directors and the teacher. They all came to town Wed. to lay their troubles before an arbitration board but finally settled the case themselves.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Feb. 28, 1902

The county commissioners will meet tomorrow in called session to consider petitions for Herd Law Elections and for a high school at ElkCity. The store of Mr. Lowrimore of Sayre was destroyed by fire Monday night. It was insured for $7000. Sheriff Bullard made a raid on the gambling house in Sayre early in the week and had half a dozen men placed under bond. John and Jim Caffey have sold their cattle and will deliver them next May. The heavy winds of the past week have been unusually severe and have everybody to wishing for rain. Joe Casady came in yesterday from Elk City. Petitions are being circulated over the county calling for a longer term of district court at its next session. As at present, limited by the powers that be, it would be better to have no court at all and thus save the county unnecessary expense. One of the construction gang on the Choctaw road, a man named Daniels, fell from a train last week and sustained fatal injuries. The Choctaw water tank has been completed at Sayre and a full supply of water supplied by pipe from Doxey. Married on Thurs. Feb. 27, at the home of the bride in Kansas, Miss Artie Hogue and Mr. Charles Miller. Mr. S. Jackson returned from Kansas City yesterday where he has been purchasing goods. Several prairie fires have been noticed southwest of here this week. Sheriff Bullard received a telephone message from Sayre this morning saying that a man had been killed last night at that place. No names or particulars were given. Final Proof: Thomas C. Tubbs for 9-13-23 with witnesses: Gilbert Hodges, William A. Beaty, Allen O. Miller, E.E. Tracy. Brose Davis for 17-14-24 with witnesses: Benjamin Dudney, James Miller, Col. S. Herd, Lee Dudney all of Redmoon. Calvin A Taylor, 28-13-25 with witnesses: Stone J. Taylor, Bee Dewey, George Cree, Ervin Hunt of Cheyenne. Oreenith F. Pace 26-15-21 with witnesses: James H. Fosburg, William C. Black, Thomas J. Styron, William A. Adams all of Texmo. William W. Huchison in 30-14-21 with witnesses James B. Lacy, Allen Wagoner, Nathan Meeks, William J. Davis all of Hammon. The Pacing Stallion “Sorrel Croix” will make the season of 1902 at my farm on Beaver Dam, six miles east of Cheyenne. For further particulars call on or address Charles Sever, owner and keeper, Cheyenne, O.T.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, March 7, 1902

Mr. Charles Miller and bride arrived Sat. and were welcomed by the town band, ably assisted by the small boys. Died Sat. March 1, W.Cheatham. The deceased had been sick for several years and was under treatment in Texas at the time of his death. Mrs. Thurmond has gone to Elk to see her son, Clarence, who is sick. Married on Sun. last at the home of the bride’s parents, Lon Sipple and Ellie Scott. W.T. Bonner, the rustling representative of the Herring & Young Mercantile house returned Wed. from a trip east where he has been purchasing a large stock of goods. His business ability and fine taste will show up in the goods and prices. The Sheriff of Greer County spent several days in town looking for some lost stock. Died on Wed. March 5, Calvin Monteville Woods, age 6 years and 9 months. Monte was the only remaining child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woods. His death following within a few weeks that of his younger brother. Strayed from J.A. Anderson of Cheyenne one red white-faced cow, and steer yearling, branded bar above JA on left side and stripe on thigh. A reward will be given for her recovery. Special election has been called by the County Commissioners to determine the question, “shall stock be restrained from running at large?” Election will be held April 8, 1902. Final Proof: Robert F. Lee on 28-13-21 with witnesses: Andrew J. Bullard of Cheyenne, O.T., George D. Lewis and Jones Eakins of Busch, O.T. and Isham H. Thomas of Hammon, O.T. From the Sayre Enterprise: Death: Sam Bingham aged 45 years, died at the home of his brother on Hackberry, Sunday in a rather and peculiar and mysterious manner. Some time ago he was robbed and ever since at times he has been subject to a queer condition of mental derangement which caused him to act like one under the influence of an intoxicant and while in Woodward Saturday, he was thus stricken and thrown in the city lock up. His brother went immediately to that city and secured his release. While in route for home, the unfortunate man went to sleep and never awakened. The remains of the deceased were interred in the  Persimmon Cemetery Tuesday.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, March 14, 1902

Mr. Herring has been down to the Stockman’s Convention in Ft. Worth this week. Among the charters issued this week by Sec. Grimes, we notice that Roger Mills Democrat Publishing Co. to publish a weekly paper at Elk City, Busch P.O., for the term of five years. The incorporators are W.P. Francis, Ural; Sam Flourney, W.H. Winn, Busch; C.H. Cope, Ural; G.W. Hodges, Cheyenne. Mrs. Florence Thurmond has returned from Ft. Worth. A man named Rogers from Sayre was committed to jail for 30 days and fined $100 on a charge of gambling, heard in probate court. An appeal was taken to District Court and the prisoner was released on bail. F.W Bodertha, residing seven miles north of Sayre, sustained heavy loss by fire last Tuesday. A spark from the stovepipe in his dwelling ignited the hay roof of his stock shed and fanned by the fierce gale which prevailed, the shed together with about 5 tons of prairie hay, a lot of millet and other forage was soon a mass of flames. Five head of horses, a colt, calf and over 40 chickens perished in the flames. The property destroyed represented the carefully husbanded earnings of a number of years. The late rain was general throughout Oklahoma, Texas and Kansasand the outlook for a wheat crop is said to be good. Farm for Rent: 75 acres broken, fine spring of soft water. Inquire at this office. Born on Sunday last to Mr. and Mrs. George Cree, a daughter. The little one only lived a few hours. The weather still continues favorable for livestock and we hear less complaint of loss than is usual at this season. The fine rain which fell here Mon. night all day Tues. and Tuesday night, put new life into everything. It was a quiet, slow rain and was all absorbed by the earth and will enable those desiring to do land breaking to get to work. There is no fluctuation in the price of wild oats. From earlier issue: Notice to whom it may concern, my wife, Ida Mae Watson, having left my bed and board, all persons are hereby warned against her contracting any bills on my account. April 9, 1900. Patrick A. Watson.


Cheyenne Sunbeam March 21, 1902

The Ladies Aid Society will give a pink Tea, on March 28 for the benefit of the church fund at the residence of Mrs. E.G. Thurmond. Hours 3-5 in the afternoon and 7-10 in the evening. All are cordially invited. Receiving committee: Mrs. Falconer, Mollie Casady, Mae Slain and Florence Thurmond. Serving committee: Lela Anderson, Leah Huff, Ray Fields, Admission 10 cents. Died on Thurs. March 20, Mrs. Reed, age 63 years. Deceased was the mother of J.B. Reed who died on Sunday last. Pneumonia caused the death in both cases. The windy weather of last week has been very unpleasant but has not stopped the farmers from plowing. Some fear is expressed for the fruit crop, the buds on many trees having been well formed before the late frost. Spaulding of Doxey, charged with gambling, was acquitted, Monday. A marriage license was issued Tues. to Walter S. Smith and  Miss Susie A. Morris. Also one to A.T. Leddy and Miss Lyda(Lennie) Weeks. Died Sunday last at Sayre, J.B. Reed aged 40 years. The remains were brought to Cheyenne and interred here Monday. Sheriff Bullard had bought the Tubbs’ Farm just east of town. Editor Morris has purchased the Arnold Farm near Cheyenne and will mix farming with the newspaper business for a while.  A young man named John Carter has been bound over to await the action of the grand jury on a charge of theft of one calf. There are a number of cases of pneumonia in our area also some smallpox. Lost, a pair of small eardrops with a diamond  set to one, the other lost out. They were linked together. There was a birthday party and supper at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Keen Barr last Sat. evening. Those who attended report a splendid time. McMurtry and Harrison have opened a branch office in Elk City. The county commissioners have been called to meet on Monday, March 24 to pass on objections raised to issuance of saloon licenses. For Sale: Cows and calves, mules and horses, cotton seed and baled hay.  F.E. Herring.  Final Proof: Mary J. Cora, Hammon, O.T. on 10-14-21 with witnesses Wesley Rhodes, Matthew C. Clark, Vinard Hearce, James Tate, all of Hammon.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, March 28, 1902

A marriage license was issued Sat. to J.C. Haynes and Miss J.F. Sturah. Two suits brought by citizens against the railroad company for damage by fire, have been brought into court in our county. This is a new experience for Roger Mills. We have had lots of rain the past week and prospects were never brighter at this season for good crops. Fruit trees are now in full bloom and the native timber is putting on its spring dress. There ought to be enough cotton raised this year to justify the establishment of an oil mill in our county. Such an enterprise would be a great thing for its promoters and for the people generally. A large number of fruit trees have been delivered here this week. From present indications this will be a very seasonable year for all kinds of trees, so lots of them should be set out. Don’t confine your operations to one crop, plant corn,millet, alfalfa, cotton, sorghum, kaffir and a thousand other things. There will be a good market for all. Above all, put in a large garden. Miss Redden has accepted a position in the store of Herring and  Young. The new bridge across the Washita near the Custer Bend School house has been completed and is now in use. These subscription schools at this place have been closed. The scholars are having a picnic today. It certainly looks like spring is here to stay. If the killing frosts are over, grass will be very early this year. The alfalfa crops in this area are looking green and vigorous in strong contrast to the brown of all other vegetation. Alfalfa is bound to be the crop of western Oklahoma in a few years. Its long season of growth, its nutritive qualities and it abundant yield place it a way ahead of all other feeds. Look, Look, We are closing out at costs our clothing, shirts, duck goods. Also an elegant line of ladies’ woolen and silk waists and fascinators. Cheap! In fact you can buy anything in our entire line of dry goods and groceries at a bargain. We are selling for cash only. Call and get our prices. L.A. Beaty, Cheyenne and Sayre. The rumor is afloat that the Santa Fe has secured the right of way over the Choctaw Bridge and track over the Northfork at Sayre. If this be true, it would seem that the Santa Fe extension from Gage to Quannah will soon be built {Early day newspapers did not have an illustrated comic section but occasionally run short humorous articles such as…} A duel was once fought by two men named Shott and Nott. Nott was shot and Shott was not in this case it was better to be Shott than Nott. There was a rumor that Nott was not shot, but that Shott was shot not withstanding circumstantial evidence is not always good. On trial it might appear that the shot Shott shot, shot Nott, or it might be possible, that the shot shot Shott himself, then the whole affair would be as at first, and Shott would be shot and Nott would be not. We think, however, that the shot Shott shot shot not Shott, but Nott, anyway, it is hard to tell who was shot.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, April 4, 1902

The Doxey Herald, edited by T.T. Wagoner, is the latest newspaper venture in our county.. It is nearly printed and has every indication of a successful future. Died on Sat. last at his home in Cheyenne, Lee Reed. This makes three deaths from pneumonia in this family within a few weeks. Deceased was a quiet peaceful citizen who leaves a wife and several children. The  Pink Tea held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond last Fri. evening for the benefit of the Baptist Church Building Fund, was a very pleasant and successful affair, adding some $20 to the amount already at hand. The remains of Mrs. Hamilton and her little son arrived here from Colorado Sunday in charge of the husband of the deceased. Mrs. Hamilton and son were killed in a railroad accident in Colorado and the bodies were being taken to relatives in Day County for interment. A birthday party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller Mon. night, afforded lots of pleasure to the young folk. There was lots of fun at the party given by Prof. Van Vactor and wife Tues. evening, it being All Fool’s Day, the opportunity was indulged to make some capital jokes. The public school at Cusetr Bend closed its session last week under the proficient tutalege of Prof Osborn, the scholars have made rapid progress. The closing exercises were well attended and furnished enjoyable entertainment to all. Marriage licenses have been issued to W.F. McJunkin and Miss Eliza A. Cummings, both of Carter and John E. Johnson and Miss Effie E. Wilson of Doxey. The Herd Law election next week, promises to bring out a much larger vote than at the last election, and the result is uncertain in this district, both sides claiming a majority. Don’t forget the Democratic meeting next week at the Court House. Set out a few acres of black locust trees on your farm. In a few years they will supply you with fuel and fence posts. Final Proof: W.A. Beaty for land on 18-13-23 and witnesses were Thomas B. Cree, William Cree, Hez D Cox, Jasper N. Arnold. Annie R Terrell for land on 12-12-24 and witnesses were Henry Wood, Nelson A. Bean, Aces C. Allen, Henry S. Caudill.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, April 11, 1902

At the Bauman place on Croton Creek there is a dugout built by Lawrence Polk. Of late years this dugout has been used as a store room, last season being filled with corn. A few days ago, the present owner, Mr. Bauman noticed that one of the walls had caved. This closing the view of what appeared to be the bone of a human being. On digging further, a full skeleton of an aged man was found, but whether it belonged to white man or Indian is unknown. The body had evidently been buried in haste many years ago, as the bones showed the body to have been bent double when put into the grave. There will be a large acreage of alfalfa sown this spring. If you have not secured your seed, you need to do so at once by leaving your order with one of our merchants. There is no other crop that will pay half as well. Prof. Brimberry has opened a real estate office in the new town of Erick, on the Choctaw Road. His many friends here wish him success. Last summer the Denver circulating library established a branch at this place. A quantity of books duly arrived and were in circulation amongst the members for three months and then were returned, the company promising to replace them by new books. In some way these new books became lost and have never shown up. Mr. Fletcher, the local agent, informed us that the lost books have been found and will be here next week. Prof. Stovall has received notice from the local land office that judgment has been rendered against him in his contest case. The professor will appeal to the general land office, and hopes to retain his claim. Lost on Tues. in Cheyenne, a pocketbook containing $13.10. Reward will be paid at Herring & Youngs. Born on Wed. April 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Begier, a daughter. Married on Wed. evening, April 9 at the residence of the bride’s parents on Sergeant Major Creek, Mr. Joe G. Kimball and Miss Lela Anderson, Rev. Roberts officiating. There was a large gathering of friends to witness the ceremony, the bride being one of the most popular ladies in our community and the groom have many warm friends who admire his gentlemanly bearing. The young couple will leave for their future home in Texas in a few days and the Sunbeam wishes them much joy. Dead Letters at Cheyenne Post Office: J.W. Brooks, Mrs. Susie Burges, George Cox, John Hutcheson, Tom Hardesty, Charles Parsons, Miss Mary Wiant.  Strayed: one roan cow, dehorned, F.B.H. on left side, one black Jersey cow dehorned; three yearling steers, one red roan two black and white, Liberal reward. W.W. Leach, Hamburg, O.T.  Notice to Students: The examination for common school diplomas will be held at Cheyenne and Elk City, April 24 and 25th. All students desiring to take same are requested to be present at 8:30 o’clock the first day. A fee of 50 cents is required for each applicant to defray expenses of examination, T.L. VanVactor, County Superintendent.


Cheyenne Sunbeam  1902

{April 18, 1902 issue of the Cheyenne Sunbeam is missing, but we bring you the following stories from April 11th paper} From Woodward comes news that C.R. Rice was gored by an angry steer at the stockyards yesterday afternoon, after the contest was over. Most of the people had gone away but he remained around the pens a while longer. The men were driving the steers that had been roped and tied during the afternoon and one of them broke and went through the fence on the south side and right at Mr. Rice, who was standing just east of the bridge before entering the grounds. The steer was going right after him, and he stepped to one side, but the steer kept right on and followed his movements and knocked him down. Before any of the cowboys could rope the steer and drag him away, he had gored him through the neck, the horn going entirely through from one side to the other, just in front of the spinal column and cutting the windpipe. Some of the men had by this time, roped the animal and pulled him away, but he dragged the man with him several feet before the body slipped from the horn. The steer tried to toss him in the air, but was prevented by a quick jerk from one of the ponies. This is all that saved the man’s life. For if he had been thrown any distance, his neck would have been torn open. He was removed to the Wichita Hospital and Dr. Tregert dressed the wounds and at 1:00 this morning reported getting along very nicely.  Letter to the EIDTOR of the Sunbeam from the County Jail: Editor, We have been told by one of our county commissioners that a report was being circulated that we boys in jail were being starved and not cared for as we should be. Now some of us have been here for eight months, and of course we ought to know. We will say that this is a false report and without any foundation our jail has always been open to the people and will say that we deem Mr. Bullard our friend, and know that while we have been in his charge that he has cared for us as well as we could wish and deem it your duty to come and see before you believe any report like that. One of us was put in here the 7th day of last August and the other the 29th day of last month and we have no fault to find with Mr. Bullard and think him a perfect gentleman and above all, that he possesses of the true blue. Respectfully, Rob L. Riggins and W.H. Grovejet.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, April 25, 1902






Cheyenne Sunbeam, May 2, 1902

A marriage license has been issued to Pat Wilson and Miss Myrtie Hammond of Hamburg. Married on Wed. last at the Cheyenne Hotel, Mr. George K. Engle and Miss Bessie Norman, Judge Houston officiating. The celebrated Tomlinson and Owens School Section case in the lower end of the county will come up again tomorrow in Judge Houston’s court. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods of Grimes, a daughter. The light rain Wed. evening was very acceptable as a dust layer. Klebe Thurmond was over from Sayre Sunday. Miss Florence accompanied him back and will spend a few days on the railroad. All the large stocks of cattle are being moved out of our county and it won’t be long before the man with fifty head will be “heap big cowman” (Note: At this time the open range has ceased to be as they are all fencing their land.) Scotty Falconer’s Art Gallery of local celebrities attracts a large crowd and creates a lot of amusement. Marshal Colwell was here Wed. assisting officers from an adjoining county in collecting taxes from runaway tax collectors. A committee of twenty-eight men waited on the citizens over across the river south of Grand on Mon. and Tues. of the past week and warned them to keep up their cattle. Now if the cattle are not taken up, what then? Can these men justify themselves in taking the law in their own hands. Gentlemen, keep cool and don’t violate the law. W.T. Bonner and wife returned from the southern part of our county yesterday. He says that the development going on there is just marvelous and that the prospects for heavy crops were never better. Miss Jessie Miller and her sister, Mrs. Harvey, are expected here tomorrow. Corn is up and doing finely in this area, aside from the heavy winds which have been blowing lately, prospects for growing crops were never brighter. An ice cream party attracted a number of the young folks to Black’s Restaurant last Tues. evening. Earnest Beaty is here from Sayre looking after the business interests of the home house. There is quite an agreeable change in the looks of livestock lately. They are fattening rapidly on the young grass, and are in no need of help when they want to get up. Alfalfa is nearly ready for first cutting. Stoney Duke and wife spent several days in town visiting friends this week. There was a party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Cree last evening. One pair good fourteen hundred pound horses and wagon for sale, inquireo f H.D. Cox. William A. Beaty final proof on land of 18-13-23 with witnesses: Thomas B. Cree, Will Creek, Hez. D. Cox and Jasper A. Arnold. F.L. Smoot, house and sign painter and paper hanger.


May 9, 1902

The heavy rains of the early part of the week were of incalculable benefit to many farmers who have been busy breaking sod. The rain of a slow, penetrating character and thoroughly soaked the soil. A.L. Thurmond has taken a trip to Kansas City and other business centers and will probably be absent three or four weeks. County Clerk Gray left Thursday morning for Canadian, Texas, where he will leave his wife and children for the summer. Mrs. Gray and the baby have been seriously ill for some time and it is hoped that the change will do them good. A large number of cattle have passed through town the past two weeks, going west. Some of them are going to locations in the panhandle. Others are being driven into New Mexico on the chance of finding someplace to stop. The ladies aid society will give an ice cream supper at the school house, May 17, for the benefit of the church fund. All are cordially invited to attend. Florence Thurmond, Corresponding Secretary of the Ladies Aid Society. Democratic Central Committee met, present were J.J. Tomlinson, J.R. Fisher, C.D. Peck and A.L. Thurmond by proxy. A man named Wilson was placed under $200 bond to await action on the charge of perjury. A number of persons have spent the week in town, waiting to hear when District Court would be held, but no news has come. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arch Anderson a fine 9.5 pound daughter. There are a number of beaver dams in this county. At least a dozen fine skins have been secured within two miles of Cheyenne in the past winter. For Sale: a good quarter section of land, deeded, twelve miles from Cheyenne. Plenty of water and wood, 40 acres in cultivation, 40 more to put in, 60 acres fenced, lots, good well, large dugout, soft water spring handy, also living water. Soil valley and second bottom, tight land, price $1250. Will take half cash and bankable notes or good property of any kind at its market value or balance. Call Sunbeam Office. Clothing cleaned and mended by an experienced hand. Mrs. F.I. Cornels, Cheyenne, O.T.  Three students receiving the highest grade at the county examination for common school diplomas were: First Miss Daisy Slain, Second Miss Zetta Miller, Third Miss Verel Royse. Other county students receiving diplomas were: Mildred Wallace, Nellie Penn, John Penn, Gracie Auxier, Lenore Seifert, Inez Hoover, Helen Davis, Mattie Bales, Edwin Davis, Mary Turner, Irma Wallace, Lilly Ling, L.D. Young, Elbert Tracy, Ada Nichols. This list is 50 per cent greater than has ever been in Roger Mills County before and we hope to have it increased many fold by another year. T.L. VanVactor, Superintendent. Two men named Wilburn and Owens were bound over yesterday in probate court to answer before the grand jury the charge of stealing cattle from Paul McCauley. .


Cheyenne Sunbeam, May 9, 1902

Reverend Whatley of Canadian will commence a protracted meeting in Cheyenne on the second Sunday in June. Mr. Cox is figuring on enlarging his cotton ginning plant. There was a gathering of citizens at the bend of Skipout Creek Wed. for the purpose of arranging with the Supt. of Instruction for the formation of two new school districts. After the school meeting, the political candidates made short addresses. Died on Mon. last, Miss Gensie Anderson, aged 97 years. Deceased was one of the oldest of our citizens, and leaves a large number of children and grandchildren. L.T.  Bowman has moved his cattle into the panhandle country to keep them from bothering the settlers. He says that a report has been circulated saying that he has retired from the sheriff’s race, but says there is nothing in it. He is in the race to the finish and hopes to win. S. Alexander was in town on Monday. He came to see his daughter, and brought  a sister along, one whom he had not met for fourteen years. Paul Hoeffle passed through Tuesday on his way to Hot Springs where he hopes to improve his health. Mr. H.D. Cox has cut his alfalfa and secured a fine crop. Washouts have made some of the main roads of our county nearly impassable. The road from here to Elk City is said to be very bad. The Canadian mail could not leave Cheyenne yesterday, the driver finding Sergeant Major Creek out of banks. The heavy rains of the past few days have given the farmers a rest—the ground being too wet for working. There will be a very large acreage planted to cotton this season and with an average yield there will be a busy time next fall for the ginners. During former canvasses (elections) of our county by candidates, it was necessary for those who wished to interview the voters, to keep track of all the cattle roundups. But now all the candidates gather at every farm institute in the county. The cowboy has gone and the farmer holds the reins. There was a social gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Arnold Tues. night. The wheat crop in our county is said to be looking fine and promises a large yield per acre. Mr. Collins has let the contract for a large business house on Broadway. Democratic Candidates for upcoming Election: W.T. Conner Co. Treasurer; A.G. Gray re-election Co. Clerk; L.T. Bowman Sheriff; P.S. Taylor Co. Assessor; A.S. McKinney Cheyenne Commissioner; W.O. Mounts Register of Deeds; R.K. Houston Probate Judge; T.L. VanVactor Supt of Public Instruction; E.F. Stevens Co Assesor; A.J. Bullard sheriff; D.W. re-election Co Attorney; John C. Hendricks Co. Attorney; W.D. Kendall Co Treasurer; Charles Talkington Co. Clerk; W.A. Bright Co. Sheriff; D.C. Field re-election Co Surveyor; T.A. Cherry Co Assessor; John H. West Cheyenne Commissioner; R.N. Higgins Surveyor; H.D. Smoot Probate Judge; J.I. Howard Co Attorney {The Cheyenne Sunbeam was a democratic oriented paper, and the names of the Republican candidates were not listed} Cheyenne Sunbeam, May 16, 1902.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, May 23, 1902

The ice cream party given by the ladies last Sat. night for the benefit of the Baptist Church fund, was well patronized and added some $28 to the amount already on hand. Died on Mon. last at his home near Redmoon, B.F. Dudney, aged 59 years. Deceased was one of the first settlers of our county and was highly respected by all who knew him. The heaviest rain ever seen in this section visited CheyenneWed. evening. It came down in sheets for about one hour turning every road into a running river and covering the lower part of town with a solid covering of water. The bridge on Sergeant Major just west of town was washed away. Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Thurmond went to ElkCity Wed. to select a site for the house they will build there in the near future. An invitation has been extended by the citizens of Cheyenne to Roger Q. Mills, after whom our county is named to be present at our Fourth of July celebration. The gentleman has expressed himself as desirous of seeing our county several times and it is hoped that he will avail himself of this opportunity of meeting the majority of our people in the county seat during the forthcoming celebration. The citizens of Kiowa will have  a Sunday School picnic on June 19. Everyone is invited to come and bring baskets. A glorious time is expected. County Clerk Gray was called to Canadian Tues. where he has a sick wife and child. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Union) convention to be held in Cheyenne May 29-30. Joe Miller has moved his family to Elk City where they will reside in the future. At a regular meeting of Cheyenne Lodge #42 AF&AM they moved and seconded that this lodge express their thanks to Bro. A.S. McKinney for the gift of an organ, presented by him to the lodge and the other Masonic bodies of Cheyenne, carried. The secretary was instructed to publish this motion in Cheyenne Sunbeam. Cosmo Falconer, Secretary. There will be quite a run on fence wire the next few days, caused by the washing away of fences during the rainstorm of Wednesday. The oldest inhabitant can now raise his “highest water” notes and refer to May 21, 1902 as the record breaker. No mail from the railroad this morning.  Probably caused by washouts or the cyclone. The electrical display in the heavens to the south of town last evening boded no good and we should not be surprised of another bad storm. The storm did little damage in this immediate area, but reports are coming in from the south and southeast which indicate that serious losses were sustained by many farmers whose places were on low lands.  Herring and Young freight team was caught at Sandstone Creek, the water rising entirely over the wagons and destroying most of the load. Farm crops were badly washed out, fences carried away and other property destroyed. Five or six miles east of Elk City the storm is said to have developed a cyclone which destroyed fifteen houses and injured five people. NOTICE: taken up by Mary Day, one black horse branded B on right shoulder, one bay horse left hind foot white, star in forehead branded R on right shoulder and W in right front flank. Sec. 20-11-24.

A big blow over at Elk City. One of the gentle zephyrs that occasionally visits all parts of the world came to Elk City Fri. night. It was only a nice evening breeze  until about 10:00 when it began to increase and about midnight it was “blowing some”. There were no bad looking clouds but it just blew and blew hard. People living in poorly constructed box houses were kept from sleeping very soundly and the frequent rattle of blown over outhouses and sheds did not serve to settle their nerves. The stone Dewaid Building now occupied by the Kansas City Hardware Co., was the most seriously damaged. The flat roof was not well fastened down and the wind got under it, taking off a large portion and blowing out a part of both the  north and the south wall, causing a wreck that will cost considerable time and money to replace. The roof sailed against the corner telephone pole breaking it in two places and demoralizing the line. The new house owned by E.T. Bennett nearly completed, was moved from its foundation as was another house owned by the same party, and recently by Mr. Redburn. Mr. DeWees’ new house nearly completed was demolished. The wagon yard shed at the Collier Livery Barn was blown down and the McGeehee shed owned by Mr. Texmar was rolled over and the roof blown away. Mr. Robinson’s small barn was rolled over. Charles Penn’s stable and carriage shed were demolished. The barn on the school section southeast of town, owned by Mr. Dunkle was blown down. Part of the Brown Wagon  Yard Shed and two buggies were blown into the creek. Dr. Levi’s sheds were converted into kindling. No one was hurt or stock hurt. It is reported that a boxcar was blown from oak siding onto the main track and went whizzing through Foss. The wall of the big store building at Foss, occupied by the bank, was blown down and a man killed.


Cheyenne Sunbeam,  May 30, 1902

H.D. Cox is thoroughly renovating his cotton gin and making ready to turn out a thousand bales of cotton next fall. The Creagar case was flung out of court last week at El Reno. William Brown of Elk City was drowned in Kiowa Creek last Monday evening. We have been reliably informed of the intention of C.R. Roberts and George W. Scott, Jr. putting in a gin plant in Cheyenne. It is reported that the post office, barber shop and other business houses of Doxey were floated from their foundation Wednesday The water at Foss is said to have been two feet higher this week than it was when so much damage was done two or three weeks ago. The town of Parkersburg is said to be under water and two miles of the railroad track washed away. The railroad bridge at Sayre was partially carried away by the flood Wednesday. Emery Caudill lost a span of mules by lightening.He had tied them to a wagon. Will Rosser got his leg badly cut on a fence wire whilst riding a fractious horse. Mrs. Cree was knocked senseless by lightening the other day and her son who was standing near her had his hair singed. Ott Casady and Almos Parrish have gone to New Mexico. Rev. Whatley of Canadian will open a protracted meeting here on the second Sunday in June, Everyone invited to attend. There will be lots of fine fish in our creeks when the water recedes to its normal conditions and fishing parties will be in order. W.P. Francis of Ural had one of his legs broken last Friday. He was riding after a calf when his horse fell. Cheyenne has had only one true mail since our last issue. The destruction of bridges and roadbed of the Choctaw Railroad by floods has caused this. There have been no trains into Elk since Sunday and it is not expected that the line will be in running order before next Sunday We learn from Elk City of Some curious freaks of the tornado near that  place last week. At William Manser’s a chicken was found picked, head off and dressed as clean as any person could do it. The head of a cat was found in one place and the body in another. Roy Combs had about three dollars in silver in the bottom of a trunk. The trunk was torn in pieces and carried away but the silver was all found near the place where the house stood. A box containing three small chickens was on the table in Harry Way’s house. The oilcloth was taken off the table leaving the box undisturbed. A hen sitting on eggs on a little hay near the corner of the house was not disturbed or an egg broken. James L. Bales had final proof on Sec 12&13, 14-23 with witnesses: John Brazell, Louis S. Hart, Freddie O.Leach, James Williams. A gentleman by the name of Boren, a real estate man from Arapaho, is reported to have been robbed of $1140.00 in this place last Friday night. R.E. Cooks, bartender is under arrest and his trial is set for this afternoon at Justice Johnson’s court. Same old Story. Too much booze, too much exhibition of money. John Masburn final proof on Sec. 6-13-22 with witnesses: Russell Cooper, Peter Cooper, Clarence Bowers, John Trammell of Cheyenne. Ira Wilton final proof on Sec 30-14-22 with witnesses: James R. Caffey, Pole Woods, John H. West, Oscar H. Thurmond, Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, June 6, 1902

Final proof for Eugene Savage of Sec. 10-13-21 with witnesses: Allen B. Morton, John M. Hiatt, Ervin O. McCullough and James M. Morton all of Hammon. Final Proof for Matthew C. Clark on Sec. 9-14-21 with witnesses: Barney B. Godfrey, Charles Clark, Clide Godfrey all of Hammon, James B. Boughn of Busch. Final Proof James Eakins of McArthur, O.T. for land in sec 14-13-22 with witnesses: Samuel M. James, Robert E. Crockett, Jefferson W. Davis all of McArthur and N.J. Lacey of Hammon. Final proof for Samuel Adams for land in Sec 3-12-24 with witnesses: Albert Simpson, James H. Hightower, James J. Moore, Lee Anderson all of Cheyenne. Born Sat. last to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wooldridge a daughter. Married on Mon. last at the residence of Rev. S.C. Osborne, Fred Andres and Miss Lula Townsend. Owing to the pressure of business, Mr. L.T. Bowman has withdrawn from the Sheriff’s race. Co. Attorney A.G. Gray returned Sun. from Canadian, where he has been in attendance on his sick wife and baby. We are sorry to record that the bay died on Friday last and that Mrs. Gray’s illness is very serious. Mr. Gray has the sympathy of a large circle of friends and it is to be hoped that a brighter day will soon dawn for him. Married on Sun. last, Mr. Stone Taylor and Miss Maude McMurtry. Rev. O’Bryant officiating. On eleventh of May, Mr. Cox cut his alfalfa, securing two tons per acre. At the present date, the crop is larger than the last and it is expected that it will yield 2.5 tons per acre when cut, which will probably be some day next week. Ed Coffey, the cattle buyer is here again, looking for more yearlings. He has shipped out some one thousand and wants more. M.M. Meeks, dentist, will be at the Monroe Hotel on Wed, June 11 and will remain two weeks. First Class work guaranteed.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, June 13, 1902

Final proof for Memory J. Calvert on Sec 23&24-13-23 with witnesses: Jasper N. Jackson, John Jackson, Ezekiel F. Stevens an Walker Huff all of Cheyenne. Harry B. Dewey final proof on Sec 32-14-24 with witnesses: Stone Taylor, John I. Keen, William Dewey, Robert H. Denniston.  Andrew J. Bullard  final proof on Sec 18-13-21 with witnesses Alfred G. Gray, Gilbert W. Hodges, Allen O. Miller all of Cheyenne and Daniel C. McReynolds of Hammon. (Mr. Bullard was Co. Sheriff at this time). The Misses Falconer entertained a number of their young friends on Mon. afternoon. Refreshments were served and a jolly good time had. The band boys should meet and tune up for the fourth. A large number of beeves will be barbequed for the Fourth of July celebration. It is expected that our visitors will number thousands. Fifth district court will meet at Cheyenne Roger Mills County on the second Mondays in April and November each year. Madden Miller and John Beaty have returned from college during the past week. There will be a singing class at Dead Indian Schoolhouse next Sunday. All singers invited. A heavy rain fell here about sundown last evening. A good time at Redmoon is assured to all who will attend, barbeque, tournament and pony races, everybody invited. A full upper and lower set of teeth for a five dollar bill at the hotel until Monday. Final proof of Gincy Anderson on land in Sec. 10-12-24 with witnesses Henry Fielder, Henry S. Caudle, John Bowman, William T. Rice of Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, June 20, 1902

In addition to the Baptist and Methodist holding church services on alternate Sundays, Elder Farris of the Christian Church will hold services every 4th Sat. and Sun. at the Court House. The total assessment of our county will be about $1,400,000. A.G. Gray will leave for Canadian tomorrow where his sick wife is staying. Two years ago there were no cotton gins in our county. Now there are seven or eight and more coming. With the present prospects for an immense crop, it would be a good move to advocate a county fair next fall. Cheyenne never does things by halves, she has subscribed $300 to purchase beef for her visitors on the Fourth. When the privileges are sold, this sum will be greatly increased, as the immense crowd will give a large business to the ice cream man and he should bid liberally for the privilege of selling it. He will be a monopolist but can probably stand that, if the returns are satisfactory. The primary election is over and all is quiet and probably will be until November. J.P. Johnson has been endorsed by the Republicans for the position of Territorial Committeeman. J.P. is alright for any position. There are strong indications of more rain as we go to press. Another rain now may help the fisherman, but it is not needed by the farmer.  Ott Casady and Almos Parrish who started a few weeks ago for New Mexicoin search of a fortune, have returned. They left the fortune for someone else. There was a gathering of Odd Fellows in Cheyenne on Sat. and it was decided to organize a lodge on June 28. All interested are invited to attend. The privileges for selling ice cream, etc. and for a dance platform will be sold tomorrow at the bank at 3:00 p.m. E.G. Thurmond left this morning for Elk City to supervise the erection of his new building. There is going to be a big demand for hogs and young stock generally next fall, for feeding purposes. The surplus crop can only be profitably utilized that way. (At this time, there was no economical way to transport harvested crops out of the county). Dr. T.E. Standifer of Elk City was here yesterday shaking hands with his many friends. The total number of votes cast in the primary election was 1717. The commencement exercises and distributions to scholars at the school house Wed. evening attracted a large audience and gave great satisfaction, many declaring that it to be the best entertainment ever had in Cheyenne. Two candidates for the council: Messers Welty and Caldwell of Sayre, gave addresses which were well received.  Married on Wed. last at the Union Hotel, Cheyenne, Mr. W.L. Robinson and Miss Annie Sanders, both of Sweetwater. A fine rain visited us again Tuesday morning and vegetation of all kinds is on such a boom as was never before seen at this season. We are requested to state that Elder Monroe Coulson and wife of the Church of God will commence a series of revival meetings at the church house in Cheyenne tonight. The railroad property in our county has been assessed at over $139,000. There are 6,854 horses in our county; 1820 mules, 30,409 cattle according to the assessor’s returns. The value of farmlands rendered in our county, amounts to $233.564. There is not much wheat in our county, but what there is will yield remarkably well. There was a well attended social at E.E. Tracy’s Tues. evening. Town lots in our county were rendered for assessment at a valuation of $155,624. Musical instruments added $3763 to the assessment fund this year. Owing to a pressure of dental work, Dr. McKellar the painless dentist, will remain at the hotel  until next Tuesday night. All those in need of dental work and wishing it done in a painless manner are invited to call. Only the finest material used and all work is fully guaranteed. Final Proof Lee Anderson on land in 25-13-24 with witnesses Henry Anderson, Erasmus Thurmond, James H. Parrish and William A. Beaty; William C Evans on land in 9-13-26 with witnesses Lewis T. Bowman, Dave T. Bowman, Albert W. Anderson, Benjamin Anderson all of Cheyenne; Tilley Slane, widow of William Slane with land in 19-13-24 and witnesses Perry S. Taylor, John Warren, William A. Beaty, Arthur T. Thurmond. .


Cheyenne Sunbeam, June 27, 1902

Roger Q. Mills is COMING! He will arrive at Sayre on the third of July accompanied by his son. Request that transportation at the depot be made available to them. With his coming, there will be more people gathered here than ever before to hear him. There has been no rain since our last issue and crops are being put in good shape. Born on Mon. last to Mr. and Mrs. A.S. McKinney, a daughter. Uncle Matt Frans has returned from his trip to relatives in Texas. He has been sick whilst away, but his 84 years still sit lightly on him and he is as merry as ever. He says that if it were not for the fact that his lady friend and all of her relatives are opposed, he might marry her. A hail storm did considerable damage on sandstone last week. Mr. Betts had his crop destroyed, the shingles on his house split up and says that he saw several buzzards and hawks lying dead. The new iron bridge across Sgt. Major Creek has been put in position by the contractors. (assuming this is the one that was north of the Ag Pavilion – as of this date, there was no bridge at the west end of main street.) The committee having in charge the Fourth of July celebration will purchase 8 beeves tomorrow for the barbecue. Mr. Tubbs and Mr. Cree will leave this week for Mexico. They will take a well drilling outfit with them and their cattle will follow next week. The Masons had a picnic Tues. at John Bowman’s ranch on the Washita. The fatted calf was killed and a good time had. Mrs. Falconer and Mrs. Florence Thurmond spent several days with Mrs. Lewis on Timber Creek the past week. There are 1699 wagons value at $24,099 in our county and 506 pleasure carriages valued at $9,342. While playing on the banks of a creek, the fifteen year old boy of Tom Chastine, living near Hammon was shot. He and a younger boy got possession of two revolvers and went to the creek. The ball entered his back between the shoulders coming out at the breast. His face and hands were powder burnt and one finger showed the wound of a bullet. He lived a short time but made no statement and the younger boy does not seem to know just how it was done. The first crop of grass hay is now being cut and the prospects for another. The third crop of alfalfa will soon be ready to cut. It takes less than a month to mature a crop of alfalfa in our county. Twenty five cents will buy you a ticket to the Trip Around the World Program at the school house from 2:00 until 7:00. Sweetwater invites all to attend the celebration of the fourth at that place. There will be barbecue picnic and plenty of shade. Final Proof John Mashburn on land in 6-13-22 with witnesses Russell M. Cooper, Peter Cooper, Clarence Bowers, John Trammell. Allen B. Morton for land in 3-13-21 with witnesses Eugene F. Savage, John M. Hiatt, Irwin O. McCullough, John M. Morton all of Hammon, O.T.  AD: Blue Front Drugs Store in Cheyenne, O.T. Dr. J.P. Miller, Proprietor. .


Cheyenne Sunbeam July 4, 1902

OTHER NEWS: Marshal COLWELL rode his horse into a wire fence Monday evening.
BORN on Wednesday last, to Mr. and Mrs. J.P. JOHNSON a fourteen pound daughter.
Burglars broke into the Palace Royal Saloon last night and secured $40. They entered through the transom over the front door.

Cheyenne Sunbeam July 4, 1902

MURDER: This community was startled on Monday evening last by the news that Sheriff A.J. BULLARD and his Deputy John COGBURN had been killed on the head of Dead Indian Creek, between 5 and 6 o’clock p.m. A posse of men at once left for the scene of the tragedy, headed by Deputy Sheriff MONROE. It appears that during the day several parties had come to town and notified BULLARD of the presence of some suspicious characters who were going about the Dead Indian Creek country heavily armed and trying to dispose of saddles and other property. There were seven persons in this suspicious looking outfit, four men aged from 18 to 40 years, and a woman with two children. The oldest man is the husband of the woman and father of the two children. His name is Sam GREEN and he came recently from Woodward County where he has been employed on a ranch located about 20 miles north of Woodward. He is about 5 foot 8 inches tall and weighs about 200 pounds or less, has sandy mustache, yellowish hair and red face. Another of the men, named Pete WHITEHEAD, was 23 years old, weight about 160 to 170 height 5 feet, 8 inches dark hair and complexion, clean shaved. The two younger men are now in jail, also the woman.


On the information he had received Sheriff BULLARD and his Deputy COGBURN went out to investigate. They had reached the camp and were in conversation with GREEN and WHITEHEAD when a man named Frank DOAN rode up. DOAN says that the sheriff took him off a short distance from the camp and asked him if he knew anything about these people. As they were talking both DOAN and BULLARD saw WHITEHEAD hand a six shooter to GREEN and the two youngest men disappeared over a ridge.


After leaving Mr. BULLARD, DOAN had gone about a quarter of a mile when he heard a number of shots, all fired, he says within five seconds followed by a single shot nearly a minute later. From where DOAN was he could see the smoke and also saw two men fall. He also saw a man running off toward his horse. Other people in the neighborhood saw two men mount and ride away in a northerly direction. When the neighbors gathered at the scene of the shooting a terrible sight presented itself. Sheriff BULLARD was lying dead with eleven bullet wounds in his body and holding in his hand a six shooter from which two shots had been fired. Four of the wounds entered from the back, six from the front, and one ranging downward in the head.


His deputy received one shot only, and this from the back. He was evidently sitting on a wagon tongue when he received this shot, which proved immediately fatal, he not having time to use his gun before expiring. From the range of the bullets, it is supposed that the first shot, the one proving fatal to COGBURN, was fired from a draw by someone hidden there—probably the young men who rode off whilst BULLARD was talking to DOAN.


Mr. BULLARD also must have received fatal shots before he could get to use his gun, as the men firing at him were not more than six feet from him. The presumption is that GREEN and WHITEHEAD knew BULLARD as an officer, and that when they saw him take off DOAN to one side that concluded he had sent for help. To save themselves from capture they evidently concluded to murder both men before help could arrive and take their chance of getting away. If this was the case, they certainly must have been desperadoes of the worst type and no chances should be taken if they are again caught up with. Their shift should be swift and sure.


In the death of BULLARD and his deputy our county has been robbed, by murderers of the lowest type, of two of its best citizens and officers. No man can say aught against either’s character as men or as officers. They were such men as all good citizens were proud of and their untimely end has caused such sorrow as was never before evidenced in our community. Both leave wives and to them is extended a heartfelt sympathy in this the hour of their affliction. Their protectors are taken from them by ruthless hands, but they have the comfort of knowing that they died as men in the discharge of a dangerous public duty and that their memory will be revered by all law abiding citizens. The funeral took place Wednesday, that of BULLARD being under the management of the Masonic Lodge of this place. An immense crowd was present and all business in town suspended during the interment.


The outlaws had in their possession three wagons, twenty-one head of horses, fourteen head of cattle and a lot of miscellaneous articles. An examination shows that Sheriff BULLARD had been shot by three different caliber guns or pistols, some of which were unusually large. One gun fired an explosive bullet. Before making their escape the murderers took Sheriff BULLARD’s rifle from his horse and took it with them. Three of the horses found in possession of the murderers have been taken charge of as the property of Mr. HEX of Greer County. One of them was a racer.


The citizens of Cheyenne have made up several hundred dollars to be offered as a reward for the arrest and conviction of the murderers of Sheriff BULLARD and his deputy. One of the steers found in possession of the murderers is branded in the “Hash Knife” brand and is undoubtedly stolen property. Only two animals in the bunch were branded alike.


Cheyenne Sunbeam July 11, 1902

From the office of Co. Supt. Cheyenne, O.T. June 30, 1902: To the patrons and friends of the public schools of this county. Today closes the scholastic year of 1901-1902. There are 3304 children in the county that have drawn public money for this year. Public schools have been taught in 45 districts, terms ranging from 3 – 8 months. I have made 53 school visits, averaging ½ day in each school room and find that teachers have been laboring faithfully giving value for every cent received. At the beginning of the year there were 40 districts in the county and at present there are 65. Arrangements have been made for a “summer normal institute” and we hope to have a normal second to none in western Ok.


Teachers are encouraged to attend the normal if they are to keep up with the great educational work. Trustees would do well to go to attend the normal to secure teachers. Yours to serve D.L. VANVACTOR, Supt. DIED on Friday last, the twin babies of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman HENSLEY.


A petition has been circulated here praying Judge BEAUCHAMP to release R.L. RIGGONS on bond.  The Co. Commissioners have appointed J.M. EVANS to fill the unexpired term of Sheriff BULLARD. Mr. EVANS is a good man and should receive the hardy support of all citizens in the execution of his duties.  Sam BROWN has accepted a position in the Cheyenne Post Office.


Roscoe JOHNSON has gone to take charge of the Drugs Store recently purchased by him and his brother in Sayre.  At the school meeting on Tuesday last a tax of 10 mills was agreed on. A.L. THURMOND whose term as Treasurer had expired, was re-elected.  A heavy rainstorm, accompanied by some hail, visited this section Saturday. Corn in this neighborhood promises unusually well. It is now in roasting ear in most cases and will give a large yield. Another rainy spell started in Wednesday afternoon and farmers in this neighborhood are figuring on having to enlarge their cribs.


Mr. and Mrs. HODGES and Miss Nene, will leave tomorrow for North Carolina where G.W. will view the scenes of his boyhood days. Citizens have made up a purse of $500 which is offered for the delivery of the murderers of our officers in any jail. The late killing of Sheriff BULLARD has drawn attention to the fact that it is a hard matter in a town of the size of Cheyenne to get arms enough to furnish a posse for special work. Whilst it is to our credit that arms are not generally owned by our citizens, it is at the same time necessary that sufficient arms be kept by officers to arm citizens who may be called upon suddenly to help in upholding the law and in arresting desperate criminals. It would be well for the Sheriff to always have a supply on hand for such purposes, and we hope that some provision will be made. Our society is not yet settled as in older communities, and there is no telling what a day may bring forth. In a few years we hope that arms will be unnecessary both for officers and citizens but that time has not yet arrived. Some of the posse who left here just after the murder of our officers are still out following clues as to the whereabouts of the murderers, but it is feared that the scoundrels have reached the Indian Territory, the refuge of all criminals. If they have, it will be a hard matter to get them. Gov. FERGUSON has been appealed to to increase the reward offered by our citizens for their arrest. Our only hope lies in a large reward.


Cheyenne Sunbeam July 18, 1902

ESTRAY Notice is hereby given that John H. WEST residing on the NW1/4-31-14-22 did on the 28th day of June, 1902, take up the following estray, to wit: one gray mare 3 years old, no brands or marks. That his post office address is Cheyenne, Co. Roger Mills, O.T.  Whilst this has been an exceptionally fine corn season, cotton is backward and promises a poor yield. Our cotton growers will have to learn to plant earlier.  A large number of cattle shipments will be made from this neighborhood tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. HERRING left for Hillsboro, Texas, yesterday to visit old friends. Dr. H.C. LAIRD and wife arrived yesterday. They will remain only a short time.


Sheriff EVANS has purchased a residence in town and will move his family here at once.  Don’t scratch. Hickson’s X-ray oil is an instant and absolute relief for chigger and mosquito bites. For sale by J.P.MILLER, MD.  The men GREEN and WHITEHEAD are still at large. Two citizens of Woodward Co. were here yesterday for the purpose of identifying some of the property found in the possession of the officers. One of them claimed a set of harness, the other a saddle, both taken on the same night from their homes in Woodward Co. Mr. and Mrs. MONROE, Mrs. BULLARD and Miss CAZORT started for Greer County this morning to visit Mrs. COGBURN who is seriously ill.


Rev. J.W. WHATLEY of Canadian has been holding services here for the past week. All places of business have been closed during the hours of the service and the church has been packed.  A rain visited this section Saturday and corn and other crops are booming.  A post office inspector brought a prisoner (postmaster) here Sunday and placed him in jail to await trial on a charge of pilfering the U.S. Mail. The offense was committed in Dewey Co.


Our people were treated to a display of legal talent last Friday that is not often heard in a town of this size in a trial. The popular Sayre Attorney, J.I. HOWARD was attending to legal business in our city in which attorney P.C. HUGHES was also connected. During a conversation concerning the business, Mr. HUGHES made the remark that Mr. HOWARD was “a d- liar” This was considered by the man from Sayre to be sufficient cause for action and he smote Mr. HUGHES on the smeller. Mr. HUGHES had him arrested, and the case tried by a jury of 12 before Justice JOHNSON and a verdict of not guilty returned. Frontier Law is founded on justice and this jury seemed to consider the provocation justified the amount of punishment. Mr. HUGHES represented himself in the case and attorneys PECK, ECHOLS and GILKERSON the defendant.


Comm. Proceedings: The board received Sgt. Major, Deep, Starvation, Sandstone and Saddle Creek bridges built by Washita Bridge Company, and allowed $1850 on a claim of $1874 for the bridges. Appt. of S.A. ELLIOTT, Deputy Sheriff, made by A.J. BULLARD, Sheriff approved by board. (Sheriff BULLARD made this appt prior to his death). John H. OSBURN contracts with the Board to care for J.T. CARSON, pauper, for three months for $40.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, July 25,1902

Letter to the Editor: I attended justice court yesterday and heard the evidence in the case of Uncle Sam versus Parson LEADY. It seemed as if Uncle Sam was twisting LEADY’s tail without just cause; still we may be mistaken.  We noticed whilst there, swarms of horseflies about the court house, and we would suggest to the boys in the recorder’s office that they throw their watermelon rinds clear away from the court house, thereby warding off pestilents, and also setting a good example to others. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Signed AOM.


FINAL PROOF: Lizzie GEISENHOF for land 34-14-23 with witnesses: Edward E. TRACY, Charles B. HOWERTON, John O’DELL, Robert N HIGGINS all of Cheyenne, O.T.  One of the heaviest rains of the season visited this section last Friday night. It was accompanied by a very brilliant electrical display and the thunder fairly shook the earth. No damage reported.  Rev. J.H. WHATLEY closed his meeting here on Sunday last and he drew large congregations all the time and many regrets were expressed when he announced the meeting closed.


Judge BEAUCHAMP will open a term of District Court in Cheyenne on Aug 19.  The crop of wild plums is very large this season. They are selling in Cheyenne at 60 cents a bushel.  We have exceptionally fine specimens of broomcorn on exhibition in our office. It was raised by H.D. COX on his farm near town. He has 20 acres in broom corn and will make lots of money out of it.  Sheriff EVANS left Wednesday morning for Norman with a young man named WHITEHURST who has been adjudged insane.  The Dewey Co postmaster held here the past week on the charge of irregularities in his office had a preliminary hearing yesterday before Judge HOUSTON and was bonded over in the sum of $300 to await the action of the Dewey Co Grand Jury.


Mr. and Mrs. BURLINGAME entertained a large group of friends last evening.  A telephone message from Enid yesterday announced that the court had allowed bail in the case of R.L. RIGGINS of Roger Mills Co. on the charge of murder.  The weather during the past week has been cool, damp and all that could be desired for growing crops. When the money begins to come in for the growing crops business will take on such a boom in Cheyenne as was never before seen. The first car of wheat to leave our county has been purchased by the Weatherford Milling Co at 53 cents a bushel.


Cheyenne Sunbeam August 1, 1902

LOCAL & PERSONAL: The owner of one white-faced heifer, two years old, branded circle on left shoulder and hip, crop off right ear, can hear of same by calling and paying for this notice.  Mr. COX has gathered his fourth crop of alfalfa this season. The last crop made about two ½ tons per acre. He will cut his fifth crop a month from now.  Mr. and Mrs. FALCONER have taken a trip to the Timber Creek country where they will visit friends.


J.W. DUNN was in town Monday. He says that the men, GREEN and WHITEHEAD (men accused of killing Sheriff BULLARD and Deputy COGBURN) were seen at a ranch on the Persimmon in Woodward County last week. It seems to be pretty safe for murderers to show up whenever they want to in certain parts of our territory.  BORN: On Friday last, to Mr. and Mrs. Shell CAFFEY a son. Dr. STANDIFER and wife entertained a number of friends at their home last Saturday evening.  Mr. COX is erecting a fine business house near his mill and will put in a stock of furniture.  A telegram received here from Canadian Wednesday, says that Paul HOEFLE is very low and cannot recover.


MARRIED: On Wednesday last at the Probate Judge’s office, H.M. KITCHENS and Miss Mary C. JONES, both of Sayre and W.A. FORD with Miss Maggie LACEY, both of Carpenter. Three divorce suits were filed on Wednesday.  J.P. JOHNSON has moved his family into town.  A number of citizens have gone to Doxey to take in the picnic at that place.  The hot weather of the last week has been of great advantage to the cotton crop. There is considerable fear that Cheyenne’s gin will not be able to handle all the cotton brought here next fall, and an effort is being made to get in another plant. There is a good opening, and Mr. COX stands ready to help such an enterprise by selling or otherwise. (H.D. COX owned the only operating gin at this time) There will be plenty of work for two outfits.


The young folks had a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WALLACE last night. The SUNBEAM family were serenaded last night. This weather makes such visits very acceptable and pleasant, it being too warm to sleep until midnight. DIED on Thursday July 31, at his home near Hamburg, C.M. CANN, aged 73 years.  Prof. OSBORN has been re-engaged to teach the Custer Bend School by a unanimous vote of the directors. This makes the fourth term for the professor at that school, which speaks well of his efficiency. Mr. HERRING will make a shipment of cattle tomorrow, and he will then take a trip to Texas and try to purchase a few car loads of hogs to ship here.  Mrs. WALLACE returned this morning from her trip to the old home in Texas.


Mr. CREE has returned from NM, where he went in search of a location for his cattle. He says that land values are so high there that he could find nothing to suit him, and that the country is over-run with small bunches of cattle whose owners are vainly seeking a home. J.W. MCMURTRY, Temple HOUSTON and Lee M. GRAY passed through Elk City Friday on their way to Cheyenne. The latter is said to be friend of GREEN’s, the murderer of Sheriff BULLARD, and it is also reported that the party had the gun in their possession that the Sheriff carried when he was killed. It looks as though an effort is being made to secure a nice reward, walk the culprits into court and run chances of acquittal. We would like to see the murderers behind the bars, but do not favor the reward money being spent in their defense. It may be professional to secure fees and bring about justice in such a manner, but deliver us from that kind of profession. If anyone doubts that ELLOITT and his party had the murderers located, the events of the past few days will dispel the doubt.


Cheyenne Sunbeam August 8, 1902

PERSONAL: The THURMOND Brothers have sold their bunch of steers, 2000 head, at $29. Mr. JOYCE sold a fine bunch of cows at a good price early in the week. W.T. BONNER left for the eastern markets Monday where he will purchase a stock of goods for HERRING & YOUNG. Our public school opens the 8th day of September. The Red Moon picnic advertised for August 12, has been abandoned. Prof. BROWN of Weatherford has been given the principalship of Cheyenne School for the coming term. Miss Minnie FAUBER has been engaged for the primary class.


Milo BURLINGAME and family met with an accident Sunday whilst returning from Canadian. When 4 or 5 miles from town, the team ran away. Milo was pulling on the lines when the dashboard gave way, throwing him on the tongue where the horses kicked him several times. Mrs. BURLINGAME flung her son out and jumped with the baby in her arms. Aside from a bad kick on Milo’s leg, no serious damage was done but they had a narrow escape. Sheriff EVANS started out Wednesday to summon jurors and witnesses for the coming term of district court. The heavy rain Wednesday morning was very acceptable. The weather for several days has been very hot and vegetation was beginning to wilt.


A gun club has been organized here and in a short time, its members will be ready to accept challenges from other clubs. Day County has a new paper, The Canadian Valley Echo, edited by E.L. MITCHELL. It is a bright newsy sheet and will help Day County boom.  Cheyenne is to have another bank. Mr. MAYS of Elk City has been here several days making the necessary arrangements. It is to be called the Citizens State Bank, and S. JACKSON will be cashier. Calvin ROSSER of Elk City has been here several days assisting Mr. MAYS in organizing a bank. Ladies Aid Society will give a dinner and supper Thursday, August 21. They will also serve ice cream. A seven year old boy named RIPLEY, whose parents live on the head of Nine Mile Creek, met with a strange accident Tuesday night. He was sleeping in a wagon when the rain disturbed him. In making his way to the house, he fell off a dugout and broke his leg. The back of the dugout was even with the ground, the front, from which he fell, being about eight foot high.


FINAL PROOF: Alison NICHOLS on land in 33-12-24 with witnesses J.W. MITCHEM, Thomas SINGLETARY, George BURROWS and J.K. LANCASTER all of Grimes. John W. TUBBS land in 13-13-24 with witnesses Fleming MCGINNIS, W.A. BEATY, Allen O. MILLER, Gilbert W. HODGES all of Cheyenne. John CARTER for land 25-13-25, with witnesses George CARTER, Stone TAYLOR, John WARREN, Jesse BRYAN. Hez COX  on land SW1/4 of 17-13-23 with witnesses Erasmus THURMOND, William A. BEATY, John STAHL, Arthur L. THURMOND all of Cheyenne. (1/4 section west of Henry ANDREWS’ house today down to Sgt. Major Creek; this must be the creek bottom that was producing such good hay crops reported throughout the summer) William A. PERRY  on land in 32-14-22 with witnesses John A. COFER, James J. PITTS, Robert P. KEPLEY, Thomas WHITE all of Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam August 15, 1902

PERSONAL: Mr. CONWAY has purchased a house in town and will move here shortly. Mr. LEWIS has purchased an interest in the PARRISH Store and will move back to Cheyenne.  A mad dog visited the home of Charley THOMPSON Sgt. Major Creek one night last week. It bite Charley’s dog and a number of pups. All were promptly killed. It is not known where the dog came from. Mr. L.T. BOWMAN has purchased the E.G. THURMOND residence in town and will move in when Mr. THURMOND leaves for Elk City. A lawn party attracted a large crowd of young people at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. CASADY last Friday night and a good time was had by all who attended.  Marriage license was issued Wednesday to Dave T. BOWMAN and Frances O. ROYSE.


BORN to Mr. and Mrs. LEARY a daughter.  M.M. MEEKS, Dentist, will be in Cheyenne August 19, for a few days only. Call and see him early. Consultation free. The weather is hot enough for a salamander. There is talk this morning of organizing a cotton gin company. Something should be done promptly as cotton will be coming in in a few weeks and our present accommodations are entirely inadequate. It is going to be a busy time in town during court, and it is to be hoped that all business on the docket will be cleared up. W. T. BONNER is back from the eastern markets where he purchased lots of goods and took in all the wonders of modern civilization. Mr. HERRING and Gus JONES have purchased 250 hogs in Arkansas and Texas and will have them here in a few days. A party given at the home of Mrs. CORNELL last evening, was very enjoyable to all who attended.


Mr. A.G. GRAY returned Tuesday from Canadian where he has been visiting his seriously ill wife. Marriage licenses were issued to Elijah N. BURCH and Miss Clara L. SMITH of Grimes; Newt ADDINGTON and Miss Etta COUTCH of Carpenter; Allen HARDY and Miss Ruth BULLEN of Pier. Mr. BEAN and Mr. CONWAY presented the Sunbeam with extra large specimens of watermelon. When it comes to fruit, this county is all right. Lee DUDNEY was in from the Red Moon neighborhood with some specimens of his peach crop. We have seen peaches of all kinds from the finest furnished the NY markets to the scrubbiest that grow but we never saw finer than those brought in by Mr. DUDNEY. Mr. PARRISH whose farm is also on the Washita, has peaches that are equal to the best of the California market.


Samuel WYLIE, the livery man of Sayre, was here one day this week visiting his daughter, Gracie. Occupying a prominent position in the front window of the First National Bank of Sayre is a bunch of bluestem grass over seven feet in height. It was brought in by Fred CAUDILL and grew on his farm two miles west of Berlin. Hundred of acres of Roger Mills County soil are covered with bluestem grass of equally rank growth. East side of the territory papers, that are prone to refer to this as shortgrass country, please copy.


The following have been selected to act as jurors in the coming District Court Term, which convenes next Tuesday. GRAND: V.L. LITTLE, Cheyenne; Richard EGGERS, Poarch; J.M. HIATT, Hammon; A.A. RUSSELL, Canute; W.T. BONNER, Cheyenne; J.M. SHELTON, Cade; J.H. MCGAILL, Berlin; W.G. BRANNON, Cade; J.L. REYNOLDS, Crowe; J.M. FARMER, Berlin; G.R. GILKEY, Berlin; L.L. COLLINS, Cheyenne; J.A. MADDUX, Cheyenne; J.H. ROYSE, Crowe; J.A. ODEN, Hammon; Ben HARRISON, Berlin; William DOLAN, Crowe; Charles MCCLAIN, Berlin; H.O. HASS, Cheyenne; William BENNETT, Berlin; C.M. ROSSER, Cheyenne; M.L. POARCH, Berlin; J.M. ALMOND, Poarch; Joseph LUSBY, Berlin; T.B. CREE, Cheyenne. PETIT Jurors: Rufus CHOATE, Berlin; C.A. FENNO, Cheyenne; R.A. ROSS, Sweetwater, George BARRETT, Wash; M.T. WILCOX, E.L. KING, Berlin; B.C. RICE, Cade; W.T. RUTHERFORD, Berlin; Joseph PURDY, Cheyenne; E.W. WALKER, Crowe; R.B. WATSON, Berlin; R.P. ALLGOOD, Poarch; W.R. ALLREAD, Canute; D.C. MCREYNOLDS, Hammon; J. THOMASY, Poarch; George COPP, S.A. ELLIOTT, Ural; J.T. BOGGESS, Poarch; J.H. MORGAN, Cade; W.N. TURPIN, Cade; Robert SLOAN, Poarch; C.H. HEMPHILL, Crowe; C.J. VANBORN, Canute; R.H. ROSE, Berlin; P.E. PEELER, Canute; T.FOWLER, Cheyenne; John MARTIN, Canute.


Cheyenne Sunbeam Aug 22, 1902

Local and Personal:Messers HILL and GILKERSON, candidates for the House of Representatives and CULWELL, candidate for Council from this District, addressed the voters at the court house Wednesday evening. Several loads of new corn have been sold in Cheyenne the past week. Rev. HENSON was in town Wednesday. He has taken charge of the Doxey Schools for the coming term.  Mr. H.D. COX is in Kansas City purchasing the plant for Cheyenne’s new Cotton Gin.




WANTED: 50 cords of wood, wanted by the Cheyenne Gin Co Apply to C. FALCONER. WANTED: An engineer and general manager for a Cotton Gin. State terms and references. Joseph FOBERT, an expert in rustic willow work has set up shop in the back of HERRING & YOUNG store. See him if you need stands, settees, wall pockets, and large easels at reasonable rates.  The dinner and ice cream served yesterday by the Ladies Aid Society realized $80, which will be added to the church building fund. Married on Sunday last, Mr. Joe BRIMER and Etta PARRISH.


Judge BEAUCHAM Pdeposed all U.S. Commissioners in our county and then appointed four new ones, two at Elk City, two at Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. M.H. HAHN of Blanchester, Ohio are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L.L. COLLINS this week. At a meeting held at COLLINS Store, Cheyenne the 15th of August, 1902, for the purpose of forming a stock company to put in a Cotton Gin in the town of Cheyenne. Present were E.G. THURMOND, B.F. WINN, John MCDANIEL, Guy BERGER, J.H. PARRISH, F.E. HERRINTG, H.D. COX, A.S. MCKINNEY, Milo BURLINGAME, Cosmo FALCONER, L.L. COLLINS, Lee DUDNEY. F.E. HERRING was elected President of said company and Cosmo FALCONER, Secretary; H.D. COX, Treasurer.


Prescriptions carefully com-pounded by Dr. LEWIS at Scotty’s. Ladies you will not be pleased with your bread unless you use Big A Flour at Beaty’s only. FINAL PROOF: John W. TUBBS, NW1/4-13-13-24. Witnesses Fleming MCGINIS, W.A. BEATY, Allen O. MILLER, Gilbert W. HODGES, Cheyenne. John H. CARTER, 25-13-25, witnesses George CARTER, Stone TAYLOR, John WARREN, Jessie BRYAN of Cheyenne. Herman O. HASS 20-14-23, witnesses Charles G. MILLER, Fredrick O. LEACH, Gilbert W. HODGES, Thomas F. BRAZELL of Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam August 29, 1902

LOCAL and PERSONAL: The rainstorm which broke over us Tuesday brought a much needed change in the atmosphere. It had been intensely warm for three weeks, the thermometer going daily up to the 100 degree mark. Lightening struck the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. CAIN, killing Mrs. CAIN’s sister, Sarah LOGDEN, and seriously injuring Mrs. CAIN. Two dogs were killed in the yard, and Mr. CAIN who was outside was knocked senseless. The family lived near Sayre. Mrs. FRANKLIN of Doxey has been engaged to teach the intermediary class in our public school.


Mr. and Mrs. HODGES and Miss NENE returned from their trip to North Carolina Monday. The enjoyed their trip and we are pleased to note that Mrs. HODGES health has greatly improved. The Republicans of Roger Mills County met yesterday for the purpose of nominating county officers. We understand that a full ticket will be put in the field. At a meeting of W.C.T.U. Monday evening the officers were elected: Mrs. BEATY President; Mrs. STEPHENS Vice President at large; Miss Iva COZORT Corresponding Secretary; Miss Volina MILLER Recording Secretary, Miss SLAIN Treasurer.


The new bank which will open here about September 15 has commenced the erection of a building. Its officers are J.A. MAYS President; J.H. KENDALL Vice President; S. JACKSON Cashier. Bob THURMOND has purchased two quarter sections of land from his brother Oscar and father E.G., and will build a residence on same. The land is about ½ mile from town. The District Court will probably get through this week, but Judge BEAUCHAMP says that he is not going to leave until all the business is transacted. The grand jury is still in session and the chances are that there will be a large docket for the November term of court. Most of the cases at this term have died of old age. To be a witness in Roger Mills County requires an iron bound memory. The ladies have patronized the courtroom ex-tensively the past week not withstanding the hot weather.


Watermelons have advanced in price here, owing to the demand created by those attending court. There was no combine or trust. The W.C.T.U. will give an entertainment at the church house Sunday night. Everybody invited to attend. As we go to press, the judge has the docket cleaned up and indications are that all business will be got through with tomorrow. The entertainment given by the Ladies Aid Society last evening added $10 to the fund for the erection of the church building for the Baptist. Don’t scratch. Hixon’s X-Ray Oil. Instant and absolute relief for chigger and mosquito bites. On sale at J.P. MILLER Drugs.


Dishes with every cash sale at HERRING & YOUNGS. The first day of District Court proved to be a record breaker. Besides impaneling 50 jury men both grand and petit, his honor Judge BEAUCHAMP disposed of 14 cases. Among them was a county seat case that has been pending for years. This was a mandamus to compel the Board of County Commissioners to call an election to remove the county seat of Roger Mills County from Cheyenne to Berlin. The application was denied. Thus ended a long drawn out contest, to the apparent satisfaction of all parties.


Reunion: At a meeting of ex-confederate soldiers at the court house in Cheyenne on the 5th day of July, 1902, it was resolved to call a meeting of Joe Wheeler CAMP #1286 and all confederates within reach to meet at Cheyenne, O.T. at 10:00 a.m. the 4th day of October next, to have a reunion experience meeting, speeches, etc. Also resolved that all ex-Union soldiers to be invited to attend. All who attend will be cared for free of expense. A committee of S.C. OSBORN, S.A. Wallace and E.G. THURMOND was appointed to meet all ex-soldiers who arrive to attend and assign them quarters to stop at while in attendance. All come who can possibly get here. G.W. HODGES, Captain Joe Wheeler CAMP. R.K. HOUSTON, Secy.


Cheyenne Sunbeam September 5, 1902

LOCAL & PERSONAL: A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.G. THURMOND last Saturday evening and a jolly good time was had.  Last Sunday whilst playing in a wagon the little five year old daughter of Mr. HART, who lives five miles south of town, fell out and broke her arm.


BORN: On Wednesday last to Mr. and Mrs. W.T. BONNER a 10 pound boy. Mr. L.T. BOWMAN has moved his family into the house recently vacated by Mr. THURMOND having purchased the same. Mr. and Mrs. THURMOND have gone to Elk. Young folks had a gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.G. MORRIS last evening. Mrs. John B. TAYLOR was made seriously ill yesterday by a spider bite.  Some improvements in the sanitary condition of our jail have been made the past week. The grand jury called attention to this matter and recommended that it be done.


A.M. KINGKAID of Norman is here in the interest of his father’s business.  Eustace V. BOULDIN of Day County, is a candidate for the legislature from this the 25th district.  Attorney WELTY and his wife of Sayre spent a couple of days in town this week.  The members of the Cheyenne Gun Club have received a full stock of traps, balls, etc. and are practicing daily.  Don’t forget that tomorrow is Election Day. Vote early and vote for the best man.  Cheyenne is taking on quite a spurt of building and it is hard to get a carpenter.  George CREE has his barber shop in the street and is finding it difficult to get a suitable location. It had to be moved to make room for the new bank.


New corn is selling here at from 40 to 50 cents per bushel.  Milo BURLINGAME has purchased the residence of A.L. THURMOND and the latter will build on his ranch adjoining town.  The new bank building on Broadway is nearly completed and business will open about the 15th.  There is quite a demand for houses in town at present to accommodate those who wish to have their children in a good school. Cheyenne Public School opens next Monday morning. Scholars should be on hand promptly.  Work has commenced on the Cheyenne Cotton Gin and will be pushed rapidly to completion.  The grand jury at the late term of District Court returned 13 true bills against transgressors. The heated term seems to be over, but it is yet rather warm.  Some of the old orchards in our county are now yielding a large crop of apples. The late peaches will also be abundant.  Nobody seems anxious to sell corn and the chances are that it will command a good price all winter.


Another effort is being made to get up a county seat fight in our county and it will depend upon the tax-payers as to whether or not they put themselves to this needless expense.  The county com-missioners appointed B.C. RICE as Justice of the Peace for Kiowa Township.  Laundry work: I am now prepared to do all kinds of laundry work, leave orders at Scotty’s Drug Store. Mrs. Winn MALTBY.
FINAL PROOF: Ollie G. BUBP formerly Ollie G. DOANE on 3-14-24 with witnesses George SHUFELDT, John SHUFELDT, Luther RUPERT, Frederick BARTON.


The County Commissioners of Roger Mills County that they will receive sealed bids for building 7 bridges at the following locations: Current Creek, Sec 7&8, 12-23; Timber Creek Sec 27&28, 11-23; Timber Creek on east line 13-10-23; Washita River Sec 27&34-14-21; Elk Creek Sec 23&24, 9-21; Sadler Creek Sec 15&16, 9-21; Indian Creek Sec 10&11, 9-22.


Cheyenne Sunbeam September 12, 1902

BORN: On Tuesday the 9th to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. SHELTON a daughter.  Mr. HERRING sold $20,000 worth of stock cattle last Tuesday.  Mr. FALCONER and family have taken a trip to OKC.  Dr. MILLER has taken his daughter, Volina, to Goodnight in Texas where she will attend school.  The public school opened up Monday morning with a good attendance, which has been increasing all week.  The Republicans of our county have selected a strong man for the office of Sheriff, in the person of C.G. MILLER. He is a man well-known to all Old Settlers and to many new ones. He is honest, capable and industrious and will fill the office with credit should the voters elect him.  The Primary Election held in our county last Saturday drew out a larger vote than expected. W.P. FRANCIS was chosen for Representative, and it is thought that Sam ELLIOTT of Elk City received the majority of votes for Sheriff, but the results will not be known positively until tomorrow, when an official count will be made.


A cool snap visited this section yesterday and there was a general call for stoves.  Sheriff EVANS is taking his defeat in the primary as a good man should. He admits his defeat and promises all he can for his opponent. The man who gets angry because defeated shows to have poor stuff in him and the people should be glad when such a candidate is defeated.  The Ladies Home Mission Society will serve ice cream Saturday Sept 20, 1902. Proceeds to go to the parsonage fund.  Seventeen carloads of cattle left here today for Sayre, from whence they will be shipped to market.  Shell CAFFEY is having a fine residence erected on his claim down the Washita.


From the Arapaho Bee: John Wesley MCCLURE got drunk and was fined. Not having the requisite amount to pay the fine, he went to jail. At present the jail is full of old tough jailbirds. They held kangaroo court as soon as MCCLURE came in, complaint was filed against him for breaking into jail. After the trial which lasted for half a day, he was found guilty and sentenced to 125 licks. The crowd pounced on him and never kept count and nearly beat the poor fellow to death. He has been under the doctor’s care ever since and has brought suit on the grounds that prisoners must be separated in jail, which the city is using for a kalaboose. Those who have examined the boy say that he is unable to sit down and sleeps on his face.  FINAL PROOF: Emery O. HICKMAN 4-14-21 with wit-nesses Thomas C. DICK, Wesley RHOADES, Charles O. WAGNER, John DICK all of Hammon.


Cheyenne Sunbeam September 19, 1902

The official count of the Primary Election gave W.P. FRANCIS 669 votes and GILKERSON 530. In the Sheriff’s race, S.M. EVANS received 474, J.C. CALWELL 248, S.A. ELLOITT 510, J.M. ROGERS 102.  A young man named Paul LOFTIN met with a serious accident Sunday evening at the J.P. JOHNSON Ranch. His horse fell on him causing concussion of the brain, and he has been unconscious most of the time since.  E.G. THURMOND having moved his family to Elk City, has disqualified himself for the office of commissioner in this district. All his old friends regret this as he has made a splendid officer. The governor will have to appoint a successor.  Our county jail is now empty for the first time in several years. May it long continue thusly.


The first bale of cotton for the season was seen on our streets Monday. The owner, Mr. MUSE, received a premium from our merchants of $25. HERRING and YOUNG purchased the cotton at 7 ½ cents.  Prof BURTT, the practical optician who visited in our town about a year ago, is now in Elk City. His office is in ROBINSON and Sons Furniture Store.  Peter THURMOND is attending college at Blackwell, O.T. He didn’t like the Kansas institution and only stayed a few days.  Mac, the eldest son of D.W. TRACY, is here visiting his parents.  Michael KEHOE our shoemaker and philosopher, has taken a trip to Kansas City to visit his niece.  On or after this date no money orders nor registered matter will be issued after 6:00 p.m. on account of the increase in the mails. Jacob BEARD, postmaster Cheyenne, OK.


Most machinery has arrived for the new cotton gin and is being placed in position. It will be one of the best outfits in the country when completed and it will bring lots of business to Cheyenne.  A shower Tuesday evening laid the dust and freshened up vegetation.  Don’t forget the ice cream festival tomorrow. It will be held in the backroom of the meat market.  Mr. HODGES left yesterday in answer to a telegram, for Shawnee, where his brother Bob lies dangerously ill.  A.L. THURMOND returned yesterday from Kansas City.  Mr. and Mrs. C. FALCONER have returned from OKC where Scotty laid in a full stock of Christmas goods.  County Clerk GRAY went to Canadian TX after his wife early in the week, but returned without her, having concluded that it would be better for her to remain for a time until she is stronger.


Cheyenne Sunbeam September 26, 1902

Sheriff EVANS left Wednesday morning for Norman to deliver to the asylum authorities a Mrs. GRAY who has been causing considerable excitement in Cheyenne lately by her strange actions.  Two years of corn raised by C.R. HUNTER on his farm on Nine Mile Creek were exhibited in town Wednesday. The two ears weighed 2 pounds and ¾.  Mr. John WEST has received his commission to fill the unexpired term of E.G. THURMOND as Commissioner. Gov. FERGUSON is to be commended for his promptness in the matter.  Judge HARRISON brought a specimen of his alfalfa crop to town Wednesday. It was very heavily loaded with seed and would make a paying crop for threshing purposes.  Notice: All persons are hereby warned not to shoot or hunt on my premises. G.W. GRAVES.  Miss Jessie MILLER has returned from a protracted visit to relatives in Texas.


The indications are that there will be a large number of cases to be disposed of at the coming term of court. District Court will convene at Grand, Day County on the 21st of October.  The young man, Paul LOFTIN who was thrown by a horse some two weeks ago, lingered for eight days in a state of unconsciousness and then died. He was buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery last Tuesday.  A.L. THURMOND’s new residence is nearing completion and will be one of the finest ranch dwellings in our county.  The county seat question is now attracting considerable attention, five candidates Elk, Sayre, Doxey, Berlin and Cheyenne being in the race. The agitation of this question at the present time is unfortunate, as it matters not which town gets it, the same question will again agitate us five years from now when the county is developed, all of which will add considerably to the burden carried by the taxpayers, and will help none but a few townsite speculators. Good roads is what the county needs, but if the speculators, town boomers, continue to waste public funds in building county seats every five years and in locating high schools where they are not needed, we will never have them. Our taxes are already extremely high, at the same time, they are insufficient to run our county government as it should be, on a cash basis, and when a few more grafts are worked by the speculators taxpayers will have an unbearable burden. Everyone admits that the county seat should be as near the center of the county as possible, but the government selected what it considered the best site, taking into consideration the surrounding country, its facilities for water, etc. but conditions are very different now from what they were, a railroad has run across one end of our county and naturally attracted a large proportion of the population. In a few years, railroads will be here and probably some of them will run near the center. If so, a change of location for the county seat might be justified, but until this happens, it is simply a waste of money and injustice on Cheyenne and the taxpayers generally to agitate the question.


Road overseer STEPHENS is working hard to secure better roads in our part of the county. With the help of Commissioner WEST, he hopes to make a first class road to Sayre, to RedMoon and to other points. This will prove of great benefit to our town as it will enable farmers to bring heavier loads than heretofore and will make them feel better toward Cheyenne as a trading point. Madden MILLER made a business trip to Sayre yesterday.


Letter to the Editor: As the Doxey Herald is making such a grand (?) showing for Doxey for the county seat, allow me to say a few words on that line. The Herald says that Doxey is a fine watered town. We understand that they have an abundance of water—every big rain—so much that a large portion of the town site is flooded. If the townsite manager should deed the school districts of our county lots in the flooded district, $750 would be pretty high for them. The Herald says that 90 per cent of the people are in favor of moving the county seat. If that be so then why try to buy their votes by offering the school districts so much of your valuable town? And say: the assessment roll does not tally with the prices that Doxey citizens place on their lots. The assessor should re-assess the town. How much nearer, Mr. HERALD, is Doxey to the center of the county than Cheyenne? If you will look at a map of your county, you will see that Doxey is nearer the edge of the county than Cheyenne. Then how do you make it that the citizens of the county would gain so much in traveling to the county seat? Why is it that Sayre or Elk City have not asked for the county seat? Because they are not so dead that it takes the county seat to resurrect them, and they know they are no nearer the center of the county than Cheyenne. A suggestion to the voter: If you will look into this Doxey cry for the county seat, you will find that those interested in the townsite there are the prime movers in it and their main object is to increase the value of property in their town. How would the voters know how to vote on this question, without the gracious instruction of the Herald? Will you walk into my parlor? Said the spider to the fly. Doxey is the prettiest little parlor you ever did spy. A Voter.


Cheyenne Sunbeam October 3, 1902

Mr. TUBBS is building a business house on Broadway next to the BEATY Store and will open up another meat market. {The BEATY Store is today’s Drug Store}  Last Saturday’s Kansas City Star reports the appointment of Cosmo F. FALCONER at Cheyenne to succeed Jacob BEARD as postmaster.  Mr. HERRING had his buggy torn to pieces by a runaway team Tuesday evening.


Two or three weeks ago, the Sheriff of Roberts Co, Texas passed through here on the trail of three stolen horses. He captured two of them down in the territory and took them home. After he left, Deputy Sheriff STONE of Day County started down below to hunt for the third animal, and on Monday last, he returned with the animal and with the young man in charge who will have to answer for stealing the horse.


The cold drizzling rain the last two days has been very unpleasant, but is good for the wheat crop, which is showing nicely in many places.  A petition has been ordered to vote on the county seat and will be acted upon next week.  Corn is selling in Cheyenne at from $.35 to .50 a bushel. A good price considering the large quantity raised and the lack of cattle to feed. The public speaking at the Court House last Saturday evening drew out a full house.  The new cotton gin is about ready for business and it is expected that the first work will be turned out Monday.  John ANDERSON brought a sample stalk of his kaffircorn to town the other day. It measured 81/2 feet high and had 12 well formed heads.


Indications point to a long and severe winter. Now is the time to build shelter for your stock and to save all the feed possible. Don’t be careless about feed, because there is an abundance of it. A long hard winter will use up lots of feed.  The Epworth League had a social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. MCKINNEY last Saturday evening.  Born on Thursday, October 2, to Mr. and Mrs. J.R. JOHNSON, a son.  Mr. PARRISH has closed out his business at Doxey, removing the stock to his business house in Cheyenne.  One of the indications of good times is the large numbers of wagons being sold by HERRING & YOUNG. They have sold as high as four in one day recently. Lee AANDERSON has sold his fine farm on Sergeant Major Creek, W.G. MORRIS of the Sunbeam, being the purchaser.


The County Seat fight inaugurated by the Doxey boomers is being condemned by the taxpayers generally, who recognize that the present is not the time for such a movement, and indications are that Cheyenne will retain the county seat for at least five years more. In any event Doxey never will have a ghost of a show to secure it or anything else worth having and the best thing that the few settlers located there can do is to turn their townsite into a farm or move into one of the good towns surrounding them. Five years from now our county will have several railroads within its borders, some of which will probably run near the center and it will then be time enough to advocate a change. At present the taxpayers are not in a mood to needlessly increase their taxes. Should the county seat be changed the location will be permanent, but this is impossible if the change be made now when our county is only partially developed.


FINAL PROOF: Emory O. HAMMON on 4-14-21 with witnesses Thomas C. DICK, Wesley RHOADES, Charles O. WAGNER, John DICK of Hammon. Charles T. HASSMAN of Cheyenne on 25-13-25 with witnesses Arthur SCHWEITZER, A.A. NICHOLS, Aaron HARMAN, James HARMAN all of Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam October 10, 1902

MARRIED: Yesterday at the court house Mr. James MCBRIDE of Grimes, Miss Rosie L. PERRY of Sayre with Judge HOUSTON officiating.  The lovely weather of the past week has made up fully for the spell of blizzard which visited us last week. Cotton is doing finely and lots is being brought to town and sold at fair figures.  Editor BROWN of the Roger Mills Democrat was a pleasant caller on the Sunbeam Wednesday. He is making a good paper and one which will be a credit to Elk City.  The people are having ample opportunity to listen to political speeches these days, hardly a day passing without a meeting in some part of our county.  Steve TUCKER is having a residence built on the west side of town.  Cheyenne is growing rapidly and business increasing daily. The legalites of our county have had a fine time at the expense of our county commissioners this past week. If we have a few more county seat fights, our commissioners will get gray headed before their time.


Presenters at the County Teachers Association at Sayre on October 18 will be Mrs. Kate LANE, Della BRECKENRIDGE, Minnie FAUBER, J.L. HENSON, Miss Edith FRANKLIN, W.B. STOVALL, Miss Ray FIELDS, J.E. DELANEY, John B. TRACY, J.C. MCKENZIE, Miss Mae SLAIN, A.R. HARRIS, R.E. JOHNSON.  In the matter of changing the site of the county court house, the commissioners decided yesterday to throw out the Elk City petition on the ground that it was defective and did not comply with the law, and proceeded to count the Berlin/Doxey petition over the objection of the Cheyenne commissioner, Mr. J.H. WEST. The telephone message from Sayre yesterday says that the railroad projected from Woodward to Quanah will be built immediately.  Miss Gussie COX caught a fine catfish in the Washita yesterday. It weighed between 5 and 6 pounds.  Dentist M.M. MEEKS will be in Cheyenne October 11 for one week.

Cheyenne Sunbeam October 17, 1902

Local and Personal: Ladies Aid of the Baptist Church will give a Halloween Party the 31st of October. Admission is 25 cents, refreshments are free. All are invited. Last week a child named Field, about 4 years old, wandered from its home on Sandstone Creek. A thorough search was made by its parents and neighbors, but it was not until the third day after, that the little fellow was found asleep on the prairie four miles from home. With the whistles of two cotton gins and one grist mill striking on the air daily, Cheyenne begins to look like a manufacturing center. Large quantities of Cotton are coming in and prospects are fine for a prosperous season in our town. Tonight there will be a total eclipse of the moon. The petitions presented to the commissioner’s court last week praying for a county seat election were all found to be irregularly gotten up in contrary to the law. Although advised of that fact by the county attorney, the commissioners preceded to count the names and found that there were not enough petitioners, so they have failed to call an election. The decision has given great satisfaction all over our county aside from the few boomers and tax dodgers who stirred the matter up and the taxpayers are congratulating themselves on escaping from further unnecessary taxation. (At this time Roger Mills County extends south to the north fork of the Red River) A large acreage has been sown with wheat lately in this area and the indications are that Cheyenne wile export flour next year, thus making a savings of thousands of dollars. A general interest is being taken in the matter of good roads for our county. The rapid increase of business demands an improvement in this direction and a strong effort is being made to fix the roads all over our county. Miss Kate Wallace has gone to Texas where she will spend the winter with friends and relatives. The names of all the tax dodgers who signed the petition for the removal of the county seat should be given to the assessor with instructions to place them on the tax rolls. There were over 500 persons on the petition whose names could not be found on the tax rolls, some of whom have lived in our county for years. No wonder taxes are high! This fine weather is good for those having a cotton crop and the yield will be larger than anticipated. Fodder crops of all kinds will be cheap in the winter. Too many cattle have been shipped out. The man who owns cattle and allows them to depredate on his neighbor’s crops is the man who is responsible for all the feeling between stockmen and farmers. Thank goodness there are not many left! The man with a small bunch of well tended cattle is the one who will succeed. The address by Byrd McGuire last Tues. at the court house attracted quite a number of ladies, but the men in these parts are too busy to pay much attention to politicians. The Hon. Frank Clark will address the voters at the court house this evening from a Democratic standpoint. The Co. Commissioners of Roger Mills County, O.T. met Mon October 6, 1902 and John H West took the oath of office as Commissioner of Dist. #1. Other commissioners present were John T. Pullen, J.J. Tomlinson and Blerk A.G. Gray. The following claims were disallowed: J.M. John son, N.R. Sparks, T.E Standifer, D.W. Tracy, T.L. Vanvacter, J.H. Osborne, J.C. Littrell, W.M. Hutton, J.J. Johnson, L.P. Jones, Earl LIttrell, B.F. Gaskin, Hoetle & Co., U.N. Waldrop, E.E. Tracy, F.H. Tracy, M.H. Levi, G.W. Rolls, W.H. Read, T.F. Yandell, J.M. McComas, J.F. Roberts. {Most of these claims were for medical services and care of boarding of smallpox patients, expenses and examination of teachers} Cheyenne Sunbeam, October 17, 1902

Cheyenne Sunbeam October 24, 1902

Uncle Ben Anderson met with serious injuries by being thrown from his wagon some two weeks ago. He was down in Texas at the time. Elder Farris of the Christian Church holds services every fourth Saturday and Sunday at the court house. The young folks had a pleasant gathering Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Falconer. Don’t forget the party at the court house Oct. 31. Boys come and bring your girls. There is fun time planned at the party at the court house for young and old alike. A man was arrested Sat. placed under bond to await the action of the Grand Jury on a charge of shooting cattle. There has been a large amount of damage done to stock lately in the Croton Creek area and it is to be hoped that the authorities have the right party. Cotton is coming to Cheyenne all the way from Texas, the fame of our gin having extended far and wide. Those who fail to attend the Halloween party will miss a good deal. The people of Doxey are having trouble. A newcomer having purchased the town cemetery is attempting to compel the removal of all the bodies buried there. Come to the Halloween Party. The man who attends to the baler at the cotton gin had his hand badly smashed Monday. Girls if you want to know your future, come to the party and the witches will tell you all. The teacher’s association will hold a program at Elk City Nov. 29 where John B. Tracy will give a part on the program. Married on Wed. last at the Probate Judge’s office, A. W. Fuchs and Miss Beatrice Molar. Married October 13, R.A. Musick and Miss Blanche Clubb. Scotty Falconer has purchased the J.P. Johnson farm on Sourdough Creek. A.L. Thurmond has ordered a new time lock steel safe for his bank. A new bank has opened up for business in Cheyenne. There will be a Grand Democratic rally at Elk City tomorrow. Uncle Bill Cross, E.J. Giddings and Judge J.L. Carpenter are expected to be present. District Court is in session at Grand, Day County and several parties from Cheyenne are in attendance. Married on Oct. 12 at the home of the bride in Atlanta, Georgia, Miss Gussie Rosenberg and Dr. M.H. Levi of Elk City. Mr. Ray is having a residence built on the east side of town. F.W. Newby of near Sweetwater on the 22nd day of Sep. 1902 did take up the following strays to wit: one brown horse, small white spot in forehead, about 17 hands high, 13 years old, branded L on left shoulder and one black horse, small white spot in forehead, about 161/2 hands high, about 13 years old, branded L on left shoulder. Cheyenne Sunbeam 24OCT1902

Cheyenne Sunbeam October 31, 1902

Word has been received that Judge Beauchamp saying that he will be on hand next Wed. Nov 5 and will give us a term of court. The editor of the Doxey Herald says that he has silenced the big guns and now purposes to right about face and proceed to scatter a birdshot among the little pop guns. We are sorry. We always liked to see raw kids aspire for something higher all the time. The voters of our county will have to decide whether or not we shall have a high school at Elk City. In deciding this question, our present high rate of taxation should be considered also the need for such an institution in a territory already blessed with so many high schools and colleges, that it is necessary to invite students from other states to keep them up so that the professors and teachers will have a valid excuse for drawing their salaries. What this county needs and needs badly is a county tax sufficient to give help where it is most needed, namely, to those small school districts where the funds are so limited that it is impossible to have more than a three months term of school annually, and if we are going to increase our taxation for school purposes, much more can be accomplished by increasing the county levy for the schools already in existence than by building an expensive school where the facilities are already sufficient and where the people are able, if they need it, to build a high school and college for themselves. It is the poor who need help and it would be an injustice to tax them for the benefit of the few who would be able to go to Elk City to attend the high school. At any rate, let us build up the small schools first. The cotton buyers who purchased cotton on the Choctaw Road (railroad) say that the best specimens bought by them this season all come from Cheyenne. Mr. Cox is cutting his sixth crop of alfalfa this season. We believe that he has the world’s record on alfalfa production (Hez Cox’s land was the quarter section west of Henry Andrews house and probably his alfalfa field was on the Sgt. Major Creek bottom) Mrs. Cheatham is having a residence built on the east side. Mrs. Slane has moved to Sayre for the winter, her daughter having accepted a position in the public school of that place. Judge Houston has rented her house during her absence. Married on Sunday last by Judge Osborne, Mr. Flake Hammond and Mrs. Susie Powers. On Sunday last by Probate Judge Houston, Mr. A.C. Anderson and Miss Maggie Barr. Marriage licenses have been issued to J.W. Hunter and Miss Lydia M. Boggs; L.E. Hatley and Miss Florence Bivins; S.F. Shoemaker and Miss Nixon. An alarm of fire was raised at the cotton gin yesterday by some means a quantity of cotton in the baler became ignited and soon make quite a blaze. The application of a few buckets of water and the lowering of the press, extinguished the flames before much damage was done. The rain last night was of great benefit to the young wheat. An immense amount of forage and grass will go to waste this winter owing to the lack of stock. From Mr. Mack Beeson of Doxey, we learn that there is considerable feeling and indignation amongst the settlers there over the action of Rev. Henson in appropriating the public graveyard for a building site. Minutes of Kangaroo Court: We, the young people of Cheyenne met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barr, Friday evening, October 24, 1902 for the purpose of organizing a kangaroo court. The house was called to order by Mr. Kirkley. Mr. M. Miller was selected Prosecuting Attorney, Zetta Miller, Clerk; J.R. Monroe, Sheriff; Mr. McAlester, Judge. The following school girls, Mary McMurtrey, Goldie Miller, Lulu Nelson, Zetta Miller were indicted and tried before the lower court for stealing the schoolboys’ baseball. The jury was appointed for trying girls. J.R. Monroe, Mack Bonner, Jess Miller, Mrs. King Barr, Clerk. Motion was made to squash the indictment. It was overruled and the defendants were forced to trial. Were found guilty but appealed to higher court. Society adjourned to meet November 1, Lawyer Welty here in court. The weather still remains favorable for the farmer and work is being pushed. The home mission society will give a public dinner in the Stahl building on Tuesday, Nov. 4. Proceeds will go toward building a Methodist parsonage in Cheyenne. Rev. Rowin has been appointed to preach here for the next year. He will preach Sunday. He has a family of eight persons. Don’t forget the dinner Tuesday. It is going to take quite a large parsonage to accommodate the Methodist minister’s family. Mr. Tubbs is erecting another business house on Broadway. Judge Harrison returned from Grand, Day County, yesterday, where he had been attending District Court. There are a large number of cases on the docket for trial next week. This is a busy time with the farmers but it is hoped that they will turn out in full force next Tuesday and cast their votes. The Thurmond Bros. are going to start a bank at Erick in Greer County. The owner of a yearling horse colt branded JcrossL on left thigh can hear of same by paying for this notice. A.L. Thurmond has moved into his country residence and Milo Burlingame has occupied his house in town. The business in Cheyenne is increasing rapidly. This has been a fine season for turnips. A load was brought into town yesterday, some of which weighed over six pounds. Don’t forget the Halloween Party at the Court House tonight. From now on cotton will be the money crop of this county. In a few years, when the settlers get financially able to keep a few cattle, to eat up their grass and fodder, this will be a good place for the buyer who will either ship or feed for market the surplus calves. Scotty Falconer takes charge of the Cheyenne Post office tomorrow (Saturday) Our cotton gin is still run at its full capacity and there a is always plenty on hand. Dateline: Lawton, October 28. Quanah Parker, Chief of all the Comanche Indians was today appointed Deputy Sheriff and was sworn in the court room dressed in citizen’s clothes, except his hair which was braided down his back. Other Indians have been made deputies, but this is the first time an Indian Chief has been given a position on the civil force of the country. Cheyenne Sunbeam 31OCT1902

Cheyenne Sunbeam November  7,1902
Cheyenne Sunbeam November 14, 1902

Election Results: Rep. Bill Cross, Councilman#13 Frank Matthews, Rep #25 W.P. Francis, Sheriff Sam Elliott, Treasurer W.D. Kendall, Clerk A.G. Gray, Probate Judge Rufus K. Houston, Attorney John C. Hendricks, Superintendent T.L. Van Vactor, Register of Deeds W.O. Mounts, Assessor T.A. Cherry, Coroner G.W. Walker, Public Weigher Paul McCalley, Commissioner #1 John H. West, Comm. #2 James J. Tomlinson, Comm. #3 J.H. Mayberrry. A total of 1713 votes in this election. J.R. Monroe has accepted a position as manager for the firm of Turner & Jackson. Corn is holding up in price and a few bad spells will send it higher. The Grand Jury adjourned last Saturday, Judge Beauchamp complimented the Grand and Petit juries on their work. The Grand Jury reported that all the county officers’ books had been examined and found to be in excellent condition. Cheyenne has grown more the last three months than during the preceding three years. George Hutton is having a fine residence built on his claim. The Cheyenne Cotton Gin Company held a meeting yesterday. The entire Democratic ticket was elected with one exception. In the Sayre township, a Justice of the Peace who ran as an independent was elected, but he is a democrat and was elected by democrats who wished to give Doxey a Justice of the Peace instead of having two at Sayre. The cold rains of the past few days have retarded farmers in their work and made it very unpleasant for all livestock. Courts are very expensive and it is to be hoped that our citizens will so behave as to not make another term necessary for a long time. Territory vs. Richard Green, Otis Stahl, Mrs. Sam Green, et al. Murder. Granted a change of venue (These are the defendants in the murder of Sheriff Bullard and Deputy Cogburn)/ Territory vs E. Goodwin, et. al. Larceny; Trial by jury. Verdict Guilty and sentenced to one year imprisonment with hard labor. Final Proof: John B. O’Dell in Sec 29-14-23 with witnesses Samuel F. Maddux, Louis Gordon, William Silence and John Cross all of Cheyenne. Tillie Slain in Sec 31-13-24 with witnesses Perry S. Taylor, Frank T. Jordan, Albert A Nichols, Andrew J. Mounts all of Cheyenne. Emory O. Hickman in 4-14-21 with witnesses Thomas C. Dick, Wesley Rhodes, Charles Wagoner, John Dick all of Hammon. AD: High Grade pigs for sale, $6 per pair. Also two throughbred boars ready for service, F.E. Herring. 18# brown sugar – $1.00. Cheyenne Sunbeam 14NOV1902

Cheyenne Sunbeam November 21, 1902

A boy named Perkins living in Day County near the head of Dead Indian Creek, was accidentally shot by a companion on Wednesday last. The charge of shot entered his stomach and is thought that he cannot recover. Another soaking rain last night. We have had more rain this fall than usual The Cheyenne Cremona Club visited Elk City and gave an entertainment last Saturday. The club is a musical organization under the leadership of Miss Mamie Hornbeak. The following members participated: Misses Nena Alexander, Willie Beaty, Lucille McKinney, Nautie Miller, Rae Fields and Master Powell Beaty. The entertainment was not well attended. Mr. F.O. Leach has moved to his place on the Washita for the winter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burger on Monday morning last a daughter. Miss Leah Huff has accepted a position in the Cheyenne post office. For sale: A team of good work horses suitable for farm work. Apply to G.W. Hodges, Cheyenne. R. Foster Stone, the lecturer, had large and attentive audiences at the church Monday, Tuesday and Wed. evenings and his address was well received. There was a social gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Bean on Beaver Dam last Sat. evening and those attending report having had a good time. Save your picture work for Carson Brothers. They will be here twenty days commencing November 26. NOTICE: As the tax rolls will probably not be completed, I will not be ready to receive taxes for the year 1902 before January 1, 1903. Very respectfully G.W. Hodges, County Treasurer. Up at Rome there was a shooting scrape in which two men were killed and one seriously injured in Day County. The trouble occurred Wed. and is said to have been over a horse trade. Horses must be going up. {Rome/Rhome was located eight miles east of Roll}. Cheyenne Sunbeam 21NOV1902

Cheyenne Sunbeam November 28, 1902

{At this early date newspapers still do not have illustrated comics but the paper was not without comedy as the following article will attest} CATTERY FOR WESTERN OKLAHOMA. George Reilly was down at Hot Springs recently and boarded at the same hotel with Ex-President James Ament of the Northwestern Normal of Oklahoma, who presented a peculiar idea to him. The idea is this, that a cat ranch would pay big money. Professor Ament thought that a quarter section of cheap land in western Oklahoma with a few hundred dollars of cats to start with, would be required. He would have well-bred cats. He thinks the day is coming when the fur of cats will be quite valuable in the commercial world. He also thinks that by an intelligent process of cat culture and propagation, the quality of cat fur could be improved till it would rival seal skin for cloaks, muffs, boas and such things. George Reilly suggests that the ranch be called a “CATTERY.” Married on Sun. last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Creagor, Mr. John Ford and Miss Julia B. Dooley both of Elk City. Mr. Ford is well known here, having been employed at the Herring & Young store. Born on Thursday, November 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert gave a party at their home on Beaver Dam last Fri. night. There has been some delay in shipping the prisoners convicted at the last term of court to the penitentiary, as they have first to be vaccinated and held a sufficient length of time to insure their immunity from smallpox before the penitentiary officials will receive them. Lee Anderson has traded his cattle to S.J. Wiley for the latter’s livery stable in Sayre. Program for the WCTU: Song Bless Be the Tie, Prayer Dr. Miller, Welcome Mrs. Beaty, Song and March L.T.L. Principles and Object set forth by Mr. G.F. Turner, Song by Van Vactor children, Recitation by Clyde Donalson, Local Duet by Erma Wallace and Mary Turner, Paper by Mrs. G.W. Hodges, Recitation by Ollie Herring, Song by Mr. Lewis, Address “What Can We Expect?” by D.W. Tracy, Song and Pantomime, Benediction. Final Proof Miss Mollie L. Herring for Heirs of Camilla R. Lee (deceased) on Sec 2-13-23 with witnesses C.R. Howerton, Robert Lineburger, Jack Cronin, John H. West of Cheyenne. Frank Blosser for Sec 5-13-23 with witnesses Almos Parrish, Harry Silence, Perry Vanderpool, James Davidson. William W. Hutchinson of McArthur on 30-14-21 with witnesses Jack B. Lacey, Emmitt Lacey, John Reed of McArthur, O.T. and William B. Kendall, Cheyenne. William M. Ingram for 35-15-22 with witnesses Allen Wagoner of Rome, O.T., Richard I. Watley, McArthur, John Caffey and James R. Caffey, Ceyenne. Cheyenne Sunbeam 28NOV1902

Cheyenne Sunbeam December 5, 1902

The Board of County Commissioners certified the following candidates of several offices duly elected: {Cheyenne Township} E.F. Stevens Trustee; N.R. Monroe Treasurer; S.A. Wallace Clerk; J.N. Arnold Justice of Peace; J.R. Casady Justice of Peace; Jesse Bryan Constable; J.A. Parrish Constable. {Croten Township} George A. Tackett Treasurer; P.S. Taylor Trustee; Lafayette Anderson Clerk; John Brown Justice of Peace; J.H. Anderson Justice of Peace; W.H. Anderson Constable; W. Birchnough Constable. {Elk Township} O.L. Johnson Trustee Bascom Bates Treasurer; G.W. McCollom Justice of Peace; .W. Ellis Justice of Peace; Rube King Justice of Peace; Frank Rylant Justice of Peace. {Kiowa Township} J.M. Johnson Trustee; W.W. Turpin Treasurer; C.H. Russell Clerk; B.C. Rice Justice of Peace; F.. Round Justice of P eace; J.L. Caffey Constable; Bud Hatley Constable. {Poarch Township} Jake Edgers Trustee; J.Allman Treasurer; R.A. Parker Clerk; D.T Pates Justice of Peace; J.P. Enserg Justice of Peace; W.W. Waltrip Constable; W.L. Elliott Constable. {Berlin Township} John Robinson Trustee; E.W. Franklin Treasurer; Ray Garrison Clerk; J.H. Seamons Justice of Peace; Ben Harrison Constable. {Sayre Township} C.W. Ardoin Trustee; A.D. Jones Treasurer; J.T. Smith Clerk; W.M. Branch Justice of Peace; W.M. Ewton Justice of Peace; J.R. Fisher Constable; George Powers Constable. {Sweetwater Township} J.J. Quinn Trustee; C.J. Coburn Treasurer; Walter Jones Clerk; G.W. Sanders Justice of Peace; B.F. Quinn Justice of Peace; T.J. Shun Constable; W.D. Thompson Constable. The board also finds that the question, “Shall a county high school be established at Elk City?” Failed to receive a majority of the votes cast on such question and is therefore lost. Miss Jessie Herring of Navajo is visiting the Misses Herring. Sheriff Evans started Mon. for the penitentiary for the two prisoners convicted at the last term of court. A very large stock of Christmas goods have been ordered by our merchants and some of them have been received and are being opened up. Carson Brothers, the popular photographers are here. If you want photos, come in at once, we leave the 20th. The blizzard which swooped down from the north Wed. was severe but not destructive. A.L. Thurmond has had a new sidewalk, porch and glass front put to his bank building, which makes it look quite handsome. A subscription was being taken up yesterday for the purpose of hiring a night watchman for Cheyenne. A much needed crossing has been put across Broadway, and it now will be possible to cross in bad weather without the risk of bogging. About 8 o’clock yesterday morning, the residence of A.S. McKinney, located ½ mile from town, caught a fire and was totally destroyed. When first noticed from town, smoke and sparks were seen issuing from the roof near the flue and less than 5 minutes later, flames were seen and within an hour there was no sign of the house left, not even smoke to be seen from town. As soon as the fire was noticed in town, a large number of citizens rushed out and rendered all the assistance in their power and in this way all the furniture on the ground floor including two pianos was dragged out and saved. Some windows and doors were also saved. The house was not insured and the loss is serious, especially at this season. A defective flue caused the fire. The land offices are receiving so many applications for final proof and for the trial of contest notices, that they are setting dates six and seven months ahead M.M. Meeks, the Sayre Dentist, will be in Cheyenne next Monday. The officers and Executive Board of the County Fair held their first meeting at Berlin last Sat. and concluded to have the fair on the last Thurs. and Fri. of September 1903. The name decided on was “Roger Mills County Fair Association”, and the fair is to be a permanent feature at Berlin each year. A committee was appointed to select a site and report at next meeting. A number of visitors were present with kind words and suggestions and from the way the meetings have started out, our people may expect a most successful fair next fall, for the men interested in the enterprise are determinded to see it succeed and they well know that the people of the county are so interested that they will assist in every way possible. It is none too early to begin to plan for the fair, and our people are to be congratulated in having such progressive men at the head of the Roger Mills County Fair Association. Success to you Gentlemen and we will all be with you! Thursday during a rainstorm, lightening struck Mr. Hardison’s house three miles east of Doxey, ran to one end connecting to a wire clothesline, ran across the room, struck a bedstead, tore it to pieces and went into the ground near the center of the room, killing a dog. Mrs. Hardison and one of the children were lying on the bed struck by lightening but were not injured. Mr. Hardison, lying on a bed on the opposite side of the room was stunned. Cheyenne Sunbeam 7DEC1902

Cheyenne Sunbeam December 13, 1902

Born on Saturday last to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Colburn a daughter. W.O. Mounts, Register of Deeds is having a residence built near the Methodist Church. All the murder trials in which a change of venue was secured at the last term of District Court are set for hearing at Enid on December 22 and 23. This will be hard on the witnesses, who will have to spend Christmas away from home. But such cases are harder on the witnesses than on the defendants. One of our county officers is to be married on December 21, says Madam Rumor .A runaway team caused considerable excitement on our streets Tuesday evening. They were hitched to a wagon load of baled hay and as they dashed wildly up Broadway, scattering hay in every direction, the scene was exciting. They finally stopped however, when they struck a law office and they stopped suddenly too. A crippled horse, a broken wagon tongue and a hole through the building was the result. A young man was fined $27 the police court this week for carrying a revolver. We hope the good work will go on until the practice of carrying weapons is stopped. Messers Herring and Young have purchased the general merchandise business of L.A. Beaty at Sayre. Ernest Beaty, who has charge of this branch, will take another term in college. Dr. Miller will commence the erection of a dwelling house in Cheyenne at once. He has purchased lots on the south side. A.S. McKinney is rebuilding his dwelling. He has located it nearer town than his former residence. Born on Saturday last, to Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Kendall, a daughter. The Cheyenne Gin has turned out 400 bales of cotton so far this season and there is still lots of it to come. Sam Elliott who will take charge of the Sheriff’s office next month, has moved his family here from Elk City. We haven’t heard any talk of a Christmas tree for Cheyenne yet. It is time a start was made if anything is to be done. The Roger Mills Co. Teachers’ Association will hold its meeting at Doxey on January 24, 1903. Among those on the program will be J.B. Conley, J.L. Henson, Ora Edwards, G.V. Auxier, J.C. McKinzie, A.R. Harris, May Slane, Ray Fields, Kate Lane, Prof. J.B. Tracy, Prof. J.E. Delaney, Carabel Johnson, Della Breckenridge. Mr. Osborn, a settler on Skipout Creek died yesterday morning. He was in town Monday apparently in good health. John Seger, the new Indian Agent, never tires of telling stories of the Indians. Some years ago his old friend, White Shield, traded horses and came to show Seger how he had cheated the two white men. Just about that time, the law officers and owner of the good horse came along and took him away from White Shield as a stolen horse. Seger told him to always take a bill of sale when he traded as that was a title to property of that kind. In a few days White Shield came to see Seger again, and said that he had traded for a fine race horse and held up a piece of paper and said he had the bill of sale. It read thus: “This is to certify that we have this day traded this fool Indian this horse we stole”. “My goodness!” exclaimed Seger, “White Shield, they will come and take this horse away from you for sure. Your bill of sale says that he is stolen property. That is no good bill of sale.” “No, they won’t,” says White Shield. “Why won’t they?” asked Seger. “They won’t find that horse when they come,” replied White Shield and they didn’t. AD: Fine buggy team harness for sale at Tanners also Tanner will repair your harness and saddles. Final Proof: James R. George, Hamburg on Sec 14-14-26 with witnesses William Meiers, James W. Provines, John H. Wood, Be Gillespie all of Hamburg. John P. Hooper of Red Moon on Sec 13-14-25 with witnesses John H. Anderson, Fayette Anderson, Ben Pope, George W. Graves all of Red Moon. James C. Banks of Busch, O.T. on 15-14-21 with witnesses Lon Walker, James B. Smith, L.F. Moore, Wesley Rhodes all of Hammon. Cheyenne Sunbeam 12DEC1902

Cheyenne Sunbeam December 19, 1902

Oyster Supper will be served at the Cheyenne Restaurant New Year’s Eve; Oysters in all styles. There will be a Grand Ball at the Court House on New Year’s Eve. The committee having the matter in charge will see that good order is maintained and that everything possible is done for the comfort of visitors. Everybody invited. Dr. Miller returned Tuesday from Sayre, where he went to meet Mrs. Miller, who had been on a protracted visit in the Panhandle country. The mud and slush Tuesday and Wednesday is the worst ever seen in Cheyenne. The ground is so thoroughly soaked that there is no room for more. This condition is very unusual at this season. The three year old girl of Rev. Diehl met with a terrible fate on Wed. of last week. Its mother was washing and had set a kettle of scalding hot water on the floor when the little girl, stepping backward, stumbled and set down in the same. Medical aid was summoned, but the little sufferer succumbed to its injuries on Saturday and was buried Monday. J.H. Seamans, President of the Roger Mills County Farmers Institute was elected as delegate to the State meeting to be held at Guthrie December 18. Mr. Seamans will give a full report of that meeting when the institute holds its next regular meeting at Berlin on Sat. Dec. 27. Robert Cooper, Secretary. Last Sunday evening a little four year old girl of Mr. and Mrs. John Massey, residing southwest of the Sayre Depot, accidentally set fire to its clothing and was fatally burned. When the child discovered that its clothes were on fire, it ran to its mother who was milking a cow, but ere it reached her side, its clothes were a mass of flames. The little one lingered until near 3:00 Monday morning, when death relieved its suffering. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery near Doxey on Tuesday. Mr. Massey is an employee of the Choctaw Railroad and was at work in the roundhouse when the horrible accident occurred. Marriage licenses to W.O. Mounts, Cheyenne and Miss Della Brown of Sayre; Mr. Warner A. Brown of Sayre and Miss Ida M. Phillips of Sylvan, Minnesota. Married on Tuesday last Mr. P.A. Watson and Miss Eva Lula Robinson both of Sweetwater. Judge Osborn officiating. The father and mother of Mrs. Charles Miller are here from Kansas to spend the holidays. Final Proof Neal Monroe on 31-15-23 with witnesses Henry Sing; Benjamin H. Monroe; Edward E. Tracy, William A. Young of Cheyenne. James F. Hill on 11-14-23 with witnesses Joseph Purdy, Oscar H. Thurmond; Bruce Jones; George W. Hill of Cheyenne, O.T. James W. Cooper 8-13-22 with witnesses Arthur L. Thurmond, George F. Turner, William A. Beaty; John Monroe of Cheyenne, O.T. Cheyenne Sunbeam 19DEC1902

Cheyenne Sunbeam December 26, 1902

Married on Sunday last Mr. W.H. Silence and Miss Ethel Craw, Judge Osborn officiating. The Red Moon folks had a Christmas tree and a jolly good time. Miss Mary Rogers is spending the holidays with friends in town. The Christmas tree at the Court House drew a large crowd Christmas Eve. There was a bountiful supply of presents, both costly and otherwise and everybody seemed to have been remembered. Married on Thursday, December 25 at the Cheyenne Hotel, Mr. Gilkey and Miss Drew, both of Berlin. Judge Osborn officiating. A party given last evening by Dr. Standifer and wife in honor of Miss Ray Fields attracted a large gathering of young folks who thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A dance on Quartermaster Creek was attended by some of our town folks last evening. There was a well attended dance at the Collier Ranch on the Washita Tuesday night. Guy Berger returned Monday from a visit to the old home in Kansas. This past week has been a busy one with our merchants and extra clerks were in demand. The Reagan Murder trial came up for trial at Enid Tuesday. The Bullard case is set for today, Friday. Register of Deeds Mounts returned to the city Monday with his bride. They immediately went to housekeeping in the new residence which Mr. Mounts had prepared. Whoever saw finer weather than we had yesterday? An immense amount of Christmas good were sold in Cheyenne during the past week. Every year the presents brought on by our merchants for sale include more costly articles than the year previous. We have a class of citizens who are able to buy anything they want and their number is increasing yearly. Died at three o’clock this morning, Miss Maggie Gray, the beloved wife of our respected County Clerk, A.G. Gray. Deceased has been a great sufferer for several years from that f fell destroyer consumption. She leaves one child, a daughter who with the bereaved husband, has the sympathy of the entire community. Final Proof: James Sherard, Hamburg on 9-14-25 with witnesses Columbia White, William White, Silas Amend, William W. Shoemaker all of Hamburg, O.T. Hal Smith on 28-15-21 with witnesses Oscar T. Pope, Millsville, O.T. ;Will Smith, Butte; William T. Pope, William R. Weeks of Thomas, O.T.; Bazil Calvert on 24-13-23 with witnesses: James Calvert; Ezekiel F. Stephens; James Beam and Ike Conaway all of Cheyenne; Oscar H. Thurmond on 3-14-23 with witnesses: Joseph Purdy, William Brown, Newton Thompson, William Weeks of Cheyenne. Cheyenne Sunbeam 26DEC1902