Category: Cheyenne Star

  • 1918

    January By Dale Tracy. Carl Kemp is clearing the lot occupied by the old Sothern Hotel building for the erection of a 50×90 reinforced concrete two story building. Mr. Kemp was the first man in Cheyenne to build a fireproof building. He built the Kemp Hotel, a similar building to the one he is building…

  • 1916

    Cheyenne Star Jan. 6, 1916 On account of lack of attention, Cheyenne Cemetery and streets are almost to a disgraceful point. Weeks and grass have grown so high that it is difficult to locate some of the graves where no monuments have been erected. We would like to suggest that the citizens who are most…

  • 1910

    News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers. Cheyenne Star, Jan. 6, 1910 One of the most pleasant social events of the holiday season was the reception tendered Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Cronin at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson on Sat. evening. The…

  • 1911

    News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers. Cheyenne Star, Jan. 5, 1911 C.O. Gause Livery Barn took fire at 10:00 Friday night and burned to the ground, consuming 18 head of horses, vehicles, harness, grain, hay, etc. entailing a loss of several thousand dollars with…

  • 1912

    News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers. To SEARCH this page press Ctrl-F Cheyenne Star, Jan 4, 1912 The Philhar-monic Club at this place will hold a meeting at the school house next Mon. Jan 8. There have been some changes in the various Herring…

  • 1915

    Cheyenne Star, Jan. 7, 1915 Sen. E.L. Mitchell of Roger Mills Co. will serve as President Pro Tempore of the Senate of the 5th Legislature. The Order of the Eagles installed their officers: WP Guy Eakins, VP- T.L. Turner, Sec Charles McClain, Trea. Roy Graves, Chaplain Judson Cunningham, Past WP R.L. Mitchell, Trustees: George Prestridge,…

  • 1914

    Cheyenne Star, Jan. 1, 1914 T.R. Meeks, who lives 5.5 miles south and ¼ east of Durham and five miles northwest of Hamburg, will hold a public auction at his farm on Jan. 2. Among the town visitors this week: Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Morris, J.P. Johnson of Roll, Rufus Ivy is visiting his brother…

  • 1913

    Cheyenne Star, Jan 23, 1913 John Goodspeed shot to death by Mrs. Lee Bezell after being ordered out of the house. The killing seems to have grown out of a trip that Mr. Goodspeed took last summer accompanied by a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bezell. According to reports sometime ago, John Goodspeed and Miss…