Newspaper Summaries for 1904

News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.
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  JANUARY 1, 1904

A box supper was given at the Sandstone School House Thurs. Night December 17, 1903 for the benefit of the Christmas Tree to be held December 24. Music was given by the Sandstone boys on harp and guitar, song by Miss Maud Johnson and the supper netted $10.85. Miss Mable Crouch and Miss Maud Johnson were contestants for the prettiest lady present. A prize cake was awarded to Miss Crouch. The cake brought $27 so the total receipts was $37.85. Mr. Will Ellis received the prize for the best-looking gentleman. O.H. Thurmond’s new resident in Erick will soon be completed and it will be one of the best in that town or in this county. D.J. Brady of Buffalo was a welcome caller Monday. He was looking after his taxes. Treasurer Kendall has been busy this week writing tax receipts. Mrs. Singletary near Grimes has sold three wagon loads of turkeys this winter. This is another fine crop for Roger Mills. John Casady, our old typo, came up from Sayre to spend Christmas with old friends here. He has a good position with the railroad at that place. Our old time friend. A.A. Hitchcock called upon us Monday. Eph Evans and family living west of Berlin left Mon. for a trip to their old home in Mercer County. He was one of the fortunates in raising a fine cotton crop this year. The young people of Cheyenneengaged in a storm party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Anderson Friday night. It was a jolly crowd on pleasure bent, with the abandon of the season. Mr. J. Winburn of Yukon has moved with his family to Roger Mills County having purchased a fine claim east of Grimes They are fine people and we gladly welcome them to our county. W.L. Blackburn has returned from Clinesburg, Texas and the trustees of the large bankrupt stock of the Kinney Mercantile Co. of Texola have put him in charge of the same. They could not have put in a better man, for W.L. makes friends wherever he goes. William Criner, near Grimes has sold his 80 acres for $400 and will go on to Beaver County and take another 80 acres. He is the treasurer of the Grimes School also road overseer in that vicinity. His wife has always been a great worker in the Sunday School and church and they will be greatly missed. Vernon Forney has sold his excellent claim near Grimes and left Mon. for their future home in Ft. Madison, Iowa, where he has a splendid situation. They made many friends in our county who regret to have them leave. A gentleman from Foss secured the claim. Fri. night D.J. Cox came near losing his house by fire. Some of his children playing with matches set fire to some clothing, which blazed up and caught the ceiling. None of the grown folks were at home except Miss Annie B. Kirkley, and she had considerable trouble in extinguishing the fire. It was a narrow risk but for Miss Kirkley’s brave fight, Cheyenne would have had her second fire.

The school exercises Saturday night consisting of recitations, songs, dialogues, pantomimes, drills and tableaux were quite interesting and were heartily appreciated by an audience too large for comfort. The Cheyenne Band rendered a few pieces by way of variety. The teachers and pupils alike are to be congratulated upon the thoroughness in preparation and taste in the selection of the number. Mrs. Belle Smith, J.W. O’Bryant, William Cree and Mrs. Martha E. Reed all made final proof before Deputy Clerk Johnson on Wed. of last week. Cheyenne School re-opened on Monday, January 4. J.W. Mitchell of Oklahoma City is building a house on his claim near Harrington and expects to move there in the spring. Jesse Bryan paid a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bryan of Canadian, Texas. Grimes Sunday School had a tree on Christmas night and also gave a splendid program. The tree was very pretty, decorated with tinsel, ornaments, balls, wax candles, etc. Present was N.G. Mathiason, who has a store in Sayre, but who has a claim near Grimes. Bob Sutton, formerly a prominent cattleman of this county but now a resident of Montana, was a visitor in Cheyenne this week. A. Leatherberry accused of shooting S.W. Siddal on the night of December 24 near Doxey will have a preliminary trial before Judge Ewton Saturday. Married at the residence of S.C. Osborn on Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1903, E.R Steadman of Geary, O.T. to Miss Zany Fisher, of Sayre. The Rev. Mr. Osborn officiating.

A.L. Thurmond, cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank has sold his farm near town consisting of 500 acres to W.H. Horr, president of First National Bank of Foss for $7,000. Thurmond Bros. have bought out the last named bank and Bob will move at once to Foss to take charge. J.H. Kendall, S. Jackson and A.G. Gray have bought a half-interest in the Cheyenne State Bank, with A.L. Thurmond, President; S. Jackson, Cashier; A.G. Gray Assistant Cashier; and J.H. Kendall Vice-President. E.K. Thurmond came up from Sayre to assist in the new organization. School children of Dead Indian rendered a fine program to a large audience Christmas Eve. Presents were afterwards distributed from a Christmas Tree. Mr. Frank Tatum gave the young  people a “candy breaking” Christmas night.

For Sale: One pair of mules and horse stock and one second hand wagon. Will sell for cash or trade for steer yearlings. G.W. Hodges.  Cheyenne Sunbeam, January 1, 1904


JANUARY 8, 1904

J.J. Moore has returned from his visit to Colorado. J.D. Hall of McArthur was doing business with county officers Monday. The new year opened with a blizzard but as usual it became pleasant again in three days. License was issued this week for the marriage of Roma Jeffcoat to William Bolin both of Red Moon, A.J. Skeins an enterprising farmer with a broad and liberal mind came up from Buffalo Sat. George Puryear came up from Sweetwater Mon. to transact business with Treasurer Kendall. Squire Foust was up from Poarch Mon. to look after the justice business with the commissioners. One of our old time friends, F.O. Leach, of Dead Indian paid us a pleasant visit last Saturday. J.W. Sanders of Buffalo formerly assessor of the county, was doing business at the capital Monday. Miss Nellie Huff returned Saturday from Elk City where she had been visiting the family of J.W. Miller. Miss Ray Fields spent a part of the holidays visiting the family of her uncle, Dr. T.W Standifer at Elk City. Ack Davis and wife near Grimes celebrated their 10thwedding anniversary on Tuesday night. A fine supper was served and a general good time had by everyone. The farmers band near Berlin are contemplating giving a concert soon at Pleasant Valley School  House. They are anxious to secure Prof. Williams as an instructor. J.H. Shackelford was up from Hammon Tuesday to look after business at the capital. He is an intelligent and pleasant gentleman of the old school and his visit to our sanctum was much appreciated. County Commissioners have been at work this week with only two members of the board present. Comm. Tomlinson resigned his position some time ago, and owing to some hitch, the governor has not yet appointed his successor. We miss Mr. Tomlinson very much from his place on the board. The county has not had a more zealous or conscientious officer. The County Superintendent T.L. VanVacter had more business than anybody last week. He attended the territorial assoc. of teachers at Oklahoma City during the week and held a trial at Berlin, attended a joint meeting of districts #52 and #72 to settle difficulties and was at Cheyenne on Sat. for business. J.Volk the leader of the farmers band was married recently at Sayre to Miss Barbara Seidel. They are a most worthy couple and have a host of friends who join the Sunbeam in wishing them a happy and prosperous wedded life.

Real Estate transaction was made in which Elizabeth K. Knox sold to Walter E. Wilson a quarter section of land in 4-10-25 for $1.00. Also William Bishop and wife sold to Robert A. Fletcher the SE1/4 of 34-11-26 for $2,025. County Comm. met and appointed George W. Seifert as trustee of Berlin Township and J.E. Anderson as trustee of Buffalo Township. Official bond was made for J.W. Stewart, constable of Buffalo Township. J.D. Hill was appointed clerk of Kiowa Township. The Grimes Sunday School elected the following officers at the last meeting: Supt J.G. Garrison, Asst Supt Linda Bain; Choirster J.H. Seamans; Secretary Miss Letha West, Treasurer Miss Jenny Mitchern, Librarian Miss Salome Lancaster.

Territory vs. Ben Clark, plea of guilty to defacing school property fined $10 in costs and sentenced to 30 days in jail; three cases failed to appear, although under bond. Warrants will be issued for their arrest and when arrested they will be committed to jail for contempt of court. Attorneys present were D.B. Welty, J.Will Culwell and Otis E. Fletcher of Sayre, R.E.Echols of Elk City.

WANTED: Ladies second hand sidesaddle, Mrs. Helen Bryant, Dempsey, O.T.   The finest seed oats for sale at my home 5 miles northeast of Cheyenne, John H. West.   Seed oats for sale, Texas Red, clean and full weight, also some good young workhorsese and one mule, John E. Leary, Cheyene.

J.E. Keen and his wife are on an extended visit to relatives in Weatherford. The Red Moon Post office is now furnished with a new cabinet with up to date lock boxes. John Hooper has yet to gather three or four bales of cotton after marketing 8 or 10 bales. The Red Moon School has a number of boarding pupils from Day County. George Shufeldt has returned from a four weeks visit to his mother in the north. The Latter Day Saints put material on the ground for a new church on a lot adjoining the school house, but decided later to erect the building two or three miles east of here. Cheyenne Sunbeam, January 8, 1904


January 22, 1904

Mrs. S.F. Cunningham and son Bob were in Elk City Tuesday on business. Mrs. E.F. Maltby  has been very sick for several days. She has the measles. A large congregation assembled at Dead Indian School House Sunday. The house was filled to overflowing. Before the sermon, Mr. R.B. Jones and Miss Ophelia Maltby were joined in wedlock. The Lord’s Super was partaken of afterwards by members of the church. Mr. George Vanderpool has the measles. Miss Leah Huff went to Elk City this week where she will take the train to Amarillo. Shell Caffey, a prosperous farmer of Custer Bend, marketed a fine lot of hogs at Elk City last week. Miss Corinne Conway and Miss Volina Miller returned Tues. from a week’s visit to the family of C.M. Rosser at Elk City. F.E. Tanner, our prosperous saddle and harness man, and leader of the Odd Fellows of this place, returned this week from a visit to his old home in Missouri. Jim Caffey was shaking hands with old friends here last Tues. He now has a good position as overseer of the Turkey Track Ranch in Texas. C.R. Cogburn of Weatherford has bought two fine Indian claims six miles east of Cheyenne and will take possession at once and make substantial improvements. Bro. Conway has secured a contract to carry the mail on one of the routes out of Elk City and will remove to that place soon. He is a good citizen and we wish him success in his new enterprise.

Marriage licenses issued to S.C. Owen and Miss Della Breckinridge both of Elk City. Miss Breckinridge is a teacher in the Elk City School and Mr. Owen is in the employ of the Elk City Furniture Co. Irving Hunt has finished a fine house on his claim near town and furnished it much too nicely for bachelor quarters. We don’t profess to know anything, but his friends look wise and it is safe to bet that his look of child like innocence  is not wholly to be taken at face value. The trial Wed. of the case of Curry vs. Guernsey in the probate court resulted in a verdict for the defendant. Those appearing on the program of the teacher’s association were Prof Kirkley, R.E. Johnson, J.C. McKenzie, Mrs. Bryant, A.F. Harris, Miss Ora Edwards, Miss Ray Fields, Miss Gertrude West, Miss Edith Franklin, E.E. Tracy, Miss Reynolds, Rev. J.W. O’Bryan and M.E. Deihl.

DEMPSEY: During the fall Mr. Ed Lozier and Hugh Dodson have built corn cribs. Mr. Hage has built a house. Mr. Martin has finished a commodious home and about ready to occupy it, and Mr. Cotton has also one. Mr. A. Finch has recently moved his house from the shelter of its protecting “mountain” and “shinnery shade” to a more extended view on the southwest of his claim. Miss Cordelia Pennybaker of New London, Iowa is planning to “prove up” on her claim in the near future. Her health has wonderfully improved since being here. Mr. Walter who sometime since commuted and returned to his home in Huron, Kansas , has 140 acres of as good wheat as perhaps can be seen in the county. Mr. Ed Lozel had 50 acres of fine corn which he has been marketing in Cheyenne at upwards of 40 cents per bushel. Mr. Hugh Dodson calculates such a “rise in porkdom” next summer as to warrant his butchering for future reference his six fat porkers and erecting a smokehouse for their future occupancy. Rumor has it that Mr. Phillips is immediately to begin building on his contested claim. Mr. Charles Finch may do likewise in the spring. Sometime ago a pie supper was held in the school house three miles south of Dempsey. Some $18 was received by auctioning off the boxes and pies as well as by voting for the most popular young lady who it seems was proven to be Miss Nettie Hardy. Another cake for the handsomest married lady went to Mrs. Brewer. Mr. Brewer received the chicken pie for it was voted he was the hungriest looking man. These funds were needed to pay the freight on the seats and blackboards that had just been received by the school. At the school house, one mile north of Dempsey in District #53, the funds from their supper have partly been expended to the general betterment of the surroundings. A few hitching posts with wire rings will be an accommodation to those who attend the regular Wed. evening meetings. Spelling bees of various kinds interspersed with “ciphering down” and geographical matches have been the order of the day with an effort on the part of the teacher toward a literary. Born to Mr. And Mrs. Webb Frankford, Sat. January 9, 1904, a fine baby boy. Cheyenne Sunbeam, January 22, 1904


JANUARY 29, 1904

Licenses were issued this week for the marriage of Irving Hunt to Lottie Killough, both of Cheyenne; William A. Ptloemy to Belle S. Pinkerton of Elk City; Carl Peters to Pearl Bashaw of Day County; Nat Turner to Millie Brinnon of Cheyenne. The Mispah Chapter #28 of OES of Cheyenne held a public installation at the Masonic Hall Tues., Jan 12, 1904. The installing officers were Alfred Gray, Worthy Patron; Sister Cosmo Falconer, Marshall. The following offcers were installed. Mrs. Blanche Standifer Worthy Matron; Mr. A.G. Gray Worthy Patron; Mrs. Maude Falconer Assoc. Matron; Mrs. Laura Evans Secretary; Mrs. Emma Johnson, Treasurer’ Mrs. Ruth Bonner, Conductress; Miss Martha Bonner, Assoc. Conductress; Sister Albert McKinney, Warden; Brother G.W. Hodges, Sentinel.

A stone addition will be added to the Herring &  Young Store here in a short time. D.W. Tracy’s law office was removed this week to the courthouse square to make room for the new mercantile company’s store on the corner. W.H. Mitchell, our printer, left Wed. morning for a vacation in Kansas City. He will be gone about six weeks. George Herndon holds down the office during Mr. Mitchell’s absence. Robert Taylor, son of J.P. and Josie Taylor near Cheyenne, died January 20 in Kansas City where he had gone for treatment. He was brought back and buried at the Cheyenne Cemetery on January 23, 1904. Solid comfort, according to our old friend F.O. Leach, consists in an easy chair, a good magazine, a pipe full of good tobacco and a cup of fragrant coffee. However this was some years ago before he married.

Died: Tuesday, January 26, 1904, Johnny Plunkett, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Plunkett of Dead Indian. The little boy had been afflicted for quite a while with appendicitis, from which he was improving when he took pneumonia and died. He was buried Wednesday at the Custer Bend Cemetery. Co. Supt. T.L. Van Vactor announces the regular quarterly teacher’s examination will be held at Cheyenne Fri. and Sat., Jan. 29&30. J.H. Shackelford, Hammon, O.T. has high grade pianos for sale. Cheyenne Sunbeam, January 29, 1904


FEBRUARY 5, 1904

CUSTER BEND NEWS: Mr. Hicks has sold his farm known as the A.L. Johnson farm to a man by the name of Jones. We are proud to see Mr. Andy Prestridge’s little girl up from a spell of fever. Mr. Jim Caffey is coming back on his farm to raise cotton and game chickens. We are glad to see Jim come back. We know where to go now to get tomato plants next spring. The Bend School is going to have a pie supper at the schoolhouse on Fri. night, February 12. Proceeds will be used to buy a dictionary for the school. The measles are in the settlement. We hope they will not prove fatal to anyone. Mrs. John Caffey’s mother and sister are making her a visit which we know  is appreciated. We miss John Caffey and family in the Bend. We hope to see them move back into  our midst. I wish John could be with us on the  night of our pie supper, for he has a good lip for pie.

Mrs. J.H. Osborn is rapidly recovering from her long illness. Deputy Sheriff Ben Monroe went to Elk City on official business Monday. J.P. Winters living near Berlin, was mixing with our people Tues. J.J. Joyce and his wife of Sandstone were doing business in Cheyenne Wed. Ed Lee an early settler of Sandstone was shaking hands with old friends here Mon. Oscar and Klebe Thurmond were back to their old stomping ground around Cheyenne this week. BORN at Sayre Mon., Feb 1, 1904 to Mr. and Mrs. J.Will Colwell, a 14 pound boy (Whew) W.B. Sprowls a prominent farmer of Beaver Dam, was trading with Cheyenne merchants Tues. John D. Taylor, our barber paid a pleasant visit this week to his father and sister, Mrs. C.M. Rosser at Elk City. Steve Tucker was arrested this week accused of horse stealing. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Tracy, a daughter. The little lady is but a 6 pounder but she is hardy and strong especially as to voice. The mother is getting along nicely. Miss Kelton music and literary teacher of J.L. Warren’s children on Croton Creek was in Cheyenne Sat. and put in most of the day with teachers. Prof. Kirkley bought the farm of the Rev. S.C. Osborn near town this week for $3200.00. This was a great bargain for the professor as this is one of the finest farms in the county.

BORN to Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Thornton an 8 ½ pound boy. The Cheyenne mercantile company’s new building was started on the Beaty corner this week. It is to be a two story 60×30 foot building. The upper story has already been rented for an Oddfellow Hall and for offices. We are authorized to announce E.K. Thurmond as a candidate for matrimony. As this is leap year, he thinks there is barely a chance for his election. We feel safe in vouching for his honesty and competency and we beg to assure the fair voters that he is better looking than he appears. Five members of the farmers’ band participated with the Cheyenne band as it entertained the community in an open air recital Sat. afternoon. The following list of teachers passed the examination with the grade of certificate issued First: Miss Minnie Fauber; Second Lenora Koehler, Carabell Johnson, Eutis Quinn, Sam Simpson and W.E. Canady; Third Anna Brown, Charles Hulme, Jewel Kinnebrew, Addie Noah, Lulu Herber, Lenora E. Seifert.  Marriage licenses to Joseph H. Myers and Zelpha Croninger both of Grimes; Dallas B. Reeves to Cora Johnson, both of Sayre. Real estate transactions: James W. McMurtry and David W. Davis to William B. Burns, Lot 5 of Block 47 Cheyenne for $300. James A. Colburn to Parrish, Osborn & Parrish, Lot 12, Block 38, Cheyenne for $25.  Cheyenne Sunbeam, February 5, 1904


FEBRUARY 12, 1904

Boys of the Cheyenne Brass Band provided music for the Roger Mills Co. Teacher’s Assoc. on Jan. 30. Joseph H. Myers sold his claim near Grimes recently to a gentleman from Nebraska. Prof. Williams is teaching the farmers’ band west of Berlin and the boys are taking great interest The literary at Pleasant Valley commenced again last Sat. night after a vacation of several weeks. DIED Feb. 4, 1904, about 6 miles southwest of Cheyenne, Mrs. Spears of paralysis. BORN Wed. Feb. 3 to Mr.and Mrs. Alex Wilson of the Upper Washita an 8 pound boy. DIED Tuesday, Feb. 9 at Cheyenne of measles complicated with capillary bronchitis, Don J., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Cox. The baby was buried at Cheyenne Cemetery on Wed. afternoon. A literary society was organized at Grimes last week. It will meet every Tuesday evening. Following officers elected: J.H.Seamans Presidnet; Linda Bain Vice-President; Miss Pearl Singletary Secretary; Drew Younker Treasurer; Tom Singletary Editor. Mrs. Henry Burnett is in town for treatment and was in a serious condition. She is now improving nicely. W.T. Bonner buyer and salesman for Herring & Young at this place has gone to the eastern markets to buy the largest and best line of goods ever brought to this market. Dr. Standifer informs us that the present epidemic of measles is the most malignant form of the disease and is quite prevalent. Mrs. J.F. Beasley had a particular complication with her attack, remaining quite insane for nearly a week. Another peculiar complication with the measles occurred with Bea Turner’s little boy who was totally blind for several days. DIED at Cheyenne Feb. 10 of pneumonia, Donna May Bowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Bowman. She was taken sick at school on Thurs. of last week and was seriously ill from the first. She was not considered dangerously sick until Tues. morning when both lungs became involved, leading rapidly to a fatal termination shortly after midnight. Funeral services were Thurs. by the Eastern Star. J.H. Osborn announces for the office of County Clerk. Prof. Osborn came to the county six years ago and filed on a claim on the Washita.

DEMPSEY: Mr. Will Martin and father, Rev. George Martin have the largest and best cotton crop in this community also a heavy crop of field corn and kaffir corn. Mr. Bar Schmidt raised the largest crop of broomcorn in the county. He says it is a sure crop and easy figured at $100 per ton, four ton, $400. “See dots right” (Mr. Schmidt must have been German) Mr. Will Dodson raised some choice corn and he claims why his crop was so successful was on account of tending it with a one horse double shovel plow. Will Graham is the most industrious man in the neighborhood. They have a fine girl baby and he has all of his old ground turned over and is taking the world easy, eating peanuts until time to break sod. Mrs. Havely and Mr. Tom Crawl have both erected dwellings on the same quarter section. Crawl filed and Mrs. Havely bought the relinquishment from the man who first filed. We hope that they will both win at the final trial as they are both good citizens. Will Stewart raised a splendid sod crop last year but thought taxes were too high like many more around Dempsey; so he is talking of going in to the cattle business. James Crawl is going to start a tomato canning factory at Dempsey in the spring. All those who contemplate raising broomcorn this season will find Mr. Hugh Dodson and Mr. Bar Smidt with their new machine ready to bale. Marion Frankford has built a large new hen house . Mr. Sherman traded his quarter for 50 acres east of OKC. There is no doubt but Dempsey will get a railroad before long. Mrs. Will Martin has returned from a pleasant visit with her brother Dr. Havely in Kansas. Mrs. Gause has returned from visiting her sister at Hitchcock in Blaine Co. While she was gone, Mr. Gause learned to make biscuits and talks of starting a bakery at Dempsey.  Cheyenne Sunbeam February 11, 1904


FEBRUARY 19, 1904

Miss Volina Miller was thrown from her horse last Saturday and seriously hurt. We are glad to learn she is rapidly recovering. Having sold out my drug business, all accounts with that business must be closed at once with me personally. H.D. Cox. Criminal complaint was made before Justice of Peace sometime since against Ben Green for violating the quarantine law and spreading smallpox at Elk City. This case was transferred this week to the probate court, and will come up at the March term. Judge Jno. B. Harrison and Ab Anderson of the county seat and Johnny Gover and John Thurmond of Woodward were shaking hands on the streets the middle of the week. The change of the mail schedule from Cheyenne to Sayre will take effect on Feb. 1, 1904. On and after that date the mail will leave Sayre at 7 a.m. and will leave Cheyenne on the return at 1 p.m.

R.T. Keen of Sweetwater came in for supplies last Friday (Uncle Bob) is proving a claim holder of the first class. Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Bowman desire to express their profound gratitude to the friends who assisted them in their recent trouble and bereavement. When five of their family were dangerously sick with pneumonia, every possible help was extended and when death blew his icy breath upon the tenderest and fairest flower that bloomed for the love and happiness of the parents, the darkness of their desolation was penetrated by the gentle love and boundless sympathy of friends. With all their hearts, though bowed to the earth with their weight of grief, they thank their friends assuring them that words are inadequate to express the fullness of their appreciation.

CUSTER BEND: (today’s Strong City)  Prof. Van Vacter, Co. Supt. visited our school last Friday, Feb 5, 1904 and was highly impressed with the school and stayed in the bend overnight with one of his old friends, J.H. West, which we know the call was highly appreciated. Mr. D. Jones our new neighbor, has gone back to the Caddo Country after his family. We are glad to see the people getting up from the measles. Our pie supper was a success last Friday night and we all had a nice time and the proceeds of the supper was gladly accepted. Grandpa Prestridge is on the sick list this week. We hope his symptoms do not prove fatal. I think we will have rain in a few days. We must not get disheartened and take all of our seed corn to the mill. It will rain in time.

BERLIN: A cotton gin is about to materialize. Correspondence is on with 8 or 10 gin men and about 60 loads of freight have been subscribed by the farmers in the neighborhood. A movement is also on foot to organize a local company to put a flour stand gin in operation with a grist mill in connection. Two thousand dollars was subscribed at the first meeting. The Berlin school will give an entertainment on Washington’s birthday to be concluded with a box supper. Proceeds will be used to purchase a school library and other fixtures needed in the school work. The store at West Berlin has undergone a change of proprietorship. Mr.  Yaden sold to B.T. Richardson who is now sole owner. Former style of concern Yaden & Richardson. Paul Oehme left on Feb 8 to attend a meeting of the territorial board of agriculture at Guthrie as a delegate from Roger Mills County. Joe Love is still sick at Berlin and a charge on the county. Dr. Shaw is in attendance and has hopes of his recovery. More than the usual amount of freight is going through Berlin from Elk City bound for the West. William Arnold and Alice Crowder were united in matrimony last week. Justice Seifert officiating. Subscription to paper is $1 a year.

TRAMMELL:  Glad to learn that we will have regular mail service three times a week between Trammell and Cheyenne after March 15, which will make it a good deal more convenient than it is at present as we only receive mail twice a week now. As there has been a good many questions asked about Trammell, I will give a slight description – it is located on James Trammell farm, who is postmaster and also has a dry goods store, well surrounded by rich farming land which produces any and everything that can be mentioned. We have the Washita River two miles west and two miles south, which has an abundance of nice fish, being the channel and blue catfish. The river banks are well lined with elm, cottonwood and hackberry trees, which make nice shade for picnics and fishing parties. The Trammell School house is a magnificent building, framed and well seated and lighted and has a nice organ and plenty of good musicians that attend regular. Anyone visiting can be assured of being entertained. We have a six months school and regular attendance of 45 Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 and preaching nearly every Sunday by Baptist, Methodist, Christian and Holiness denominations. Literary entertainments every Saturday night with enjoyable and instructive program. What we need now to make this an up to date place is a good blacksmith place and shop and later on a gin and grist mill, and have good reason to believe that all these will be added in the near future.  Uncle Peter Cooper is still seen going in a northeast direction. It is suspected by a great many that there will be a wedding in the future. We are glad to see Mr. Capp, who purchased the north half of sec. 7, moving in and we gladly welcome him to our midst. Probate Judge issued marriage license of Elgy A. Rice to Nora Robbirds, both of Sweetwater. Cheyenne Sunbeam/Star, February 19, 1904


FEBRUARY 26, 1904

Rev. S.C. Osborn, holding services 2nd & 4th Sundays in Cheyenne Baptist Church. George Cree is down with the mumps. Born Feb. 13, 1904 to Mr. and Mrs. Mann Casady, a fine boy. Dr. Tedrowe of Shawnee has located to Cheyenne to practice his profession. Rasheed Sahliny, one of the boys we find in jail, has been quite sick this week. Born Feb. 23, 1904 to Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Robinson a fine girl. Wed. Feb 24, born to Mr. and Mrs. Evert Guernsey a fine boy. H.D. Cox has sold out his drug business. Hugh Farley, of Haycreek in Day County, was caught at a prairie fire last week and burned so severely that he died the night following. Died on Sun. night Feb. 21, 1904 of measles, complicated with bronchitis, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Campbell of Gyp Creek. Dr. W.P. Cooksey of Homer, Louisiana is here visiting his brother the druggist and his sister, Miss Irma Cooksey, who has been quite sick for several days. Prof. J.A. Kirkley, graduate of Harvard University is seeking the office of Supt of Schools. Crowd in town Sat. was a record breaker with the business houses crowded from one end to the other. J.T. Howell of Granby Missouri is looking for a location at Cheyenne. School District #16 on Croton was temporarily discontinued last week on account of measles and mumps, which are quite prevalent in the area; Miss Kelton is the teacher.

GRIMES NEWS: A pleasant singing was held at James Collins on Sun. night. Mr. Macklin of Illinois has bought the Harmon Ceise near Riggs, we welcome them. Scott and Sayers, the well men, are kept busy. They will drill wells this week for Mann Love and Pierson. The literary is well attended on Tues. evenings. Mr. Greenwood has moved from Nebraska to the claim that he purchased from Joe Myers. He built an addition to the house last week. Joe Myers has lumber to build a large addition to the house on Mrs. Myers(nee Zelphia Cronier) claim. The well drillers finished there Saturday, getting plenty of water at 100 feet. The Rev. M.E. Diehl has been visited by his parents, Calvin Diehl and wife of Wichita, Kansas.

CROTON NEWS: Aaron Harman has been sick with measles, but is recovering slowly as well as Miss Irma Atwood. Mrs. R.J. Ross is recovering from a severe attack of measles. Dee Ross will move back on his farm in a few days from Sayre, where he has been running a meat market. Orvil Ross has sold his farm for $900 and he and his wife will move back to old home in Texas in a few days.

Cheyenne Sunbeam, February 26, 1904


MARCH 4, 1904

The Cheyenne State Bank has purchased the fixtures, business and goodwill of the Citizens State Bank, transfer taking place Monday. This leaves our city with but one bank. This bank is now one of the strongest in Western Oklahoma. A.L. Thurmond is President and S. Jackson is Cashier. Steve Tucker was arrested last week on the charge of stealing two horses from B.F. Tucker. At the preliminary hearing before Judge Houston Saturday sufficient evidence to bind him over to await the action of a grand jury was not produced and he was discharged. The Box Social held at the schoolhouse Saturday evening for the benefit of the Library fund was a success both socially and financially. The attendance was large and the boxes sold for 25 cents up to $5.00. During the high wind last night fire was discovered in the old icehouse back of Turner’s store building. For a while it look as if it would get beyond control but the hard work of those in the vicinity, it was extinguished., with but little damage except a big fright. The high wind last night caused considerable flurry among our citizens. Quite a number vacated their houses for their storm caves and those who had no caves to go to, put up a great big resolution to have one before the next big “blow”. Judge Beauchamp and Irwin exchanged places of holding court a part of last week. The former holding at El Reno and the latter at Mangum.

Elk City may feel proud of her only factory. The manufactured stone from Brittian’s yard make beautiful buildings and appear to be all this is acclaimed for them in quality. Herring & Young turned their buyers for their various houses loose on the eastern markets and though it took them several weeks, they bought about everything for sale. Manager Bonner of the Cheyenne Store, E.C. Searcy, dry goods man of Elk City house and Miss Youngblood, the head milliner, had almost unlimited purchasing authority and the establishments at Elk City. Foss and Sayre will soon be receiving their consignments. Prof. M.P. Madden of Streeter, Day County, was in the city Thursday. J.P. Johnson was out to his ranch Fri. Madden Miller is up and out again. L.T. Bowman, who has been confined to his residence for several days is able to be out again. Dr. Standifer was called to Elk City Tues. in attendance on Mrs. Dewey who is very ill. Mrs. Dewey is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. McKinley who were called to Elk City.

W.S. Wishhard of Grand, the metropolis of Day County passed through town Tuesday in route to Texas. John Salyers’ little girl, who has been very ill for the past several days is now out of danger and rapidly recovering. Work on Herring & Youngs’s new building is progressing nicely and it will soon be ready for the finishing touches. H.L. Turner, one of the straightest Republicans as well as one of the most progressive and prosperous citizens of Sweetwater was a pleasant visitor at this office Fri. He is treasurer of school district #49 and drew $48.50 school money for his district. This puts #49 in excellent financial shape. O.A. Wilson, living south of town, lost their baby girl from measles Monday. The remains were interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery Tuesday. Jack Dempsey, an experienced butcher has taken charge of the Cheyenne Meat Market and is prepared to furnish his customers with wholesome meats of all kinds. Mr. Dempsey is an old timer in this country, having hunted the buffalo over the prairies of Texas and western OK when that noble animal could be counted by thousands. He is an entertaining talker and can interest you for hours with his stories of country life.

  REDMOON: Notice comes that cotton acreage will be more than double there over last year’s crop. G.E. Shufeldt and sons will plant 50 acres; James A. Keen 120 acres; L.A. Anderson 50 acres; G.W. Graves 60 acres; James W. Colbert 50 acres; John B Tracy 50 acres. B.A. Winn has contracted with the Munger Gin Co. for a three stand gin plant to be operated on his farm ½ mile south of Red Moon. It has been said that the day of the cowman in this country is over, but this community still runs some quite respectable herds. For example, Clyde  Young runs over 600 head; Lee Dudney and G.E. Shufeldt and sons each have between 300 and 500 head; L.A. Anderson and James E. Keen have about 100 head each; C.H. Jeffcoat 100 head; over on Croton Creek, John Warren finds room and feed for over 600 cattle and the Taylor boys have over 600. Ed and Owen Bauman a 100. John King 60.

F.L. Smoot proved up on his claim near town before Dep. Clerk Johnson last Sat. Dr. Nair left for Amarillo, Texas last Mon. on professional business and expects to be absent for 20 days. Gene Wilson of Chandler, O.T., who owns a valuable claim near Hamburg stopped over Sunday. A.H. Carter, formerly foreman of the Elk City Record has taken charge of the Western Star at this place. Marriage license to W.J. Land and Miss Ethel Hiatt of Hammon, Liss Dean to Miss Willie Rutledge, both of Brantley. The Berlin Racetrack is bending the law most severely and remarks are heard that someone is liable to pay a fine. Born Sat. to Mr.and Mrs. L.W. Drew a daughter. Railroad report reached here Wed. that a core of railroad surveyors from Canadian, Texas, have reached north of town and found rock bottom at a depth of 20 feet. We are in line for this road and there is no doubt that such a road will be built. Let ‘er come and the first here will get the best we have in the shop. Lewis Bowman of Cheyenne was in OKC attending the Cattleman’s convention. Mr. Bowman is an old time cattleman from Texas and came to Roger Mills County in the early days where he is very successfully engaged in the cattle business.  Cheyenne Sunbeam/Star, March 3, 1904


MARCH 11, 1904

In probate court the territory vs. Hudie Blount el al accused of disturbing a religious meeting was tried and verdict of guilty was rendered. They were fined $5 each and costs. Born Wed. March 9, 1904 to Mrs. Julia E. Anderson, widow of Arch Anderson, a baby girl. Sam Barnard came to town Wednesday for an operation, which was successfully performed by Dr. Standifer and Tedrowe. Jim Pinson came down from Hamburg Tues. W.T. Bonner’s little boy is quite sick this week with pneumonia. I.H. Carmichael of Berlin was in town this week, looking up business and political interest. Our old friend, “Herd Law Johnson” paid a visit this week. George Powers, City Marshal of Sayre was transacting legal business here this week. A. Wood, candidate for Register of Deeds from the southside of the county, spent last Sunday at Cheyenne. He is a one armed man and lives at Lone Oak area. “Block Bill” Anderson was in town Mon. watching the probate court grind. Marriage license to Joseph L. Kelly and Rena P. Bonner, both of Sayre and A.M. Cherry to Samantha Allen, both of Ural. Herring & Young brought to Cheyenne this week over 28,000 pounds of freight. The people of Cheyenne were pained to hear of the death of Mrs. H.B. Dewey which occurred at Elk City Tuesday, March 8, 1904. Mrs. Dewey was formerly Miss Mamie Hornbeak who taught music at Cheyenne last year. She was a niece of Mrs. McKinney.

The trial of James Cauble et al accused of permitting gambling in Cheyenne, before the probate court last Mon. resulted in a verdict of not guilty. Co. Attorney Hendricks prosecuted and Harrison & Tracy represented the defendants. Robert T. Hartwell of Grimes and Miss Katheryn Smythe of Elk City were married at Black’s Hotel Wed. by Judge Houston.

REDMOON: An unusual electric display was witnessed during the storm last week. Balls of fire rolling on the ground, sparks around the stove flew, red blossomed on the twigs of trees, is the description given by different observers of the phenomenon. A fire on the farm of D.H. Collier destroyed a stack of alfalfa hay and 50 bushels of corn. The same fire spread to B. Carrol’s claim and destroyed his house and contents. J.H. Parrish attended the last meeting of the Socialist Club. G.W. Graves is in Cheyenne working on the new buildings being erected there.

  GRIMES: Mrs. Singletary was visited by many of her friends one day last week to help her celebrate her 58th birthday. Rev. Diehl preached at Sweetwater on Sun. Charley Blackburn is home from the agriculture college at Stillwater. We learned E.W. Franklin’s children have been down with the mumps. Mr. Olson’s children are having a tussle with the measles. Peter Russell is staying on his claim at present. The wind last week blew down several small shacks around in this vicinity. Cheyenne Sunbeam March 10, 1904


MARCH 18, 1904

Mrs. Susan Speer died at her home in this county February 5, 1904. She was the wife of A.J. Speer deceased and leaves two daughters and five sons to mourn their loss. In the gambling cases from Elk City against Duke Casady and Clay Anderson; Anderson pled guilty on one charge and was fined $5 in cost. The other suits were dismissed at defendants’ costs. Cheyenne Mercantile Co. new building is nearing completion and is now in the hands of the painters and decorators. The dry goods department will be under the immediate charge of L.D. Bloom who is now in the eastern markets doing his buying. J.H. Bryan will have charge of the grocery department, which in itself will take up the entire building now occupied by L.A. Beaty. The officers of the company are President H.D. Cox, Vice President L.A. Beaty, Secretary J.R. Monroe, Treasurer J.W. Cooper. J.A. Fifer while prospecting on his claim near the line of this county in Day County, found a rock with the following inscription: ASSEN MACHEY, killed by Indians February 12, 1874. On digging a complete skeleton was found. Placing the same in a box. Mr. Fifer re-buried the bones in the same place. Mr. Fifer’s address is Rome, Day County. The Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Railroad Co. have purchased a construction outfit and work will begin on the line immediately at some point in Comanche County. This is the line surveyed from Elk City southeast and expected to run if built, through this county near Berlin and Rankin. O.D. Maxey was a little slow and came very near to being a subject for an obituary. George Carr a prominent Day County cattleman has announced his candidacy for Republican National Delegate. Elk City’s fat man, the irrepressible Ives proved too big a load for his buggy, which collapsed, the horse running away. Fatty is recuperating and giving the hide time to grow on the sore spots. After an exciting chase lasting two days, Sheriff Sam Elliott arrested three men, whom the authorities are confident are the parties who dynamited the safe and robbed Richardsons’ Brothers Store at Doxey last week of $300. The arrest were made near Willow in Greer County; $117 was found on one of the prisoners, part of which has been identified as money missing from the safe the morning after the robbery, burglary tools and dynamite were also found in their possession. Bond was set at $2000 each. C.H. Dodgien is building a substantial residence on his farm south of town.  AD: No man or woman has been known to die from eating Diamond C Flour.  Judge Houston was looking after his political fences up in the Rankin neighborhood this week. The Star lost quite a lot of new type and printing material which was stored in the Hoover Building destroyed by fire at Elk City last week. On April 1 the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad will cease to exist as a separate corporation, and will be merged into the Rock Island. Born March 8, 1904 to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Shelton a ten pound boy. J.R. Richerson was up from Doxey Monday and made the Sunbeam a pleasant call. John Leary’s farm 1 ½ m. south of Cheyenne is having an auction. Purcy R. Wightman has been compelled by ill health to withdraw from the race for County Clerk. E.C. Tanner has enlarged his confectionary establishment in the Burns Building and will make it a business worthwhile. Born Tuesday, March 18, 1904 to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson as 11 pound son. Mrs. Johnson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Rosser of Sandstone. Joe Kensinger was arrested at Sayre last Tuesday by Marshal Dobbs, accused of burglary of John Stahl’s Saloon at Hamburg. He was taken to Grand Wed. by Sheriff Smith of Day County. John Casady is working here at the Sunbeam. A small cyclone struck Skipout Creek about twelve miles west of town on Thurs. night of last week. The end of G.H. Corrigan’s house was blown out and scattered over the prairie for a quarter of a mile and 2×4 scantling was blown through the roof. Little damage was done otherwise. E.B. Ambler of Erick has accepted the position of manager of the grocery department of Cheyenne Mercantile Co. Store.

REDMOON: Born to Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Collier a daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Will McDaniel a son, both on Wednesday of last week. G.E. Shufeldt while showing to a friend his fish pond, teaming with fish, came near losing his life. He was riding on a steep bank by the edge of the pond when his horse lost his footing and plunged back foremost into the pond carrying Mr. Shufeldt under him to the bottom of six feet of water. By Herculean effort he succeeded in freeing himself from the horse and swam ashore, badly strangled, but otherwise not seriously injured. The people at the Washita School house will give a pie supper on the night of the 25th and a good literary entertainment will be given that night. (Washita School house was 1/8 mile west of Dwayne and Juhretta Roark’s today in 2004). County Surveyor Robert N. Higgins announced this week for re-election.

Cheyenne Gin Company states you need to bring your cotton in before April 15, 1904 as they will close of the date. Sunbeam/Star, March 18, 1904


MARCH 25, 1904

G.W. Seifert trustee of Berlin Township was in town Mon. on business connected with his office. License was issued this week for the marriage of W.W. Archer of Cheyenne to Miss Mary Rippy of Rome. John B. Harrison and E.E. Tracy are attending the district court at Grand this week in the interest of their clients. The original and only Mike Kehoe has been rusticating on his claim near town this week. The claim did not forget St. Patrick’s Day and was accordingly “a wearin’ the green”.  L.B. Bloom, manager of the Dry Goods Dept. in Cheyenne Mercantile Co. has returned from the eastern markets where he bought one of the largest and best stocks of dry goods ever brought to Cheyenne. The trial before the probate  court last Friday of Carroll, Brough, and Robinson vs. Maxey Bros. resulted in a hung jury. Attorney Love of Arapaho represented the plaintiffs and Attorney Merrell of Elk City the defendants. Mr. Joe Carson and D.T. Thomas of Day County were in Redmoon Tues. evening in attendance on the Socialist Meeting held at that place. Mr. Thomas delivered a stirring Socialist speech, which was highly appreciated by the people of his political faith. A trial in Justice Casady’s court on Mon. of the case of John C. Hendrix vs. S.D. Clough resulted in a judgment for the plaintiff. It was a case where the defendant had relinquished his homestead and plaintiff had filed, the defendant afterward refusing to give possession. The action was brought for possession and the court sustained the plaintiff’s contention.  A team got away from our accommodating livery man, Guy Burger, last Sunday and ran away with a buggy through our streets. At the livery stable the horses ran over a hack and into a telephone pole, overturning it and the buggy and throwing the horses violently to the ground. The buggy was considerably battered, a wheel of the hack was broken and one of the horses was so severely hurt that it died in a short while.

REDMOON: The tax assessor Mr. Edgar Taylor, has made his rounds here. He finds a large percentage of the cattle under six months old and a great stagnation in business as of which there is a great decline in the market price of all farm property. Lee Dudney went to Elk City market last week with two loads of fat hogs. Wayne Tacket lost a good horse last week and Charles Winn has a very sick one. It is thought the disorder among horses is caused by feeding defective and worm eaten corn. John Warren will move his cattle to his Texas ranch about the first of April. Elbert Tracy will go with the cattle in Mr. Warren’s service. The dates for examination of applicants for common school diplomas has been set—the first date April 15,16; the second date is May 19,20.

GRIMES: Mrs. Dickson English was visited by number of her friends on  her birthday. Mrs. English is one of the early settlers and has a host of friends. Her lovely new home is almost completed. The quarterly meeting of the ME Church in the Grimes circuit was held there last week. Mr. Rucker of Eagleville, Missouri was here last week and purchased a claim north of Grimes. The coyotes are doing considerable damage in this area and the men folks will have a hunt today and try to kill a few of them. School District #72 has completed their house and Miss Stella Franklin is teaching the school (Meadowbrook). Preaching services have been held there several times and a Sun School has been organized. Joseph Myers’ new house is nearing completion. Pleasant Valley School closed on Fri. The teacher, Prof Robbins arranged a fine program for that night and with the music by band, a box supper, etc. a most pleasant evening was enjoyed. Mrs. Alice Blackburn enjoyed a “letter party” on her birthday, the 14th, having received over 100 letters. The ladies present for her dinner were Madames Ote Davis, M.E. Diehl, J.W. Mitchum, Hulda Snider, Maude Fishburn, William Crisner, Ira Meeks, J.G. Lancaster, R. Garrison, Singletary, L. McKnight, J. Collins, K. Orndorff, F. Wasson, Misses Pearl Singletary, Letha West, Effie and Florence Collins and Nellie Mitchum. The summer normal institute will be held from June 6 to July 3. All teachers should arrange to attend. All school directors should come to the normal to select their teachers for another year. T.L. VanVacter, Co. Supt.  C.H. Dodgion is building a substantial residence on his farm south of town. Parties at Carpenter on the east line of this county are arranging for a colony to immigrate to Mexico. They will locate at a point 300 miles southwest of El Paso. A.E. Brown, brother-in-law of Will Mounts arrived in town from Weatherford this last week and has a position in the abstract office of Cornels & Mounts. Register of Deeds Mounts has at his own expense added a Fisher Book Typewriter to his office equipment and now does his recording with this machine. It is an elegant affair and does its work to perfection. In this issue will be found the advertisement of the City Meat Market. Jack Dempsey a first class butcher is in charge and will be found ready at all times to serve his customers with fine meats. They kill nothing but corn fed stock and thereby insure their trade tender juicy meats. Herring & Young’s new store building, 25×60 is about ready for the inside finishing. Judge Houston is having a fine cyclone cellar built at his residence. A pie supper will be given at the Washita School house Fri . Night, Prof. Tracy and Ed Taylor will furnish the music. S. Jackson made a trip to Oklahoma City this week. P.D. Work and H. Duckworth of Rankin were visitors to this county seat last Tuesday. Misses Zetta and Golda Miller entertained a number of their young friends Tues. From the number of eggs received daily by our merchants, one is led to believe that the old hen is one of the paying institutions of an Oklahoma farm. In many cases, the eggs sold pay the grocery bills besides keeping the good wife in “caliker and such trifles”.  Star/Sunbeam, Mar 25, 1904


 APRIL 1, 1904

Grover Monroe is nursing a right severe attack of the mumps. Born March 27 to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cooper, a son. Marshal Dobbs of Sayre was in town last week on official business. Born March 25 to Co. Surveyor Mr. and Mrs. R.N. Higgins, a daughter. Prof. J.H. Osborn candidate for County Clerk,  has moved to his father’s place adjoining town. Born March 28 to Mr. and Mrs. John D. Taylor a 12 pound girl. License was issued Mon. for the marriage of Joseph I. Cook to Miss Etha O. Dalton, both of Berlin. Miss Flora Keen returned Sun. from her claim near Rankin and has taken up her work as Deputy and Register of Deeds. Mr. Johnson died at his home one mile north of Berlin on Tues. the 15th and was buried the same day in the Berlin Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett who had been in town two months for medical treatment returned Sun. to their claim on the Upper Washita. Dr. Charles Nair, our dentist, will return from Amarillo, Texas about April 1 and be ready to treat his patients here after that date. Justice Casady held court Tues. night to try two persons accused of vagrancy. The result was a judgment of guilty and a fine of $10 and costs. Cosmo Falconer, Guy Burger, F.E. and Willie Miller, Charles McClain and Mr.  Passmore attended the Republican Convention at Sayre Wed. Senator John B. Harrison, Honorable E.E. Tracy, Dr. Miller and Dr. Standifer all of Cheyenne attended court in Grand this week.

SWEETWATER:  George W. Puryear was marketing sweet potatoes at Texola last Sat.. Jacob Faney returned home last Sat. from Northern Ohio where he has been visiting relatives and old friends for the  past four months. George J. Coburn has completed the roof on his stone dwelling that was torn away by the sandstorm on the night of the 2nd inst and is now digging a storm cave. Mr. Coburn has been living in this country for more than 18 years and has just decided that he needs a dugout to live in when the wind blows. W.F. Stone has recently returned from Kentucky and Arkansas where he has been looking after business interests for he and his wife. Road overseer H.A. Hobbs has been doing some excellent work on our roads. Old Mr. Gardner has purchased a blacksmithing outfit and proposes to serve the public at his home ½ mile west of Sweetwater.

TRAMMELL: Lymon Perry has partly unearthed a huge skull supposed to be the head of a mastodon. It measures forty inches across the forehead and ten inches across the eye socket in the narrowest place. He will not unearth any  more of it until he has his find examined by a geologist. He wants to get the skeleton out complete and asks all who visit the fossil to be very careful and not break or destroy any portion of it as such finds are considered very valuable in the scientific world {Trammell was a postoffice from 1903 – 1907, near Strong City} A play entitled “Black Heifer” at the Trammell School House Friday night was quite a success. There will be a debate next Sat. Night on resolved “Washington was a greater  man than Lincoln”. Affirmative –James Trammell, R.S. Bellamy, Mr. Minatree and Blanche and Lucy Ayers. Negative-Banks Bartley, William Perry, Wright Langford, Minnie Bellamy and Annie Cofer.

There will be a box supper at the Martin School house southwest of Cheyenne. Barkis Russell was willin’ and old “Widder” Hughes filled the bill. Otis Fisher officiated. Literary Society at the Martin School meets every Saturday night and has interesting programs. Marriage license issued to Isaac Dick and Mary Moore, both of Hammon. Mrs. Mary J. Millhouse, living nine miles southwest of town had a valuable mare stolen several weeks ago and no trace has been found. Mrs. Millhouse is a widow and has been having a hard time making both ends meet and this loss put her in poor circumstances in making a crop the coming season. The good people of that neighborhood came to the rescue and raised a sufficient amount of money to buy a good horse.  Star/Sunbeam  April 1, 1904



APRIL 8, 1904

REDMOON: The rain set the farmers bus planting corn. Some have finished planting and the moisture is sufficient to ensure a stand. Early wheat looks well and the outlook is generally encouraging. The entertainment and pie supper down at Washita School House was pronounced a grand success. The proceeds of the supper amounted to $9.40 and was greater than anticipated. The whole amount will be expended for a hall lamp for the school house. Rev. Mr. Stanton went on Mon. to his old home at Clarendon, Texas. Buford Fields puts in an appearance quite frequently at Washita School House. The attraction is easily surmised. A fine bridge is being built across the Washita River north of town. Born to Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Reynolds of Grimes a daughter. F.E.  Herring was up from Elk City this week looking after business and inspecting Cheyenne’s improvements. A new road is to be opened soon west of town running west by John Salyer’s place and a bridge will be built across the Washita to accommodate our Red Moon neighbors. A petition is being circulated to have the mail line between Cheyenne and Hamburg remain as it is now, instead of running to Red Moon only. A team belonging to Dr. Johnson of Sayre took fright in front of the livery barn in Cheyenne Wed. morning and made a short run but fortunately no damage was done.

R.E. Echols was shaking hands with the honest voters of the county at the capitol this week. Cheyenne had the happiness this week of entertaining the newspaper men of the county. When you see them all in  a bunch, what do you think of them? T.D. Penn of the Record. Herman Stevens of the Elk City Democrat. J.L.  Paschal of the Roger Mills Democrat. J.A. Russell of the Sayre Headlight and the Cheyenne publisher D.W. Tracy of this paper were all in attendance upon the trial of the remonstrance against the liquor license of Milo Burlingame to prove publication of notice.

I am authorized to announce that evangelist C.B.Jernigan of Greenville, Texas will hold revival service at the church house in Cheyenne during District Court commencing Fri. night the 29th inst. Signed R.K. Houston. Picked up around Grimes-J.Collins has built a neat little house on the claim belonging to Engineer Gage. Mr. and Mrs. Gage expected to move in Sat. but received word of the serious illness of her father in Kansas so went to that place immediately. Mr. Coleman will prove up this month and in May start for his old home in Germany where he expects to stay for a year. Clarence Igo lost another horse on Fri. making him now without a team. He will work this summer for Mr. Poarch. Mrs. G.M. Hutsell and Mrs. Mary Mackey of Berlin visited with Mrs. Alice Blackburn on Tues. Miss Maggie Stinson came out from Oklahoma City last week looking after the interests of her claim. Miss Maggie will be remembered as winning the Sunbeam’s prize at the County Fair as being the handsomest lady holding a claim. She has been stenographer for R.N. McConnell of Oklahoma City and is quite a successful business woman. Rev Diehl preached the Easter sermon for Grimes last Sunday. Sunbeam, April 8, 1904


APRIL 15, 1904

Final Proof for Perry S. Taylor of Cheyenne for land in 12-13-25. Witnesses John Warren, Charles Miller, Lester Hunt and Edward Bauman of Cheyenne; Mattie E. Strong, widow of William Strong for land on 23-14-25 with witnesses: W.H. Anderson, John Hooper, Ben Anderson all of Redmoon, Jeff Colburn, Cheyenne;Rosa Kimzey formerly Rosa E. Colburn for land 17-14-22 with witnesses: Robert P. Kepley, James R. Caffey, Andrew J. Caffey of Cheyenne and Ed T. Holder of MacArthur; Stella Cunningham, Cheyenne, O.T., widow of Vaulter Cunningham for land in 28-14-23 with witnesses: Samuel F. Maddux, Herman O. Hase, Everett Guernsey and James F. Cunningham all of Cheyenne. James Cobell and A. Parrish have purchased the Jacob Baird(Beard) farm taking possession on Tues. last. Dr. Standifer’s driving team took a notion to run away last Sun. afternoon and proceeded to put the notion into execution. After running a short distance the buggy was overturned throwing the occupants, Mrs. Standifer and Mrs. Bonner out, but they luckily escaped without any injury except a few slight bruises. The buggy was badly damaged. Mrs. Charlie McClain of Berlin drove up to the county seat Saturday. Charlie accompanied her home and spent Sun. returning Mon. Hopkins and Watson of Canadian, Texas are in the vicinity buying cattle. They have purchased between 300 and 400 head and will drive them to the panhandle for pasture. Quite a number of the young people gathered at the residence of W.D. Kendall Sat. evening and passed several hours in games and amusements of various kinds. Those fortunate enough to be present are still talking of the pleasant time had. The Misses Miller entertained a number of their young friends with a Flinch party last Thurs. evening. It is needless to add that a pleasant time was had by all present. Sam Booker was arrested on a warrant sworn out by Jesse VanBuren in which the said Booker is charged with having used a deadly weapon, to wit, a knife, upon various portions of VanBuren’s anatomy. Booker was taken before Judge Casady on Sat. and the preliminary hearing was set for April 20. He gave bond in the sum of $150 for his appearance on that date. Norton Bros. New State Shows will exhibit at Cheyenne Fri. and Saturday. It is one of the best and most popular tent shows on the road.  Major Kirkley has moved the Central Telephone Co. from the Lee Drugs Store in the room formerly occupied as an office by Dr. Miller. John Casady is now holding down a case on the Sayre Standard newspaper. G.W. Hodges spent part of his time on his claim last week. Frank Pollock and family visited John Anderson several days last week. Miss Laura Hall of Portales, New Mexico is visiting her brother Mr. John Hall and will remain all summer. A new post office has been established 10-12 miles west of here on the claim of Miss Flora Keen and she is appointed postmaster. The name of the new office is Cabool and it will go into operation as soon as the postmaster’s commission is received from Washington. A cougar was seen a short time ago by Louis Collier in the breaks north of D.H. Collier’s farm (Leland Burns owns this farm today north of Dwayne Roark’s home). Louis has seen specimens of the animal before out west and says there can be no mistake as to its being a genuine cougar. He got a fair view of it in daylight and says it is an ugly beast. The citizens of Berlin and vicinity will meet at Berlin Sat. April 16, 1904 at 1:00 to make arrangements relative to their cemetery. I.L. Hoover of the Star was selected an alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention, an honor well conferred. The Cheyenne Dairy will supply the citizens of Cheyenne with fresh and pure milk after April 20. Signed R.N.Higgins, proprietor.  W.M. Lehne came over from Sandstone Tuesday. He is an old timer in our county and a number one good citizen. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) convention of this county will be held at Sayre April 22-24. Mrs. Tillie Slain will present the welcome address with a response by Miss Kate Wallace; instrumental music by Misses Willie Beaty. Neen Alexander and Lucille McKinney, a recitation by Miss Volina Miller, a paper presented by Mrs. Fields and a recitation by Miss Annie Jackson.

GRIMES; A singing was had at the elegant new home of Dickson English last Sun. night. Mr. Borden is now living on what is known as the Stooky claim and Mr. Peck has built on a claim south of Binggles. J.W. Wickstrum changed the site of his house last week adding another room and putting in a pump. Sunbeam/Star April 14, 1904


APRIL 22, 1904

Herring & Young will be in their new building in about ten days and have a complete stock of dry goods. R.E. Echols of Elk City is a candidate for councilman from the 13th Council distric . He is a lawyer of ability and man of high character. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Hensley, a girl. We are sorry to learn that Fred Pitts of Custer Bend is quite low with pneumonia. Scotty Falconer, our accommodating postmaster, has sold out his drugs store to H.D. Cox. Deputy Sheriff Taylor was up from Doxey Tues. on official business. An effort to scrape by some of the boys, ended in a horse race in which Deputy Sheriff Will Taylor own, occasion quite a lively interest in Cheyenne on Tuesday. Our handsome bachelor friend, C.B. Allen, brought to this office a sample of mineral that experts announced to be a fine quality of asphalt. It was found on his farm near town. Marriage in the probate judge’s office April 18, J.Q.A. Warren to Mrs. Elizabeth Terry, both of Redmoon. The Cheyenne dairy will supply the citizens of Cheyenne with fresh and pure milk after April 20. Justice Casady’s court attracted quite a crowd from Dead Indian in the case of the territory vs. Booker, charged with using a knife on Jesse Van Buren some time ago. A good crowd of Cheyenne people were entertained and instructed Wed. night by Miss Mahan’s lecture on prohibition. Miss Mahan is State Lecturer for the Missouri W.C.T.U.

BERLIN NEWS: A lecture by Prof. C.W. Wilson at Berlin on Sat. the 16th was a rare treat to all who had the pleasure of listening. L.W. Drew is making preparation to open up a stock ranch in the panhandle and will move his cattle soon. A meeting is called to see about getting title to the land on which the Berlin Cemetery is located. The date is Sat. May 14, 1904.

SWEETWATER NEWS: W.A. Little’s household goods are being hauled from the railroad out to his farm this week. He expects Mrs. Little and the little ones to arrive next week. W.F. Stone has a severe case of mumps.

Cheyenne Sunbeam, April 22, 1904


APRIL 29, 1904

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Purdy on the 20th a girl. A. Hammond of Hamburg was attending the Odd Fellows meeting Tuesday. Married at Cheyenne on the 22nd were Mr. Edward S. Ray to Miss Pearl Buckler of Berlin. Justice Casady officiating. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Charles Shaw living near Hammon is very low with pneumonia. W.O. Horr sold to H.D. Young this week NW1/4Sec13-13-24 for $2000. In preparing for court next week, the court house has been papered, a new stairway built and the seats and furniture painted adding much to the appearance of the court room. H.D. Cox sold to the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. this week, Lot 20 in Block 38 in Cheyenne including the building for $2240. Carl Fuchs filed suit this week in the probate court against May H. Pratt on account and took out an attachment. Married on the 23rd Mr. Wilbur W. Milligan to Mrs. Laura A. Butcher of Hamilton, O.T., Justice Casady officiating. J.E. Keen of Redmoon was mixing with the brethren of the three links on Tues. and incidentally talking politics. He is a democratic committeeman of his precinct. A.L. Thurmond sold this week to W.O. Horr for $7000 the NW1/4 of 13-13-24, W1/2SW1/4Sec 17, NE1/4 of Sec 19, SE1/4sec18 all in 13-23. This is 560 acres of land near town. The Odd Fellows spread a delicious dinner for their visitors in the Turner Building Tuesday. The ladies of the order were ably assisted by A. Laird who is an expert caterer. Dr. and Mrs. J.E. Standifer and Mr. and Mrs. A.S. McKinney and A.G. Gray and Miss Madge went to Foss last Fri. to assist in organizing an Eastern Star Chapter at that place. They report a delightful time and royal entertainment especially by the family of A.L. Thurmond formerly of this place. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Scism near Grimes on the 20th a boy.

REDMOON: Cotton planting has begun. J.H. Parrish and wife of Cheyenne visited the socialist meeting Tuesday evening. Esq. C.L. Boyd lost 8 head of his fine thoroughbred pigs from eating cockleburs. This community on last Sat. received a glorious rain – a gully washer – a trash mover — a toad strangler. We now have a thorough season and farmers making things hum. Some corn in the bottoms will have to be replanted because of the washing.

GRIMES: Mrs. Croninger will return from Weatherford this week. French Lancaster is home again. He has been in eastern Oklahoma for several months. Landa Bain reports a very enjoyable time on his overland trip to Wanette having returned last week. Clarence Igo had another streak of bad luck last week by losing all of his feed by fire, it having caught from some trash he had been burning. Dr. Parker and family have moved to their claim west of Grimes. He has just returned from Ft. Worth, Texas where he attended school the past winter. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Fuller of Iola, Kansas came out last week on a short trip to see their claim they recently purchased of Charles Heaston. They visited Alice Blackburn as all were formerly of Bethany, Missouri.    Sunbeam April 29, 1904


MAY 5, 1904

On account of the sudden death of court stenographer T.F. Milliken, the court was delayed not arriving until Tues. about 5:00 p.m. The judge with his official party alighted from their carriages proceeded to the court room and immediately proceeded to business. The petit and grand juries were impaneled. The following cases were disposed of prior to going to press. Territory vs. A. Lowery disturbing public worship $5 in costs. Territory vs. Gus Hunt carrying concealed weapons $25 in costs. Territory vs Ott Casady assault; Territory vs. Joe Casady assault. Territory vs. Oscar Caudill carrying concealed weapon. Boston-Kansas City Cattle Loan Co. vs. Ben Anderson, et al; Replevin. W.A. Wright vs. Oscar Caudill foreclosure. No time is lost by the court and no delay is tolerated by the judge. Fair warning was given at the start that the time spent by the farmers and others away from their business was of more importance than any little petty case and that principle prevails. Thirty-five cases were disposed of on Wednesday besides a large amount of miscellaneous business. Three men who have been held for the robbery of Richerson Bros Store, Doxey, were indicted by the Grant Jury and also Roy Rogers for the killing of Robinson near Grimes. The big rain on Mon. night filled the creeks and all the waterways and al cellars not properly protected were converted into cisterns. The Cheyenne Mercantile Co. were all afloat in their lower story, boxes, barrels and canned goods sailing around in a general mix-up.

W.M. Goodwin was in during court week. He was one of the few who made the run and secured a fine farm in the west part of the county. He reports that corn is growing finely and everyone is busy and happy. School district #73 known as Meridian met and raised $120 in about 15 minutes to be used in building and equipping a school house, with a prospect of about $100 more. A Sunday School has also been organized and peace and harmony prevails. Mr. Goodwin is one of the old stalwart Republicans of the county and for the first few years had a lonesome time in a political way. The old town is always able to furnish entertainment for visitors. While waiting for the court to arrive on Mon. a four-handed exhibition of the “art manly” (fist-fight) was given on main street with J.D. and W.W. Funston on one side and William and Jack Wells on the other. It was a two rounder affair without gloves in the good old-fashioned style, without rules or referee, and was declared a draw by the county attorney and deputy. Uncle Perry Taylor, who acted as an escort of honor to Justice Casady’s court, where each side of the four was presented with a fine and costs of $6.75 which with a few missing patches of hide and torn shirts, made a very nice reward of merit. All exhibitors were from the Sand Hill District, west and were “dead game.”

Fred Niemeyer, a progressive farmer of Trammell was purchasing goods here last week. James H. Shackelford a veteran of the Civil War, made final proof on his claim on the 29th before Comm. Hoover. Dr. Charles Nair, the dentist, will leave Mon. for Amarillo for a month’s stay. Born Wed. of last week to Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Carter, near Cheyenne a girl. Ben Cooksey leaves this week for St. Louis to accept a position in a wholesale drug house. Mr. James Richards of Shawnee is now manager of the pharmaceutical dept. of Lee’s Drug Store. Mr. G.F. Turner’s family left for Arizona where they will make their home. Almos Parrish leaves for Canada the 16th. Mrs. L.A. Beaty, Miss Willie and Master Powell left this week for Lebo, Texas where they will spend a few months. The mail to the north must leave Cheyenne at 7 a.m. failed to go out Tuesday on account of high water. Mrs. Charles Shaw mentioned of whose sickness last week,, died at her home near Hamburg Friday morning April 22 at 12:15 p.m. and was buried at Eller Flats, Texas. She leaves a husband and a child seven months old. Grand jurymen selected for the May term of the District Court: N.R. Monroe, Foreman; J.Q. Turner, S.D. Brown, Miles Pulse, J.A. Rowan, Robert Barnhart, Luther McCashrin, John Fritz, William Budd, J.W. Brady, R.C. Provines, W.R. James, J.A. Turner, D.B. Lucas, I.M. Poor, G.W. Etter.  Sunbeam/Star May 5, 1904


MAY 13, 1904

Last Sunday morning Frank Jones, living near Perkins Store, about ten miles north of Cheyenne took down his shotgun with the intention of cleaning it. In some unaccountable manner the gun was accidentally discharged, the load striking Mrs. Jones, who was washing near in the back and side, making a horrible wound and penetrating the lungs. Mrs. Jones dropped to the ground unconscious. Dr. Standifer and Tedrowe were immediately called and did everything that medical skill and science could, but of no avail, as she continued sinking rapidly and died at 6:00 Sunday evening. Mrs. Jones was only 17 years old and had only been married about 7 months. She had the love and esteem of all who knew her, and the sad affair has cast a gloom over the entire community. Her body was sent Tues. to Carrier, O.T. for burial. The friends of the dead woman live in that town near Enid. W.J. Sandman of near Rome was carrying his gun in the wagon with him and on attempting to take it from the wagon, the gun was discharged, the contents striking him in the elbow of the arm. Drs. Standifer and Tedrowe, of this place dressed is arm and at this writing, he is resting as easy as could be expected.

In the circuit court 23 divorce decrees were granted. The court considered a number of cases and held two night sessions for the “hurry-up” fellows. Marriage license was issued to Samuel G. Gamble of Grimes to May E. Campbell of Pilot on the 6th. Jesse Bryant, formerly manager of L.A. Beaty General Store (1900) and formerly a salesman for Gerlach Brothers of Canadian, and Miss Buford Wallace were married at the residence of the bride’s uncle, Richard Adams, near Brantley this afternoon. Mr. Bryant is well known as an honest, upright, progressive young businessman and has just returned from Tyler, Texas where he completed a course of study at a business college. Miss Wallace has been a resident of Cheyenne since early childhood and has the respect , esteem and love of all, both old and young. She was one of the clerks in Beaty’s Store and since the organization of the Cheyenne Mercantile Company, has had charge of one of the departments in that establishment and her polite, kind and courteous treatment of all has had much to do with the success of that firm.

TRAMMELL: E.F. Baldwin and family have moved to Elk City. Joseph Perry went to Texmo last week to enter a contest. He was accompanied by John Trammell, Dad Wycoff and W.A. Perry as witnesses. A good rain on the 29th and on the night of May 2, we got a gully washer, which put another season in the ground and all the gentlemen of leisure are now busy at work. Some few had already planted corn. Mr. Newkirk’s house, about three miles from here, was turned over and badly shaken up by the high winds of the 23rd. His furniture also suffered considerable damage in the general shaking up. The Roger Mills Cooperative Prospecting Company met at the school house Thurs. Night and elected the following officers: President L.J.Perry; Vice President W.D. Williams; Secretary James Trammell; Assistant Secretary R.J. Clark, Treasurer Riley Ayers; Business Manager R.S. Bellamy; Trustees J.J. Pitts, J.W. Trammell, James Lively. The Capital stock has been put at 400 shares of $10 each. L.L. Collins was in Oklahoma City on business this week along with H.D. Cox. Jacob Beard has been on the sick list the past few days but is improving. Ruby O. Baker will hold a farm sale 3 m. west and ½ north of Rankin on June 4. J.S. Short is auctioneer. Supt. Van Vacter has appointed E.E.Tracy his deputy to take charge of the business of his office during his absence from Cheyenne. T.J. Smith of the Upper Washita, a Socialist leader of the county and first rate farmer, was talking politics on our streets Monday. E.F. Cornels, our popular and handsome Deputy County Clerk left yesterday for a visit to his old home at Moline, Illinois. He will take in the World’s Fair on the trip. {The World’s Fair held at St. Louis was to mark the Centennial anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase. The first modern Olympics to be held in the U.S. was celebrated at St. Louis in conjunction with the World’s Fair}.  P.D. Work of Rankin, formerly a newspaper man, and now an enterprising farmer was doing business with our people Monday. He reports that a young cyclone visited his section a short time ago doing considerable damage. W.H. Lee, our enterprising druggist has secured the assistance of James Richards of Shawnee in his drugs store. Mr. Richards is a pleasant man and an accomplished pharmacist. Elmo Vance charged with assault with a dangerous weapon on Joe McCarsen at Sayre, waived a preliminary trial before Justice Branch Tuesday. J.D. Funsten of Rankin is putting in 100 acres of broomcorn. John Gober, an  old timer, now living at Woodward and his family have been visiting at Cheyenne this week. Star/Sunbeam, May 12, 1904


MAY 20, 1904

Precinct#1 meeting of the Democrats, Cheyenne Township was held at the Cheyenne Court House on Sat. May 14 at 2:00. Called to order by G.W. Hodges, Precinct Chairman, R.K. Houston was elected Chairman, T.M.Miller, Secretary. Among those in attendance were W.D. Kendall, J.R. Casady, A.S. McKinney, A.G. Gray, N.R. Monroe, Milo Burlingame and T.M. Miller. Roger Mills Co. Singing Convention will meet at Doxey May 28 at 2:00. Born to J.A. Kinchloe and wife on the 17th a girl. Mother and baby doing well. John McDaniels and family moved to their claim west of town this week. Born to I.F. Conaway and wife of Beaverdam, on the 11th a fine boy. Dr. J.P. Miller attending. Editor D. Tracy of the Sunbeam and Mrs. Tracy are taking in the wonders of the fair at St. Louis this week. A. Hammon of Hamburg dropped in to the office Mon. Morning and enrolled as a regular reader of the Star. G.E. Shufeldt, William Crabb and E.A. McCaskill of Redmoon were in town trading Saturday. Smith Harrison’s eighteen months old baby was kicked and badly injured by a colt Mon. evening. The Baby’s nose and cheek under the right eye was badly cut and bruised. Dr. Miller was called and dressed the wounds and the child is resting as easy as could be expected at this writing.

PILOT NEWS: The infant baby of A. Coffey is convalescing after a serious illness. Over seven inches of rain fell here since the second. William Thompson woke up h s family the night of the rain and had a war dance. He went to Sayre the next day and went after new farming implements. J.H.  Yell will, we understand, plant about 17 acres of castor beans. Aunt Jennie wanted cotton but Uncle Jim says castor beans. Miss Lula Tucker will start for her home in Texas after a long stay with her sister Mrs. Lily Yell. A new baby arrived at the home of Marion Prince and wife on the 11th . Infant baby of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Athey passed away Monday, the 2ndand the remains were laid to rest in the Rosedale Cemetery Tuesday. Tommy Thompson, 8 years old performed a wild freak the other day. He found a big jackrabbit and while it was hid from his dog, preparatory to giving a race, the little fellow ran directly toward it, threw himself full length on the ground, captured the big rabbit and now he has it chained by the neck for a pet.

Dick Burtnett has charge of the Cree Barber Shop. Mrs. Mary G. Lacey, an aged and highly respected lady living 10 miles northeast of Cheyenne died on the 13th inst. During a recent rise of the Washita River, Elder W.C Morris lost 6 calves by drowning, the water was higher than ever known before. Benny Munroe’s fine buggy team has been returned to him after a few month’s tour with a fiddler. They looked like the business did not agree with them. Justice’s court disposed of two cases of assault Monday. One was a common fisticuff in which a damaged nose was prominent and the other guns and an ax had played conspicuous parts.

SWEETWATER: Miss Lizzie Blazer whose claim is 19 miles northwest of Sayre is an excellent example of what a woman can do, who has pluck and industry. She has developed her clam until now it is one of the most productive in the county. B. C. Ward and family were visiting at S.W.  Puryear’s on the 8th inst. Mr. Ward and Mr. Puryear used to roast peanuts in the ashes together back in the old peanut state. W.J. Brown was at Cheyenne serving on the petit jury. Messrs. J.W. Brady, D.J. Brady and Luther McCathern were also serving as grand jurors. Lee Payne had the misfortune to get a fine young mare so badly cut on wire that he had to kill her on the 8th inst. B.F. Quinn lost a large young mule by the blind stagger route on the 6th. Jay Simmons and J.W. Compton were among the unfortunate, each losing a horse last week.

Referring to the 23 divorce cases of the county, Mark Twain said, “Nine-tenths of divorces are attributable to bad cooking. If this be true, it is a sad commentary on the Roger Mills County culinary department.”  A small cyclone struck the L.D. Robinson house on Sourdough near Rome, completely destroying the house and contents and seriously injuring Mr. Robinson. He is at this writing being cared for by Mrs. Walker. Dr. Walker of Texmo was summoned and thinks the injuries, though painful, not necessarily dangerous  . Star/Sunbeam, May 19, 1904


MAY 27, 1904

There are several fields of alfalfa close proximity to Cheyenne , all looking well. H.D. Cox has already made one cutting and expects to harvest three or four crops more this season. Last Sun. morning quite a crowd of our young people and also a few not so young, prepared well filled baskets and betook themselves to the beautiful grove in Miller’s pasture, one mile north of town and spent the day in rest and recreation away from business cares and household duties. It  was not known until the noon hour just exactly what Scotty Falconer and Carter of the Star were along for, but when dinner was announced, it soon became apparent why they were on hand, and they fully maintained their reputations established on occasions of this kind in the past. Among those present were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Major Kirkley, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Falconer, A.H. and Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Lee Dudley, Mrs. Colburn, Mrs. Milo Burlingame, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Pate, Misses Zettie , Golda and Jewel Miller, Leah, Nettie and Pearl Huff, Abby Kendall, Mollie Casady, Maude Black, Vienna Black, Emma Nichols, Georgia Kirkman, May Hiatt, Ollie Reed, Annie Kirkley, Gertrude Kelling, Daisy Davidson, Pearl Salyer and Messrs L.B. Bloom, Dr. Tedrowe, Ed Robinson, John Grover, Lloyd Monroe, WiIl Miller, James Richards, S. Jackson, Oscar Casady, Buford Fields, Sam Bowman, Burt Ambler, Leo Beaty, John Gober and Charles Cross.

PILOT HAPPENINGS: Ed Cooper while on a trip through Beaver County, about three weeks ago met his old sweetheart. That they had not forgotten each other was soon apparent and preparations for a wedding were soon in progress. But in stepped the young lady’s father and vetoed the proposition, but as is usual, opposition only made the young people more determined and an elopement followed. After an all night and day drive they were married, It was quite an exciting episode in their lives, but Mrs. Cooper says she is ready to make another trip of the same kind if Ed says so. We understand that the bride’s father is still obburate and refuses to give up her trunk and other belongings, but time generally smoothes over such affairs and no doubt will in this case. J.P. Johnson and family spent Sun. at his ranch north of town. Mrs. Gracie Wiley is visiting friends at Sayre. Miss Volina Miller is spending a few days at Elk City visiting friends. Mrs. N.R. and B.H. Monroe departed Sun. for an extended visit with relatives at Clarendon, Texas. Will Bleeker of Berlin was adjudged insane on Fri. last and sent to the asylum at Norman. T.A. Callahan, R.W. Callahan and S.G. Miller of Trammell were transacting business at the county seat Tuesday. James Cooper of the Washita valley area was in town Sat. looking after his varied interests. Jeff Coburn, Ott Casady and Cal Anderson left Mon. for Montana where they expect to secure situations and remain indefinitely. The Gun Club had a “shoot” Sat. evening at live birds (pigeons). The advantage of having live pigeons is that you can use them during the whole season, the clay ones get broken at the fall. No startling scores were made. L.A. Beaty, Dr. Nair and Bowman carried off the honors of the occasion. The court house cistern is now completed and ready for water. L.L. Collins and his force of tinners have been placing spouting on the building. Uncle Bill says they are now ready for rain and after it comes he will not have to borrow drinking water from anybody. E.M. Black, who has been running the Monroe Hotel for the past six months, will close the house June 1. Mr. Black will be missed by the traveling public. We understand that parties are negotiating with N.R. Monroe, the owner of the building and the house will no doubt be re-opened soon. E.F. Wilson of Hamburg was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Lee Dudney of the Upper Washita was in town Sat. and Sun., a guest of postmaster Falconer and wife. Will Mounts got in Monday from a trip in the south parts of the county. The gaps are all repaired and his fences are in good shape in that part of the county, Will reports. “Boots” Fields gave an expedition of “Bronco busting” on main street Sat. afternoon. Boots was enjoyed by a large crowd and also by the broncho. Miss Corine Conway one of Herring and Young’s most popular sales lady at Elk City is spending a few days in this vicinity visiting friends and relatives. Several nice bunches of horses and cattle have passed through town during the past few days. They were in route to Day and Woodward Counties for summer pasturage.

TRAMMELL: John Stahl of Cheyenne was out last week and planted 30 acres of corn on his father-in-law’s claim. Mrs. Lucy Guernsey and Mrs. Alta Trammell spent last Sun. with James Trammell and family. Farming is the order of the day if all reports are true, Jack Cooper is in the lead in this area. He has 15 acres of cotton coming up and is plowing corn. He has 25 acres of fine corn on James Trammell’s place. Mr. Minature also has 25 acres on the same farm. Both pieces are looking fine.

V.M. Briggs was convicted in Justice Sanders’ court last week of stealing a hog and is confined for the payment of his fine. The accidental igniting of a can of alcohol in the Palace Saloon Sat. created quite a commotion for a short while. Fortunately no damage was done except the loss of a few gallons of raw material. Herring and Young have added a floor walker to their force in the person of Adlai Hendricks. The light-fingered gentry will have to be very smooth to escape his watchful eye. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame entertained a large party of young folks Wed. night. On Monday night the party of young people spent a pleasant time at the residence of N.R. Monroe. J.K. Reed, returning Wed. from Sayre with a load of freight was seized with a severe attack of cramps, of which he was dangerously sick for many hours.  Star/Sunbeam, May 26, 1904


JUNE 3, 1904

The building of a cotton gin at Grand this summer depends on wheat. This gentleman will wait and see the size of the crop. Miss Volina Miller returned Tues. from a visit to friends at Elk City. V.L. Little of Dead Indian was doing business at the capital Saturday. Miss Verna and Lee Young were back from the Alva College, spending their vacation with their parents on Dead Indian. E.M. Black, the genial host of the Monroe Hotel has given up the hotel business and will take a rest on the farm. J.R. Casady will hereafter have charge of the hotel. Sheriff Elliott returned last Monday with Ed Morris from Lafayette Co. Missouri. The prisoner has two charges against him, assault with intent to kill and unlawfully carrying a pistol. Bonds of $1000 and $200 executed at Elk City and the prisoner released. Mrs. Belle Tyler was attending before Deputy Clerk Johnson on Wed. to defend a contest against her entry. Pearl C. Williams had contested her but failed to prosecute the contest and it was dismissed. Orpheus Waterman, one of Uncle Sam’s old veterans, was in town on Wed. trying his contest before the probate judge against the entry of G.W. Shamley. Although he was over 60 years of age, he was one of the first to volunteer for service in the Spanish War. However his age prevented the government from accepting his services, and deprived him of the pleasure of again wearing the blue. Elk City National Bank failed to open its doors Saturday for business and soon after 9 o’clock a notice was posted on the door that the comptroller of the currency had charge of the bank. There have been a great many rumors on the streets for the last two months in regard to the condition of the bank and as a consequence, a great many depositors have withdrawn their holdings. The citizens of Cheyenne met at the courthouse last Fri and resolved upon celebrating the national birthday in a way never before attempted. Arrangements were made to get the matter in shape for a celebration befitting the day and in accord with the dignity and public spirit of its citizens. A committee on finance was appointed, consisting of J.R. Casady, W.A. Beaty and Milo Burlingame, who were empowered to appoint a subcommittee of ladies to assist in their work. Committee on arrangements: G.W.  Hodges, Edward E. Tracy and S. Jackson. W.D. Kendall will have charge of cooking the barbeque on July 5, to avoid the work preparing it on Sunday.

PILOT HAPPENINGS: The people of Buffalo area have been losing small articles for some time and suspicion had fallen on a certain party. So a few days ago, Mr. Watson saw the party around his  place and proceeded to watch his actions. Taking his hired hand and a gun they took their stand about dark near the pig pen. In a short time, the party came tiptoeing along, rope in hand and as soon as near enough, secured one of the pigs typing its legs with the rope. Watson shouted, “Hands up!” and dropping the gun on him at the same time. It proved to be a man named Briggs, and he got his hands up in the air in short order. Mr. Watson held him a prisoner at the house until morning, when he was taken before Squire Sanders, a trial held and a fine of $25.00 and costs assessed.

A.Bert Catlett of Rankin came to town Mon. driving a milk cow to his buggy full of turkeys and chickens. She made quite a good buggy horse on the trip down, but when they started out on the return home, she cut some fancy didos not down on the program, resulting in the wreck of the buggy and a very mad cow. It was a show for a few minutes worth double the price of admission. Lee Dudney of Redmoon was in town Saturday. Dr. Pearson is very busy because there is a lot of sickness, Willis Ramzy died at the home of his son, J.N. Ramzy, May 22, 1904 at the age of 79  years. W.C. Tomlinson of Durham was in town Tuesday. J.A. Moad was in town Fri. after books and supplies for the Elk City Northern Telephone Co. The company is pushing their line and will soon have Dewey and Day Counties in connection with the outside world. Sunbeam/ Star, June 3, 1904


JUNE 10, 1904

T.A. Cherry, Poarch Assessor makes a fine report for his township. C.H. Cope, Elk City’s popular assessor was transacting business here in connection with his office Monday. The commissioners have employed W.J. Wanamaker to paint the courthouse and the work will proceed at once. Assessor’s returns though not yet fully compiled, indicate that the population of this county is now over 15,000. D.B. Welty as Trustee has brought suit in the district court against M.H. Keburn in three cases involving property at Sayre and against P.S. Doxey and wife for $14.65. J.E. Anderson assessor for Buffalo township reports that his township has $50,950 assessed valuation this year and a population of 646. The commissioners were in session this week as a county equalization board. As all the assessors had not made their returns, they were forced to adjourn until Wed. of next week. Rev. Mr. White, Baptist minister of Elk City, preached an able sermon for us Mon. night and will hold services at the ME Church next Sunday. Everybody is invited. A.E. Inman, accused of burglary of Richerson Bros. Store at Doxey gave bond last week. Afterwards he was re-arrested on a similar charge in Washita Co. and was taken to Cordell. Rev. F.E. Calvert a Baptist Minister of Doxey, will preach at Cheyenne on the fourth Sun. in June. Bro. Calvert is an able and entertaining preacher. John H. Wheeler was convicted before Justice Ewton at Doxey last Sat. for petit larceny and was sent to jail 25 days and fined $50 and costs. Isaac Laird was dangerously poisoned last week by mistaking toadstools for mushrooms. In spite of prompt and heroic medical treatment it was thought for awhile that he would die, but he finally pulled through and has about recovered. J.A. Mays, president of the Elk City National Bank was arrested this week, accused of obtaining money under false pretenses. This affair arises out of the difficulties in which this bank is involved. S.F. Booker was tried by a jury in Justice Casady’s court Wed. for assault and battery upon Jess Van Buren, a verdict of guilty was rendered.   Sunbeam/Star June 10, 1904


JUNE 17, 1904

J.J. Quinn made his report as assessor Sweetwater township this week. J.D. Hall, Clerk of Kiowa township was transacting business this week. J.M. Johnson, Kiowa Assessor attended the commissioner’s court Wednesday. Treasurer Kendall was a busy man Wed. writing tax receipts. A. Wood, candidate for Register was giving the voters at Cheyenne the glad hand on Monday. The courthouse in her new dress of blue trimmed in white looks like she might be courting. The full term of the district court will sit here beginning September 15. Robert D. Martin adopted Lorena Tripp last week in the probate court. Marriage license was issued to Oscar W. Nelson and Miss Lily Evers both of Cheyenne. E.F. Connels, deputy county clerk, returned last week from a visit to his home in Illinois. He took in the World’s Fair on the trip. A.E. Carter, local editor of the Star and his interesting family were rusticating on his farm this week. He reports that he has 85 acres of fine cotton and that crop prospects are the finest ever. A general rain in this section last Sat. puts a broad smile on the faces of our farmers and we all smile equally in sympathy. The Star got a move on for once last Tues. entering into the building formerly owned and occupied by the Citizens Bank. Honorable John B. Harrison was up from Sayre Monday. He is certain of a hearty welcome when he returns to the warm, maternal arms of Cheyenne. Jess Bryan was elected Wed. as Secretary and bookkeeper for the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. in place of John R. Monroe resigned.

SPRING CREEK VALLEY NEW: The school house that is called the Jinks House is named Spring Creek School House. Farmers are all at work plowing getting ready to lay by their corn. Mr. Woods will begin laying by his corn next week. Everything looks flourishing now. Mrs. Caudle’s father is visiting her from the Choctaw Nation. He says crops are good there. We have organized a Sunday School at Spring Creek School House and have preaching on the fourth Sunday of every month by Bros. Caudill and Henson.  P. Wood, one of our charming bachelors, had the misfortune of getting his mare cut on a wire therefore he can’t work her. N.A. Bean sold his claim for $500 and has gone to the Creek Nation. Mr. Caudill and family and Mr. Wood and family went to Edenview last Sun. and took dinner with Bro. Caudle. All had a good time. Keen Barr was out working on his claim last week.

Sunbeam/Star, June 17, 1904


JUNE 24, 1904

J.A. Mays, president of the Elk City National Bank shot himself in the brain in the Dallas County jail on the evening of June 17 and died at midnight. Mays was arrested at Greenville, four days previous by U.S. Officers and charged with being short a large amount of the bank’s funds. He was brought to Dallas and the U.S. Commissioner Mr. Finks, held him in $5000 bond which he was unable to furnish. The Deputy, U.S. Marshal Mr. Warden, had arranged to take Mays back to Elk City on June 17. The officer and his prisoner were in the office of the jail waiting for train time to arrive. Friends of Mays had left a valise with clothes in it at the jail for him. He asked to be allowed to get some linen from it. The valise was unlocked and he inserted his hand and forearm into it. Instead of taking out linen, Mays quickly drew forth a pistol and before anyone realized what was happening, he fired a bullet into his head. Mays was 40 years old and had a family at Elk City. At the coroner’s inquest the following papers were presented: “Notify M.M. Chandler of Greenville by telephone at once”. “Notify R.E. Echols at once by wire”. “God save my wife and babies” “Bury me in the clothes I have on. I have had a nice bath and have on clean underclothing. J.A. Mays.” Among the memoranda left by Mays was a request that he be buried by the side of his dead son, Arthur, and that no elaborate or expensive headstone should mark his grave. His body was shipped to Greenville, Texas where it was buried June 19.

LONG CREEK NEWS: Died June 12, 1904 little Winfred Estes, age ten months, 23 days of cholera infantum. The funeral was held on the following Mon. at Rankin Cemetery. Rev. Warren conducted the services.

BERLIN NEWS: A meeting of the people of the county is called for Sat. July 9 to elect a permanent set of officers for the Roger Mills County Fair Assoc. and to adopt a constitution and by-laws. Steps will be taken to put the clatter wheels in motion for another uproarious display this fall. B.F. Rosser has purchased another 1/10th interest in the town site of Berlin. Now is the time for Berlin to get in that cotton gin for the acreage put to cotton this year in the vicinity will be up at least 50 %. West Berlin has lost its only store. Deputy Sheriff Cope came over from Elk City one day last week with proper credentials and hauled off the stock of goods for the benefit of certain creditors and the detriment of others. Such is life in the far West.

John Young who had a little unpleasantness with one of his mules some time ago in which he came near sustaining a broken limb is again able to be out. An infant daughter of Charles Schwander died last week and was buried in Berlin cemetery Sunday. Mrs. W.A. Walker has gone on a visit to relatives and will stop off at St. Louis World’s Fair on her way. C.A. Phillips was up from Mangum to look up his farm interests last week. What the area about Berlin needs is not more political candidates but more cotton choppers. Wages for good choppers are going skywards, $1.75 a day.

REDMOON NEWS: E.B. Keen has over 100 acres of cotton planted on his daughter’s claim. Mr. Addison, the photographer has moved to his claim north of D.H. Collins. Miss May Addison has also settled on  her claim. G.W. and Mrs. Hodges were on their claim last week. Mr. and Mrs. John L. McDaniel are rusticating on Mrs. McDaniel’s farm and incidentally had a large crop of broomcorn planted. Elbert Tracy unearthed a den of wolves last week, killing four and capturing one alive. There is Sun. School at Redmoon every Sun. morning and singing in the afternoon. Jasper Jackson of Beaverdam was mixing with the boys last Saturday. Marshal Dobbs was up from Sayre last Sat. looking after business connected with his office. R.M. Monroe has lost the hirsute adornment from his upper lip, and is now the youngest one of his boys. Dr. J.P Miller tells us that health is distressingly good this year. The trial of  Paul Lehman before justice Branch at Sayre last Mon. resulted in a verdict of not guilty. J.M. Bonner left last week for a visit to his old home at Corsicana, Texas to be gone until July 1. Suit was filed in probate court this week by Hicks Fletcher against J.W. Steward, etc. al.  W.B. Ware of the Sandstone area was in town Sat. talking business with our merchants. W.W. Anderson of Sergeant Major says that crops are growing the fastest that he ever saw in his life. He is becoming an expert cotton grower. M.L. Chandler of Rankin was in town Sat. talking to our “hello” girl. He says that the Rankin baseball boys will play Sweetwater on the Fourth of July. William Bingham was tried before Justice Seifert last Sat. on the charge of cattle theft, and was bound to the grand jury under a $500 bond. The bond was made. C.M. Rosser was talking business to our citizens last week. He now hopes the Elk City National Bank will pay out, though he does not hope to escape loss. C.A. Wood of Grimes was transacting business with Treasurer Kendall last Saturday. Charlie is a prosperous old timer and was once a familiar figure about Cheyenne. Sheriff Elliott returned last Sat. from Durango, Colorado where he went to get Alex Bischeberger indicted last district court with assault and intent to kill. The prisoner was one of those who broke jail here last fall and made his getaway. The sheriff says that he is now in jail for keeps, at least until the district court shall further order, unless bond is furnished, which is not likely. Marriage licenses: M.M. Jones to Miss Mabel Rosby both of Hammon; L.A. Rizley to Miss Fannie Callahan both of Trammel; C.E. Ganaway of Oklahoma City to Miss Florence Thurmond of Elk City.

GRIMES: A Mrs. Green died west of Grimes Friday and the remains were shipped back to her old home in Nebraska. A little nine month old baby of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rogers died on Thursday. Funeral services conducted at the home 3 ½ miles northwest of Grimes on Fri. afternoon by Rev. M.E. Diehl after which the little body was laid to rest in the Dempsey Cemetery.

Emmitt Lacey aged 25 years died at his home on Nine Mile Creek on Sat. last and was buried on the Sun. following. Mr. Tanner has a fine soda fountain and manufactures a fine grade of ice cream. You cannot find a neater  place to cool off in than his ice cream parlor in Cheyenne. Oscar G. Haven of Rankin was in town Tues. and now has a filing on 80 acres of good old Oklahoma soil.   Sunbeam/Star June 24, 1904


JULY 1, 1904

M.R. Kirkley, pharmacist in the City Drug Store, invites his friends to call on him at the post office. Miss Mary McMurtry the former resident from Elk City, was in town this week. I.N. Johnson, A Spaulding, D.B. Burkhalter and other leading Socialists of the county were here Sat. attending a meeting of the Socialist Executive Committee. Married on June 22 at the residence of F.O. Leach, Miss Fannie Callahan to L.A. Risley. The Rev. Mr. Green performed the ceremony. Milt Dunaway was arrested Tues. near Rankin for assault with intent to kill one Faulk in Washita Co. and was taken by Deputy Sheriff Cole to that county for trial. C.W. Brewer, secretary of the Home Mission Board of the Baptist Church will lecture at the Dead Indian School  House on the third Sun. in July. A heavy rain Fri. night, followed by gentle showers nearly all day Saturday and Sun. has put everything in fine condition. An ice cream supper was given at the residence of W.W. Anderson on Sergeant Major Fri. night for the benefit of their new school house. Cases on the probate court docket are the Territory vs. A.E. Parrish, charged with gaming; Territory vs. G.E. Vance, charged with carrying a pistol.

SPRING CREEK NEWS: At Spring Creek School House about 6 miles north of Doxey, was decorated for the observance of Children’s Day last Sunday.

GRIMES NEWS: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wright on Tues. morning a little girl. Grimes has concluded to not celebrate the fourth as so many of our people are away, but Mr. Lancaster will give a display of fireworks on the night of the fourth at Grimes Post Office. Miss Maggie Shotwell of Washita and Miss Stella Davis of Elk City visited over Sunday at the home of Ott Davis. Mr. Lauhingham and family of Colorado are visiting at the home of Sam Frankford. Rev. M.E. Diehl will preach at Rankin on the 6th of July. Dickson English, our efficient mail carrier from Grimes to Sayre has been confined to his home the past week, having been quite sick. A big crowd from these parts will go to Cheyenne on the 5th.

Rev. J.R. Green of Rome was doing business here on Wednesday. Fleetwood Bell, the young attorney of fine  promise of Sayre, was transacting legal business at the County Capital Wednesday. L.D. Williams was arrested Mon. upon a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. The complaining witness, Charles Amron, after investigation, found he could do nothing with it and had the case dismissed at his costs. Arthur Gray, accused of seduction in Washita County, was arrested Mon. in the Rankin area and taken back Wed. for trial. John Caffey, Elk City’s livery man, was in town this week. Part of the July 4th celebration will include Ladies ball pitching contest; sack races; Old man’s race; Foot race; Ladies nail driving contest; Boys under 12 cracker eating contest; Boys 14 and older foot race; and include these on the program: E.E. Tracy, E.C. Longan, Miss Irena Tanner, P.S. Taylor, W.D. Kendall, G.W. Hodges; to end the day will be a matched game of baseball.

Sunbeam, July 1, 1904


JULY 8, 1904

John R. Monroe returned Mon. to take in our celebration. Dr. Johnson of Sayre was in town this week visiting and enjoying the celebration. Prof. and Mrs. R.E. Johnson and Mrs. Slane took in the celebration. J.M. Bonner returned Fri. from his visit to Texas and received a hearty welcome back to the fold. Andy Shelton was arrested Mon. on charges of shooting cattle and pending trial, is confined in jail. W.L. Blackburn and his wife, Mrs. Alice Blackburn our entertaining correspondent of Grimes, took in the celebration. They do say that G.W. Hodges will protect the weak and no one doubts either his ability or inclination, especially if the weak be also the fair. W.A. Bonner of Stewards Mills, Texas cousin to our Billy and Johnny Mac and brother of Mrs. J.C. Thornton, is visiting in Cheyenne this week. In the trial in Justice Casady’s court last Sat. of C.W. Rhodes vs. J.P. and N.E. Wagnon, the jury returned a verdict on defendant’s counter claim for $9.10. Hezie Cox, little son of Mr.and Mrs. D.J. Cox was thrown from a burro Sun. evening at home on Beaver Dam and suffered a fracture of the thigh. The little patient was treated by Dr. Miller and is now doing as well as could be expected. Married at the home of the groom four miles southeast of Cheyenne Roy DeLane to Miss Lucy Hiawshack, the Rev. Mr. Watson officiating. A.G. Gray, G.W. Hodges, Scotty Falconer, L.T. Bowman and A.S. McKinney went down to Sayre Saturday to organize a chapter of the Eastern Star. Dr. Fred C. White, a prominent citizen of Redmoon, and a successful dentist died at his home last Fri. evening of an overdose of morphine. He had suffered intensely all Thurs. night with calculi of the kidneys and it is supposed that he took morphine more than once to ease the pain. No one saw him take it and it was not known that he had done so until Dr. Miller was called about 10:00 Friday, who at once discovered that he was seriously affected with morphine poisoning. He was in a comatose condition when Dr. Miller arrived and did not recover consciousness. He died last Fri. afternoon and was buried at Antelope Cemetery Saturday. He leaves a young wife, the former Miss Emma Shufeldt and a father to mourn his untimely departure and they have the sympathy of a large circle of friends.  One of the largest gatherings ever attended the celebration. Crowds, droves, herds and flocks by ones, twos and companies and divisions and armies came to town until the whole town was heaped up, shaken down, packed together and running over of smiling happy people. The parade began promptly at 10:00 headed by the Farmer’s Band. This was followed by the welcome address delivered by E.E. Tracy. Miss Annie Jackson read the Declaration of Independence and C.S. Gilkerson delivered a stirring Fourth of July oration. Owing to the high wind, few of the great crowd could get within range of the speakers’ voices. Most of the candidates for election were allowed to speak and some bitterness has developed in some of the races. At the fourth of July celebration quite an interest was taken in contests for the different prizes offered by the businessmen and much fun was created by many amusing incidents. Results of the contests are given here: Ladies’ ball pitching first, Mrs. Ed Lozier; second Mrs. John King. Ladies’ nail driving, first Mrs. R.N. Higgins, second Mrs. Ed Lozier. Boys’ foot race, first Roy Sprowls, second Earl Combs. Boys’ cracker eating first Fletcher Fields. One hundred  yard foot race, first J.R. Morrow; second John Harris. Mr. Jencks won first prize in the sack race, but we were unable to learn the name of the winner of second prize in this contest, nor the winner of either prize in the Old Mans’ race.

GRIMES: Picked up was five members of the Singletary were sick in bed last week but all are improving. Paul Oehme has been seriously sick the past week and while still under the weather was able to play in the band at Sayre and Cheyenne. The Sunday School elected new officers last week as follows: Supt. French Lancaster; Secretary Miss Lethia West, Vice President Landa Bain, Asst Sec. Mrs. L. McKnight, Librarian Miss Pearl Singletary, Treasurer Miss Jenny Mitchem. Baseball game of Berlin against Lone Star resulted in a victory for the later by a score of 14-2. J.A. Moad, president of the Roger Mills County Fair Assoc. called for a meeting to be held at Berlin Saturday, July 9 to elect permanent officers. Paul Oehme Secretary.    Sunbeam July 8, 1904



JULY 15, 1904

Treasurer Kendall says that the tax collections are fairly good considering the scarcity of money. Rev. H.O. White our Baptist Pastor has removed from Elk City to Cheyenne and will reside here in the future. The Washita River was up last week so that no one could get to the bridge north of town without swimming. Uncle Jess Moore of the Upper Sergeant Major rode into town Sat. wreathed with smiles over the fine seasonable crops. J.A. Cofer a highly esteemed citizen of the Custer Bend area was in town last Sat. well pleased over the crop prospects since the recent rains. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Burlingame gave a tacky party Fri. night of last week at which the young people had the biggest time of the season. Louis A. Medlin, an early settler at Ural now living in New Mexico, was talking to old friends at Cheyenne this week.  Young people surprised Editor Carter Mon. night, took charge of the premises and forced his family to eat ice cream and cake while they enjoyed themselves in orthodox fashion. Our old time friend Flemming McGinnis was doing business in town Saturday. He was one of the first settlers and he still owns and works his claim which is one of the best in the county.  Washouts on the railroads prevented our mail from arriving several days last week. We are lucky in that none of our fine new bridges in this county was washed away by the high waters. Isaac Laird was stung by a scorpion last Fri. and intending to apply glycerine to ease the pain, used carbolic acid by mistake and was seriously burnt and poisoned. He is still unable to be up though he is much better. Miss Edna Birchnough who lives near Rankin, delivered a delightful recitation here at our celebration entitled “Independence”. Deputy Clerk Johnson who is spending his summer vacation at his ranch was in town Sat. talking business and politics. Clyde Young, a gay and handsome bachelor and thriving farmer and stockman of Dead Indian was doing business here last Saturday.    Sunbeam July 15, 1904



JULY 22, 1904

GRIMES: Singing will be held at Mr. Mason’s next Sun. night. A most enjoyable time was held there last Sun. night and the new songbooks were used. Mrs. Byron Snyder and daughter, Miss Ruby returned from Oklahoma City last Sun where they have been for several months. Mrs. Dickson English is enjoying a visit from her mother from Texas. John Kennedy and William McCarty left Mon. for Wellington, Kansas to work in the harvest fields. Manford Spence of Bethany, Missouri, visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Wasson last week and while here purchased the Reece Davis claim. Mr. and Mrs. Borden leave this week for eastern Oklahoma thinking the change will be beneficial to Mrs. Borden’s health. O. Thalcher formerly of Weatherford, but now Sayre, visited Sun in the Diehl home. Meeting of the County Fair Assoc. was held July 14 at Berlin, O.T.  G.W Seiffert was chosen temporary chairman, Frank Winters chosen temporary secretary; E.M. McBride vice-president; E.W. Franklin secretary and F.A. Isone treasurer. Directors elected were: N.R. Winters, Oscar Caudill, J.L. Gilkey, P.B. Buckelew, L.W. Drew, R.M. Bell, V.W. Drew, Charles Atwood, R.L. King, R.A. Poor, T.G. Rhine, J.H. Mackey, A.R. Sowers, J.C. Helf, Paul Oehme.  W.B. Taylor, father of J.D. the barber, is up from Texas on a visit to his son. W.J. Walter of Huron, Kansas was down last week looking after harvesting his wheat on his farm near Dempsey. The carpenters are making rapid progress on the new Baptist Church now under construction at Cheyenne just east of court house. Married Tues. July 19, 1904 at the Monroe Hotel in Cheyenne were Edwin Engle to Miss Maye E. Norman, Judge Casady officiating. Miss Kelton’s class will give a music recital on A.S. McKinney’s lawn the night of July 29. W.A. Perry of the Custer Bend area, brought to town last week two huge bones which he found on his place eight miles northeast of town. The larger of the bones looked to be part of an enormous skull; the other being evidently a part of the largest bones of the same animal. The local zoologist thinks these were bones of a mastodon. Mr. Miller had a cabbage which developed after last year’s head of cabbage was cut off leaving the stalk standing and the stalk sprouted this spring and formed a magnificent head from last year’s root.

DEMPSEY: Hugh Dodson believes the he can put his time to better advantage than in drawing water, hand over hand from a 100 foot well. He now has a fine windmill looming up across the prairie. Little Peter Hage had only well gotten over the effects of a fracture obtained by adventuresome jump from a roof; requiring the doctor’s aid, when Miss Mabel Phillips took a tumble from a horse with Della Frew falling upon her, sustaining what was feared to be a serious sprain at the shoulder. Mrs. Phillips had her wrist bone dislocated on returning from Cheyenne the fifth, by the buggy’s giving a sudden lurch. She courageously set it herself at once though the bone was plainly seen to be far from its socket. Miss Della Frew was immersed on the King place July 10 and will join the Christian Church here. Mr. Walters has his wheat cut having four large and two small stacks and has already plowing for another crop. The Dodson boys are doing the work. The Frankfords cut their wheat on the Robinson place two weeks ago. Mrs. Alta Frankford is postmistress at Dempsey.

REDMOON: Ed Keen has his 160 acres of cotton worked out in good shape. John Hooper has his usual large crop of corn and cotton. L.A. Anderson who was never been accused of working too hard, simply said, “let there be corn and cotton and there is corn and cotton:. He is now  planting his broomcorn. Shufeldt and son are moving things lively on the Shufeldt Ranch harvesting wheat, saving hay and doing general farm and ranch work. C.L. Boyd is giving his entire attention to raising of thoroughbred hogs. Elbert Tracy is in Kansas with the wheat harvest and will probably visit the St. Louis big show before his return. The upper Washita has been unprecendently high from the last week’s rains.   Sunbeam July 22, 1904


JULY 29, 1904

Beef prices have reached the highest point attained since the Civil War. Much discussion over whether school lands should lease at the highest rental which they will bring in an open market or  have the legislature fix the maximum on the rental of the school lands. Mrs. James Evans is quite sick at her home on Croton . Charles McClain is very sick at the home of his mother near Berlin. A new safe is being installed in the County Treasurer’s office in the Court House. John C. Hendricks, E.E. Tracy and the editor of the Sunbeam (D.W. Tracy) are the Cheyenne representatives at the Democratic Territorial Convention at Oklahoma City this week. Mrs. Gracia Mitchell will give an elocutionary entertainment at the court house in Cheyenne on the 6th of August. Mrs. Mitchell comes highly recommended as an entertainer and a rare treat is in store for those who attend. Lewis Ankerson was arrested and placed in jail here this week, on an indictment found by the grand jury. The young man is charged with making a gun play and had eluded arrest until this week when he was captured in Custer County. Two tomcats on the roof of the bank building Mon. night, caused an alarm of burglars to be sounded and the guardians of the city were soon on the scene, and the cause of the disturbance located. The party who saw the “burglars” in the bank set up the lemonade. Beaty, Bowman and others started for the Kansas City market with fat cattle Saturday; but on their arrival at the railroad, they found the butchers’ strike still on and they decided not to sell. They are still holding the cattle at Sayre awaiting developments. Marriage licenses issued: Robert L. Bailey to Miss Ruthie E. Baldwin; Charles Casmon to Miss Lottie Peters. When it comes to convention work, John B. Hendricks is the real thing. “He’s IT” as our whole delegation can testify. Our county was honored by the Oklahoma City Convention making Leo Meyer of Sayre one of its permanent secretaries. F.E. Herring was made territorial committeeman for Roger Mills County, an honor properly and rightly bestowed. He has abilities of the highest honor for the position. The Socialist Party of Roger Mills Co. held a convention. The convention was called to order by J.H. Parrish of Cheyenne. J.B. London of Poarch elected temporary chairman and Hayes Cloxen temporary secretary. T.J. Smith of Redmoon, A. Spaulding of Busch and Hayes Coxen of Hammon were elected as committee to draw up a declaration of principles after which convention adjourned until committee had prepared its report. T.W. Woodow was presented to the convention for councilman. J.H. Parrish, J.B. London and Joseph Stauber were presented on a second ballot. London received nomination. The following nominations for county offices were made: J.H. Parrish County Treasurer; Hayes Coxen County Clerk; G.B. Stewart Register of Deeds; I.N. Johnson Sheriff; J.W.  Hodge for County Weigher; W.A. Byrd, Coroner.              Sunbeam July 29, 1904


AUGUST 5, 1904

J.F. Pyle of the upper Washita was in town Mon. talking business. Watermelons are ripe. Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Thurmond and family are visiting with Mrs. Thurmond’s mother, Mrs. Hunt this week. Rev. H.O. White, Baptist pastor has been holding a successful series of meetings at the new school house in District No. 79 (Emerson) on the Sgt. Major Creek. This school expresses thanks to the citizens of Cheyenne for liberal help to it in building the new school house. When you come to town on August 6, remember the dinner to be given by the ladies of the ME Church at the parish building. They will also serve ice cream during the evening. The musical recital by Miss Kelton’s class, given on A.S. McKinney’s lawn last Friday night, was a delightful affair and was highly enjoyed by the large crowd present. Miss Madge Gray and Master Paul Hendricks were the stars of the troupe. Marriage license issued to George C. Leeper and Miss Myrtle Carter of Leedey; J.J. Patterson, age 61, Berlin to Mrs. Sarah Sweet, age 69 of Sweetwater.

GRIMES: The lumber is being hauled for the new bridge across Starvation, west of Grimes School house. This is something greatly needed as this crossing has been quite dangerous and many teams have been stuck when at this place. The noted Farmers Band (who practice at the Blackburn home) went to Erick Wed. to be at the picnic there on Thurs. and Friday. The boys get $75 and expenses. J.C. Crawford of near Rankin has the thanks of the Star force for an elegant watermelon. Cora Denniston proved up on her claim near town before Deputy Clerk Carter Tuesday. J.P. Johnson, Deputy District Clerk, was in from his ranch Sat. and reports that crops in his area are in excellent shape. Uncle Jacob Beard’s 80th birthday rolled around as they usually do on July 28. Remember the ladies’ dinner on Sat. as you come to town to vote.  Sunbeam/Star August 5, 1904


AUGUST 12, 1904

REDMOON: Born on August 1 to Mrs. Emma White, a daughter. Miss Grace Hanawalt of Streeter, O.T. is doing effective service as post office clerk, during the temporary absence of Mrs. White. Lee Dudney is plowing wheat. J.E. Keen is shipping cattle from Sayre.

GRIMES: A singing was held at Mr. Kael’s northwest of Grimes last Sun. night and a good time is reported. A very pleasant singing was held at the Singletary home last Sun. night; about forty being present. Henry Itter and Lloyd Wightman of Berlin were visitors at the singing. Mrs. Olesen moved her family to Sayre last week to be near Mr. Olesen who is working on section. J.W. Wickstrom, who is working in Sayre, spent Sunday on his farm with his family.

Born on Saturday, August 6 to Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Mounts a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tucker rejoice in the birth of a daughter on Thursday August 4. L.D. Gilbert of Diboll, Texas is visiting his mother, Mrs. S.A. Wallace this week. L.C. Reynolds, father of our charming teacher, Miss Gertrude was in town Mon. arranging to move in for the benefit of our school. The defeated candidates are trying to realize how it happened. Uncle John Anderson of Redmoon, one of the solid old time settlers of the upper Washita was doing business in town last week. Cheyenne Public School will begin first Mon. in September. Trial Mon. in Justice Casady’s court of Jim Corrigan for fighting and using unbecoming language in the presence of women, resulted in a conviction in each case and a fine of $5 in one case and $1 in the other and costs. A number of our Rankin neighbors attended the trial which excited considerable local interests. The First Baptist Church is nearing completion and is an elegant building and a credit both to the congregation and the town. Streeter, about 20 miles northwest of here, will have a two day picnic Friday and Saturday.     Sunbeam/Star Aug 12, 1904



AUGUST 19, 1904

GRIMES: Mr. Lambert lost a valuable horse last week. William Klopenstein has been on the sick list this last week. Elder Wood of the Christian Church immersed seven people at Carr’s spring last Sat. afternoon. The people immersed were Mr. and Mrs. C. Felty, Mr. and Mrs. T. Skelton and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Blecker. Born on Aug. 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pierson a girl. The baby arrived on the third birthday of little Mary Pierson. B.T. Richerson’s father lately arrived here from Texas on a visit. He was taken quite sick soon after his arrival. Byron Snyder is out on his claim now. J.R. George of Hamburg was talking business in town this week. County Attorney Hendricks and his family left Sun. for a two weeks visit to friends in the panhandle. Mrs. J.G. Kimball, formerly Miss Lela Anderson is visiting this week at the home of her father, W.W. Anderson on Sgt. Major.  Born Wed. the 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Elliott a boy. N.P. Willis, a brilliant young attorney of Canadian, Texas and H.A. Dinsmore, also from Canadian were here Mon. arranging to connect Cheyenne by phone with Grand and Canadian. Uncle Perry Taylor who was nominated for trustee, Croton township on the night of the election stepped into a hole washed near his place and sustained a fracture of a rib. A man was caught Sat. six miles north of town and put in jail under a charge of stealing two mules near Sayre. The officers received word that the mules had been taken Wed. night and that the thief had probably come in this direction. Sheriff Elliott and Deputy Monroe speedily got on the trail and came in sight of the party with the mules near C.W. McNeill’s place and pressed him so closely late Thurs. evening that he left the mules and took to the breaks losing his hat in the run. In the darkness that quickly followed, the trail was lost and the officers returned to town bringing the mules along. The next morning a man without a hat went to Joe Means’ house on Dead Indian and asked for his breakfast. Having heard the facts about the pursuit the day before, Mr. Means at once suspected him of being the man wanted and put him under arrest and after giving him his breakfast, brought him to town. He at first refused to give his name but afterwards he told the officers that his name was John Henry. It was then learned that his name is Jerry Smith under which name he was formerly accused before Justice Casady Friday. Waiving examination he is held to await the action of the grand jury and his bond fixed in the sum of $1,000, which has not yet been given. The animals were an extra good pair of mules and belonged to Eli Maddox. They were restored to their owner Saturday. People are complaining about the web worms taking the cotton. Fred Thomas’ horse sprained his shoulder as he was coming in with the west mail Sat. night and the U.S. Mail had to walk and lead his horse in. Miss Jo Redden is visiting her brother, Bert this week. High waters spoiled several of the young folks good time at the Grand Picnic Saturday. Streeter hasn’t had any mail from the west now for two days, not being able to cross the Canadian. An ice cream supper was held at Ack Davis’ last week and a good time reported. WOW(Woodmen of the World) of this and adjoining counties will hold a grand picnic and barbecue on Joe Moad’s school section, twelve miles north of Elk City, August 24 & 25th.

Sunbeam August 19, 1904


AUGUST 26, 1904

Mrs. Leah and Nellie Huff are visiting this week at Elk City. Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Bryan of Canadian, Texas are visiting their son, Jesse this wee.k Mrs. Laura Males of Doxey, daughter of I.N. Johnson, was in town Monday on business. Perry R. Abbott of Harrington was in town Tues. filing on the land which he won by a successful contest. The women’s aid society will serve meals during court week, beginning Sept. 15, for the benefit of the Baptist Church. Born at Cheyenne Sat. Aug. 13, 1904 to Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Bonner, a son. A dance was given at the parish building last week. Scotty Falconer got up some very interesting cartoons about election time, which were decided hits. We hope to secure some interesting sketches from his pen for the Sunbeam in the near future. A.L. Thurmond last week bought out the ranch of L.T. Bowman, four miles west of town for $13,000. Marriage: Roy Gilbert of Apache to Miss Bertha Reynolds of Redmoon. There will be a B-Day at the fairgrounds at Berlin on Sat. Sept 17 for the purpose of cleaning up the grounds, completing the track, building fences and erecting buildings. E.W. Franklin, Secy.

REDMOON: Broomcorn harvest is on, the crop is only medium, the cotton crop will need no more rain. Miss Dolly Wilson of Hamburg is visiting the family of her uncle, John Anderson. Elbert Tracy has returned from a two months stay in Kansas. L.A. Anderson and Uncle Johnny Anderson will ship cattle from Canadian, Texas this week. Bowie Jones, Gus Jones and Jim Anderson of Gomez, Texas will be in the market at the same time with cattle shipped from their ranch at Gomez. Mrs. Emma White and her sister-in-law, Miss Gracie Mitchell went to Elk City this week. On Friday night, Mrs. Mitchell will give an elocutionary recital at the school house.

WILDHORSE: Mrs. Charles Irven came in from Poarch last week to visit friends. Mr. James Bailey is topping his broomcorn this week. Messrs George and Henry Underwood are assisting him. Brothers White and Green closed a successful meeting at Custer Bend last Sunday night. Mrs. Charles Hensley Jr. and Miss Eva West were baptized. Mr. Henry Underwood returned from Rocky, Washita County Fri. where he had been at work. Several members of the Dead Indian Church met there Mon. and Tues. and rebuilt the arbor and cleared the grounds. Protracted meeting is to begin there Fri night.

LONG CREEK: Ed Smith has returned home after a month’s stay at Hydro. P.N. Oaks and family have returned to their claim after a long visit with relatives in Custer County. E.E. Lawliss is back on his claim after working at the carpenter’s trade at Wichita, Kansas. Albert Smith has a well drilled 150 feet deep with 9 feet of water in it. Union Chapel elected five trustees: Mrs. W.A. Mills, Mrs. Albert Mills, Mrs. Bennett, Messrs Estes and McColgin.

J.E.  Hill has purchased a new broomcorn seeder. He means business. Broomcorn and cotton buyers are gathering and Elk City will be a good market. A few loads of broomcorn have come in but it is said that it is too green to buy and store. Have it well cured if you expect top prices. J.W. Hopkins of Elk City has sold his draying express and bus line to Pulse and Graveitt. The memory and noticability of the old stockmen was shown last week when liveryman John Caffey, replevined a horse he saw upon the street claiming it to be one of a number that strayed or were stolen from him three years ago. He proved his claim to the satisfaction of a jury and was given possession of the animal. Master R.C. Roberts had a foot badly injured while chasing a calf, pony running too close to a fence. John West of Cheyenne is erecting a neat cottage in the west end of town. H.D. Cox has the contract. Kleve Thurmond was appointed receiver of the Sayre Gin and Milling Company Tuesday.     Sunbeam, August 26, 1904



Mr. Morris of Streeter was in the city Monday endeavoring to interest our people in a telephone extension to Cheyenne. The proposition submitted is that Grand build the line to Hamburg where the Cheyenne people will connect. Such a line will give the county seat connection with Elk City and the south. E.W. Franklin of Berlin was circulating among our merchants Tues securing special premiums for the fair. The report that Whitehead, the murderer of Sheriff Bullard, had been arrested in Dakota is erroneous. Sheriff Elliott has used every means to locate and cause his arrest but up to this time the much wanted men have failed to be apprehended. James Atwood of near Grimes brought in a fine watermelon that weighed 55 pounds and was a dandy. Miss Myrtle Kelton the accomplished and popular music teacher has returned from an extensive visit to the big fair. The Monroe Hotel has been sold by Mr. Monroe to J.W. French, who took charge this morning.

MERIDIAN: Seven new settlers came in on their claims in our territory in one day, we are growing fast. F.M. Chapman has taken up his work on the railroad again. The picnic on Wildhorse last Sat was well attended. Alfred Gray has returned from a two week visit at Amarillo. Tom Kendall left for Norman Mon. where he will attend school this winter. C.C. Pritchard formerly editor of the Star was attending the Republican Convention here Tuesday. Quite a number from here attended the baptizing at Snakey Bend last Sun afternoon. The dance Friday night in the Tunnard building was a pleasant affair and well attended. S. Jackson, Cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank, is in eastern Oklahoma this week. The fight between Jeffries and Monroe was a very tame affair. Monroe only lasting two rounds. The new Baptist Church is now in the hands of the painters and will soon be ready for occupation. H.D. Cox is putting the finishing touches on his new cottage that he is building in the west part of town and when finished it will be one of the neatest residences properties in our little city. John West has leased it for a term of years. Will Bonner and Jim Moore left Sun. for St. Louis where they will take in the sights of the great fair. They will also buy the largest stock of goods ever brought to western Oklahoma.  Sunbeam September 2, 1904



Premium list for the Berlin Fair compares favorably with that of older organized fairs. There are classes for all breeds of cattle, horses and other stock, poultry and all farm  products, besides the specials given by the businessmen of the different towns. Draft teams at the Berlin Fair will be judged by their ability to pull weight to be demonstrated on the grounds. C.E. Tanner operates an ice cream parlor with soda water and all kinds of summer drinks and ice for sale. Fifty pound watermelons are very common nowadays around Grimes. Everybody is very busy harvesting a good crop of broomcorn. Miss Edith Franklin is teaching a five months term of school at Grimes. E. Drake who lives four miles northwest of Grimes has probably got one of the best wells in the county. He drilled 70 feet; 40 feet was through red rock. At the terminus the drill suddenly sank about four feet through a vein of water and water at once arose to within 30 feet of the surface and remains there. Thirty-seven of the young people from the Grimes vicinity met at the home of E.W. Franklin a few nights since by invitation from the Misses Franklin and ate watermelons and played “Snap and Catchem” till the wee small hours of the morning. The latest improvement in the Grimes area is a 7×9 bachelor’s residence on section 17. It has neither floor, window nor stovepipe hole. The question is how will the smoke get out? Second Annual Picnic at Moads north of Elk City held on the 24th and 25th was the success that was expected. Amusements of all kinds were furnished and Ole Joe personally watched after the welfare of the crowd. Singing classes from Elk City, Pleasant Hill and Snakey Bend entertained a portion of the crowd in a most capable manner. The ball game between the ElkCity and Hammon teams was an exceptionally good one. The company gin has been thoroughly overhauled and placed in excellent shape for the fall business and manager John West is now anxious to see the cotton begin to roll in.

STREETER NEWS: Miss Grace Hanawalt of Redmoon spent Sat. and Sun. with home folks. Will Anderson seems very lonesome since some of his best friends have gone to Arapaho, but he consoles himself by making basements, thinking he would need one for himself in the near future. Wonder why Jim Redden is so deeply interested in the mail from Redmoon. Ray Redden left for Arapaho Wed. and some people may wonder why such a pleasant smile was seen on his face, but it is no mystery to those that know the pretty girls down there. Some of the local farmers will begin picking cotton next week. Beaty shipped a carload of fat cattle on Mon. to the St. Louis market. Several loads of broomcorn passed through town this week in route to the railroad. Tom Kendall and James Osborn are attending Baylor University at Waco, Texas. Herring & Young have enclosed the lots of their business property with an 8 foot tight fence. J.W. French has had the Hotel building re-painted and it now presents a very clean neat appearance. E.M. Black has moved into the Stahl building, which has just been vacated by Will Wanamaker. J.D. Sloan of Streeter has been delivering seed wheat to the mercantile on this week they having purchased 200 bushels from him. Milo Burlingame went to Canadian, Texas, Sat. for a few days visit. Cheyenne Mercantile Co. desires all persons who put in potatoes for them on the shares to come in and bring in the potatoes. John Casady has had charge of the mechanical department of the Sunbeam this week, while Bro. Mitchell has been taking a vacation out in the panhandle. Charley Miller and family and the big mules came in Mon. from a month’s trip up in Beaver Co. and southern Kansas. Miss Myrtle Kelton our popular music teacher will occupy the new music room at the school house on Mon. Sept. 12 and will be better prepared than ever to look after her pupils. Saturday was a busy day with our merchants. The streets of our little city were crowded with teams from early morning until late in the afternoon and the clerks and proprietors worked hard to supply the wants of their many customers. Thursday was moving day in Cheyenne. Casady moved from the hotel; French moved into the hotel; E.E. Tracy moved into the house vacated by French; Monroe took the house formerly occupied by Tracy and John Warren into the house vacated by Monroe; while Major Kirkley went into the Conaway house. Louis T. Bowman, age 49 years, died at his home on the Washita River three miles west of Cheyenne on Tues. afternoon last and was buried in the Cheyenne cemetery Wed. evening. Cheyenne school opened Mon. with a large attendance and the following teachers: Prof. J.A. Kirkley, principal; Mrs. Bryant in 5th & 6th grades; Miss Ethel Stevens 3rd & 4th grades; Miss Gertrude Reynolds primary.

Sunbeam/Star September 9, 1904


SEPTEMBER 16, 1904

The Second Annual Melon Feast was given by Postmaster Harrington at the Harrington Store last week and over 300 persons by actual count were present. The melons were furnished free by Mr.  Harrington, most of them being grown by J.R. Jeeter. One melon weighed 63 ½ pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington are great entertainers and their annual melon feast is looked forward to with great expectation by their neighbors and friends. Lee and Bonner of Cheyenne are paying highest market prices for our broomcorn.

BERLIN NEWS: Half mile race track with an exhibition arena will give the lovers of the fast horse a chance to see their favorites at work during the county fair. Five or six teams will go to the railroad on the 14th for lumber, posts, wire, etc. and if you want to see a lively time, come round on the 17th and help put all this material in place. A diamond field is being prepared and a $30 prize has been put up for the best baseball team. Berlin school commenced Mon. the 5th with 49 on the roll. B.T. Richerson has bought the claim of Oscar Burnham and now owns 160 acres on the east side of the Cheyenne to Sayre freight road. Campbell Bros. Circus will be in Sayre on the 26th. There are 20 criminal cases at this session of the district court and 52 civil cases.  Sat. morning the dead bodies of some 8 or 10 canines, which in this case means common cur dog, were found lying around in various parts of the town. Someone had evidently scattered “dog buttons” where they would do the most good and the only regret expressed that his medicine ran  out before the supply of dogs did. Lee and Bonner have gone into the broomcorn business and have leased the old Parrish store building and are using the same for a storage room. The French Hotel is now under the management of J.W. French; has been refurnished and remodeled and is now better fitted than ever before to look after the welfare of the traveling public. Mr. French has secured a first class cook and the tables are supplied with all the delicacies the market affords. Marriage license: RD. Robinson and Clara Howell both of Sweetwater; D.A. Wilson and Cora Sanders both of Prentiss.  New Baptist Church is being built under the efficient management of H.D. Cox is fast nearing completion and will be ready for dedication service the second Sunday in October.  E.M. Black has opened his restaurant in the Stahl building. John W. Smith hauled lumber to build a house on his claim, southwest ¼ of Sec 17-14-26. His family had lived in a tent since last April. Isaiah Wells died August 28, 1904 near Long Creek, aged 73 years. Burial will be the first in the new cemetery just west of the County Line Church, now called Union Chapel on the claim owned by Mrs. Cantwell. Jack Cronin and John McBonner left Sun. for St. Louis to take in the sights at the big fair. Will Bonner and Jim Moore just got in from St. Louis Thurs. and report the fair quite a success. L.B. Bloom of the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. returned from the eastern markets Fri. and reports that he bought the biggest and best stock of goods for his firm that was ever brought to western Oklahoma. At the chivalry tendered Uncle John Rudleff and Bride on Wed. last, the boys used the bass drum belonging to the band boys at this place as a noise producer. Woody Busby, who had accompanied Mr. Rudleff from Sayre, took exceptions to the noise produced from the big drum and proceeded to “kick the stuffin” out of it. That was all right, but the boys concluded Woody ought to pay for the damage as he had had the fun. Woody refused to make the damage good and the boys issued an ultimatum to the effect that he pay for the damages or the aforesaid Woody would take a bath in the horse trough at the Red Barn. Woody still refused to produce the long green necessary to repair the drum and the boys collared the young man, deposited him carefully in the horse trough in about three feet of water and after “sousing him” thoroughly, made an assessment on themselves of the amount to buy a new head for the drum, but failed to collect anything to pay for the necessary laundering of Woody’s apparel after he had crawled from his involuntary bath.  Sunbeam September 16, 1904


SEPTEMBER 23, 1904

J.D. Hall delivered about six tons of fine broomcorn brush to Elk City last Fri. from his farm near MacArthur (Strong City) area, which averaged about $50 per ton. It is the largest lot that we have heard of that was marketed in one day by anyone. Mr. Don Cox was in Elk City this week in route with his family for Rascon, Old Mexico where he expects to engage in raising livestock. Mr. Cox’s family will take the train from Laredo, Texas where they cross the river and take the Mexican Central for their future home. Mr. Cox will ship some stock to El Paso and will go with the car to that point. They left here Wednesday. Mr. Cox has a ranch four miles southeast of Cheyenne. His father is engaged in several business enterprises at the county seat. Mr. Don Cox has been in the farming business in this county and we cheerfully recommend him to the people at his new home. Married on Tuesday last at the home of O.O. Burt, Mr. Richard Hay to Miss Martha Sing.  J.D. Taylor and George Cree, our energetic barbers of this place, left Monday for St. Louis where they will enjoy the sites of the Big Fair. John Stahl the old reliable butcher has opened up a first class meat market in town and is prepared to furnish his customers with the best meat market affords. He was formerly one of the best butchers of Milwaukee. Dr. Tedrowe one of our leading physicians was quite badly injured Monday morning by the team he was driving running away. The doctor was thrown into a wire fence and badly scratched and cut and while none of his injuries are dangerous, they are serious enough to confine him to his room for several days. Collins Hardware Co. has the cheapest prices on broomcorn baling wire. NOTICE: to the cotton raisers in Day and Roger Mills County. It is reported around over the country that we are charging $5 per bale for ginning. We are ginning just as cheap as the gins at the railroad and we would be pleased to have you come and try our turnouts. Cheyenne Gin and Milling Company, J.H. West, Mgr. Milo Burlingame, President.

Sunbeam September 23, 1904


SEPTEMBER 30, 1904

Stoney Jackson has purchased the J.P. Johnson residence and will take possession of the same in the near future. Sheriff Elliott left for Lansing this morning with four prisoners sentenced to the penitentiary at the last term of court. Their sentences run from one to five years. A baseball nine from Twin Hills crossed bats with the Cheyenne club Wednesday. The game was called in the 8th inning on account of a shower with the score tied 15-15. Dr. Tedrowe’s “Bronx” gave him another touch of high life Monday. Doc came out all right this time but the ponies were rather demoralized. We understand that the doctor is now negotiating for a Mitchell wagon and a team of oxen. J.W. Howard of Grimes left at the Star office last week the largest watermelon so far brought to town. It weighed a little over 67 pounds. Bob Thurmond was in town Wed. attending the Hornbeak-Jackson wedding. The gin is running regularly every day and also at night when necessary to keep up with their work. John Gober, the hustling life insurance agent is circulating around in this part of the country. George D. Jackson of Rankin was in town Monday making final proof on his claim before Deputy Clerk Johnson. G. McColgin one of the enterprising and progressive farmers of the Rankin area Tues. gave the Star a pleasant call and also left a fine watermelon. Milo Burlingame and wife, Jessie Bryan and wife, Misses Zeta and Goldie Miller, Miss Volina Miller and Messers L.B. Bloom, Burt Ambler, Madden Miller and James Richards took in the excursions over the Choctaw Railway to Oklahoma City last Sunday. They returned early Mon. morning and report a most pleasant and enjoyable time and loud in their praise of the queen city of the Canadian Valley. Herman Guernsey has accepted a position with the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. in the grocery department.  Sunbeam, Sept 30, 1904


OCTOBER 7, 1904

In the September term of the district court of Roger Mills Co. the following were granted citizenship on the proper showing being paid. The names are E. Nison, Claude Nison, W. Speis, John Kirtz, P. Laying, Jacob Bauchman. Some selected results from the County Fair at Berlin are Best All Purpose Stallion V.B VanVactor; Best Draft Stallion V.B. Van Vactor; Best Mare R.A. Poor; Best Mare and Colt T.G. Rhine; Best Span carriage horses Calvin M. Rosser; Best Pair Matched Horses George A. Deitrich; Best Mule Homer B. Wright; Best Span of Mules J.F Stevenson; Best Hereford Bull Calf Oscar Caudill; Best Holstein Bull George H.  Yonker; Best Durham Cow J.M. Hill; Best Poland China Boar Dr. J.C. Helf; Best Pet Animal (pet deer) E.W. Franklin; Best Pullet A.W. Greenwood; Best Stalk of Cotton J.F. Young; Second Best G.H. Bales; Second Best twelve ears white dent corn A.L. Bradshaw. Jack Little’s team ran away at his place on Dead Indian last Sat. throwing Mrs. Little and the baby from the wagon, killing the baby instantly and seriously injuring Mrs. Little. The babe was buried at the Cheyenne Cemetery Sun. afternoon. At last reports Mrs. Little was resting easy and will be able to be up in a few days. In consequence of the washing out of the bridges on the C.O.&G. railroad, our usual run of ready  prints failed to reach us this week and the Star appears with just half its usual number of pages. Or county jail is empty and Uncle Perry Taylor says it is very lonesome in that area. Cotton is coming in pretty lively this week, and the gin is running overtime. A.S. McKinney returned Sat. from Bonneville, Missouri where he had placed his son, Ervin in the military school for the winter term. We don’t know what the war in the Far East is doing, as no mail has been received at this office since Monday, owing to the washing out of the railroad bridges on the Canadian River. NOTICE: All taxes are now due and must be paid, W.D. Kendall, County Treasurer. Mr. Singleberry aged about 55 years was killed by lightening last Friday night. He lives with his family a few miles south of Elk City and Fri. took in a wagon load of watermelons and tomatoes. On his return a bolt of lightening struck him and killed his mule, the horse was knocked down. The body of the deceased was found Sat. morning by a neighbor who went out to look for him. J.B. Harrison was up to the ranch from Sayre Monday. H.D. Cox is in Kansas City this week looking after business interests and visiting relatives and friends. Jess Bryan and B. Dewey are at Hamburg today on business for the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. Dr. Tedrow is congratulating himself. His team hasn’t run away with him for a whole week. Mrs. Gussie Kirkley is up and around again after a severe attack of typhoid fever. The Smith Building is being thoroughly overhauled, repainted and re-papered this week. We understand that a Mr. Brown will open a first class bakery and short order house in the building. John Reed and wife, Miss Laura Hext, William Hext and Dr. Standifer are in Kansas City this week. Mr. Reed and Miss Hext will remain for several weeks under medical treatment. Jack Cronin who has had charge of the dry goods department at Herring & Young’s for the past year, left Mon. morning for Sayre where he takes charge of the books for the same firm at their store at that place. The Choctaw Railroad is running two passenger trains daily in each direction . John R. Morgan of Rankin was in town Sat. making final proof on his claim. William Hunter and John W. Gates accompanied him as witnesses. Squire Casady is preparing to make some substantial improvements on his residence property in the east part of town . Omer Carter and Miss Estella George of Cheyenne were married at the office of the probate judge Saturday. Squire Casady performing the ceremony. John Atkins desires us to notify the public that he will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyone found driving or trespassing on his farm in Sec. 15-14. This is fair warming. Jeff Davi,s candidate on the Democratic ticket for Co. Weigher and Miss Allie Damron of Sedalia were married at the French Hotel on Fri last. Squire Casady officiating. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson left Fri. for St. Louis where they will spend a week or more at the fair. Will Bonner and his wife leave in the morning for St. Louis where they will purchase a big stock of goods and also spend a week or ten days at the World’s Fair.    Star, October 6, 1904



OCTOBER 14, 1904

Star Tobacco 45 cents a pound at the Cheyenne Mercantile Company.  Joseph C. Cooper and wife are the proud parents of a brand new ten pound baby girl who arrived on the 6th inst. J.C. also made final proof on his claim last Thursday. One year of the Cheyenne Star costs 50 cents. Will Miller of the Cheyenne Livery Barn was calling upon friends in Elk City last week. I will haul good soft water on Mondays and Thursdays of each week. Leave orders at the Star Meat Market. W.R. Casady.

REDMOON NEWS: William Barnes returned last week from Canadian, Texas. He reports that the Canadian River has been unprecendentally high. Every bridge on the river as far down as Bridgeport has been swept away. The Santa Fe Railroad lost, including the bridge, two miles of track. Much of the hay in the Canadian Valley was lost in the flood. The fall term of the public school closed last Friday. The school children will now assist in gathering the cotton crop and be ready for the winter term which will open in November. G.W. Graves has returned home from Beaver Dam where he has been building a substantial school house for the new district east of Cheyenne. Zeke Stephens was up the Washita last Sat. inspecting the public roads. He promises the farmers good roads over which to haul their cotton by the last of this week.

P.N. Hillman and Verna Hayne received their marriage license last Sat. both from McArthur. M.E. Fuller, E.M. Caudill and J.D. Goddard substantial good citizens of Berlin were doing business at the capital Wednesday. Uncle Jacob Beard sold his land to Andy Prestridge and will return to Ohio. Our old soldier friend Orpheus Waterman of Trammell, was in town Wed on legal business. He brought in as samples of his successful farming, three heads of kafir corn each measuring 13 inches long and three heads of milo maize, each weighing a half a pound.     Star.Sunbeam October 13, 1904


OCTOBER 21, 1904

Miss Volina Miller is visiting relatives and friends at Woodward. HD. Cox returning from his visit at the World’s Fair reports the institution a grand success. Sam Bartholemew of Rankin, Republican Nominee for Commissioner in this district was in town Thurs. and Friday. Hilary Warren was struck in the face by a swift ball while  playing baseball last Sunday and quite seriously injured. Mr. and Mrs. P. Lynch, who have been spending the past few months at Des Moines, Iowa have returned to their ranch west of Cheyenne. Mr. J.P. Miller and Miss Irene Tanner left Tues. morning to attend the session of the Grand Lodge I.O.O.F.  F.E. Tanner has closed out his harness shop at this place and accompanied by his family left Wed. for St. Louis where they will spend a month at the fair. After seeing all there is to see at the “white city” they will go to Chillicothe, Missouri and spend the winter returning to Mr. Tanner’s farm near here in the spring. Top Buggy for sale, H.D. Cox.  Miss Preston of Sweetwater, O.T. is a guest at Hotel French this week. Quail are very plentiful and hunters report good success on their hunting trips. James J. Wilson of Redmoon made final proof of his claim before Deputy Clerk Carter Wednesday. Charley Miller has lost a fine black pig and wants to pay someone $1 to return the same. Charley is lonesome without this pig. Said pig has its two behind feet white and is black in all other respects. Charley wants this pig bad or bad enough to pay a big round dollar for its return to him at the livery barn. Roger Mills Co. Singing Assoc. will meet at Elk City Sat. October 29. The recent cool nights have caused many to think of putting up their heaters. We understand that F.E. Tanner has closed his shop permanently.

LONG CREEK NEWS: Cotton is being hauled to Cheyenne, Sayre, Elk City and Canadian, Texas. Each farmer tries to find the best market. A number of farmers have broomcorn to thrash and bale. It is a paying crop. James and Emmett Reagan of Weatherford are here on their father’s school section taking care of their corn crop. Over twenty families haul water from the windmill on school section 16. Ed Williams will no longer haul water as he has just dug, with an earth bit, a well 130 feet deep with 10 feet of water in it. Died: October 7, 1904 Mrs. Robert Wells (Emma) age 35 years. Mrs. Wells came from Illinois to Custer County filing on a claim and proving up before her marriage and has lived here on Mr. Wells’ claim the last year. The funeral was the following day at the Rankin Cemetery.

GRIMES NEWS: The young people met at the home of Miss Pearl Singletary last Sun. evening and several hours were spent in singing and eating watermelon. Will McCarty gave a dance at the home of his father-in-law last Wed. night and everybody who witnessed the ceremony at the county fair that made he and Miss Minnie Yonker man and wife, had a free ticket to the ball. The house was crowded and good time reported. The people of this vicinity are justly proud of having taken so many premiums at the county fair. The most noteworthy is that of T.J. Singletary being the “Homeliest” man and E.W Franklin as having the “biggest foot”. Competiton might have been extended to the whole of Oklahoma and these same two gentlemen would have easily won out on their merits. Mrs. George Cree took the premium for the lady wearing the smallest shoes, she wearing number one. Mr. R.N. Higgins had the prettiest baby. The next meeting of the Grimes Lodge #1 of the AS&E will be held at “Frogeye” School House on Sat. October 22, 8 p.m.  Mr. Greenwood will soon build an addition to his house as he is now hauling the lumber. Ira Meeks sold his claim last week to a Mr. Snyder of Kingfisher County. Mr. Meeks will move to Kingfisher. Mr. Keller is building a large corn crib for his immense corn crop.

WILD HORSE GLEANINGS: J.R. Green held services at Dead Indian Sat. and Sunday. Singing was held at J.R. Green’s residence Sunday. Wilson Daniels invited all the young folks to come to his place next Sunday. D.H Arnold preached at Ed Kendall’s residence Sat. night and at Guests school house at 10:00. The Vanderpool children are picking cotton in this area this week.

A young gentleman of McArthur secured a license last Sat. to marry a young lady of that area, but in order to do so, he had to forge the parents’ name to the order. A threatened prosecution resulted in a compromise in which the young people agreed to wait a year. There will be a box supper at the Lone Star School House six miles southeast of Cheyenne on Fri. evening, October 21.   Sunbeam, October 20, 1904


OCTOBER 28, 1904

LONG CREEK NEWS: (NW of Reydon) J.R. George is entertaining his sister from Minnesota. James Funston took his daughter and her husband to Canadian, Texas to take the train for their home in Missouri. Emmitt Goff sold his claim to a Mr. Gray. Edward T. Goff and Miss Mary Mills were married Oct. 16, 1904 by Rev. H.D. McGee. They will live in Kansas. Rev. McGee preached a funeral sermon at Union Chapel last Sun in memory of Isaiah Wells who died August 29, 1904. Born a son to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mills, also a son to Mr. and Mrs. Grant McColgin.

Marriage license on the 20th W.E. Johnson to Miss Amy Wallace, both of Cheyenne; on the 22nd Eli Frew of Dempsey to Mrs. Sarah Lowe of Sayre; on the 24th Linnie Coffey to Flora Bruce both of Pilot; on the 25th C.D. Phillips to Della M. Frew both of Dempsey. The last named couple were married in the probate court room. Judge Houston officiating.  Roscoe Johnson and Will Casady are at Sayre on business. Squire Casady is in Greer Co. on business this week and John Casady of the Star force is at Elk City this week. The gin at this place has ginned right at 900 bales of cotton since starting up and the rush has just begun. The value of the cotton will average about $50 a bale, which would bring the aggregate value of the cotton brought to Cheyenne already this season up to $45,000.00 in round numbers. Mrs. Bullard of Hammon is in town visiting friends. Judge R.K. Houston recently bought the Nelson property just east of the Court House from E.L. Hullinger. Died Thurs. night Oct. 20 of whooping cough, infant daughter, Ethel of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Purdy. The baby was buried Sat. at the Cheyenne Cemetery. While Mrs. Cornells and little Miss Rena Wells were out driving Sun. afternoon, the team ran away, overturning the buggy and seriously injuring the little girl’s ankle. No bones were broken, but the ankle suffered a severe and very painful sprain. Mrs. Cornells luckily escaped with only slight bruises.

DEMPSEY NEWS: Since Mr. Humphreys has suffered so much with his broken arm, given to his mules shaking him from his wagon a month ago, he has not been out to Sabbath School and Mr. Lewis Mogel has taken his place as Superintendent. Mr. Joslyn, the Holiness preacher north of town, has made an appointment here once a month preaching the Sat. evening preceding at the Jenks School House west of us. Mr. Mogel’s father lately arrived with a carload of farming and household goods from Kansas and will improve the Vargason claim he purchased a year ago. He talks of plastering his stone house. Where will there be another as warm? Some say that the area cotton pickers have struck for higher wages demanding a raise of a quarter to what they say is the customary dollar per hundred given in other sections all about us.   Sunbeam, October 27, 1904


NOVEMBER 5, 1904

Thurmond Brothers have established a $500,000 bank at Oklahoma City, which will soon be in operation. At the box supper held at the Yankee Front school house near Larned on Friday evening last, a large crowd was in attendance and a most enjoyable time had by all present. In the cake contest for the most popular young lady, Miss May Hiatt and Miss Mamie Turner were the principal contestants and Miss Hiatt won by a small margin. This contest brought in $30.10. Miss Hiatt’s box brought the highest price of $2.20 and was bought by Lee Morton. Steve Premier received the prize for being the ugliest gentleman present. The music and singing was under the management of Prof. J.M. Wright and was enjoyed by all. Bert Craig an employee of the Johnson Gin of Elk City had the misfortune to have one of his hands caught in the gin saws on Mon. last. His hand and arm was badly mangled and the bones of his arm broken. Dr. Watson and McComas were called and did all possible to relieve his suffering. They are of the opinion that it will not be necessary to amputate the arm. Saturday was one of the busiest days that our merchants have had for quite a while. Herring & Young had offered many extra inducements to their customers in the way of prices and premiums and the people took the advantage of their liberal offers. They came by the hundreds, on foot, on horseback, in buggies, in carriages and by wagonload. The only reason they did not come by the trainloads was the fact that the train failed to run on that day. (At this time Cheyenne had no train). The clerks in their mammoth establishment “Got busy” early in the morning and “kept busy” all day until late at night waiting on the many people who were looking for bargains. All the extra help in town available were put behind the counters and then they could not wait on all the customers. Their cash sales amounted to over $3000.00 and would have been much larger could they have waited on the customers. Mrs. Florence Ganaway, formerly Miss Florence Thurmond visited Cheyenne relatives and friends this week. Mrs. Stoney Duke of Elk City was in town last week, a guest of her sister, Mrs. Minnie Burlingame. Paul Burlingame entertained a number of his little friends Thurs. evening the occasion being Paul’s birthday. The Cheyenne Gin Co. has one of the best plants in western Oklahoma and draws cotton from a long distance and contributes its share to the prosperity of our town. Quite a number of the school teachers of the county were in attendance before the superintendent of schools on Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs S. Jackson are now at home in their residence recently purchased of J.P. Johnson. Over 60 bales of cotton were received by the Cheyenne Gin Company on Sat., last and nearly as many on Monday. Cotton  in many fields is turning out a great deal better than the farmers thought it would a short time ago. J.K. Reed who has been in Kansas City for the past month under medical treatment, returned last week much improved in health. H.D. Cox is offering for sale his feed and grist mill consisting of engine and boiler, sheller, burrs and platform scales. Betting in New York City is two to one in favor of the election of Roosevelt with no takes at those odds. John Cross of Cheyenne won the prize of a $5 Stetson hat offered by Herring & Young to the person bringing the largest load of ladies to their store for their big sale last Saturday. Judge Houston made a business trip to Berlin Tuesday. D.W. Tracy is building an addition to his residence property. Jesse O. Argo of Trammell proved up on his claim Tuesday as well as John B. Harrison on his. E.W. Franklin of the Grimes neighborhood was transacting business in town Monday. William Perry and Russell Cooper of Trammell were in town Tues. witnesses in the final proof of Jesse Argo. Johnny Tedrowe entertained a number of his young friends at the Hotel Black Mon. night. Marriage Licenses issued to J.B. McGill to May H. McNew both of Sayre; E.C. Schuer to Pearl Robinson both of Sayre; W.N. O’Bryant of Cheyenne to Ora Bonds of Deming, Arkansas. Leonard’s OK Wagon Yard of Elk City, O.T., located 1 block west of the post office, a well of fine water and three electric lights. Ladies camp is 35 steps from the men’s. The Rev. Dr. Stone preached the dedicatory sermon for the new Baptist Church last Sunday. Arrangements were made to pay the debt and the dedication was completed at the night services. Star, Nov. 3, 1904


NOVEMBER 11, 1904

Quite a little flurry of snow, the first of the season was Thursday night. D.V. Welty the Sayre Attorney was transacting legal business in probate court Thursday. Smith Harrison, who lives three miles south of Cheyenne, had their infant child die Thursday after a short illness.  C.W. Atwood, one of the good Republicans of the Berlin township, brought in that precinct results on Thursday. At the probate court on Thurs., Aaron Curtis was arraigned on a charge of shooting domestic animals (burros). The defendant pled not guilty and after hearing evidence and argument of attorneys, the jury rendered a verdict of not guilty as charged. F.R. Snode of Cleveland claims to be Oklahoma’s champion cotton picker. He says he picked 312 pounds in one afternoon. Among the paying industries that Roger Mills Co. holds in store is the horse and mule business. So far little attention has been paid to raising horses and mules large enough for farming purposes. Prices are good now and will be better as the country rapidly settles up. Shipping draft horses and mules into the county from other sections of the country is very expensive. The demand will unquestionably be great for years to come. We have the native grass and the cereals best adapted for horse feed and which can be raised in abundance equal to the best farming portion of Missouri and Kansas. The man who will come to this county, buy 160 acres of land, put 2/3 of it in cultivation and go into the horse and mule business will find a field unequaled in any part of the country for so profitable a branch of the stock industry.

LONG CREEK NEWS: First killing frost was Tues. morning, October 26. Porter and Lott Ferris have returned to their home at Mr. Walfrum’s, their grandfather, after a two month’s visit to their mother’s home in Beaver County. Mrs. Rose Bennett and daughter Mary have returned home from their visit with relatives at Thomas, Oklahoma. Mrs. Woods the mother of Mrs. Bennett returned with them to make her home here this winter. Mrs. Mary E. George has had a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Ida Twing of Webster, N. Dakota. Homer and Howe Tomlinson are here taking care of their crop; also Lymon Barbre and Harrison Voorheis came with them, but returned again to Weatherford to put in wheat for a man near Weatherford. James and Emmitt Reagan have returned home after taking care of their father’s crop on the school section 16. Elmer E. Lawless in one day’s work dug a well 32 feet deep, and has four feet of water in it. E.K. Thurmond of Sayre is in town looking after his interests here today. Jesse C. Allen is now a landowner having filed on 160 acres southwest of town Tuesday. Dr. Tedrowe is having some improvements made on residence property in the south part of town. O.H. James returned Monday from Foss where he has been looking after interest of his telephone business. Died on Thursday last, the infant son(Jasper E.) of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Blanton. The remains were brought to Cheyenne cemetery for interment. E.W. Ambler and Miss Volina Miller were married at the Central Hotel, Woodward on Sat. evening, Nov. 5. The bride is the lovely and accomplished daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J.P. Miller of this place and was always a favorite of both old and young. Mr. Ambler came here from Texola several months ago and took charge of the grocery department of the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. where his strict attention to business and upright dealing made him a host of friends. D.F. Godfrey of MacArthur, and Maude Huddleston of Texmo, Day County, were married on Sun. last at the residence of the bride’s parents. A.S. McKinney is up in the panhandle country this week looking after his cattle interests. Licenses were issued to Robert L. Nichols and Annie Waller both of Ural. Wednesday was one of the windiest and most disagreeable days of the year. The high wind blowed out and damaged cotton in the field considerably. E.A. McCarty of Hamburg, Day County and Maude Jones of Cheyenne were granted a marriage license Wednesday. E.E. Casady and Miss R.L. Cook were married at the home of the bride’s parents seven miles east of town on Wed. evening last. Squire J.R. Casady an uncle of the groom performed the ceremony. Thanksgiving services will be held at the ME Church on Nov. 24. The house and contents of the Rev. Archer, ten miles northeast from Cheyenne were totally destroyed by fire Mon. night.    Star/Sunbeam November 10, 1904


NOVEMBER 18, 1904

GRIMES: Joe Myers has bought the Wasson mules. Charlie and Walter Blackburn have gone to Sayre to attend school. Russell Bain is driving the mail hack from Grimes to Rankin. Mrs. Zelphia Myers received her piano this week from her old home in Arkansas City. She is a fine musician and the piano does sound “foine” one more. The bridge across Starvation Creek west of the school house is nearly finished. This has been a bad crossing for a long time and the people are very grateful for the bridge. Peter Russell has been on  his claim the past week. The sandy land is turning off some pretty good cotton this year. Our Sunday School still has a good attendance. A temperance program will be arranged for Nov. 27 and Rev. Diehl will have charge. The Epworth League is progressing fine and the meetings are becoming very interesting. It is held immediately after Sunday School on days when there is no preaching. Mr. Lancaster is president of the league. The cold snap and snow of the past week has its advantages as the children of the “sunny south” will not have to go through life saying they had never had the pleasure of throwing snowballs or eating snow.

REDMOON NEWS: Everything is quiet at Redmoon now, a few Democrats seem satisfied, the Republicans are rejoicing and the Socialist seem dead. Lee Dudney, his wife and mother returned last week from a week’s visit to the World’s Fair. The people down at the Washita School House will observe Thanksgiving Day with a box supper. The Redmoon community will join with them in giving a literary entertainment before the boxes are sold. Miss Bernie Young opened school at the Washita School House. The school will continue three months. A good Sunday School is running under the management of R. Wilson as Supt., ably assisted by Mrs. Emma Anderson, Mr. Hulbert and Mr. Cosby as teachers. The S.S. is planning for a Christmas tree.

George Cree and wife are in Oklahoma City taking in the races. L.B. Bloom and Guy Burger are in Oklahoma City today taking in the races. Dan Patch the celebrated pacing horse will go against time at Oklahoma City today. John Caffey, Elk City liveryman was in town Monday. H.L. Bonnell who has been running a café in Cheyenne for some time, has moved to his farm in the Redmoon neighborhood. Thurmond Brothers have bought out the Texola Bank. A small deal like a bank purchase will only get a three line local from this date. They are getting too frequent for news items. Will Bonner who has been on the sick list for some time, left for Kansas City Sunday morning where he will take medical treatment. Dr. J.E. Standifer accompanied him. A.M. Smith sued R.E. Crockett in Justice Casady’s court last week for $40 alleged to be for work. Case is set for trial next Monday at 10:00. Rev. and Mrs. Wood moved into the Methodist parsonage this week with his family.  Star/Sunbeam, Nov. 17, 1904


NOVEMBER 25, 1904

On Sun. Nov. 13, Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Pate celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a fine dinner to their many friends. On Fri. Nov 18, the neighbors and friends of Mrs. S.A. Turbyfill who lives near Broken Leg Springs, stormed her home with baskets, pails and all kinds of cooking utensils to help her celebrate her 49th birthday. Mrs. Fields, Mrs. Job and Mrs. Bates had all the plans arranged so neatly that it was a complete surprise. Mrs. Turbyfill is the mother of ten children and all were present, with the exception of two daughters who live in I.T. Those present were Messrs Job and wife; D. Field & wife; Mesdames Atwood, Gilliland, Howell, Brady and 2 daughters, Heim and 2 daughters, Perry and daughter and Monroe Bates. One of the prettiest weddings of the season was celebrated at the residence of the Bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Miller, Cheyenne on Tues. Nov. 22. The high contracting parties being Miss Zetta Miller of this place and Mr. S.E. Brown of Foss, O.T. Mr. Brown is well known here where he was formerly a trusted employee of the Cheyenne State Bank. He is now and has been for the past year, connected with the First National Bank of Foss. Rev H.O. White performed the ceremony at high noon. The happy couple after a sumptuous repast departed for Sayre where they took the evening train for Foss, their future home. Judge Houston made a business trip to Berlin and Elk City this week. E.M. Black will take charge, we understand of the old Monroe Hotel next Monday. Jack Cronin formerly of Cheyenne, but now bookkeeper for Herring & Young at Sayre spent Sun. with friends here. A good second hand hack and buggy for sale cheap—will take part cash and good paper or will trade either or both for feed. Inquire at Miller Livery Barn. License was issued yesterday for the marriage of James J. Moore, one of Herring & Young’s good-looking and accommodating clerks to Miss Mary D. Jordan. Coal in any quantity from a pod full to a carload. Also chops and bran at the old Tunnard Wagon Yard—John M. Pickins. Clarence M. Robb and Miss Maud Britton both of Sweetwater were married at the French Hotel yesterday afternoon. Squire Casady officiating. Ed Fox was placed in jail Friday for stealing a shotgun at Elk City. A.A. Stanahan of the Trammell area was in town Saturday. A.M. Vredenburg of Durham, Day County and Miss Carol Chase of Vernon, Nebraska were married at the court house Wednesday. Squire Casady officiating. Bert Ambler was an Oklahoma City visitor Sat. and Sunday. Mrs. Lucy Guernsey made final proof on her claim near Trammell last Friday. Don’t forget the entertainment at the court house by the pupils of the public school tonight The program is being organized by the Library Assoc. of the school and a new book is your ticket. One year ago the library had one old ragged book and now has 200 books. O.H. James of the Northwestern Telephone Co. is at Foss for an indefinite stay and the office here is in charge of Miss Nell Huff. Oliver P. Vanderpool made final proof in the Snakey Bend area Oct. 18. J.H. Sing who moved to St. Paul, Arkansas about six weeks ago did not like his location and has returned to his farm seven miles north of Cheyenne. Roger Mills suits Bro. Sing all right. Marriage license: C.R. Redden to Miss Pearl Marrs both of Streeter. Henry Musick of Bentley to Cora Smith of Rome. Peter Cooper of Cheyenne to Mrs. S.L. Wells of MacArthur   Star, November 24, 1904


DECEMBER 2, 1904

MERIDIAN: James Goodwin will leave the first of the month for an extended visit with his daughter in California. Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Pierson were shopping in Sayre this week. Thomas Byrns and wife are enjoying a visit from the former’s mother. Joe Goodwin steps high since a boy came to his house to stay. Mrs. Maggie Preston is improving slowly since her return from Cheyenne. F. Van Buren is in better health since he had been making bi-weekly visits to the railroad where he can get good things to eat. The family of J.J. Edwards are down in Greer County picking cotton. Most of our people are hauling their cotton to Mobeetie as it is the best market . William Dickins and children have earned $150 picking cotton in the past six weeks in this locality. Miss Hattie Hinman begins her school at Rankin next Monday.

  1. Shandy of Hammon made a pleasant call to Cheyenne on Saturday. Miss Leah and Nellie Huff spent Sun. with friends at Elk City. Calvin Rosser was on our streets this week. J.R. and John Casady are at Mangum this week. William Cosby of Redmoon made final proof on his claim Monday. Mrs. Volina Ambler has been on the sick list the past few days. Charles R. Gulledge made final proof on his Snakey Bend claim on the 28th. Virgil Little of Dead Indian left Mon. morning for eastern Oklahoma where he expects to locate. A box supper will be held at the Emerson school house on Thursday evening Dec. 8. F.W. Pollock of Hamburg was in town Tues. He carries a cane on account of a badly sprained ankle. H.T. Smoot of the Redmoon area was a Cheyenne visitor Tuesday. John Taylor, our popular Consorial Artist, is building quite an extensive addition to his barber shop. P.G. Perkins of Perkins Store was looking after business in town Monday. The box supper at the Scab Hollow School House last Thurs. evening was a success both socially and financially. J.W. French has purchased the old Turner Store Room on the north side of main street and will fit it up for a residence and also put in a first class Confectionary. Willie Huff, who has been seriously ill for the past month with typhoid fever, is improving and will soon be able to be out again. E.A. McCaskill of Redmoon was in town Tues. re-baling his broomcorn preparatory to shipping. Jesse Argo of Trammell was in town Wednesday.

LONG CREEK NEWS: The first prairie fire this fall burned over parts of sections 3, and 8-14-26 on Sunday. Arthur Gillum, manager of Bonebreak Hardware at Erick, visited his claim recently. Earl Estes’ new house is nearing completion. It is a substantial improvement to his claim. Abe Long circulated a petition to secure Rural Free Delivery south of Hamburg. Elbert Roe who formerly owned school section 26 and two friends of Arapaho spent Thanksgiving week here shooting prairie chickens. The chickens are plentiful. R.E. Springate after spending the summer in St. Louis is again on his claim gathering his crop.       Star, December 2, 1904


DECEMBER 9, 1904

The Thurmond residence in Elk City had a very narrow escape from fire. An oil stove was kept burning in the enclosed windmill tower near the house to prevent the water pipes from freezing and the tower was set on fire by the stove. The wind blew the flames toward the house and the close proximity caused an alarm would surely go. The alarm was given and the fire boys responded. One of Pace’s Dray Teams hooked on the engine and Pulse tool the ladder wagon and the run of six blocks through the snow was made in astonishingly good time. The chemical was put to work and the boys soon had the fire out and the house was saved. Many ridiculed the little chemical when it was purchased but it has saved thousands of dollars and the council has been vindicated in their purchase. Last Mon. night Tom Howard and John Orr burned a hole in the floor of the jail at Grand and made their escape. Howard was arrested a short time ago for stealing cattle and Orr was in for attempted rape. Mrs. S. Jackson had been quite ill for the past week. Ben Monroe is building an addition to the residence he recently purchased of George Cree. Miss Myrtle Kelton, our popular music teacher, has been on the sick list the past few days. Miss Lew Wilson of Redmoon was in town Wed. looking after business before the land office. R.R. Wilson of Redmoon was in town trading Wednesday. Sam and John Walker of Roll were in town Tues. and Wednesday. Mrs. Dr. Tedrowe who had been quite sick the past few days is at this writing improving. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner living north of town, lost their 15 month old baby girl after a long and painful illness on Fri. last. The remains were interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery Saturday. Sheriff Elliott is having a well drilled at his residence. Dr. Tedrowe had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse with blind staggers Friday. John B. Harrison was up from Sayre on legal business. The heaviest snow for the past two years in this vicinity fell Sun. night. H.D. Cox has purchased the building across the street east of the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. known as the Cauble Building. John West has resigned his position as manager of the Cheyenne Gin and will move back to his farm northeast of Cheyenne. You can find a full line of candies, nuts, fruits and cigars at Brown Lunchroom, second door west of post office. We are paying the highest market price for butter and eggs and giving Methodist measure too, when we sell you. Herring & Young. We understand that Herring & Young are the sole owners of the Gin Company having purchased the stock of the other holders last week. This is one of the best gin properties and has built up an enviable reputation and will under its new management sustain and increase its reputation. There is a typhoid epidemic in Elk City. George Cree has purchased the residence property of G.W. Hodges in the south part of town. Ben Monroe has purchased the George Cree property in the north part of town. Quite a number of our citizens filled their cisterns with snow Monday. Ben Monroe says it beats hauling water. Willie Huff who has been on the sick list for the past several weeks, left for Kansas City last Friday, where he will have an operation performed for appendicitis. Joseph Andris of Sedalia was in town Tuesday. People making final proofs are: William W. Anderson, George M. Scott, James Williams, James A. Westbrook, Nettie Johnson (formerly Nettie Rosser),Hawley E Duckworth, Jack B. Lacey, Thomas L. White, William B. Amis, James B. Owens, David C. Fields, Sherman W. Hiatt, Lulu M. Ayers, Robert P. Kepley, Thomas K. Little, Henry Smith Harison, Arthur C. Crawford, John R. Hall. Charles Jeffcoat, Alice L. Avers, William B.Ware, Benjamin F. Wood, Rose Evans, widow of John Evans, James J. Wilson, Belie Taylor of Rankin. James H. Westbrook.

REDMOON: Mrs. Rosie Dudney is at Oklahoma City visiting her grandfather. Mrs. George E. Shufeldt will spend the Christmas holidays at her old home in Missouri. B.A. Winn and Charlie Winn were in the Elk City market last week with two loads of fat hogs. They have over 100 heard of pigs on their farm. G.W. Graves is building a $400 schooolhouse at Hamburg. The following is the yield of some of our farmers’ cotton crops: John Hooper 7 bales; Uncle Jimmy Anderson 11, L.A. Anderson and Mrs. Gordon 12; T.P. Keen 6; W.A. Barnes 11; John B. Tracy 12; Joe Horton 14; J.W. Colbert 13; G.W. Hodges 6; T.W Hedrick 11; H.D. Collins 7; J.E. Keen 25(Not all picked), Old Brother Prestridge suffered a stroke of paralysis and is very low. Marriage of Roy L. Graves of Cheyenne to Miss Mary E. Martin of Hamburg. A new parsonage isbeing built inTexmo of Day County by popular subscription. Cheyenne Sunbeam editor D.W. Tracy   December 8, 1904 Cheyenne Sunbeam


DECEMBER 16, 1904

The school house at Elk City was burned Saturday, the 10th. The engine boys had a long hard uphill pull and by the time they got there the big 8 room building and the new annex were so far gone that no attempt was made to extinguish the fire. The cause of the fire is unknown.

GRIMES: If we have a few more snowstorms the sandy land will have enough moisture to raise another fine crop. Lawrence Hughes and wife of Durham, Day County visited with Mr. Hughes sister, Mrs. J.W. Mitchum this week. Joe Myers is driving the Rhodes and Grimes mail three times a week, having been recently appointed. Joe is also building an addition to his home.

The ladies of Lone Tree will soon give “an old maid’s convention” for benefits of the Fairland church known at Lone Tree. With the assistance of Prof. Makeover, these old maids of seventy summers will be transformed into beautiful young ladies. Don’t fail to attend. Admission 25 cents, children 15 cents. Mrs. Klopfenstein died at her home three miles west of Berlin on Monday. She had lived there for the past five years and had won the love and esteem of all who knew her and her death cast a gloom over our entire neighborhood. Highest market price paid in cash at the Star Meat Market. Clinton now has a cottonseed oil mill in operation. N.R. Monroe now occupies the Hodges property on the hill recently vacated by Sheriff Elliott. John H. West will leave today on a visit to relatives and friends in Hood County, Texas. E.E. Tracy has moved into town and is now located in his residence in the west part of town. Mrs. Charles McClain has returned from a visit with friends and relatives at Berlin. W.W. Smith, the blacksmith, has located at Clarendon, Texas where he has a job in the machine shop. Joseph A. Trible of Texmo, was in town Mon. on land office business. John Penn, junior member of the firmof Penn and Sons of Elk City Record was in town Fri. and Sat., a witness in the protest case of the issuance of liquor license to S.M. Murphree. Marriage License: James Caffey of Trammel and Myrtle Kepley of Cheyenne; W.W. Little to Christy Plunkett both of Cheyenne. M.M. Shelton to Pearl Blue both of Cheyenne. Mr. Burns has moved in to his property on main street recently vacated by H.L. Bonnell, and is having a well drilled on the lot in the rear of the building. Mrs.  Hornbeak of Terrell, Texas is here in attendance at the bedside of her daughters, Miss Nona Hornbeak and Mrs. S. Jackson who are both seriously ill. Larkin Prestridge, aged 69, died at the home of his son, George Prestridge north of Cheyenne on Fri night and was buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery on Sat. afternoon.. Cheyenne Star (no Sunbeam available) Dec. 15, 1904


DECEMBER 22, 1904

GRIMES NEWS: Clarence Igo has been quite sick the past two weeks but improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. Magill visited relatives at Wood over Sunday. A floor has been placed in the Presbyterian Church which is a great help for comfort. A box supper was held at the Hall School House Thursday night. This is a new school house just being finished, near the Dow Cook claim. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Myers and Mrs. Croninger will spend Christmas in Weatherford and the first family reunion in many years will be enjoyed. Ott Davis moved to his home last Thursday. He had been living on William McCarty’s place during crop time. Mr. McCarty moved to his home that day and he and his wife entertained a number of friends Thurs. night. Miss Pearl Singleterry visited in Sayre. Mr. Mitchum returned from Springfield, Mo where he had been looking at the country but was not suited so they decided to move to California, where their son lives. The Mitchum family will be greatly missed in our community, for they have done much to build up this part of Roger Mills Co. It was through Mr. Mitchum’s efforts that the school house was built at Grimes and he has served as director for some time and the Grimes School has been noted for having the best of teachers. Quite a crowd attended the Old Maid’s Convention at the Presbyterian Church Friday night. $16 was taken in at the door. Had excellent music by the orchestra composed of Paul Oehme, Jay Volk, Josh Singletary, Jake Stacker and J.M. Magill. John Kennedy has been quite sick and under the care of Dr. Hendricks for appendicitis. People enjoyed a good time at the pie social at  Pleasant Valley School house Sat. night. Mr. Greenwood’s fine residence is nearing completion. Mr. Colburn will add four more rooms to his house. Miss Pearl Singletary is building a house on her claim this week. Mr. Snyder has bought the claim joining Blackburns on the north. He is from Douglas, Oklahoma and will move out in about two months.

A grand ball will be given at the Black Restaurant building Fri. night, Dec. 23. Mrs. A.S. McKinney will leave today for Terrell, Texas to spend the holidays with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClain left Mon. morning for Kansas City where they will spend the holidays. A Christmas entertainment and tree will be given by the Sunday School scholars at the court house Sat. evening Dec. 24. W.T. Bonner, who has been at the hospital at Kansas City under medical treatment for the past month, returned home on Thurs. with much improved health. A grand ball at the school house District #45 (Lone Elm?) four miles north of Grimes. Proceeds will be used in furnishing the school house. The case of the territory vs. J.P. Wagnan came before Squire Casady Monday. The defendant was charged with threatening the life of C.W. Rhoads and it was desired to bind him over to keep the peace. Mrs. S. Jackson has been seriously ill for the past few weeks. G.W. Seifert and E.W. Franklin officers of the Roger Mills Co. Fair Assoc. have called a meeting of that group to be held at Berlin on Sat. Jan. 14, 1905. A party named Charley Hughes arrived in town Sat. evening, having a livery man from Sayre bring him to Cheyenne and registered at the Hotel Black, had supper, and was assigned a room.  Sunday morning early he arose and proceeded to quietly shake the dust of Cheyenne’s streets from off his shoes and hide himself westward, leaving the livery man and landlord Black in the “soup” as regards their bill. Black don’t mind feeding a fellow and being stood off for his bill, but he would rather be consulted in the matter, and in this case, it made him warm under the collar. So he hunted up Squire Casady, swore out a warrant against the aforesaid Hughes and placed the same in the hands of Deputy Sheriff Ben Monroe. Ben cold-trailed the fellow and succeeded in running him down a few miles west of town. On being arraigned before the Squire, he pled guilty and was fined $10.00 and costs, making a total of about $20. Rather expensive experience, but some fellows have to have it. S.H. James, the telephone man is putting in a line from John H. West’s residence to Cheyenne. Dr. and Mrs. Tedrowe returned from Guthrie where they took Miss Bell Anderson for medical treatment. The literary society at Mulberry Grove, Sat. night was a grand success. The good people all donated liberally for the purpose of fencing the cemetery on the Black Farm which shows great respect for the ones gone before. Grand Ball to be held on Dec. 30 is being planned by committee made of J.A. Brown, G.A. Burger, N. Darnell, Milo Burlingame, Burt Ambler, Orville Monroe and R.E. Ivey.   Star, December 22, 1904



DECEMBER 29, 1904

Marriage licenses: John B. Shufeldt of Redmoon to Lily B. Caudle of Berlin; William Rinner to Ethel D. Porter both of Berlin; J.W. Miller to Cynthia Thornton both of Redmoon; William McNew of Grimes to Josey Roberts of Poarch; W.C. Klopfenstein to Mendoza Ragins both of Berlin; O.W. Cook to Jessie Hiatt both of Cheyenne. John T. Rankin of Rankin was in town Wednesday. Monday night was the coldest of the season. The boys celebrated pretty extensively Sat. night with wagons, buggies and signs being piled up promiscuously at various points on main street. Friday some of the litigants in the Scott vs. Tunnard case mixed up freely on main street and quite a little scrimmage took place, after which the main participants appeared before Squire Casady and paid a fine and costs. The principals were G.M. Scott, Sr., George and Oscar Scott on one side and Fred Tunnard, his son and the Hay boys on the other. Both sides being more or less assisted by other parties. The origin of the difficulty was in a lawsuit in which luxury the parties had been recently rolling. G.M. Scott, Sr. had sued Frank Hay and recovered judgment for $35, enforcing the judgment by attachment. Afterward Mrs. Tunnard sued Mr. Scott for about $40, which she claimed as balance on account. These suits had engendered much feeling between the parties, and when they met here last Friday to try the last name case, they were ripe for a fight. Somebody, just which one is difficult to learn, and it is also immaterial as they all seem to want it, started the ball rolling and at once they were at it hammer and tongs. Prize ring rules did not prevail so as you can tell it, but every fellow was there with the goods. Nine packages were handed around at a lively rate and each got his. Bystanders put an end to the mill in a short while, each individual of both sides having the best of it. Seeing that it was Christmas times, they went in merry procession before Justice Casady and made a Christmas gift to the school fund. They afterwards proceeded to try the case of Tunnard vs. Scott and after solemn deliberation the jury gave a verdict for the defendant for $2.15. Rev. H.O. White is pastor at Cheyenne Baptist Church. Officers installed at the A.M. & A.F. Lodge Tuesday evening: A.F. Gray, C. Falconer, J.P. Johnson, Dr. Tedrowe, A.S. McKinney, James Moore, Ben Monroe, Madden Miller, S. Jackson, S.F. Maddux. Prof J.A. Kirkley is Supt of our public schools. Jim Osborne sold out a week or two ago and moved to Peacevale, Texas. Last week he returned to Cheyenne and purchased the Smoot farm north of town. Jim says, “Cheyenne country is good enough for him.” James Nugent got shot in the saloon and died in Elk City. Tom Kendall, son of our popular Co. Treasurer, came up from Baylor University, where he is attending school to spend the holidays with his parents. W.C.T.U. held a medal contest at the Baptist Church Wed. night. Some of the recitations showed elocutionary powers of the highest order and all of them exhibited earnestness and depth of feeling which held captive of the large audience. The contestants were: Madames Maude Falconer, Ella Hodges, Blanche Standifer, Isabella Fields, Laura Wallace, Ruth Bonner. The judges were E.E. Tracy, C.S. Gilkerson and A.G. Gray. They were not in full agreement but taking an average, the first medal was awarded to Mrs. Bonner and second to Mrs. Hodges. Miss Kate Wallace acted as Mistress of Ceremonies and Mrs. C.W. Tedrowe presided at the organ in addition to singing a beautiful solo, accompanied by Miss Hornbeak. Early yesterday morning Lee Anderson’s fine livery barn at Sayre caught fire and was totally destroyed along with 11 head of horses, nearly all of his buggies and a large amount of feed. The fire originated from a stove in the office in which a fire had been started early in the morning. The fire was discovered a short time after it caught, a little while before sunup, but it spread so rapidly in the hay and dry timbers that little could be saved, three horses and 1 buggy only being taken out. The stable was one of the best in Western Oklahoma. He has many friends about Cheyenne.

Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, December 29, 1904