Newspaper Summaries for 1905

News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.
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Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, January 6, 1905

Saturday about 4 p.m. the body of W.H. Stewart was found hanging to a tree by Ben Moody about 7 miles northwest of Cheyenne. Word was brought to town at once and Justice Casady as coroner and the sheriff and County Attorney went to the scene of the tragedy. A cornoner’s jury was summoned consisting D.A. Koontz, J.R. Butler, B. Turner, T.J. Smith, H.E. Burnett and J.E. Hooten, and witnesses were sworn and testified before them. It appears that the deceased was last seen early Saturday morning by George Parker, whose place he went to borrow a saddle. Mr. Parker was unable to lend him a saddle and he rode away bareback carrying a rope in front of him saying that he was going to town. About 4 p.m. Ben Moody found the body not far from the road running between sections 28 and 33-14-24. Several other parties soon arrived. Upon examination the body was found to be cold and stiff. Underneath the body horse tracks were found and no other tracks of any kind. The rope was tied about the neck and to a limb of a tree, and the feet were up about a foot from the ground. From the appearance of the body and from the evidence it is supposed that he tied the rope about his neck and around the limb of the tree and drove the horse from under him about 9:00 Saturday morning. The horse with his bridle on, was found a half mile away about 2:00 that afternoon. The jury found that he came to his death by hanging inflicted upon himself with suicidal intent. No motive for suicide was shown except some petty financial troubles. He was about 56 years of age, and he leaves a wife and seven children, some of whom have families. He was buried in Cheyenne Cemetery. {The site of this hanging was on land owned today by Russell Calbert on the north side of the Washita River northwest of Cheyenne. At the time of this tragedy a road ran east and west parallel to the Washita River just north of the river bridge. This is the first of two suicides to take place in this near vicinity – the second will be reported in the near future—and following the second suicide, this road became known as “Dead Man’s Lane”. The road no longer exists.


The exhibition last Friday afternoon and evening at the Cheyenne School House was a unique and pleasing conception reflecting credit upon the teachers who planned it. Each grade had a part of the building beautifully decorated. Cheyenne is justly proud of her fine school.


LOCAL: W. Birchnough was down from Rankin Saturday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Munnitree of Trammell on December 28 a girl. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harman of Grimes on December 30 a boy. E.E. Tracy has sold his farm in Custer Bend this week to John H. West for $2500.00. Mrs. E.G. Hausman of St. Louis is visiting her mother, Grandma Stephens. A.W. Long of Hamburg was doing business in the probate court Saturday. E.R. Hill came up from Kiowa this week on school business with the commissioners. Frank Banks, one of the earliest of early settlers on Elk Creek now a prosperous merchant of Sweetwater, was attending before the commissioners this week. John C. Hendricks, Milo Burlingame and James Richards have bought the City Drugs Store from H.D. Cox, considera-tion $2100.00. Died early Tuesday morning, Jan. 3, 1905 in Cheyenne Miss Laura Hext of consumption. The remains were taken to Cataline, Texas for burial. George J. Coburn, Frank Ragsdale and George Puryear came up from Sweetwater Monday on legal business with the commissioners. They were once familiar figures in Cheyenne and they have always a warm welcome here whenever they come. Uncle Robert Banks, one of the best old-time citizens of the county came up from Sweetwater this week to attend the commissioners’ court. Died at Cheyenne last Tuesday night of bronchitis AnnieBelle, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simpson. The remains were buried Wednesday afternoon at the Cheyenne Cemetery. J.M. Evans reports that they had a wolf hunt last week in his neigh-borhood in which they killed one wolf. They planned for another shortly in more favorable weather. I.H. Carmichael takes the place of J.A. Mayberry on the board from the 3rd Comm-issioners District. Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Morris came very near losing their baby this week with spinal and cerebral meningitis. The attack came on very suddenly and for a while it seemed that the utmost efforts of all our doctors were without avail. The baby’s recovery which we are glad to learn, is now complete. It is almost miraculous considering the nature of the disease and the malignity of the attack. A.G. Gray retired Tuesday morning from the position of County Clerk, which he has held continuously for twelve years. He leaves his office in splendid condition and John H. Osborn takes up the work ready prepared for his hand. Zack Miller, ex-sheriff of this county was in town Monday.


Miss Lela Burt of the Dead Indian neighborhood, spent the holidays at friends in Cheyenne. Miss Lula M. and Alice L. Ayers made final proofs on their claims before the deputy district clerk Saturday. John H. West and family spent holidays at the old homestead near Granbury, Texas.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, January 13, 1905

The township assessors of the county held a meeting at Cheyenne Monday to discuss and arrange the schedules for the assessment this year: P.S. Taylor of Croton township, A.L. Forgey of Kiowa; M.H. Portwood of Sweetwater; C.H. Cope of Elk; E.F. Stephens of Cheyenne; & L.P. Jones of Sayre. P.S. Taylor was chosen chairman and L.P. Jones Secretary.


GRIMES: Mrs. Nisson returned last week from her extended visit to Kansas. Mrs. Goldie Criner is visiting at Perth, OK. J.W. Mitchell and wife who have been in Texas for some time returned last week and have been visiting W.B. Landloves. They will go to their home near Harrington this week. Mrs. Louie McKnight is visiting at Foss. Born last week to Mr. And Mrs. Ben Brooks a boy. Mr. And Mrs. Homer Wright are visiting this week with his parents in eastern Oklahoma. Mrs. J.T. Singletary and daughter, Miss Pearl, are visiting relatives in Bowie and Texarkana, Texas. Mr. Singletary visited his sons at Altus last week. Miss Teresa Finch was home for the holidays. She is a teacher in the El Reno school. Two rural routes are expected to start from Berlin in a short time, which will reach a number of the Grimites. Manford Spence moved on his claim last week. He is a brother-in-law of Mr. Wasson, and has a claim across the section line from Mr. Wasson’s. Mr. Spence came from Harrison County, MO. Miss Grace Blackburn returned home last week. She had been attending school at El Reno. Christmas was celebrated at Edenview and Pleasant Valley schoolhouses with trees, good programs and treats for all. Mrs. Lawrence of near Sayre was here Sunday on her way to visit her brother, G. W. Hodges of near Cheyenne. Mr. Green-wood’s house is completed and they have moved into same. Thomas K. Little made final proof on his land north of town on the 10th. William Klopfenstein and Miss Mendosia Raigan were married at the bride’s home on New Year’s Day. J. H. Sing returned Mon. from a visit with relatives and friends in Indian Territory. The coyote hunt was well attended but none were captured on account of wire fences making it hard to follow them. Several coyotes have been killed lately by our citizens at their homes. Andy Olson has been up home the past week, plowing, etc. on his claim. He has a situa-tion now south of Sayre taking charge of a farm there.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, January 20, 1905

The trial of Joe Zing, Monday in the Probate Court for malicious killing of a domestic animal resulted in a verdict of guilty and a fine of $25 and costs. G.W. Hodges acted as foreman of the jury, which assured the defendant of justice. It was a case in which the defendant shot Nat Rose’s hog while it was in the defendant’s yard. He threw it in a well on his place. Joe pled not guilty to the charge, claiming he did not shoot the shoat with malice, but with a shotgun—size of shot not stated!! The jury seemed to think that the shotgun must have been loaded with “malice of forethought”. We are much inclined to sympathize with the defendant in this case. When a man who owns hogs lets them get out and trespass upon his neighbor, he is much to blame; and if the neigh-bor kills them while he might be civilly responsible for it, he would ordinarily not be a criminal. In such cases the question would be only whether he killed the hog for the purpose of injuring or annoying the owner. If he did, it would be malicious and criminal; if not, it would be otherwise. However the jury found that malice existed in this case, and the evidence supported the verdict.  A bill was introduced in the Oklahoma legislature to have compulsory education.


C.M. Rosser was up from Elk City Monday attending Probate Court. Born Wednesday, Jan. 11, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Tracy a 10 pound girl. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClain returned this week from Kansas City where they had spent the holidays visiting relatives. R.E. Echols was practicing his profession this week in the probate court. J.A. Summerour and his wife and Walter Peaner were arrested last week accused of complicity in attempting to burn the Summerour Building at Elk City.  This printing office has new machinery in order to publish a better paper for you.


The ice harvest has been unusually good this week, the icemen putting it up in large quantities. The ice is about 8 inches thick and of great quality. Burlingame has his ice house nearly filled and John Stahl put away quite a lot. (Burlingame owned saloon; Stahl the meat market) The one who failed to harvest enough snow to fill his cistern over-looked an important bet. In the probate court Monday the case of Cook, et al vs. Turner came up.


LONG CREEK NEWS: Joe Wood who was married on Thanksgiving Day at Thomas returned to his claim recently, accompanied by his bride. The boys charvaried them and were royally treated. Mr. Gray, who bought the Emmett Goff place, lately returned from Wichita County bringing a bride with him. His father who now owns the school section #30 is also here. School is now being taught in District 73 by Mr. McColgin, and Christmas Eve the pupils were delighted to see a Christmas tree and were treated by a real Santa Claus and then all were entertained by Sam Reynolds’ gramophone. A number of bachelors have lately returned to their claims after being away working during the fall. Among them are Henry and Limon Barbee, ? Voorhees, J.H. Casebere, T.F. Elson and Arthur Gillum. A new post office has been established in the northwest corner of Roger Mills County called Ridgeton, with Mrs. G. McColgin as postmaster. (dissolved in 1907) Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Swanson are the parents of a fine young son who arrived Christmas Eve. Three degrees below zero on the 12th. The fourth snow of the season now on the ground and crusts hard enough to carry a man, gives the wheat grower and small boy much cause for enjoyment, but low! The poor cattle! A new post office has been established at Mateer, in this county with E.C. Mateer as post-master. (dissolved in 1907) At Elk City Mr. Brunson hitched one of his best teams to Pinkerton’s “pung”, unearthed some sleigh bells from some northern man’s junk pile and astonished the small boys by a street exhibition. The team ran away as a finale to the show. Doc H. Smith has purchased the J.C. Crawford farm north of Cheyenne. Miss Carrie Brown is visiting her brother, J.A. Brown. The recent cold snap almost caused a fuel famine in Cheyenne, and some of our citizens were reduced to the necessity of using cottonseed for fuel. Scotty Falconer says it burns all right but it would keep two men busy to feed one stove. An entertainment will be given at Emerson School house, 4 miles north of Grimes on Saturday night Jan. 21. Proceeds are to go towards buying a stove for the school house. Owing to the east bound train being 3 hours late Wednesday, Chey-enne received no mail last night. Despite the almost impassable roads of this last week, our energetic mail carrier, A.S. McKinney on the Sayre route only lost one trip. Married at the court house were George Fisher and Miss Birtie Davis of Doxey on Jan. 6. Judge C.S. Gilkerson officiating. Uncle Newt Thompson well-known citizen of Dead Indian neighborhood has been quite sick recently, but glad to learn that he is now convalescent. Please lay the blame for that last word to the door of F.O. Leach, our informant.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, January 27, 1905

Died J.H.T. Madden, age 71 years at his home 11 miles west of Cheyenne on Monday, Jan 16.  HARRINGTON: Carl Eller is at home on a visit. Clifford Shough is building a half-dug out on his claim. Henry Shough recently purchased a fine team of horses. Mr. McSpadden will farm near Sayre the coming season. Mr. Hinman will break 40 acres of sod this spring near the Gambol School House. Mr. Byrd and family are now at home on their claim. Oscar and Will Boyer have been attending the revival meetings at Sweet-water. Sunday School is held regularly at 11:00 a.m. and prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. every Sunday at the Blue Ridge School House. Mrs. Una Matthews, teacher at the Blue Ridge School, dismissed school a few days recently on account of sickness.


Dr. Wallace of Hamburg was in town Tuesday. J.D. Funston one of the leading citizens of the Rankin neighborhood was in town Monday. Thomas L.White made proof Tuesday on his claim in the Snakey Bend neigh-borhood. Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Brown’s infant baby died on Monday, services at her home on Tuesday and was buried Tuesday afternoon at Cheyenne Cemetery. John and Ben Monroe made a trip to Elk City Sunday. George Keeling made a business trip to Elk City the first of the week. Fire destroyed the residence and stables of Oscar Caudill at Berlin on Saturday morning last. The origin is said to be incenderiary. Uncle Jacob Beard and wife left for Blochester, Ohio, their old home where they expect to make again their residence. Mrs. L.L. Collins their daughter, accompanied them and will spend several weeks visiting amid the scenes of her childhood. Uncle Jake is one of the early settlers of the Cheyenne country having come here in 1891 as Indian farmer during the Harrison adminis-tration. He was also at one time Cheyenne’s postmaster.


LIBERTY HILL NEWS: Liberty Hill is a school house in District 68, eight miles northwest of Sayre. Farmers are very much elated over the fine season in the ground furnished by the snow. There will be some winter plowing and some oats will be planted. J.H. Johnson returned last week from Old Mexico, whither he had gone a prospecting. He seems not any too well satisfied with the inducements of that country and will probably remain with us. B.F. McGill killed an eagle which had been soaring over these parts for several years. It was a fine specimen of that splendid bird measuring 6 feet, 6 inches from tip to tip. It was shipped to a taxidermist in Kansas City.  W.B. Amis has drifted back to Cheyenne on a visit to his friends. Justice Miller of Rankin was in town Wednesday on official business. Our one time good citizen, John Caffey, now a hustling livery man of Elk City was a visitor at the capitol this week. One of our Elk City boys had the misfortune Thursday to lose out in his application for license to marry. The young lady was not old enough and the probate judge had to refuse.


February  3, 1905 

LONE STAR: Our school has just received its second coat of paint inside and out so now we will truly begin to shine, thanks to the box supper of a few weeks ago. The Lewis Mogul’s stone house is not getting any nearer completion during these freezing January days. The same can be said of Mr. Ames well. Those northerners don’t seem to like working when the thermometers are at zero any more than the southerners do. Mr. Humphrey has put in a floor to his house. He has just finished stacking his cane, which there could not have been a heavier crop. The farmers are wanting to begin plowing as soon as the ground thaws out. This last big snow is surely taking its time to leave us. The Rev. Mr. Wood preached his regular monthly sermon on the fourth Sun. and took dinner with Mrs. Helen Bryant and her father, Charles Ames. He will preach here Sun. morning and evening the fourth Sun of each month. He says we have the only Epworth League in this part of the county. Day school closed Friday to allow the teacher to take the Teacher’s examination which she found out too late was at Elk City instead of Cheyenne. Olive and Forrest Miller were home from their schools Sun. They teach about 20 miles from here but in opposite directions. Mr. Sell and family have nearly all been under the weather since their “camping out” at Christmas while attending the Holiness meeting northeast of Cheyenne. One of their ministers anointed and prayed over Mr. Sell and he is feeling much better, so he says. Born January 30, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Sprowls a daughter. The happiest man in town is Pickins, the coal and wood man. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jordan and their daughter, Miss Maggie were up from Elk City this week visiting their daughter, Mrs. J.J. Moore. Our school has a holiday today, which is duly appreciated by the pupils, especially those who live in the country. Treasurer Kendall for the last month has had his hands full of collecting taxes and the proceeds thereof. G.M. Goode has established a dairy on the old A.L. Thurmond place and delivers milk anywhere in town. Sleet Mon. & Tuesday; Snow Wed and Thurs. Fine Hail Friday and Sat. with zero weather in between. John Gober, the hustling life insurance man drifted in with the sleet Tues. He recently won the premium as Insurance Solicitor for New York Life. R.J. Cooper of Berlin won the Sunbeams premium for the greatest number of premiums at the Berlin Fair. (CountyFair)  February 3, 1905 Cheyenne Sunbeam


February 10, 1905

Monday morning, February 6, Walter G. Morris passed away. He owned and operated the Cheyenne Sunbeam until nineteen months ago. He was born in England. (Full obituary will be in the obit files of the local library). Judge Gilkerson went to Elk City again this week on business. Our obliging assessor, E.F. Stephens was a pleasant and most welcome visitor this week. Our coal man showed proper and commendable enterprise in hauling it up from Sayre through the snow this week. If there was a coal bin in town, which was not empty, owing to the darkness of the nights, we failed to discover it. S.A. Wallace received news yesterday this his mother, Mrs. M.C. Wallace recently fell on the ice at Yarreltown, TX dislocating her hip. She is 76 years of age and the doctors are unable to set the joint, owing to her feeble condition rendering the use of chloroform dangerous. It is feared that she may not recover. Lands for rent. Apply to Shell Caffey, Cheyenne, O.T. RIDGETON NEWS: P.N. Oaks is now on his claim. His family is yet visiting in Custer, Colorado but will soon join him. E.C. Winfred and G. Holmes have removed all their buildings from the center of Winfred’s claim to the north side: a more desirable site. B.D. Simison is carrying the mail tri-weekly between Ridgeton OK and Cataline, TX. Lester Miller is able to be about after a month’s suffering from an ulcerated tooth. SOUTH MERIDIAN NEWS: The new post office at Mateer with E.J. Mateer, postmaster. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge have returned from a visit to Mrs. Hodge’s parents in Greer County. M.H. Mercer and wife are on their claim but will soon move to Sayre. Mrs. E. Miller who has been very ill for some time, is improving at this time. She has been at Albert Hays’ place during the time unable to be moved to her home. The party at Mr. Chastian’s was largely attended and all report a good time. Mrs. Mary Robb who has been at Weatherford for some time is expected home soon. The carpenters will soon be at work on the new school house in district #88 (Grimes). Mrs. Lula Herber is giving good satisfaction as teacher in the Mulberry Grove District. Will Otis and family will soon move to Kansas J.E. Hill and W.J. Davis were Elk City visitors last week. It is rumored that the new railroad will run through this part of the county. (Star and Sunbeam)


February 17, 1905

BORN Sunday, February 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Isam Chesney a girl. Born Sunday, February 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Vallie Dunham near Berlin, a boy. Our old friend S.M. Riggs was in town Monday on business. It is a cold day when he cannot do business. The young people enjoyed themselves nearly all Tuesday night tripping the light fantastic at Black’s Restaurant. Died Saturday, Feb 11 of pneumonia, Paul, an eighteen month old boy of Mr. and Mrs. William Linville. G.W. Hodges was called by wire to the bedside of his brother, Jake Hodges at Paris, Texas, last week. A message from G.W. announces that his brother died Sunday night. The deceased was a prominent lawyer, a man of wide influence in  his state. The thermometer registered 18 degrees below zero at Cheyenne Monday morning, February 13, 1905. It is a coincidence that the coldest day ever experience in Cheyenne (as of 1905) was on February 13, 1899 at which time it was 24 degrees below zero. John Casady left this week to take the position of foreman on the Roger Mills Democrat at Elk City. John has ideas of his own on printing and will make them felt in his paper. He learned his trade in this office and has since worked on other good papers. Sheriff Elliott returned yesterday from Cleveland, Pawnee County where he went to get A.E. Inman, wanted here for complicity in the burglary of Richerson Brothers Store at Doxey last year. E.E. Tracy is attending meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Masons at Guthrie. RIDGETON NEWS: Some horses and cattle have been lost as a result of exposure to the cold. Elmer Snyder trapped and killed a large coyote recently. Thomas Wells, Sr. made a trip to Custer Co. recently to buy corn. Lyman Barber is building a new house on his claim. Last Wed. the postmaster at Hamburg drove a rural free delivery route inspector over the proposed route west from that place. CHEYENNE: Dr. Wallace of Hamburg was a Cheyenne visitor Tuesday. John C. Whittom south of town, made final proof on his claim Friday as did Henry Borman of southeast of town. Will Bonner returned Sun. from Grand, Day Co. where he had been looking after some legal business for his firm. John H. Boone, Jr., John M. Chandler and John W. Gates of Rankin were in town Friday making final proof on Mr. Boones’s claim. Rev. G.W. McGraw has returned from Mexico and will reside on the J.H. Osborn farm. He also is in charge of the Baptist Church  on Dead Indian. Mrs. Dr. Tedrow and Mrs. Cosmo Falconer left Wed. morning for Oklahoma City where they will attend the meeting of the grand chapter of the order of Eastern Star.  (Star and Sunbeam, February 17, 1905)


February 24, 1905

Mrs. Charles McClain who has been quite sick, is much improved and hopes now for a speedy and full recovery. Deputy Sheriff Cope of Elk City was in town yesterday on official business and paid the Sunbeam an appreciated visit. Dr. and Mrs. Standifer’s little daughter, Miss Iris had a serious attack of double pneumonia last week. She is now much better though still very weak. Died at her home twelve miles southwest of Cheyenne on Wed. Feb 22 of appendicitis. Mrs. Atwood, age 58. She had suffered much and was exceedingly low when Dr. Tedrow was called the day of her death. An operation was performed as the last feeble hope for her, but it proved to be too late. Capt. C.J. Sheen of Grimes, was a pleasant and welcome visitor at Cheyenne this week. Another dance was held at the Black Restaurant building Wed. night, in which the patriotic young folk celebrated Washington’s birthday by delighted dancing all night. A number of the brave and the fair attended from our neighboring towns. Wed. Deputy Sheriff Cope brought Frank Williams to Cheyenne and placed him in jail under the charge of introducing stolen property into the county. Sometime since, the defendant drove a one-horse rig into Elk City and sold horse, harness and buggy to J.H. Bronson, a liveryman. It was brought to the sheriff’s attention that some parties near Vernon, Texas laid claim to the property and he put Deputy Sheriff George Howard on the trail. The man was found at Wichita Falls, Texas and arrested. He at once waved requisition (extradition?) and was brought back. His bond has been fixed in the sum of $1000 which he has not yet given. Messrs Orville and Grover Monroe tendered their numerous friends a reception at their father’s home Wed evening. The occasion was the twenty first birthday of Orville. It was one of the most popular occasions within the history of Cheyenne. The large house being packed to its capacity. The evening was filled with delightful entertainment not the least feature of which being a supper of rare excellence. The four Hiatt brothers came in from the vicinity of Hammon last week and Frank made the necessary proof to secure title to his farm. Elk City is attempting to build a $10,000 high school.WEST SIDE NOTES: Thomas Burns and family made a trip to Erick last week. Alva Aber was in Sayre Fri. Mrs. Nellie Page has been on the sick list for some time. Mrs. Will Herber closed her school two weeks on account of sickness. (Mulberry) E.C. Mateer’s mother is here from Kansas. Clarence Robb is thinking of going to Kansas about March 1. John Martin is carrying the mail from Sweetwater to Mateer, making three trips a week. M.H. Mercer has finished the stone foundation for the new school house in District #88 (Grimes) and the building will be ready for school by March 1. J.E. Hill will donate land for a good general store. Telephone office is now located on the east side of Lee’s Drugs Store.  Star/Sunbeam  (February 24, 1905)



Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam March 3, 1905

WILD HORSE GLEANINGS: Everyone here has survived the winter so far and anticipate warm weather. After the freeze the farmers have had to mend their cisterns. Bro. Cavenaugh preached at the Union Point School House Saturday night and at Dead Indian Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Daniels went to Elk City Monday, with cotton. The Jones Brothers are plowing with oxen, which calls to mind the days of “Old Lang Syne”.


Born Monday, Feb. 27 to Mrs. Bowman, a girl. Born Feb. 27 to Mr. and Mrs. John McDaniel, a boy. Sheriff Elliott left Tues. for Mangum under a subpoena to attend as a witness in a case against James Fletcher, accused of stealing cattle. Treasurer Kendall went to Guthrie this week on business affecting his office. The probate court sits next Monday with twelve civil and seventeen criminal cases, the largest docket within the history of the county. The Mercantile Co is adding internal improvements to their store building and will soon add sheds for their farming implements. Probate Judge Gilkerson has rented a residence at Cheyenne and will soon be at home in the capital. He has purchased lots on the hill near the Baptist Church and contemplates erecting a neat dwelling in the near future. Our local people are getting their gardens in great shape. Onion and potato seed are going in a hurry.  FOR SALE: My residence and business houses in Cheyenne. Also an interest in the Cheyenne Drug Store. Location of business house, the best in town. Milo Burlingame.


Arthur Schweitzer came to town Wed. suffering with every evidence of being poisoned. He had instant medical attention and is considered out of danger. He believes some enemy tried to murder him. An investigation is onfoot. NOTICE is hereby given that I have impounded four shoats, two grown barrows and one sow for trespassing upon the SW1/4, Sec 18-13-23, and that unless the owner of said hogs pay the damages and costs and takes said hogs, they will be sold according to law to pay same. John E. Leary. The Epworth League at Grimes will hold another pie social on Tues., Mar. 14 to finish paying for the new organ. The organ has been ordered being a $50 Epworth.


  1. W. Seifert of Berlin took a load of hogs to the Elk City market last Sat. and was well pleased with the price received. The “squire” is getting quite a reputation as a swine breeder. One in his load weighed over 400 pounds. H.D. Cox has re-built and overhauled his grist and feed mill and is prepared to do grinding. Meal and chops are on hand at all times. George Cree has just finished quite an extensive addition to his residence in the south part of town. A.W. Griffin, Attorney at law at Roll, Day County was in town Tues. John Salyer left Tues. for an extended visit to his old boyhood home at Georgetown, Texas. FOR RENT: 80 acres of 3rd year land for crop rent, cotton and feed; good house, 80 acres of pasture joining renter can use. J.C. Crawford, Rankin.


Robert D. West made proof on his claim in the Snakey Bend neighborhood Wed. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Courtney of Berlin were in town yesterday guests of Mrs. Charles McClain. Miss Nellie Huff has resigned her position with the telephone company here and Miss Ollie Brownfield of Foss now looks after the welfare of the patrons of the “Hello” Office. Roscoe Johnson and family spent a few days with J.R. Casady this week, Roscoe will farm this year near Sayre. A large acreage of oats will be sown this spring in this county and the recent snows have put the ground in excellent condition to insure a large yield. Will Bonner leaves today for St. Louis and eastern markets to purchase goods for spring and summer trade. You can look for one of the largest and best lines of goods on the market at Herring & Young.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam March 10, 1905

Miss Myrtle Kelton our charming music teacher has returned from Texas where she went for her health. We are glad to note that she has entirely re-covered. Mrs. S. Jackson and her sister, Miss Nona Hornbeak, returned last week from an extended visit to their old home in Texas. Miss Hornbeak has resumed her place at the Cheyenne State Bank. Sam Brown came up from Foss Sat. visiting his many friends at Cheyenne. He returned Wed. accompanied by his wife formerly Miss Zetta Miller, who has been here several days. The boys accused of gaming at Elk City could not trust the trial of their cases to Probate Judge Gilkerson, and took an appeal without trial to District Court, which is in the nature of an unintended compliment to the Probate Judge. A.O. and C.G. Miller have bought out Role’s Stable at Sayre and Charley went over Wed. to take charge of the business there. Charley is a good livery man. The Rev. H.O. White will preach next Sunday morning at the Baptist Church on the subject “The Wretchedness of a Sinning Christian”. The Cheyenne State Bank reported their condition at the close of business March 1, 1905 as having assets of $87,315.00.


HAMBURG NEWS: Hamburg is coming to the front with Mr. Tackett of RedMoon with his store, Hamburg bids fair to rival any trading point in either Day or Roger Mills County. Also it is the distribut-ing point for Rural Route #1. J.R. George is the agent for rural route mailboxes. There is no part of western OK that has made more progress in the last three years than the country lying adjacent to Hamburg. Mr. John Moeller, Jr. is building a fine new stone house, one of the best to be found between the two railroads. The Moeller Grist and Feed Mill is getting about all the customers they can handle. Elmer E. Lawliss of Hamburg made final proof on his claim.


RIDGETON: Considerable cotton is being hauled to town this week and there is still some cotton to pick. Harrison Voorhees and Lyman Barbee are breaking sod at Samples Ranch near Canadian, Texas. Henry Barbee has gone to Illinois to visit his father. Mrs. Alice Blackburn of Grimes was a pleasant caller at the Star office on Thurs. last. She is our versatile correspon-dent at Grimes. AD: We are in need of horse feed and anyone owing us can pay their accounts in that way if they so desire. Drs. Standifer and Tedrowe.


Will Smith our popular black-smith is overrun with work and can use another good black-smith. Bennie and John Monroe made a trip to Elk City Tues. The gin was running Sat. and quite a lot of cotton came in. W.D. Kendall returned Mon. from a business trip to Guthrie. F.E. and Mrs. Tanner returned today from Chilicothe, Mo. where they spent the winter. Miss Irene and the children will not return until school closes in May. W.F. Millenix was in Sat. and had his Star changed from MacArthur to Dudley, a new post office recently established in Day County, north of Cheyenne. (5 miles west of Moorewood). George Miller, living in the Berlin neighborhood was thrown from his buggy near Hamburg on Tues. last and quite seriously injured. He was rendered unconscious for several hours and received several bad cuts about the face and head. Elk City will have a “street carnival” the first week of May. Six shows, a steam merry-go-round and a high dive are some of the attractions promised.


A shooting affray in which one of the parties was instantly killed occurred near Hammon in this county Wed. Deputy Sheriff Moore of Custer Co., had a warrant for the arrest of Ben Clark for a minor offense. Clark resisted arrest and in his attempt to escape, he opened fire on the officer shooting his horse from under him. Mr. Moore returned the fire killing Clark instantly. Ben Clark the party killed, was about 17 years of age, and had been in trouble a number of times before. GRIMES: Jeff Thornborough has built a dugout on his claim north of Piersons. Mrs. Croninger is having an addition built to her house of an extra room. Farmers Union was organized at Grimes last Sat. night. The officers elected: President A.G. Lancaster, Vice-President I.H. Youker, Secretary & Treasurer Guy F. Fishburn Chaplain Fish Lancaster, Conductor J.Tom Singletary, Doorkeeper A.H. Greenwood. G.W. Garrison has bought a fine span of mules. R.A. Garrison has purchased a mare, also Messrs Kennett and Fishburn. A Modern Woodman Lodge was organized last Fri. night at Grimes. The officers elected were Counsel Guy L. Fishburn, Clerk H.D. Brown, Adviser R.A. Garrison, Escort R.A. Singletary, Outside Doorkeeper, H.E. McGuire, Inside Doorkeeper J.A. Myers, Banker L.W. McKnight. Rev. Diehl preaches at Grimes every fourth Sunday. J.D. Winburn is adding another room to his cottage.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, March 17, 1905

The trial yesterday of J.N. Cook and D.A. Mayer vs. G.F. Turner resulted in a judgment for the defendant. Farm For Rent: 7 miles from Cheyenne on Croton Creek, nearly 100 acres in cultivation, good orchard and good improvements. Terms of rent are reasonable, see E.F. Cornels.  Because of the very long list of delinquent taxpayers, there was not much news this week.


GRIMES: Ote Davis is building a room to his house; also postmaster Lancaster is building a new kitchen. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dee Fields a boy on March 3. Mrs. Fishburn is out from Oklahoma City to do some work on her claim. She has been dressmaking there for some time. Frank Brady returned home from Oklahoma County. Mrs. Dickson English was surprised on the 5th by her many friends with a 60th birthday party. John Kennedy was treated by the Epworth League to a large cake on his 37th birthday. The children of Mr. I.H. Youker surprised him with a birthday luncheon. H.D. Cox sued George Shufeldt for $25. W.H Anderson was arraigned on charge of gambling. John R. Emerson, the butcher who has been on the sick list for several days, is up and around again. A man remarked the other day that we did not publish all the things that happen. We should rather remark that we don’t. In the first place there is someone else depending on us for a living. For if we published all that happened, we would soon be with the angels and there would be a new widow in Cheyenne. To please the people we must only print the nice things said of them and leave the rest to gossip. It is an evident fact that we don’t print all the news. If we did, wouldn’t it be a spicy star? But it would twinkle for one week only. The next week you would read our obituary and there would be a new face on the pearly streets and a very poor musician in the heavenly choir. No indeed, we don’t print all the news. John T. Rankin was in from the west side of the county Mon. A grand ball will be given on Fri. night and supper served at Hotel Black. Mrs. L.A. Beaty together with Miss Willie and Master Powell Beaty of Cheyenne, are visiting Mr. F.E. Beaty the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond. Mrs. Beaty is Ernest Beaty’s mother and Miss Willie and Powell are his sister and brother. Miss Nellie Wilson and Mrs. Roach of Hamburg spent Sat. and Sun. visiting friends in Cheyenne. Miss Verna Young who has been teaching the past winter northwest of Cheyenne, closed her school on Fri. last after a very successful term and left for Alva, where she will attend the spring term at Normal College. J.R. George of Creston was in town a few days ago.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, March 24, 1905

WILD HORSE GLEANINGS: A new telephone is being put in at Rhome, extending from Elk City to Streeter with a view of connecting with Grand. Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Vanderpool were visiting Sun. with H.N. Farris and family. H.E. Underwood and Sam Kendall hauled the last of their cotton to the gin this week. Messers Oscar Brown and B.F. Chesney were called to Texas last week to attend a sick son and brother with a view of bringing him home if health would permit it. H.D. Farris and wife came in from El Reno Wed. to live on their farm this season. J.R. Green and his wife were at Roll Sat. Sam Kendall and family are kept busy attending their new phone. {More delinquent tax listed.


A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Brazell last Friday. Orville Monroe went to Elk City last Sat. on business. F.E. Herring was up from Elk City the first of this week. Twin girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brazell on Mar. 17. The freighters have been doing a lively business this week in spite of bad roads. Miss Nellie Huff has been visiting at Elk City returned the first of the week. John C. Hendrix made a trip this week to Elk City and Sayre on official business. T.M. Miller has a new mimeograph with which he makes copies of the records for our businessmen. Our friends in the neighborhood of Berlin are to be congratulated upon the establishment of a new rural route from Berlin. Charley McClain returned Sat. from Guthrie where he went to take his wife for medical treatment.


J.M. Barbre was found insane by the board of inquest for the insane on last Tues. Sheriff Elliott started with him to Norman Wed. morning. RIDGETON NEWS: Homer Tomlinson is again on his claim after a few months work in Custer Co. D.P. Contwell and James T. Smith have each completed for himself a combined stable and corn crib. Louie Hoops is now living on his new claim formerly the Albert L. Terry claim; S.P. Lance on the Walter L. Osgood claim; W.A. Marshall on the William H. Dorman claim. J.D. Funston and Son are drilling a well for Mr. Shaw. James H. Kearns died Monday night, March 6, 1905, age 49 years. Mr. Kearns fell off his barn nearly a year ago and injured his hip, from which he has been confined to his bed nearly every day till death relieved his sufferings. Mr. Kearns formerly lived in Kansas and after a year’s residence near Claude, Custer County, he moved to his claim NW1/4 of Sec 32-14-26, three years ago and was respected and honored by all his neighbors. He was Clerk of School District 64 at the time of death. He leaves a widow and two daughters at home, besides other near relatives here to mourn his death. Andrew Jalger and Ellis Wells are working on a ranch near old Cataline, Texas.


Madden Miller made a business trip to Elk City Sat. Our schoolbooks have arrived at the Cheyenne Drug Company. Minnie Burlingame is in Elk City this week. Shan Lindsey of Elk City is in town looking over the situation as to putting in a first class confectionary stock at this place. The dance last night was a very pleasant affair largely attended and enjoyed by all. A.W. Griffin of Roll was transacting business in town Mon. The boys in the neighbor-hood of MacArthur had a wolf drive on Sat. last but we have been unable to learn with what success. Leon A. Pitts and James A. Trammell of Trammell were in town Mon. making final proof on their claims. Dr. Tedrowe returned from Guthrie Sat. evening. Charley McClain returned from Guthie Sun. and reports Mrs. McClain, who is in that city under medical treatment as getting along nicely, and prospects favorable for a speedy recovery.


Cheyenne Star.Sunbeam March 31, 1905

S.A. Elliott sued H.H. Sober for possession of land upon which Elliott holds a filing. Mr. Sober lost his filing by decision of the land office in a contest against him but contends that he still has a fight for the secretary. Judge Gilkerson ruled that the territorial courts have no power or right to revise the U.S. Land Office proceedings. Prof A.R. Harris, Co. Supt elect was in town Sat. Rev. J.L. Henson, our former rather talented Methodist pastor was in town this week. L.B. Bloom is back from the eastern markets where he went to buy dry goods for the Mercantile Co. William Dewey was arrested last Sat. upon a charge preferred by L.A. Anderson, Road Overseer for obstructing a public road. (erecting a fence?) The defendant pled not guilty and the trial is set for tomorrow.


A letter from Arthur Schweitzer to W.D. Kendall on Mon. informed us that “something tells” him, Schweitzer that the town was about to be destroyed by fire. An investigation was started at once to determine whether criminality or insanity is the “something” referred to. The board of inquest for the insane determined Wed. that his mind was seriously affected. He has worried the people of his neighborhood on Croton Creek with eccentric actions for some time and many feared that he would become violent, if not treated at once. He was ordered removed to Norman for treatment and was taken away yesterday. GRIMES NEWS: Pete Russell is home again for this week making arrangements for plowing, etc., on his claim. Rev. Diehl was quite sick the past week and had to dismiss school at the Jameson School House until Mon. He has only one more week of school. R.F. Brady has lumber on his place to build a barn and will otherwise improve his place. A large crowd were out to Sun. services and were able to hear the new organ which was truly enjoyed. The pie social for the 14th was rained out and was held on the night of the 20th. A good time was enjoyed by all. Nearly $9 was raised which finishes paying for the organ and all expenses. The fish pond was enjoyed especially when Mr. Youker fished out an old shoe with a number of dolls in it representing the old woman who lived in the shoe. L.A. Beaty reports that he will be under personal obligations to the public if they will keep their stock from trespassing on his alfalfa fields. J.W. French has fitted up a neat law office in the rooms adjoining the bank, formerly occupied by the telephone company.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam April 6, 1905

RIDGETON NEWS: Bruce Ellis and family after spending the winter in Thomas, OK, are on their claim near the Texas line. They have just finished a new residence on it.  I.L. Hoover, the hustling real estate dealer of Elk City was in town Wed. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Burger of Los Angeles, Ca are in town visiting their son, Guy Burger, the popular west side livery man.


DEAD INDIAN LOCALS: Farmers are planting corn. Misses Maude Weddle, Erma Price and Leila Burt attended the literary at Simpson School House last Sat. night. All report a pleasant time. Farmers are busy plowing now. The late rains have put the ground in good condition for farming. Mr. Lee Taylor and wife left for Oregon last week. Mr. Walter Chesney is back home on a visit. Mr. Newt Thompson and wife spent Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. Price. A large crowd was out to hear Rev. Cabaniss preach Sun. Prof. Tidwell is getting along nicely with his school. Mr. and Mrs. Burt spent Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Weddle. Mr. George Hill and family have moved back to their place. Miss Myrtle Thompson is home again after an absence of three months. She has been teaching school on Spring Creek. The people of the community are highly elated over the prospect of a telephone line.


The commissioner’s court met this week and a demand was made upon the Co. Treasurer for a sight of the funds, to which he responded by taking the com-missioners to the bank and showing up the fact that the money was all there and safe at present. Objection was made to the approval of the Treasurer’s report and the allowance of his salary because the money was not actually exhibited. On this ground an appeal was taken to the district court tying up the Treasurer’s salary until the District Court can pass upon the question.


Willis Pondexter shot and killed himself at Sayre last Friday. He was a real estate agent and unmarried. It is supposed that bad health was the cause of the rash act. The first settlers of Roger Mills County will have a reunion at Cheyenne, O.T. on April 19, 1905 to celebrate the opening of the Cheyenne country for settlement.  Isaac Sollers died at Elk City last Friday morning of heart disease, at the age of 60 years. He was one of the early settlers in our county and for a number of years he carried the mail upon various routes. He was a man of positive character, uncompro-mising and outspoken of his convictions. He was prominently connected with the M.E.C.S. work, with the singing conventions and the anti-saloon league. He was buried at the Berlin Cemetery.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam April 13, 1905

Mr. Voorhees had the misfortune to lose a good horse. Robert Voorhees of Weatherford is on his new claim, the NW1/4, Sec 8-14-26. His father-in-law, T.S. Ragan brought out a load for him. Pearl Wells, daughter of Thomas F. Wells, is very sick at this writing.


DEAD INDIAN LOCALS: Our ever welcome pastor, Rev. McGraw preached to a large and appreciative crowd at Dead Indian Schoolhouse Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Weddle and Will Hufford made a flying trip to Elk City Sat. The telephone prospect has developed into a reality; the poles are being distributed and erected along the line from Cheyenne to Grand, Day Co. The Farmer’s Union organized at the Simpson School House Saturday night with 27 members. Bob Price has been very busy the past two weeks gathering cattle for Andrew Maddux. The farmers are progressing nicely with their plowing. Miss Maude Weddle is on the sick list this week. Mr. Lee Taylor and wife left for Oregon last week. While we regret to hear of them leaving, we wish them success in their new home. Mrs. Maude Weddle, Erma Price and Lela Burt attended the Literary at Simpson School House recently. Mr. Walter Chesney is back home on a visit. Mr. Newt Thompson and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Price. Prof Tidwell is getting along nicely with his school. Miss Myrtle Thompson is home again after an absence of 3 months. She has been teaching school on Spring Creek.


Muley Maker Dehorning Fluid, acts like a charm at Cheyenne Drug Company. The gin company has repaired their boiler and is now in good shape again. The management inform us that on the 17th of April they will start up for a few days’ run and will then close down for the season. For Rent-I have 350 acres of good pasture land for rent. Good fences and plenty of stock water, eight miles northwest of Cheyenne. See J.A. Brown, at Brown’s Lunchroom, Cheyenne. Monday was one of the best days for business our merchants have enjoyed for some time. Herring and Youngs’ immense establishment was filled with customers from early until late, and the Cheyenne Mercantile force was busy as bees. People from within a few miles of Grand and from the Texas border were here. They came to buy and from the looks of many of the wagons, they must have been buying for small stores instead of private families. As a trading point Cheyenne cannot be beat on or off the railroad. W.T. Bonner and Orville Monroe are attending court at Grand this week. Despite the low price of cotton the acreage in this part of the county will be considerably increased over last season. Atty. John B. Harrison passed through town Saturday in route to Grand to attend court now in session in Day Co. Quite a number of the young people and a few of the older ones spent Sunday on the banks of the historic Washita, picnicking. G.W. Hodges, A.G. Gray and A.S. McKinney left for El Reno Monday, where they rode the goat in the Knights Templar Degree Lodge of the Masonic Fraternity at that place.


The pie supper at Windy Hill School House, 8 miles east of town Friday night was largely attended. The management reports a clear profit of $8.90 which will be placed in the organ and dictionary fund. This is one of the most progressive districts in the county, and the school the past winter under the management of Miss Blanche Ayers, has been very successful. The school will render a very interesting program on Easter Sunday. A letter received from Dr. John Standifer states that he is on a pleasure trip in Mexico, and that he will visit Mexico City before he returns. Will Cheatham, Steve Huff, Jess Rosser and Ed Woods returned from Wood-ward Tuesday, where they had taken a bunch of cattle for Mr. Tandy the cattle buyer. The Miller-Gilkerson Abstract Co are now located in the Cauble Bldg. opposite Cheyenne Mercantile Company. Judge Gilkerson will also move the probate records to the same building and make it his office. John Reed and Mrs. Feno are on the sick list for the past week. District Court convened at Grand Monday morning and adjourned Tuesday morning. Quite a number of litigants from this side of the river did not get to Grand until after court had adjourned. R.R. Bull has purchased the W.W. Smith Blacksmith Shop and solicits a share of the trade in that line. He has an expert horseshoer and can fit shoes to any ill shaped, diseased or wire cut hooves. Wagon and carriage wood, a specialty and will build you a wagon or carriage from the ground up.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam April 20, 1905

LIBERTY HILL NEWS: Farm work is well advanced. A large number of small crops of oats and some spring wheat and barley were planted and the prospects are flattering. Corn planting is nearly finished. There will be little reduction in the acreage of cotton. Arthur Brown, after an extended visit with his father’s family, left last week for Colorado for his health. W.O. Mounts and family visited his father-in-law’s family on Saturday. Regular monthly singing here was held on Sunday the 16th. The circulation of the Kansas City Farmers Stockman has greatly increased in this vicinity in the past few years and the results are visible in better methods of farming everywhere.


Basket supper at the Square Top School House, four miles east of Cheyenne on Saturday night April 22. Everybody invited. Judge C.S. Gilkerson has moved his office to the Cox Building north of the Court House square where he now has handsome and commodious quarters. Robert E. Simpson is improving his claim southeast of town. BORN April 12, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. George Prestridge a boy.  G.W. Seifert of Berlin was a pleasant caller Tuesday at Sunbeam’s office. J.A. Maddux, a faithful, level-headed adherent of the Sunbeam, brought us under renewed obligations to him last week by favors.


Probate court last Friday heard the case against William Drewey, charged with obstructing a public road in the Croton neighborhood. The court adjudged him guilty and fined him $5, holding that the public were entitled under law to full 33 feet on each side of the section line for use as a public road. The Commissioners’ Court last week a demand was made that the county money be counted in the court. The money was produced, part currency and the balance in the form of a certified draft, a total amount being in the neighborhood of $36,000.00. To this certain parties objected claiming that the actual currency should be counted by the commissioners. This is the basis of the claim that the money was not produced when called for. What a fine chance for a bank robbery there would be if $36,000.00 were to be kept in the vaults in the town the size of Cheyenne. Editor A.A. Carter of the Cheyenne Star returned Tuesday from a visit of respect to President Teddy Roosevelt on his hunting trip in Oklahoma. He reports that he saw the President shooting mule-eating bear on the wing. Wanted: 300 acres of sod broke; will pay $1.50 per acre. John H. Jones. G.B. Goode was up from Sayre Wed. on loan business. Probate Judge Gilkerson has been taking testimony in final proofs and contests this week. James L. Perry of Trammel made final proof Wed. before Judge Gilkerson. Mrs. John H. West is critically ill with pneumonia. It was reported yesterday morning that she was very low.


Marriage license to: W.T. Ezzard of Grimes and Miss Nola Shay of Guthrie, also R.C. Brock and Miss Lula E.Mayfield, both of Mayfield.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam April 27, 1905

CRESTON NOTES: Farmers are about through planting corn. Early planting is coming up nicely but the rats and cold weather are giving it a very severe test. But warmer weather will surely come, and if each farmer will arm himself with a bottle of HO-KE-PO-KE, no doubt we can get rid of the rats.


Baseball: Get together boys and organize a ball team. Cheyenne has the material to form a club second to none in western Oklahoma and also has the best grounds in the county, which can be secured and prepared without any expense. There is nothing more entertaining than a well contested baseball game and Cheyenne should have a club that can meet all comers. Organize and practice and the rest will come. A jolly party of about 30, old and young, married and single, went out to the Morris Lake on a fishing jaunt Wednesday night. They all report a most pleasant time, but we have failed as yet to get the exact number of fish caught.
Mrs. Alice Blackburn of Grimes who is editor of the Homemaker Department of the Oklahoma Farm Journal, and a writer of more than ordinary ability, was down to hear the lecture by Mrs. Laura A. Gregg Tuesday evening. Mrs. Gregg is organizer of the National American Woman’s Suffrage Assoc. and spoke at the Baptist Church. Quite a number from here will attend the Street Fair at Elk City next week. Charley Miller, the Sayre Liveryman, spent Sunday in town visiting his father A.O. Miller. According to the “old weather prophets” we are in for a wet spring. “Rain on Easter Sunday brings rain for seven Sundays”. The delinquent tax list is now in the hands of the sheriff and his deputies. If you see him coming and can’t pay you had better take to the canyon. The Odd-fellows picnic to be held at Cheyenne on May 10 will be the biggest thing ever held in this part of the county. Mrs. Falconer and Scotty entertained a number of friends on Sunday last in spite of terrible weather. The box supper at Flat Top School House on Saturday night last was a perfect success both socially and financially. The receipts of the sale of the boxes amounted to about $40. Sunday was one of the dampest days ever experienced in western OK. All Easter Services were abandoned and the finery provided by the ladies including their Easter millinery had to be laid away for more auspicious occasions. Quite a number had made arrangements to visit friends in the country and those trips had to be abandoned. It is stated that the drilling for oil near Elk City will begin about May 1. Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Franklin were in from Dempsey Wed. and took advantage of the low prices our merchants are making on groceries and stocked up for the summer. W.L. Alkire and Emma LeGrand were married at the probate judge’s office on Monday afternoon. J.C. Hendricks, Madden Miller and Sam Elliott are at Elk City attending a district meeting of Oddfellows.


WEST CROTON NEWS: The farmers are through planting corn and repairing fence is the order of the day. We are informed that Mr. Spakes is going to build a house and open up a stock of dry goods and groceries on his claim one mile west of High Lonesome. Final proofs are George Prestridge, heir of Larkin Prestridge, Roma Jeffcoat, George B Cree, Edward E Casady Cheyenne, Rolla A. Trexel Sayre, Eli W. Graves Cheyenne, Samuel T. Berry of Redmoon, Louis M. Gordon Cheyenne, Emmett Hutchison Hammon, Jim Willis Rainey, O.T., James L. Perry Trammell, Lee M. Dudney Redmoon, Minnie Honderick Cheyenne, Arthur G. Gillum Sayre, Walter M Simpson Cheyenne, Amos J. Taylor Trammell, Joseph E Dudney Cheyenne, Oscar W Nelson Cheyenne, James A Metcalfe Roll, Samuel Calvin Trammell, & Mrs. Julia Watley . In addition to be compositor, proof-reader, pressman, reporter and everything else connected with the country newspaper, the editor is often called upon to settle the disputes of his appreciative readers. Recently one of the guild of pen, paste and scissors received a fine chicken, which he believed to have been sent as a token from a subscriber. After the editor had enjoyed a dinner in which the fowl played a prominent part, he received a letter from the donor who said, “I sent you a chicken in order to settle a wager between a neighbor and myself. Can you tell us what the chicken died of?” W.Bircnough, a good citizen of Rankin was doing business in town Wed. A.J. Mount of Dempsey was doing business here Sat. L.A. Anderson came down from Redmoon Sat. to talk business with our merchants. Baseball goods of all kinds can be had at Cheyenne Drug Co. Ex-sheriff J.M. Evans was on our streets Sat. looking younger and rounder than ever. Dr. J.L. Robinson formerly of Sayre, has moved to town and now occupies the Miller place. Miss Mattie Hartless of Rankin was adjudged insane last week and transmitted to the asylum. Mr and Mrs. A.L. Thurmond came up from Foss Sat. and spent several days visiting friends about Cheyenne. George E. Shufeldt was thrown from his horse last Sat. and was badly shaken up, though not seriously injured. H.B. Bradford took advantage of the bad weather to spend Sat. in town trading and gasing with the boys. Our long spell of rainy weather broke up Tues. leaving the roads muddy and the grounds soaked. The cool weather retarded gardens and planted crops, but no injury to fruit has been reported. Dr. and Mrs. J.E.Standifer who went away for their health some time ago, returned last week, looking much improved. Mrs. E.M. McClain of Berlin attended Miss Gregg’s lecture here Tuesday night.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam May 5, 1905

REDMOON NEWS: Cotton planting is begun. The cotton acreage will be reduced fully 25% from last year’s crop. Corn is in good stand; wheat and oats look well, and everything is lovely. Clyde Young has planted this spring 20 acres of alfalfa on his Washita River farm. The Youngs have also 60 acres in alfalfa on their Dead Indian Farm. Mrs. Rosa Dudney and Mrs. Emma White each have an incubator running. Mrs. Dudney has been operating her incubator for a year or more. She runs it almost the year round, hatching large broods every three weeks. Farmer’s Union will hold a public meeting at the Washita School House on the third Sat. night in May to discuss topics related to agriculture.


LONE STAR NEWS: Saturday last the second successful meet of our new “literary” was held at the schoolhouse. Much interest even among the older men of the neighborhood, is shown by their attendance and willingness to take part. Subject for the next debate: “Resolved that the Indian has been mistreated more than the negro”. Miss Ethel Stephens and father of Cheyenne attended literary last Saturday. Mrs. Helen Bryant and father went to Sayre Saturday. They are having a new cistern made as well as enlarging their pasture. Sunday last Messers Will Jenks, Sell, Halburg and families attended holiness meeting near Cheyenne. Mr. Hoodenpyle is doing much breaking for different ones in the neighborhood with his sulky and fine horses. Mr. and Mrs. Dink McBryde gave a party to the young folks Sat. evening. Mr. Wood was home Mon. long enough to put in his millet with the aid of Mr. Brownlee and Jackson’s team. Misses Essie and Nellie Riggs returned home Sunday from their schools at Sayre. Miss Nellie Johnson visited the first of the week with her parents on Current Creek.


GRIMES NEWS: Ernest A. Cosner, a brother of Mrs. Hiram Brown, died at her home, April 27, of consumption and was buried near Jamison School-house the following day. The Rev. Mr. Diehl having charge of the services. The deceased’s home was in Iowa. He came to Oklahoma this spring for his health, but the change of climate did not prove beneficial. He was nearly 30 years of age. Drew Youker and Miss Bertha Heims were married Monday morning. They were given a reception at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Youker on Monday night. Mrs. Rogers, living west of Grimes, is very low with consumption. Jeff Ewton who recently sold his home for $3250.00 had a public sale last Saturday. They leave for California this week. About 100 people surprised Mr. and Mrs. J. Ewton last Wednesday night by taking their supper and spending the evening. It was a farewell to them and aside from the sad thoughts of parting, greatly enjoyed by all. Some of Texola’s “booze scrapers” shot up the town the other day and have made it easy for advocates of incorporation. Commissioner I.H. Carmichael was in town Monday on business relative to his office. BORN Friday, April 28, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. Montague a son. D.W. Tracy went to Guthrie the first of the week on legal business. Miss Edith Franklin came in from Grimes Monday on business with the county treasurer. BORN May 1, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Ayers near Berlin a daughter. BORN Sat. April 29, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. Blanton a son. Dr. T.C. Lewis of Doxey was in town last Saturday. He has taken a position as pharmacist at Atoka, I.T. with H.D. Hutchinson formerly of this place. Marriage license: Roger White to Miss Viola May Manning both of Berlin. Eddie Bennett of Mac Arthur to Miss Lois Douglas of Hammon. BORN Sat. April 29, 1905 to Judge and Mrs. John E. Leary twins, a boy and a girl. BORN Friday, April 28, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woods a son.


RIDGETON NEWS: The following “nesters” have begun residence and cultivation on their claims: Turner Casey SW1/4-23-14-26, Alva A. (Ted) Cooper NW1/4 21. James Gilbert has lately had drilled a well on his claim about 68 feet deep with more than 20’ of water; Arthur Riegel a well 106’ deep with more than 10’ of water. Grandma Wood is very low with paralysis at her daughter’s, Miss Rose Bennett. Mrs. Wood is about 80 years of age and her recovery is despaired of. Robert Knoll the merchant at old Cataline died last week after an illness of several months. Mr. Knoll was well known in the panhandle and the territory and his death causes sorrow in many hearts. BORN April 14, 1905 a son to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mitchell. April 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wood a son. All doing finely. Easter Sunday was a very rainy day-and according to the saying, it will rain for the next 7 Sundays. The following Monday night another hard rain causing high water in the Washita and Canadian Rivers. The railroad bridge above Canadian, Texas was washed away by the flood. MATEER LOCALS: Some of our neighbors will have to plant our corn over. Ed C. Mateer was trading in Sayre Friday. Miss Mabel Hill was in Sweetwater Saturday. Mrs. A.C. Aber is with her father attending the store work while her mother is absent. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Page are the proud parents of an 11 pound boy. M.H. Mercer received an interesting letter from Mr. Boper of Arcola, Illinois saying some four or five farmers would soon be among us to locate. DEAD INDIAN LOCALS: Judge Leary was in our midst last week we suppose talking insurance. The literary entertain-ment at Dead Indian Saturday night under the management of Prof. Tidwell, President; Miss Maud Weedle Secretary was a brilliant affair; The house being crowded till standing room was at a premium. Mr. Weedle and family attended church at Windy Hill Sunday to hear the farewell sermon of Rev. Taylor who departs soon with his family for Oregon. Uncle Newt Thompson is making a lane through his pasture preparatory to the opening of a new road leading into Cheyenne. A union Sunday school will be organized at Dead Indian soon.


E.W. Franklin of Grimes was in town Monday. John C. Whittom, living 3 miles east of Cheyenne, has just finished an 80’ drilled well on his farm, and at that depth the well developed unmistakable signs of oil. Parties who are familiar with the oil fields of I.T. are confident that oil can be found in paying quantities and at a reasonable depth in this vicinity. We have the oil, all it needs is development. Miss Edith Franklin of Grimes, one of the most popular teachers in the county, was in town Monday. Milo Burlingame is in Kansas City this week on business for the Cheyenne Breeding Assoc. Quite a number from Cheyenne are taking in the “street fair” at Elk City this week. Miss Cora Potter has her new organ at home now which she ordered from Chicago. A.R. Johnson has built him new house in the city of Mateer and will farm 40 acres of Mary Robbs’ place.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam May 12, 1905

The next Roger Mills County teachers’ institute will open June 5, and continue four weeks. All teachers are expected to attend. J.E. Hooten brought his son Bois to town Tuesday for an operation for appendicitis. Drs Standifer and Tedrowe assisted by Dr. Wallace of Hamburg, performed the operation Wednesday. The patient routed quickly after the operation and is doing well. Heretofore patients had to be taken to Kansas City for treatment, owing to the lack of a trained nurse to look after the patient after the operation. The doctors have secured the services of Miss Mary Abernathy, who is a graduate of the Nursing Training School at St. Louis and with her assistance they are able to treat appendicitis as successfully here as at the hospitals in the City. Miss Abernathy has a position in the services of the U.S. Army and will leave during the summer for the Philippines. The IOOF held a picnic Wednesday in the grove on G.M. Goode’s place near town assisted by the Rebekah Lodge. Rev. H.O. White delivered an interesting address followed by dinner and then Judge H. Chadeayne of Elk City delivered the afternoon address. Owing to the high winds the exercises were not prolonged. G.C. Kelling recently sold his place near town and left Thursday to take up his residence in Georgia. Clyde Young came down from his ranch near Redmoon Tuesday to talk business with our merchants. Our old friend, T.B. Cree was back Wed. from his ranch in Texas, talking sound sense and business to our people. Custer Bend School closed Wed and an elaborate program was rendered by the pupils that night.


Miss Myrtle Kelton, our accomplished and charming music teacher visited Miss Verna Young this week at the hospitable home of W.A. Young on Dead Indian.  Tues. afternoon a small cyclone struck the county about seven miles southwest of town. It formed and came up so fast that parties at work in the fields were unable to get to their houses, and no doubt it was a good thing for the several that failed to reach their residences. The windstorm only lasted a few minutes and was followed by heavy hail and rainstorm. Quite a number were battered up considerably by the hail and stock suffered considerably. Two farm dwellings in the neighborhood one belonging to James Atwood and the other to a Mr. Gilliland were destroyed but no one injured. D.B. Welty and Co. Commis-sioner Carmichael were in town Tues. evening. Henry Coleman of Berlin was in town Wed.


RIDGETON NEWS: Mr. Beck has a filing on his claim near the Union Chapel Church. The claim was formerly owned by Lon Roof who has returned to his father’s claim in Custer Co. Henry C. Thompson sold his claim in the SW1/4 of 19-14-26 to Mrs. Eva Tomlinson. Her brother Ed Smith, bought the NE ¼ of the same section. Mr. Garver of Thomas visited his nephew, Joe Wood a few days last week.


EMERSON NEWS: Mr. Maddox the well digger, has just completed a well for W.H. Austin and struck water at 80 feet. He is now digging a well for Frank Brady. There is a new member at Postmaster Rhodes’ home. The little fellow arrived April 28. Mr. Kell has had a well dug on his place. A reception was given at the home of I.H. Youker last Mon. evening in honor of his son, Drew, and Miss Bertha Heims, who were married in Sayre. Several friends of E.W Franklin gave him a pleasant surprise Thurs. evening, his 55th birthday. The evening was spent dancing. BORN to Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy on May 1, a son. The Christians hold services in the school house every Sun. morning at 11:00. The WCTU of Roger Mills County has made a route for a public lecturer through the county. Dates were arranged at the following eight points: Elk City, Doxey, Sayre, Berlin, Grimes, Sweetwater, Redmoon, Cheyenne. Star Route from Sayre to Rankin by way of Grimes is one of the very best in the county. Dickson English has charge of this route. Postmaster Lancaster at Grimes has a good trade at his store, as also has Mr. Mathiason, who has a store 1 ½ miles northwest of Grimes, postoffice of Grimes was named after the present Secretary of State, Hon. William Grimes of Guthrie, and he has been a good friend to our people. He gave $20 towards the Grimes school-lhouse, $10 to the organ fund and presented the schoolhouse with a flag and pole. He also paid for a circulating library at Grimes for six months. C.E. Howe and G.R. Glover of Rankin were transacting business in town this week. David Selby of Roll was in town Tues.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam May 19, 1905

Miss Ray Fields came up from Elk City where she has been teaching this winter and closed her school on Sat. BORN Tues. May 16, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Cree a fine girl. John Mac Bonner returned Tues from a business trip to Oklahoma City. Isaac Laird left this week for San Francisco where he will make his future home. G.B. Taylor is up from Elk City on a visit to his son, John D., the barber. Calvin M. Rosser was a familiar figure on our streets this week. He was one of the original settlers in Cheyenne. Calvin Rosser is the son-in-law of Green B. Taylor, who is 75 years old and quite feeble from a recent illness. Taylor is one of the oldest Masons in the territory, both in age and membership, having affiliated Caledonia Lodge #68 AF&AM at Columbus on April 4, 1853. W.R. Casady has been wielding trowel this week upon the stone work about Dr. Miller’s new porch. John L. McDaniel, who went to New Mexico recently, has returned to stay. They always do and show good judgment in so doing. D.T. Silence was in town Sat. attending to straightening out some knots in the land office business. W.A. Beaty has bought the residence property of W.B. Johnson. It is good property situated on main street, and in good surroundings. A Boy was BORN Wed. to Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Tracy and died the same day. The baby was buried at the Custer Bend cemetery. Mrs. Tracy is still critically ill. The Cheyenne Breeding Assoc will have another French Coach Stallion here within six days. The following is the program of the Cheyenne School Commencement at the Baptist Church Friday evening, May 19. It included Music by the Mandolin Club; Invocation by Rev. H.O. White; Vocal Solo“The Big Chief” by Miss Irma Wallace; Recitation “Our Hired Girl” by Carey Fields; Piano Solo by Miss Nona Hornbeak; Essay by Mr. James Sprowls; Essay by Miss Mildred Wallace; Duet by Misses Kelton and Hornbeak; Violin solo by Mr. Henry Warren; Essay “Territorial Expansion” by Mac Tracy; Presentation of Diplomas; Vocal Solo by Mrs. Tedrowe; Declamation by Mr. Grover Monroe; Piano Trio by Misses Kelton, Hornbeak and Young; Benediction by Rev. T.M. Wood. C.H. Madden, Lee’s popular druggist, is “batching” this week as Mrs. Madden is spending a few days out on their claim.


WEST CROTON NEWS: The farmers are progressing nicely with their work. We have a good stand of corn; some cotton has been planted. The cotton acreage this year will be less. Lee Balch, Will Crabb and Ed McCaskill took cotton to Elk City last week. They were discouraged at from 2 2/3 cents to 3 cents for cotton. More corn, hogs and fruit with less cotton. Ed Bauman the road overseer, has just begun work on the new road along the township line of 13 and 14. Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Spencer visited the family of Dee Ross last Sat. Miss Lola Hughes of the High Lonesome neighborhood visited Miss Mamie Keen last Sun. S. Jackson, cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank, made a business trip to Grand this week. G.E. Shufeldt and sons of Redmoon, who have two Mammoth bred jacks; had bills printed at the Star office Tues. We printed “Special Sale Bills” for C.L.Tackett and Company of Redmoon, Monday. This enterprising firm is rapidly coming to the front and have inaugurated a series of sales which will be a credit to much larger places than the one at which they are located. John Casady foreman of the Roger Mills Democrat took in the dance here Fri. night, re-turning to Elk City Sat. morning. Lee Dudney of Redmoon was in town Tues.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam May 26, 1905

On Mon. evening just before sunset on the Washita River near Hammon, Clint Turner shot and seriously wounded E.F. Savage in a quarrel over a division fence. It appears that Savage and his hired man, one Mr. Wilson, were building a line fence between an Indian allotment belonging to Savage and one held by J.D. Turner, when the latter and his son, Clint approached. A quarrel ensued the elder Turner and Savage about the line or the fence, which Clint Turner took up on the part of his father. After some hot words on both sides, Savage started across the fence with some threat against the younger Turner, who drew a gun and shot three times. One shot broke Savage’s left arm and one penetrated the right breast, the other missing. Savage was not armed. The elder Turner at once interfered and took the pistol from his son and prevented further shooting. Savage’s wounds are considered dangerous and probably fatal. Dr. T.E. Standifer was summoned at once from Elk City and the patient was started at 3:00 Tuesday morning for the hospital at Oklahoma City. The officers were notified by phone and Sheriff Elliott and Deputy Monroe went at once to the scene of the tragedy. Turner could not be found, and it is thought that he is concealed by his friends awaiting the result of Savage’s wounds. Milo Burlingame returned Mon from a visit to various points in Texas, bringing his father with him. Milo has to go back to the “cow country” every so often to keep his health in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. S.D. Perry came in from Berlin Wed. on business connected with their school district. Miss Minnie Bullard, widow of our martyred sheriff, was a visitor to town this week from Hammon, returning Wed. Miss Pearl Scott has been seriously ill with throat trouble this week at the home of the county clerk, J.H. Osborne. Jeff Duke was in from Sandstone Wed. on business with the treasurer. He is one of the first settlers in the county and ran the first two elections held in this county for county clerk. Sheriff Elliott went to Portales, N.M. last week on a visit to his parents. A heavy rain mixed with hail fell here Wed night. Stonewall Jackson went to Grand last week on business connected with his bank. On his return he had the misfortune of dropping into the quicksand of the Canadian River, from which he had trouble extricating himself and team. Complaint was filed before the probate court against Will Parker charging him with striking Will Burton on the head with a pistol. The trouble occurred at Washita School House at which a meeting of the Farmer’s Union was being held. Mr. Burton was doorkeeper for the union and seeing or suspecting Mr. Parker of preying upon the union, he attempted to prevent it. Mr. Burton was quite seriously, though not dangerously hurt. The defendant made his getaway. Mrs. Carrie Nation of hatchet smashing fame, has been invited to speak at Cheyenne during the celebration, July 4 & 5, and while an answer has not been received to the invitation, the inducements held out to the lady will, no doubt, secure her attendance.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam June 2, 1905

WEST CROTON: Farmers are delayed by the rainy weather. Corn is looking fine, but wheat and oats are damaged. Cotton is coming up in good shape, and some of the earliest planters are beginning to chop. J.B. Miller took a load of cotton to Elk City last week. J.F. King of Sunset, Texas is visiting his son, J.F. King, Jr. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Aaron Harmon of East Croton is seriously ill. Will Crabb and Robert Denniston attended the Sunday School celebration at Redmoon last Sunday and report a pleasant time. John Salyers of Cheyenne spent Sunday last in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crabb spent Sunday last with Lee Batch and family. Miss Willie Graves of Washita attended the Sunday School celebration at Redmoon Sunday. A mysterious death: An old man named Carl Kemp was found dead in his bed on his claim, 1 miles east of town on Sunday morning last. From the appearance of the body it was judged he had been dead several days. The finding of the body was reported to authorities by Kemp’s son. Kemp was of German descent and his ability to speak English was extremely limited. On account of this, he had few acquaintances and fewer friends in the community. Living a kind of hermit life. Judge Gilkerson impaneled a jury and went out to view the body Sunday morning. The body was badly decomposed and the jury decided to hold a postmortem examination. From the evidence brought out the facts that on Sunday, May 21 was the last time the old man was seen alive. On that day young Carl Kemp saw his father and states that he was quite sick at the time. He did not return to his father’s place until last Sunday when he found him dead. It was reported that young Kemp had made inquiries concerning coffins and cemetery lots while his father was yet alive. There seems to be a doubt in the mind of the jury as to the cause of the old man’s death, and the stomach was removed and will be subject to a careful examination. The stomach and adjacent organs were in a high state of inflammation at the time of death leading Dr. Standifer to suspect poison. Mr. Kemp was reported to have had considerable money on hand which cannot be found or accounted for. Mr. Kemp and his wife did not get along very well together and she was living with her son, Carl Kemp, Jr. Coroner’s jury adjourned until Thursday afternoon at which time the physicians who are making an analysis of the stomach and contents, will make a report of their examination. James Osborne has a span of good mules for sale at a bargain. Mules are in good shape, 161/2 hands high. George W. Seifert of Berlin gave us a pleasant call Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Little of the Dead Indian neighborhood are rejoicing since Thursday last over the arrival of a fine baby boy. There will be a basket picnic at Graves School House, northwest of Cheyenne Friday, June 2. John C. Hendricks, County Attorney was at Sayre Sunday and Monday on legal business. BORN to H.O. White and wife, Saturday May 27, a fine boy. Mother and baby doing well. Miss Ollie Brownfield returned Monday from a two weeks visit with a friend at Elk City. Will Black who had been working in St. Louis for the past two months, returned home Monday. A.W. Phillips of Dempsey was in town trading Monday. Miss Theresa Finch, who has just finished teaching a very successful term of school at El Reno, returned to her home here last week. J.L. Paschal and family of Rankin were in town Friday and Saturday trading. Extra copies of this paper can be had for 5 cents a copy.


J.H. Seamans went through the county in the neighborhood of Berlin this week with a party of railroad builders. The purpose of the trip was to ascertain the resources and population of the county and its physical topography. GRIMES: Mr. Moffet lost his valuable horse “Bob” last Thursday, from blind staggers. Mrs. Kate Orndorff celebrated her birthday on Saturday last with a surprise visit from young folks of the community. Miss Jessie Prestwood left Monday for Elk City to visit her grand-mother, Mrs. Van Vacter before returning to her home in Texas. Young people enjoyed a surprise party at the Petterson home. Mr. Riggs and Mrs. Crabb of Foss visited their sister, Mrs. McKnight last week. A married daughter of E.W. Franklin living in Minnesota, is visiting her parents here. Mrs. Shotwell visited her daughter, Mrs. Ote Davis. W.L. Blackburn was up in Day County in interest of OK Farm Journal. Wednesday was Decoration Day but our people were too busy to remember it was a holiday. We have no soldiers’ graves to decorate but we might use the day in beautifying our cemetery. BORN to Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Work, May 21 twin girls. Jake Q Turner was up from his home on the lower Washita Monday on legal business. Nuck Hunt who has been attending Southwestern Normal at Weatherford was back this week on a visit. At the annual school meeting held at the schoolhouse in Cheyenne Wed. for District 1, W.T. Bonner was elected director to succeed S.A. Wallace, and R.N. Higgins was elected Treasurer in place of A.O. Miller who resigned. Twenty mills voted for school purposes.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam June 9, 1905

Standard Oil Company is paying 35 cents a barrel for crude Kansas oil. (2005 it is $50 a barrel) Board of County Commissioners met as a County Board of Equalization June 5, 1905. Present commissioners John H. West, Bascome Bates and I.H. Carmichael, deputy county attorney D.W. Tracy, Sheriff S.A. Elliott, Co. Clerk J.H. Osborne. Rates were raised on capitol stock of banks, horses, mules, land, cattle, town lots and hogs. It was ordered by the court that the arbor on the court house square be moved by September 1, 1905. Program of the ME church entertainment Prayer H.O. White; Music Iris Standifer; Recitation Madge Gray and Eunice Wood; Vocal Solo Miss Erma Wallace; Violin solo Paul Hendricks; Music Misses Lee and Pearl Huff; Solo Mrs. Tedrowe; Recitation Isabelle Fields and Sue Thornton; Music Margie Falconer; Vocal Solo Mrs. Ambler; Duet Mrs. Ray and Mildred Wallace; Recitation Hawkins Goode and Vivian Burger also by Lucille McKinney; Music Miss Nona Hornbeak; Vocal Solo Miss Carrie Brown; Duet Misses Ollie Brownfield and Jewel Miller; Vocal Solo Miss Kelton.


Miss Verna Young went to Sayre Monday to attend the summer normal. Matt Shaw went to Hot Springs Monday in response to a telegram from his brother who is reported dangerously sick at that place. Probate judge C.S. Gilkerson and Co Atty John C. Hendricks went to Guthrie this week to apply for admission to practice before the Supreme Court. A copious rain fell Tuesday afternoon. While we were not particularly needing it, we have not heard any complaints so far. The prospects for crops in this section were never better. Trouble occurred on Sweetwater last week between Mr. W.H. Potter and one Mr. Guinn, in which shots were exchanged by the parties without effect. The matter will be investigated by the grand jury. Will Parker accused of striking W.H. Burton with a pistol at the Washita School House not long ago, came in and gave bond for his appearance before the grand jury this week.


The Miller-Gilkerson Abstract Company received on Tuesday over $200 worth of books for use in their abstract business. Miss Lalia Cupp was prosecuted before Justice G.W. Sanders last week for assault and battery. She is a teacher in one of our schools on Buffalo and whipped one of the boys rather severely. A jury, after hearing the evidence, acquitted her. John C. Hendricks went down to represent the territory and John B. Harrison defended. Shorty Feno sold his freighting outfit this week to J.W. French, who will hereafter be conductor of the mule train between Cheyenne and Elk City. The coroner’s jury in the Carl Kemp case returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from causes unknown to the jury. There will be an ice cream supper at the Methodist Church next Sunday night and everyone is invited. P.S. Taylor returned Tuesday from Dallas, Texas where he went to attend the deathbed of his sister, Mrs. N.C. Clark. Uncle Perry is now the last of a family of 22 children and he was 71 Wednesday. Marriage licenses issued to William Rhodes and Mrs. Ella F. Maltby both of Cheyenne.


Shufeldt and Sons of the Shufeldt Ranch, Redmoon, have two fine Mammoth Jacks. These are the finest blooded animals in the county and the farmers will do well to see them before breeding. GRIMES NEWS: Florence and Guy Peck returned last week from Edmond, where they have been attending school this past winter. Mrs. W.B. Manlove visited a couple of days at Harrington, last week with her daughter, Mrs. May Mitchell. Her grandchildren Clyde and Greta Mitchell accompanied her home. Mrs. Shotwell who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ote Davis, returned to her Nebraska home last Tuesday. Boyd and Vilas Snyder will leave Monday for Garfield Co. to work in the harvest field. W.F. Rogers will have a farm sale 1 ½ miles north of Grimes on June 10, since his great bereavement, the loss of his wife, he has concluded to prove up and take his two little boys to Tennessee where his mother lives. Miss Ruby Snyder received the prize, a book, for writing the best essay in her school at Oklahoma City, and also the grand prize, a lovely gold medal, for having the best essay of all the city’s schools. Mr. and Mrs. Louie McKnight entertained a large crowd at their home last night in honor of Fred Borden. The basket picnic at the Graves School House 6 miles northwest of Cheyenne, on Friday last was well attended and a most pleasant time enjoyed by all. The ball game between Rankin and Redmoon clubs was an interesting contest and resulted in a victory for the Rankin nine. Miss Liddy Elliott is visiting her brother Sheriff S.A. Elliott. Charlie McClain and wife, Emil Cornels and Miss Nellie Fetty spent Sunday at Berlin. Thurmond Brothers have purchased the City National Bank at Cordell. A man named Miller from the Trammell neighborhood was brought to the hospital Sunday evening suffer-ing from a fractured collarbone. Doctors Standifer and Tedrowe reduced the fracture and the pa-tient is resting easy and will soon be out again. Mrs. Delia Shelton is visiting her mother, Mrs. Casady, south of town this week. Mrs. James Miller who has been under treatment at the Standifer-Tedrowe Hospital for the past two weeks is improving rapidly and will soon be able to return home. EMERSON ECHOES: Mr. Tidwell is again at home to all his friends and neighbors, having finished his term of school on Dead Indian. Mrs. W.J. Rogers who has been very low with consumption for some time, died on the evening of May 25. Funeral services were held on the following day. Rev. Diehl officiating. Deceased leaves a husband and two little sons, Conley and Fred, ages 10 and 7 respectively to mourn her departure.


MATEER ITEMS: S.E. Hill marketed his hogs at Sayre last week. W.R. Stewart is out on his claim this week. Wash Riley and family Sundayed with Si Mercer and wife. Mrs. F.M. Chapman visited a few days at Sayre last week. Lightening struck a house on Mr. Ramsey’s place, occupied by Claude Burke. It did considerable damage to the building and contents but fortu-nately none of the family were injured. A.C. Aber has planted 15 acres of Tennessee Evergreen Broomcorn. J.D. Stade and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mercer. J.L. Martin was elected School trustee by a large majority. Mr. Johnson of this neighborhood was at Sayre Friday attending a contest hearing. J.M. Crider and M.H. Mercer were trading at Erick Sat. Bids are wanted for carrying the mail from Sweetwater to Mateer.


RIDGETON: School election in district 75 was well attended and L.E. Saques was chosen director in place of E.C. Winfred who resigned. At district 64 just south of us, David Bowman was elected director and George Wheeler as Clerk. Tom Kendall, son of Co. Trea-surer Kendall, who has been attending school at Waco, Texas for the past nine months, returned home Tuesday. Work is being pushed on the telephone line to Grand and connections will be completed in a few days.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam June 16, 1905

There are railroads and rumors of railroads in the air. We are sure to have a railroad through these parts and the more we talk it up, the sooner it will come. Clint Turner, accused of shooting of E.F. Savage on the lower Washita sometime ago was arrested this week. He gave bond at once for an examining trial before Justice D.C. Fields on Tuesday, June 20. A little daughter of H.S. Reisman, was bitten by a rattlesnake last Saturday. The little girl was brought to town at once and put under treatment and at this writing, she seems to be in a fair way for recovery.


It is stated that a Kansas farmer’s daughter gives three kisses and a hug to her fathers’ hired men who shocks the most wheat in a day. At the same time it is announced that a number of Oklahoma boys have started to Kansas to assist in the wheat harvest. The contest case of Males vs. Musgrove involving land near Rankin was compromised Monday by the contestant paying $100 for the relinquishment of the entryman. Will Parker accused of striking Will Burton with a six shooter at the Washita School House had his examining trial before Probate Judge Gilkerson last Saturday. The judge discharged the defendant on the charge of striking with a dangerous weapon, and the county attorney filed an amended complaint charging him with simple assault and battery. The trial will come up before a jury next Saturday. The examining trial of Zack Miller, et al, accused of striking one Mr. Welch with a pistol, was held before Justice Casady yesterday. The justice had not rendered his decision at the time of going to press. The parties to the controversy are all from the Sweetwater neighborhood and quite a crowd from that vicinity are down as witnesses and onlookers. Welty and Harrison represent the defendants. Judge C.S. Gilkerson went to KY last Saturday in response to a telegram that his mother was sick and not expected to live. The annual meeting of the Roger Mills County Farmers Institute will be held at Berlin, Saturday, July 5, 1905 at 1:00 p.m. George W. Seifert, Secretary. J.J. Petts of Cheyenne, O.T. will bale your hay at your rick for $1.75 a ton.


DEAD INDIAN: Mr. Carter who is located on the Thurmond Ranch has returned from Beaver County with his cattle. Messers Stephens and West were out the other day viewing the much talked about new road from Dead Indian to Cheyenne. Miss Nellie Johnson of the Berlin neighborhood is visiting friends here this week. J.A. Brown was down to Berlin Monday and Tuesday and Miss Carey had full charge of the short order. W.T. Peace was in town Tuesday. Berlin is in the throws of a railroad excitement and have organized a townsite company with the intention of making that place the future metropolis of western Ok. A single statehood convention will be held at Oklahoma City, July 12. Indian Territory and Ok. will each be represented by 500 delegates. RIDGETON: A new reservoir tank made by C.W. Rookwell was donated to the lessee of school section 16 by the patrons or neighbors who depend on the windmill for their water supply. Thomas Meehan, who resides in sec 23-14-26, drove to Elk City last week. John Crawford accompanied him to be gone till after the wheat harvest. Sealed proposals for carrying the mail from Ridgeton to Rankin and return are being accepted. At the school election in district 76 Robert C. Provine was elected director for three years, J.J. Warren, Clerk for two years and Melvin Day treasurer for one year. H.D. Cox is now cutting his alfalfa for the second time this season. The more alfalfa a man has on his place, the better off he is. John C. Hendricks is on the sick list this week.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, June 23, 1905

Committees for the program of the Cheyenne July 4th cele-bration 1905 are: Entertainment J.C. Hendricks and C.S. Gilkerson; Marshall G.W. Hodges and Sam Elliott; Barbeque J.W. French, D.W. Tracy, E.F. Cornels; Amusements Cosmo Falconer, John Monroe, Madden Miller; Ball Game Dr. C.W. Tedrowe; Horse Races Milo Burlingame, Guy Burger. Fine rain fell in this vicinity Wed. afternoon with hail in spots. The trial of Zack and Arch Miller last week resulted in the discharge of both defendants. John King was in town Tuesday on business. He says that crops in his neighborhood are looking fine. Judge R.K. Houston has returned to Cheyenne and opened up a law office in the building on main street just east of the Black Hotel. The Cheyenne Mercantile Co. re-elected H.D. Cox President and Manager Tuesday. Mr. Cox will have the entire management of the business hereafter as H.B. Dewey has retired. Vice-President L.B. Bloom; Treasurer James Cooper; Secretary D.W. Tracy. Married at the office of the probate judge in Cheyenne on Thursday, June 22, 1905 Morgan Allison to Miss Maude Burnside, both of Harrington, Judge Gilkerson officiating. The case of the territory vs. Will Parker, charged with assaulting Will Burton at the Washita School House was postponed on account of the absence of the probate judge. Examining trial of Clint Turner accused of shooting E.F. Savage, which was to have been heard by Justice Fields on Kiowa last Tuesday, was deferred to June 27 on account of sickness of the county attorney. Madams Jackson, Standifer and Thompson accompanied by S.Jackson went to Oklahoma City Monday to hear W.J. Bryan’s speech to the Chautauqua. A number of our boys including Elbert and Mac Tracy, Lewis Elliott and Will Kendall went to Kansas last week to assist in the harvest. They got employment readily at $2 per day. While handling a small pistol at his shop Wednesday, James Begier accidentally discharged it, shooting and seriously wounding little Harry Chapman in the leg. The wound was dressed immediately by Drs. Standifer and Tedrowe and at this writing, the boy is doing very well. R.K. Houston has purchased a set of abstract books and is qualified and prepared to furnish abstracts of title to any tract of land in Roger Mills County. He has removed to the county seat and opened an office at Cheyenne. Marriage licenses: John Clossom of Milsap, N.D. to Miss Estella Franklin of Grimes; Ben Hooker to Beulah Maddoux both of Sayre. The County Clerk’s annual statement of assessment fixes the number of horses in Roger Mills County for the year 1905 at 9,198; mules and asses 2718; cattle six months and older 27, 235; swine 7800; wagons 2366; pleasure carriages 839; bicycles 7; pianos 120; dogs 414. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lovett of Streeter are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine 12 pound boy on Friday last. Hamburg will celebrate on July 4 with a picnic, speeches, baseball, fine music, races, dancing and a big barbeque. Attorney D.W. Tracy appeared for the prosecution while Harrison and Welty of Sayre looked after the interests of the defendants. After hearing the evidence and arguments, the Squire Casady came to the conclusion that the Millers had only acted in self-defense and they were discharged. J.L. Paschall of Rankin in town today. MATEER: Eli Trout and family visited at the Rable home Sunday. Ike Brittain and Miss Bertha Crider visited Erick Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby boy. It is reported that the railroad people are securing right of way in the neighborhood of Harrington.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam June 30, 1905

The Farmer’s Union on the Sgt. Major Creek is preparing for a basket dinner, ice cream and lemonade picnic on the 4th of July. They say that they do this without intending any competition with other celebrations, but partly as a protest against dancing and other influences of that kind. The place selected is the fine grove on the old Lee Anderson’s Place, now belonging to Mrs. Georgie Morris. A number of boys from Sayre were charged Saturday of running slot machines in their saloon at Sayre. J.J. Hussey, alias Si Jones, pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days in jail. The jail sentence was suspended until he should be found in the county again. The others John H. Russell, Paul Lehman, J.S. Williams and J.H. Smiley took an appeal to the district court without trial. The school board met last Friday and elected the assistant teachers for our school at Cheyenne for the coming year. Mrs. Bryant and Misses Rae Fields and Ethel Stevens were selected. Mrs. Bryant and Miss Stevens taught here last year and Miss Fields is well known to our people having taught here in one of our former schools. She recently finished a successful term at Elk City. The businessmen of Cheyenne have donated lumber for two new bridges over Sgt. Major. The new bridges will be completed and good roads made by the 4th of July. Richey Brown of Mobeetie, Texas this week bought 80 head of two year old steers from John Warren at $18 per head. Cheyenne Township started a new bridge Wednesday across what is known as the Blosser crossing on Sourdough Creek. Miss Nellie Riggs has accepted a position at the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. to assist them during their big sale. A.C. French, brother of J.W. is here looking after the interests of his patented clothespin. WCTU Medal contestants were J.J. Ray, Marguerite Goode, Susie Wood, Madge Gray, Sue Thornton, Isabelle Fields, Maude White, Katherine Falconer, J. Burger, Orin Standifer, Margie Falconer, Eunice Wood, Maude White, Gilbert Ray, Vivian Burger, Boney Fields, Chester Tracy, Iris Standifer. B.S. Bellamy of Trammell offers for sale 240 acres of land in Izard Co, Arkansas. A number of Sayre boys accused of being too playful were up before the probate court Saturday. Mrs. J.J. Moore has been living on her claim southwest of town this week. W.W. Anderson and his family went fishing on the Washita Tuesday. Polly Harmon made final proof before Judge Gilkerson Monday for her claim on Croton Creek. Menard Shelton proved up on his claim on the lower Washita Tuesday before Judge Gilkerson. WA. Beaty is at Odessa, Texas this week looking after his cattle interests in that neck of the woods. John Casady, foreman of the Roger Mills Democrat at Elk City, spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Cheyenne. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to kill off a few hundred dogs in and around Cheyenne as a pre-cautionary step before dog day time. Josiah Passmore made proof of his claim south of town before deputy district clerk on Tues. Some of the best horses in western Ok. will be on hand to compete for large purses at the celebration on July 5. James Richards, Mgr. of the Cheyenne Drug Co. left Monday for the Goodnight Ranch in Texas on a few weeks outing. Mr. Richards has been confined very closely to his business the past year and a rest will do him good. At Brown’s you can get a pail of ice cream for 20cents a pint. O.P. Vanderpool who is farming the James Bailey place just over the line in Day County, brought in a sample of flax Sat. that would be a credit to any county. We believe this part of OK is adapted to the growing of flax and if handled right it is a money producer as well as a fine forage crop. E.W. Franklin of Grimes was in town Tues. interviewing the photographer. E.W.’s family consisting of twelve, himself, wife and ten children, and as it was the first time they had been together for a number of years, he concluded a family group picture was about what he needed and consequently he made the trip to Cheyenne knowing that he could get the best of work in that line here. Quite a number of young people boarded an automobile propelled by mule power Monday evening and winded their way to the residence of Mrs. Isabella Fields north of town. Then they proceeded to take charge of the premises and have a jolly good time. C.R. Roberts has opened a harness shop in Beaty’s building, west of the Mercantile Co. Rev. H.O. White has charge of the Cheyenne Drug Company during the absence of Mgr. Richards. Landlord Black has re-papered the office of the Hotel Black, greatly improving the appearance. Stoney Jackson is sporting a new buggy. Shorty Feno got in Wed. evening from Kansas.


JULY 6, 1905

About 9:30 Sat. night Sam Doxey was shot and instantly killed by J.W. Dobbs, City Marshal of Sayre. The affair occurred at Sayre on a sidewalk in front of a saloon. It appears that Doxey had been drinking and having a real or fancied grievance against Dobbs, made some talk about him in reference to Doxey’s carrying a pistol. This talk was at once reported to Dobbs and he got a Mr. Fisher and Dr. Stone to see Doxey with the purpose of getting him to leave town. While Stone and Fisher were talking to Doxey on the sidewalk, Dobbs approached  he says, look through the window to see what was going on in the saloon. He was recognized by Doxey and  questioned why he was following him, Doxey around. After a few words on both sides, it is said that Doxey reached for his gun when Dobbs drew his gun and shot him three times in rapid succession. Then Doxey arose from his seat and shot one time and was shot twice more, when he fell to the floor dead. Three of the shots penetrated the chest and one the abdomen and one shot passed glancingly through the side. Anyone of the first four mentioned was fatal. Dobbs was not hit. A coroner’s inquest was held Mon. and an examining trial Wed. at both of which the above facts were developed. Dobbs was held for the action of the grand jury and is in the custody of the sheriff; pending an application for a bond to the district judge. Doxey was a widely known man. He had lived in this country since the opening and was a prominent well to do stockman. He had many friends and few faults, among the chief of his faults was drinking. He was a man of fine nerve and being expert with the pistol rendered him a dangerous man in a fight. Dobbs was also an old citizen of this country, living in this area and  in Custer Counties for a number of years and being marshal at Sayre and his record as an officer has been good. Various rumors, tending to place blame on one or another of the parties and upon outsides are current at Sayre, but so far no proof other than that given has come to light. Population in Day County: 1900-2173; 1904 – 10,006

Population in Roger Mills County  1900 – 6190;  1904  21,366.  O.F. Hines won the old man’s foot race by a large majority. C.H. Cope came up from Elk City Thurs. on business with commissioners. Mrs. Mollie Houston of Guthrie is here on a visit to her uncle, Judge R.K. Houston. Miss W.B. Johnson is here from Canadian, Texas visiting the family of her father, W.C. Morris. Miss Bellamy, formerly Miss Pearl Cunning ham is up from Texas on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Cunningham. Dr. Tedrowe officiated as umpire in the ball game Wed. and showed himself an expert with the indicator. Prof. A.R. Harris was qualified and took up the work of Supt. this week. He will maintain his office at Cheyenne. Misses Maggie and Hattie Osborn the handsome sisters of our popular county clerk are here from Adobe Walls, Texas on a visit. C.M. Mosier, father of Mrs. Falconer an old time citizen of Day County now living at Kansas City, is here visiting his daughter. W.D. Cardwell, the gifted and popular lawyer of Elk City was here Thurs. on business. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Anderson came down from Peacevale, TX this week on a visit to their relatives here. The quarterhorse race was won by J.J. Armstrong’s horse, Bonnell; G.H. Goddard’s mare, Miss Dewey was second. Miss Myrtle Kelton left Thurs. for New Mexico in search of her health . She has many warm friends here who cordially wish she may find her complete restoration in the mountains. Mrs. Hallie Colburn was awarded the prize of the most graceful lady horseback rider. Mrs. Lillie Kendall was adjudged the most graceful girl rider. A wagon load of young people returning from the celebration upset their wagon near Young’s Ranch, seriously injuring Miss Lewellyn and Laura Porter besides severely bruising the whole party. Dr. Tedrowe dressed the wounds and reports of the injured is that they are resting easily. Marriage licenses issued to Mark Poindexter to Miss Nellie Stranger, Streeter; E.T. Terry to Miss Lenora E. Bailey, Sweetwater; Fred Harman, Cheyenne to Miss Ruby Hoge, Dempsey; Willard Page to Miss Myrtle Givens, Sweetwater. Owing to the fall of her horse Miss Helen Cronin one of the contestants in horseback riding suffered a severe sprain of her ankle. Dr. Miller attended to her injuries and nothing worse of the temporary pain and inconvenience was apprehended. G.H. Corigan of Rankin was showing a sample of this year’s corn on our streets Monday. The stalks measure over 8 feet from the roots to end of tassel which is just beginning to show. This is not a picked stalk, but Mr. Corigan claims that he has 15 acres that will average as good. He also had some extra good cotton stalks in his collection.

GRIMES: Mr. and Mrs. L.W. McKnight went to Foss Mon. to visit a while and will then go to Nebraska to stay two months. The Grimes people went to Baldwin’s Crossing to spend the fourth. It is estimated that a thousand or more were present. It was held in a beautiful grove and the exercises were greatly enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Wickstrum went to Cheyenne the fifth. Mr. Wickstrum assisted the Sayre Band. Miss Maggie Stinson was out this week from OKC where she is working. She has lately built a nice house and painted same. Mannford Spence has recently lost his “bally” horse. It is thought he was struck by lightening. The Fourth celebration featured the ladies’ ball throwing contest with Miss Nannie McDaniel as the winner throwing a baseball 120 feet. In the ball game a racket and fight among the players broke up the game in the first inning. George Cree and family left this morning for Sayre, where Mr. Cree has a good position in a barber shop. A.O. Miller wants it distinctly understood that in the future he will file complaint against any and all parties agging on or starting a dog fight on the streets of Cheyenne. You will do well to govern yourselves accordingly. “Bronco Bustin” is all right as it provides amusement for the broncho, the “buster” and spectators, but there is a time and place for such exhibitions. Cheyenne has outgrown the time for which its main street was used for such amusement and it should be stopped. Last Saturday, a “bronc buster” gave an exhibition of his skill in high and lofty tumbling on the main street. The result was two runaways, several narrow escapes by pedestrians, a dog fight and several wordy wars by onlookers. The bronc seemed to enjoy the excitement and the buster got through the excitement with nothing more serious than a skinned head.  Cheyenne Sunbeam July 6, 1905


JULY 13, 1905

Early on the morning of the fourth from all areas could be seen wagons and buggies all going toward one spot on Wild Horse Creek on what is known as the Old Stewart Place. Throughout the entire day people continued to come until between 2000 and 2500 people were assembled here. Around the speakers was seating capacity for 1000 or more people. The Dunbar and Wild Horse Sunday Schools furnished the programs for the morning. Mr. Piper, Miss Hogan, a Piper and a Hogan boy, Leila Burt, two Lacey children and the Sunday School Choir from Dunbar entertained with the welcome address, Declaration of Independence, speeches, songs and declamations. Wild Horse Sunday School opened their program with a flag drill consisting of the class numbers 1&2 in the Sunday School which was conducted by Mrs. H.N. Farries, Fern Farris, Edna McCleallan, Carl Carnes, Earnest Stone, Mrs. R.B. Jones, Avery Cowart, a little Brown girl entertained with declamations and songs. Dinner was then announced and we must not fail to make mention of this bountiful repast. Everyone brought dinner for themselves and others and when spread together there was enough to feed 50,000 people. The committee of entertainment furnished coffee, pickles and ice water and there was plenty of breads, cakes, pies, turkeys and chickens, in fact everything that the heart could desire. The afternoon program began at 2:00 with a speech by Mr. Brown followed by speeches and talks of Mr. Piper, Will Brimberry, J.R. Green, J.P. Johnson and Herbie Simpson. Everyone present was proud to be an American Citizen. After the speaking came some foot races, a sack race and an egg race. Money was given the winners. The ball game was interesting to those caring for sports. The participants were the Rome and Texmo nines. The score stood 9-zip in favor of Rome. Messers Brazell and Little did a good business with their stand and Richard May entertained those who cared to dance. John Rice from Quartermaster had doll rack and did a good day’s work. Everyone went away declaring that they had the best time of their life. The little shower in the evening dampened the clothes but not the enthusiasm or patriotism of the American people assembled here. C.B. Leddy, a Grand lawyer was among visitors last week. Orville Monroe went to Day Co. yesterday to look after some collections for F.E. Herring; Master Tom Bonner accompanied by his father, W.T. Bonner went on a visit to his relatives at Corsicana, Texas. Milo Burlingame and his family are in Canadian, Texas this week resting from the strenuous fourth celebration. John Casady, old time Sunbeam printer, now on the Roger Mills Democrat force was visiting his father here Sunday. F.E. Herring came up from Elk City Sat. to attend the mass meeting to select delegates to the state convention at Oklahoma City this week. S.M. Flournoy was a pleasant and most welcome caller this week. He was here attending the mass meeting Saturday. We hope to enroll him among Cheyenne businessmen in the near future. The examining trial of Clint Turner accused of shooting E.F. Savage was held at Larned Tues. before Justice D.C. Hills, resulting in holding the defendant under $500 bond his appearance before the grand jury. The trial elicited considerable local interest. The defendant was represented by D.B. Welty and D.W. Tracy.

EMERSON ECHOES: Little Clark Woods was bit on the leg by a snake last Thursday. He is doing well at this writing. The celebration in the Farmers Union picnic at Baldwin’s Crossing was a grand success and well attended. A cutting scrape occurred at Grimes post office this last week. W.F. Rogers and I.H. Youker engaged in a combat relative to the auctioneering of a sale for Mr. Rogers. The doctor took twelve stitches in a gash on Mr. Youker’s leg. W.H. Moffet, Jim Turbyfill, Monroe Bates and Benjamin Franklin started for the eastern Oklahoma harvest fields Monday. Cheyenne has as many if not more worthless cur dogs on the streets than any town of its size in the territory. Milo and Mrs. Burlingame and children are at Canadian, Texas this week visiting relatives and friends. Oklahoma and Indian Territory have 607 banks. There are only 8 states that have more banks than these two territories. The news has been tipped off at Washington that the Lawton land office will be discontinued in December. The discontinuance of other land offices is also predicted. Quite a number from here attended the picnic at Hammon Saturday. H.D. Cox is cutting his alfalfa this week for the third time this season. Mrs. Madden is out on the ranch and Mr. Madden who holds down the prescription case at Lee’s Pharmacy is enjoying the blessings of bachelorhood. Sheriff Elliott made a trip to Norman this week taking R.P. Burge who was recently declared insane to the asylum at that place. He will take in the statehood convention before he returns. Cheyenne Sunbeam, July 13, 1905


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam July 20, 1905

WASHINGTON: Ben Cree and wife are in Texas where Ben will work in the hay fields. They are building a stone house 16 x 24 on his claim. J.R. Emerson, the butcher is at home once more. The ball game on Sunday between Washington and Dempsey was won by the Washington team. Score 29-20. A large crowd witnessed the game.


J.M. Seamons and W.B. Rosser of Berlin were in town Friday in the interests of the Berlin townsite company. They are very much enthused over the prospects of a railroad from Doxey through their town and on in a northwest direction. Get your harness and saddles oiled and repaired at Roberts’ Harness Shop. Thursday evening last the cry of “fire, fire” caused intense excitement in our little town. Upon investigation the small shed in the south part of town, belonging to Mrs. Georgia Morris, was found to be the cause of the alarm. The shed and a lot of baled hay were entirely consumed. Prompt work on the part of the citizens prevented the fire from spreading. The children playing with matches was the cause of the blaze. Prof. F.W. Whinery, of Noble Co. has been employed as principal of the Cheyenne Public Schools for the ensuing fall and winter term. He was one of the instructors at the recent county normal institute. He and his family will move to Cheyenne the latter part of August. A man recently returning from Kingfisher informs us that the Rock Island Railroad has bought out the interests of the Santa Fe in the line of Guthrie to Kingfisher and will make that a part of a trunk line running west from Guthrie through Day County. He says that he saw a map of the proposed new road and that it crosses the Canadian River seven times and finally crosses it on the Santa Fe Bridge north of Canadian. He says that the Rock Island owns an interest in the new bridge between Higgins and Canadian. These are only rumors, but they may indicate something. Miss Verna Young has a fine upright piano to trade for cattle. Edna M. Nelson made final proof on her claim SW of town before the deputy district clerk Monday. The basket meeting at Washita School House Sunday was well attended. Quite a number from Cheyenne were among the congregation. A big picnic and barbecue will be held at Anderson’s Grove south of RedMoon, ten miles northwest of Cheyenne, Friday, August 4. Horse racing, baseball games, a big barbecue and dancing are among the amusements provided. All are cordially invited. Little Mamie Montgomery, a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Tanner, living southeast of town, was bitten by a venomous snake Saturday evening last. The little girl suffered severely from the effect of the poison and for some time it was feared that death would result from the wound, but at this writing she is improving and out of danger. WEST CROTON: A picnic will be held on July 28 in the grove on Perry Taylor’s place on West Croton. Good music, good order and lemonade, ice cream and plenty to eat. Come up and we will show you a good time. Ed Bauman and Robert Denniston attending singing in the Sandhills last Sunday and report a most pleasant time. The meeting at Graves’ School House was largely attended last Sunday and we are glad to see so many of the good people of Cheyenne with us. Owen Bauman and Ed Taylor are working hard preparing for the picnic on the 28th. Susan A. Warren tried her contest case Sat. against G. Gennods claim on Croton. Mr. Bull a prosperous Day Co. farmer was in town Tuesday talking business and law. J.H. Parrish sold his business house and lots in town to A.C. French this week for $1500.00. James Goodwin the first entry man on the S.A. Wallace claim adjoining town was here last week attending court. He now lives on Sweetwater and reports crop prospects as fine in his country. C. M. Rosser was doing business at the capital yesterday and paid us a pleasant call. Edward E. Tracy left yesterday morning for Greer Co on legal business. J.W. Dobbs, accused of killing Sam Doxey at Sayre was admitted to bail by Judge Irwin last week and bond fixed at $5,000. The bail was furnished and the prisoner released.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, July 27, 1905

GRIMES: A holiness meeting is in progress in District #52. Lloyd Wightman and Henry Itter of Berlin were Grimes visitors Sunday. Gib Harrison and Miss Myrtle Compary were married at the bride’s home on the 16th. Rev. Diehl officiating. Rev. Diehl will preach at Rankin the fifth Sunday as he dismissed his regular appointment there on the third Sunday to attend the Harrison-Compary wedding. Rev. Haber preaches at the schoolhouse in District #52 on the third Friday and Saturday in August; also at Edenview the following Monday night. A crowd of about 25 picnicked several days on Sweetwater last week. Among the improvements in the Grimes community, Miss Teresa Finch has finished a neat house on her claim. Tom Smith is building an addition and Miss Maggie Stinson is having a well drilled. Jay Winburn and family visited at Rankin Sat. and Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Ote Davis are visiting in Foss. Mrs. Peck and children are in Weatherford on a two week visit. The Singletary family are looking for a couple of young lady cousins from Arkansas this week. Miss Stella Hoffman and cousin of Weather-ford are expected here also, and the young folks are more than planning for great times in the social line. A large arbor will be built this week, next to the school house for the protracted meeting to be held by the Methodists. Rev. H.Thomason, a well known evangelist will be present to assist Rev. Diehl in the meeting. At a meeting of John B. Gordon Camp of the UCV (Union of Confederate Veterans) at Elk City on the 5th day of July 1904 resolved to have a grand picnic of all veterans at Berlin on the 9th day of December of 1905.All sons and daughters of ex-confederates and everybody invited to attend. A special invitation is extended to all ex-federal soldiers to attend and enjoy the day with us. W.P. Francis, Captain; R.K. Houston, Adjutant .RIDGETON: Homer Tomlin-son has returned to an old home near Weatherford where he will work during the threshing season. Joe Wood is down near Thomas looking after his wheat crop. The Ridgeton-Rankin Daily Mail did not start up July 10 as advertised on account of delay in awarding contract. Elmer E. Lawliss, a well known carpenter and farmer living in sec. 14-26, after making final proof on his claim, returned to Iowa, his native state, where he was recently married. They plan to return to his farm in the spring. DIED: July 2, 1905 Solomon Beck, who moved on the claim owned by Lon Roof more than three months ago. For over a month, kind relatives waited on him night and day but consump-tion hence in his 39th year. He was born in Missouri but has resided in Kansas before moving to this county. He leaves a widow and 5 children to mourn his early loss. Joe Casady was up from Elk City on Friday last. Stoney Duke came up from Elk City Friday, returning Sat. Lela Hext of Cataline, Texas is visiting friends. Miss Rae Fields is visiting relatives and friends at Elk City. Clarence and Bob Thurmond were transacting business in Cheyenne Friday. L.C. Hollingsworth and wife, southeast of town, are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby boy on the 21st. Hammon will have a new six stand gin in operation by the time cotton begins to move. On Monday last Drs. Standifer and Tedrowe assisted by Dr. Tom Standifer of Elk City performed a very difficult surgical operation on Gilbert Collier. The 15 year old son of Louis Collier, residing 7 miles northwest of town near the Graves School House. The boy’s left leg had been affected for some time with cancer of the bone and the operation was begun with the intention of removing the affected the bone, but on operating the bone was found so badly diseased that it was found necessary to amputate the limb near the hip joint. The operation was successfully performed and the patient rallied in good shape and at this writing is resting easy and the chances are that he will recover rapidly. Milo and Mrs. Burlingame returned Thursday from a 10 days visit with relatives and friends at Canadian. Grandma McClain and Mrs. Courtney of Berlin were in town Tuesday, guests of Mrs. Charles McClain. Aaron Harmon proved up on his claim west of town Monday. Frank T. Jordan and John L. Warren were his witnesses. Parties are at work near Doxey sinking a shaft on the ground where it is claimed coal was recently found. The Roger Mills County singing association will convene at Spring Creek School House three miles north of Doxey, on Saturday and Sunday, July 29 and 30. We had the pleasure while at Berlin on Saturday last of enjoying the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Seifert. G.W. has just returned from a visit to Denver and other northwestern points and reports crops in that region good, but needing rain. We took in the fair meeting at Berlin on Saturday last and found that little town busy and enthusiastic over the prospect of the railroad building through there in the near future. We were shown letters received by J.H. Seamans from the promoter in which he reports everything progressing nicely and states that actual work in grading will begin in the very near future. It was estimated by the county commissioners that it would take $125 to place a good six wire fence around the court house square, and that they would have the same erected if Cheyenne would furnish $40 to help pay the expense. It is now up to the citizens of our town. Do you want the court house square fenced? If so, get your name on the subscription list.


Peter D. Work came down from Rankin Mon. on business and pleasure. Joe Allee came up from WhiteShield Mon. on business with Co. Officers. A. W. Anderson this week sold to C.B. Thompson and W.D. Kendall for $1500 the E1/2 of the NW1/4 and N1/2 of SW1/4 of Sec. 10-12-24. The land lies about 6 miles southwest of town. Berry S. Bellamy sold to J.B. Bellamy this week his farm east of town for $2,000. The land is the east ½ of the NW1/4 and the S1/2 of the NE1/4 of Sec 21-13-22, about 7 miles east of town.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam August 3, 1905

WILD HORSE:Corn will be scarce this year, cotton is looking fine. Singing was held at R.B. Jones Sunday and was well attended. H.N. Farris went to Grand Sunday to attend the Day Co. Normal. Mrs. Farris cares for the farm and takes charge of his school during his absence. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Bailey Wednesday, July 26, twin girls, mother and daughters are doing nicely. Sam Kendall and Messers Downey went to Elk City last week and purchased lumber. Sam is going to build a house on his farm. Wild Horse Sunday School is well attended and everyone is doing their best to make it a success. The protracted meetings held at Dead Indian are still in progress. Much interests is manifest. The voters in this part of the township worked the roads Thursday, Fri and Sat. Watermelons, fried chicken and peaches are all the go here. GRIMES: Quarterly meeting of the ME church will be held at Grimes the 5th of August. Holiness are holding a meeting in the District 52 (Bachelor) school house. J. Winburn and family Sundayed with friends at Rankin. Lloyd Wightman, who has been the Cheyenne hack for some time, was out at Grimes Sunday. He was accompanied by Henry Itter. Mrs. Byron Snider was quite sick last week. Tom Smith is building a new house. He is one of our very best farmers and has a fine farm northwest of Grimes. Miss Teresa Finch has her new house completed. The young people will give her a surprise on Tuesday night. William Bennett raised a good crop of apricots on his farm south of Grimes. They were super fine. A protracted meeting of the ME church will commence August 4 at Grimes. A large arbor will be built in which to hold the meetings. Rev. H. Thominson, a well known evangelist, will have charge of the meetings. Buford Fields was severely hurt by a fall from his horse last Thursday. He was running a cow on horseback when his horse stepped into a hole and fell, throwing him to the ground and falling on him. He was badly bruised about the face and head, and was unconscious for many hours. He is now rapidly recovering. Mrs. Minnie Bullard was visiting in town last week. E.M. Bullard was up from Larned Sat. on legal business. Fleetwood Bell was practicing before the probate court Sat. D.B. Welty was doing business Sat with the probate court. J.W. Farmer came up from Hammon on official business. H.B. Bradford came in Sat. from his ranch on Dead Indian to do the gab act with the boys. Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Tracy went to Sweetwater last Fri. for an outing. Edward attended before Justice Sanders court while gone. C.B. Howerton came to town Sat. prospecting for the crop of widows. He is satisfied the district court will turn loose something to his interests. Louis F. Hart sold his claim this week to R.S. Bellamy for $2300.00. The land is in sec 21-13-22, and lies 7 miles east of town. Born Sat. July 29, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Lee a daughter. J.H. Roberts, adjudged insane was taken to Norman Asylum on Sun. by Deputy Sheriff B.H. Monroe. Mrs. C.S. Gilkerson has been quite sick this week. W.T. Bonner returned last week from a visit to his old home in Texas. The Sunbeam this week printed certificates of stock for the Skipout Gin Co. which will build and operate a gin at Rankin. The incorporators are W. Birchnough, P.D. Work, G.W. Brown, A.L. Easley and L. Miller. G.W. Vanderpool sold his claim in sec. 33-14-23 to S. Jackson for $2,000. The land lies about 2 miles north of town. The Rev. G.F. Martin preached interesting sermons at the Methodist Church Sun. morning and evening. Marriage licenses to Isaac Britton and Miss Bertha C.Crider, both of Sweetwater. Contact W.C. Redden, Streeter of Day County for details on a farm in sec. 7-15-23. The good people of Streeter will hold their fourth annual picnic at Young’s grove on Wagon Creek, Friday and Sat. Aug. 11 & 12. Barbecued beef will be furnished to all who will attend.


EMERSON ECHOES: The Campbellites began a protracted meeting at the school house Sat. night. Mr. Doty and daughter Myrtle are attending the Holiness meetings at Sweetwater. Miss Edith Franklin left for Pilot Sunday where she will teach a three months term of school. Jim Turbyfill returned from the harvest fields near Geary last Wed. He reports too much rain in that section for good threshing. Miss Taressa Finch gave a party to the young people of this vicinity in her new house. Mr. Turbyfill’s son-in-law from the Chickasha nation, has purchased the Kerr place and intends to take up his residence there soon.


WEST CROTON: Mrs. William Dewey spent Sun. last with Mrs. Bauman. E.H. Spencer and Irwin Bauman are visiting relatives in Custer County. Miss Mabel Pierce of Cheyenne visited Mrs. Mattie Taylor last week. J.B. Miller went to Elk City Monday after an organ which he had shipped to that point. John Taylor of High Lonesome, had one of his horses killed by lightening last Thursday night. Good rain on the 27th. Cotton looking fine, kafir corn and maize good, but the corn is not doing so well. Robert Denniston and Clyde Dewey left for Texas Tuesday where they expect to work in the hay harvest. John King of Croton has sold his stock in the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. and purchased the B. Dewey Farm. John said that he is a farmer strictly now and will devote his entire time to the farm. The picnic at Taylor’s grove was one of the best of the season. It is estimated that 500 people were in attendance.


James Richards, Dr. Tedrowe, William Dewey and James W. Cooper and wife are at Portland, Oregon this week taking in the sights at Lewis & Clark Exposition. Grimes is working for a Free Rural Delivery route and good prospect. Charlie and Mrs. McClain spent a few days last week on their farm near Berlin. A.O. Miller left for Kansas City Friday on business for the Cheyenne Breeder’s Assoc. Aaron Harmon & wife are celebrating over the arrival of brandnewbaby boy on July24. E.W. Franklin was down from Grimes Friday and reports good rains in that neighborhood and crops fine. A protracted meeting is being held this week at the Anderson School House southwest of town. John Pickins has gone to Texas points where he will handle the French patented clothespin. The road commissioner is doing some good work on the streets of our town this week. Henry Berry of Redmoon made final proof on his claim before Dist. Clerk Mon. A picnic will be held in Anderson’s grove near Redmoon on Friday, August 4. A holiness camp meeting held at Trammell beginning August 10. Some of our farmers are pulling broomcorn this week. The brush is of an excellent quality and the crop is reported very short this year. Three of the town boys indulged in a little game of “fisticuffs” Tuesday on the streets of Cheyenne, and were promptly hauled before his honor Judge Gilkerson where the fine and costs footed up $9 each. A.S. McKinney will open a cotton yard in Cheyenne in a short time. He will offer farmers an opportunity to have their cotton weighed and stored. Henry Storey was charged for selling liquor on Sunday.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam August 10, 1905

RIDGETON: Grandma Burk and her grandson Eddie Swope are visiting their old home near Cashion, OK. James Wood returned this week from Thomas, OK on account of the serious illness of his mother. Ripe wild plums and grapes are very plentiful along the Washita and furnishes the main canning fruit to many families adjacent to the river. George W. Beaty and family drove to Weatherord to visit friends and purchase peaches. Paul B. Hughes is entertaining his brother and niece from central Texas.


DEAD INDIAN: Mrs. Ella Sipple is on the sick list. School opened Monday with three more new scholars in attendance. Mr. Weddle is busy gathering broomcorn. J.H. Sing is busy putting up hay this week. Messrs Johnson, Porterfield and Clark attended church at Dead Indian Sun. The meeting conducted by Rev. McGraw an Arnold closed Tuesday evening. Miss Stella Stringer has been visiting relatives here. Miss May Cunningham has returned from Weatherford, OK where she has been attending school.


The Holiness camp meeting at Trammell began today. Jess Black left Sun. for Foss where he takes a position with Herring & Young. Joseph E. Hooten was in town Mon. and made application for final proof on his claim. A protracted meeting is being held at the Methodist church this week with good attendance. Miss Ollie Brownfield the accommodating operator at “central” is visiting friends at Sayre this week. Leo Beaty took several carloads of cattle to Kansas this week leaving Sayre Sun. night. Al Anderson and family, Mrs. Strong and children and Ada Cabler left this week for Mile City, Montana where they expect to reside in the future. The extreme western counties of Oklahoma are doing justifiable crowing over the fact that they “did up” the eastern counties in raising crops this year.


A farmer who has been in this country a good many years said to us the other day, that a man who can’t make a living farming in this country can’t make it anywhere, and we see where he is right about it. One month until school begins; the small kids should improve the time from now until then by rustling melons, going swimming and swiping fruit. Mrs. W.T. Bonner gave a dinner Tuesday in honor of Mrs. J.F. Sims of Green Bay Wisconsin. Those present were Mrs. S.A. Wallace, Mrs. G.W. Hodges, Mrs. Hornbeak& Mrs. Dr. Tedrowe. We recently printed bills for Tackeit and Co. of Redmoon announcing their “cash reduction” sale on general merchandise. H.B. Dewey of this place has been comm-issioned as a notary public. We understand that the Elk City Co. will begin drilling for oil and gas this week. There were four picnics held in the north and western part of Roger Mills Co on Friday. Cheyenne was a town of old people Fri. All the youngsters both male and female were in attendance at the picnic, either Hammon or Redmoon. The case of J.H. Story, the Elk City saloon man, charged with selling liquor on Sun. was tried on Wed. last and he was found guilty as charged; fined $100 and costs of suit. Gov. Ferguson has appointed H.D. Cox of this place, as one of the delegates to represent Oklahoma at the Farmer’s National Congress, which meets at Richmond, Va. Sep. 12-22. E.F. Savage who was shot some time ago by Clint Turner and who has been in an Oklahoma City hospital since the shooting, returned home last week. He is still badly crippled up but is improving and will ultimately entirely recover. Sayre announced their big watermelon festival for Fri. Aug 25. R.N. Higgins, County Surveyor and W. O. Mounts, Register of Deeds, have opened a real estate office here. W.T. Bonner left Sun. for St. Louis and other markets where he will purchase the largest stock of goods ever brought to this portion of western Ok. The large increased population of this portion of the county and the excellent crops of this season portend the largest trade our merchants have ever had. J.W. French is driving a brand new span of fine mules this week. M.E. Fuller of Berlin has purchased the harnass shop of C.R. Roberts, taking charge Tuesday. Uncle John Adkins and wife will leave in a few days for Tucumcari, NM where they will make their home in the future.


For Sale a good mill outfit consisting of 20 horsepower boiler, 15 horsepower engine, burrs, corn sheller, belting and everything complete. Everything in first class shape, same to be moved or will least building in which same is located. Beaty & Carter. The following made final proofs: Francis A. Casady, Rhoda E. Casady, Clarence A. Myers, Benjamin R. Cummings, James J. Means, Charles R. Roberts, John W. Yost, Emma Protsman, William F. Beasley, Walter Stanton, Gertrude Reynolds. REDMOON: Born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dudney a son, and Lee walks proudly and strides long. Mrs. W.Brown and several of her family of Weatherford, O.T. are visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed Keen. Thrashing is nearly done, wheat made a light yield, oats are better. Lee Dudney’s oats thrashed over forty bushels per acre. BORN Friday, Aug 4, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. George H. Pendleton, a son. The father says his name will be William Jennings Bryan.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam, August 17, 1905

WILD HORSE: H.N. Farris came up from Grand Sat. He reports that Normal at Grand quite a success. Quite a number from this vicinity took in the picnics at Millsville and Streeter. The rains Fri and Sat. nights were gladly received. Sat. night was a harder rain than had fallen here for four years. It put Wild Horse Creek out of its banks. Sam Kendall is at work on his new house. Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Jones and Mrs. Sam Kendall visited with relatives near Butler last week.


REDMOON: G.E. Shufeldt, Ed Keen and Lee Dudney shipped cattle from Sayre last week. Davey Koontz and George Parker left last Fri for a trip over the plains to southwest Texas. Mr. Shiplet from Greer Co is here with his family visiting T.W. Headrick and other relatives. Clyde Young, Miss Flora Keen, Lee and Miss Verna Young attended the picnic at Streeter last Fri. Due to the good rains the upper Washita has been very high overflowing the low bottoms.


Word was brought to town Wed. that John L. McDaniel was missing from his home on the Washita near Redmoon. The last seen of him was Mon morning sitting on his porch. His doors was open and stock in their pens were without attention when his neighbors noticed his mysterious absence. A thorough search was at once instituted under the sheriff’s direction, but no trace of him has been found (Thursday noon). Since his disappearance it has been rumored that he has been acting queerly of late, among other things fancying that someone was trying to kill him. Outside of some family trouble causing a separation from his wife, it is not known that he had an enemy. It is supposed that his mind became unbalanced from brooding over his family troubles, and that under the delusion that someone was trying to kill him, he ran away. It is also feared that he committed suicide and further search is in progress and inquiries have been sent in every direction to try to solve this painful mystery. H. Shahan is in jail under charge of stealing $65 from W.F. Stone on Buffalo. The Sunbeam gives an auditor’s report of all the county’s officers.


Ed Bauman was in town Tues. talking business with the boys. Judge C.S. Gilkerson is building a residence on main street near the Baptist Church. Money has been made up for fencing the court house square and extensive work on the streets, fencing the school yard so trees can be planted next fall and putting in a hitchin’ rack around the court house. Let the public spirited citizens of the town assist our township officers by contributing straw for the little sandy road entering Cheyenne. The Fourth of July committee had the arbor removed from the court house square last Sat. J.C. Hood and family moved in Sat. and took up their residence in Judge Houston’s house. W.S. Short returned Mon. from a trip to eastern OK where he went to run his thresher. Mrs. W.S. Duke was visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Burlingame and with other friends. D.F. Pitts sold last week to C.A. Campbell for $2000 the NW1/4 of Sec 5-13-26. The land is in the neighborhood of Rankin. Mrs. J.W. McMurtry came up from Elk City on a visit to her daughters, Mrs. John E. Leary and Mrs. Stone Taylor. Fayette Sutton and James Skaggs, substantial good citizens of Indian Creek, were in town Sat. on business with county officers. W.E. Hollen of Rankin tried his case against E.M. Proctor before Judge Gilkerson. The land involved is on Croton Creek. Frank Dunaway accused of imprudently handling a pistol at a dance near Rankin was arrested Sat. and trial set for Aug. 29. A pair of good ponies and a second hand harness for sale, see T.M. Wood, pastor of Cheyenne Methodist for a bargain. It is reported that hail did much damage in the Rankin neighborhood and on Croton Creek. The wind blew down the frame of Judge Gilkerson’s new house in the course of construction here. The Sunbeam is seeking a good printer at once. J.H. Kendall was doing business in town Sat. He reports that he made a trip in Day Co. recently and that crops up there are as fine as could be. W.A. Beaty returned from an extended trip to Texas on business. He is a familiar figure on our streets and the town does not look right without Beaty. Dr. Tedrowe returned Tues fro his trip to the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland, Ore. James Richards secured employment there and did not return. P.S. Taylor and others took an appeal this week from the action of the commissioners lowering the bank’s assessment from 80 to 65% on their capitol stock.


Sheriff Elliott made a raid on a gambling house at Elk City Sat. night and ran in six of the boys. The sheriff made a bonfire of the table, cards and chips. Herman Stephens was arrested last week at Elk City charged with using a slung shot on young Mr. Meyer at that place. Charles Hensley, who was arrested on a charge of running and maintaining a gambling room at Elk City on Sat. last was arraigned before Judge Gilker-son Tues. evening and hearing continued to Sep 4, defendant giving bond for his appearance at that time. Mrs. George Cree is up from Sayre visiting her father G.W. Robinson. John D. Taylor our good looking barber, returned from a week’s visit at Elk City. Sayre is building an enviable reputation as a producer of watermelon and cantaloupe. Mrs. John Salyer left for Texas where she will visit relatives for several weeks. Buford Fields, Leo Beaty and Jess Rosser returned Fri. from Kansas City where they had been with cattle. Mike Kehoe Cheyenne’s enterprising shoemaker, left Sat. evening for Kansas City where he will spend some time with relatives. Poarch will have a big barbeque under the auspices of Farmer’s Union and Modern Woodmen. The Oil Gas & Coal Company began drilling in Elk City this week and will go down 2,000 feet unless they strike something to their suit at a less depth. Judge Gilkerson’s new house is on the hill opposite the Baptist Church; lumber everywhere right now. William A. Beaty who has been down to Odessa Texas for the past several weeks looking at real estate and cattle interests, returned here Mon. Mrs. Beaty and children will not return to Cheyenne for several weeks. Mrs. Dr. Tom Standifer and children, Cooper Cauler of Elk City and Miss Nona Hornbeak and Miss Rae Fields of Cheyenne left Fri. on a camping and outing trip to Mobeetie, Texas. They expect to be gone about three weeks and will be joined by others from here during that time.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam August 24, 1905

Late last Thursday afternoon the body of John L. McDaniel who was reported missing last week was found in a thicket of shinnery on his farm about ½ mile from his residence with the appearance of having killed himself. (The farm today is owned by Russell Calvert on the Washita River northwest of Cheyenne) The body was found by Frank Sneed, Frank Parker and Alex Griffith. Word was immediately brought to town and the officers notified. Owing to the advanced state of decomposition in which the body was found, a coroner’s jury consisting of G.W. Graves, G.F. Martin, T.J. Smith, J.R. Butler, W.T. Headrick and M.J. Moody was immediately impaneled by John B. Tracy, Justice of the Peace, and testimony was given showing the facts about as follows. The last seen of the deceased was Monday morning of last week. He was then seen on the porch of his residence by Blois Hooten. On Tuesday morning, J.R. Butler and Jim Burton called at his house and found him missing. The same parties later made an examination of his house and then notified the neighbors of his absence. Search was begun Wed. morning for him and was continued unceasingly until he was found Thurs. about 4:00. he was lying on his back with his coat folded up under his head, his target rifle lying across his chest. His right hand was crippled during his life and served, with his clothes, his stature and other physical peculiarities to identify him with absolute certainty. Otherwise it would have been difficult to know him. The left thumb was still through the trigger guard, against the trigger. The gun had been discharged and the empty shell remained in the gun. A wound evidently made by the bullet from the gun, was found in his left temple. Entering straight into the brain. The ball did not go through to the outside, but remained in the head. A careful examination was made of the wound, and it was thought the hole in the skull was slightly larger than the caliber of the gun. This caused a careful examination of the ground about the body but no trace of a scuffle or of the body having been moved after death, could be found. No other wound of any kind was on the body. The jury found that he came to his death from a gunshot wound inflicted by himself with suicidal intent. He had been the man much respected in this community, being a member of the Oddfellows at this place. He had many good qualities as a citizen and his tragic end cast a deep gloom over the entire community. His mind was doubtless unbalanced and everybody is ready to wrap the cloak of charity about his rash act. He was buried at the Cheyenne Cemetery on Friday.


BORN Friday, Aug 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Will Little, a boy. Mrs. Ed Kendall is quite sick this week at her home near Rhome. Misses Flossie, Elgin and Olice Herring have been visiting here this week. S.M. Riggs brought to town this week some fine grapes raised on his farm at Eagle Heights. R.S. Bellamy was in from Trammell Mon. to haul out some lumber for a bridge in his neighborhood. E.F. Stephens went to Grand last week for several days picnicking. The Junior League will give an entertainment and serve ice cream and cake at the Methodist church Fri. evening, Aug. 25. Herring & Young sued John H. West and Milo Burlingame last week for $1362.00 on the account of the transaction of selling to the plaintiffs by defendants of the cotton gin at this place. Several loads of lumber were sent out this week by the township board for bridges in the nine mile neigh-borhood. The hauling was donated by the public spirited citizens of the vicinity. W.T. Bonner returned from St. Louis, where he went to purchase goods for the big trade of Herring & Young at this place. George Waterman is in jail for default of $500 bond to await the action of the grand jury on a charge of shooting at his brother, Ed Waterman, last Sat. with a shotgun. It seemed to be a family row in which George and his brother failed to agree. George secured a shotgun after chasing his brother three or four miles, took three long shots at him across a 48 acre tract. No damage resulted from the shots but the brother is wind-broken from the long run. The parties live in the nine-mile neighbor-hood. Arthur Dailey, a boy 15 years old, was bound over to the grand jury last Friday on a charge of steeling $15 from the person of J.T. Jernigan. The bond was fixed at $350, which the boy was unable to furnish and he is confined to jail. Dr. and Mrs. Tedrowe gave a lawn social at their home Monday evening, which was one of the most brilliant social events of the season. The lawn was beautifully illuminated by Japanese lanterns and the large crowd was royally entertained until a late hour. The broomcorn season is at hand and it is reported a better crop than last year and the price is better also.


J.D. Taylor Cheyenne’s con-sorial artist (barber) has just received and placed in use a very fine leather finished hydraulic barber chair. He will soon place another chair of the same make and a fine beveled glass sideboard in the shop. It will then be one of the finest equipped barber shops in west-ern Okla. Temple Houston, the youngest son of the famous Gen. Sam Houston, and himself known to almost every man, woman and child in western Oklahoma, died at his home at Woodward, Ok on Friday last.


RIDGETON: Wesley Oaks and family of Roll, Day County visited his brother, B.N. Oaks last week. D.P. Cantwell has lately built a neatly framed house on his claim on the east side of Long Creek. School began in Dist. 66, a Pleasant View School, the first Mon in Aug. with McColgin as teacher. O.P. and George Vanderpool have just returned from trip to New Mexico where they went for benefit of George’s health. George is suffering with lung trouble and was benefited some by the trip and will leave this week for San Antonio where he expects to remain for some time. N.R. Monroe will open a cotton yard on the lot north of the gin. The yard will be run under the rules and by authority of the county weigher. New scales will be put in and every courtesy and accommodation possible given the public in absolute correctness in weights is guaranteed.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam August 31, 1905

The regular fall term of district court in Roger Mills County will convene at Cheyenne on Mon, Sep 11, with Judge C.F. Irwin. There are 122 cases on the docket, 2 US cases, 35 criminal and criminal appeals and 85 civil cases of which 23 are divorce cases. There are a number of cases for the grand jury and this will be one of the largest dockets held in the county. The chances are that the court will hold ten days to two weeks.


A ten days camp meeting on Dead Indian six miles north of Cheyenne in the Young grove under the auspices of the Latter Day Saints. W.A. Griffin of Roll was in town Fri. Miss Ollie Brownfield who has been visiting at Sayre for sometime returned Wed. evening. Keen Barr and wife are visiting and taking in the sites at Kansas City this week. Mrs. Dr. Standifer entertained on Wed in honor of the Misses Herrings of Elk City. Mr. Bonner of Corsicanna, Texas father of William T and John Mack Bonner is in town visiting his sons. The street commissioners are putting in culverts at the crossings on the streets by the court house. They are badly needed. Miss Pearl Salyers entertained a number of her young friends Sat. evening. L.B. Bloom left Sat. evening for the eastern market on a pur-chasing tour for the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. Mrs. J.W. Cooper was thrown from her horse Thurs evening and quite seriously injured. For several days grave fears were had as to the ultimate of the accident, but at this writing she is improving and it will be but a short time until she is able to be out again. Several parties are figuring on putting in a gin at Rankin this season. Several loads of broomcorn passed through town in route to the railroad.


Rev. H.O. White is now in the coal business and delivery on short notice is his specialty. Mrs. George B. Sine has been granted a leave of absence from her claim and left last week for Terre Haute, Indiana. Milo Burlingame returned from Shattuck yesterday. He has been granted a license and will open a saloon at that place soon. The Cheyenne businessmen will give a premium for the first bale of cotton raised in the trade territory of Cheyenne. The bale is to be raised by one person, no splicing between two or more parties will be tolerated. The gin at this place is being tho-roughly over-hauled and put in first class condition for the coming cotton season. Dr G.B. Baker and wife arrived on Thurs. evening last and cast their lots with the good people of our town. The doctor will have charge of the pharmaceutical work at Lee’s Pharmacy. The ball game to be played on the diamond at Cheyenne on Fri, Sep. 1 between Roll and Rush Creek Nines promises to be a very warm contest. The management of both teams are strengthening their nines and the most interesting games ever played in western Oklahoma is promised. Frank Dunaway, who was arrested last week on charge of making a gun play at a dance near Rankin entered a plea of guilty as charged before Judge Gilkerson on Tues. and was fined $50 and costs amounting in all to $74.65 and given a jail sentence of 90 days; the jail sentence suspended on payment of fine and costs.


REDMOON: BORN Monday, Aug 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker a son, 8 ½ pounds. Will Berry has returned from a prospecting trip to northern Arkansas. He reports that almost every landowner in the Ozark country is ready to exchange their land for land in Oklahoma. Mr. Berry is now contented to improve his farm and remain upon it. Miss Hornbeak visited Miss Emma White. Charley Shufeldt came up last week and spent three days with home folks. L.A. Anderson, our clever overseer, is doing valuable service on our public roads. A.C. Smith was sampling water-melons in town Mon. He knows a good watermelon when he tastes it. R.N. Higgins returned Sat. from Weatherford, Tx where he went to attend the deathbed of his mother. B.F. Rosser, one of the best oldtimers was in town Wed. talking up the old Soldiers’ Reunion to be held at Berlin Sep. 9. He says it will be a grand affair and all kinds of old soldiers will participate. Arrangements of the school board to employ Prof Whinery as principal of our school fell through by some means and they have employed Prof H.B. Scott, formerly teacher in the Lewis Academy of Wichita Kansas and professor of mathematics of Garfield University of Galesburg, Ill. He comes recommended as the strongest educator who has ever held the position in our school. Prof. Scott proposes to organize a class for advanced work including Sr. preparatory college work. Latin, Geometry, Rhetoric, Elocution and Philosophy will be added to the formal course of study.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam September 8, 1905

A baseball game between Roll and Rush Creek Nines was played here Friday, resulting in a score of 16-5 in favor of Roll. LONE STAR: Grandpa Watson has said publicly that he believes that it is hard to equal the good neighborhood in which Lone Star is situated. Mr. Woods with the help of Mr. Rogers began a series of revival meetings here. Soon came Mr. Cox with only a week’s time to give us and then left for North Carolina to take charge of his schoolwork. He departed with great interest in our religious meetings. The services of Mr. Luther Johnson have been accepted in still another revival has begun. Mr. Bell, the music teacher of Berlin instructed his class here in a vocal exercise last Sunday afternoon. The Epworth League met immediately afterwards. An accident which might have proved serious, happened on Sunday evening while a wagon load of attendees was ascending the steep grade at the schoolhouse, just after the moon has obscured itself below the western horizon. The wagon containing about all of the members of Mr. Parrish’s and Mr. Johnson’s families, climbed the embankment on one side of the road, upset, and the occupants were thrown to the ground with barely warning enough to enable the two men to catch and hold the wagon from falling upon those who were lying on the roadside. As it was all escaped injury except Mr. M. Johnson who sustained a sprained ankle and Mrs. Parrish, whose injuries are of a more serious nature. She will be confined to her bed for some time. Nellie Johnson leaves in a week to attend school at Sayre. Willie Watson will attend at Elk City. The Killough girls will attend school at Cheyenne, the family having decided to move there during the winter months. Miss Hattie McBride has left to begin a review at the Weatherford normal during the fall term after which she will teach at Grimes. Charlie Lee of Berlin with his cornbinders and harvesters, is lowering much of the feed hereabouts. He has cut 25 acres for Mrs. Helen Bryant, and a new grain bin to accom-modate more than 1000 bushels is being built by Mr. Otts. M.E. Fuller has bought out the Saddle Shop of Rev. C.R. Roberts and will hereafter be enrolled among the enterprising businessmen of Cheyenne. The Sunbeam wants a good printer at once. Mrs. Ida Butler of Sergeant Major Creek was shopping in town Monday. J.S. Brooks, editor of the Roger Mills Democrat (Elk City), was in town Tuesday. Professor Scott preached an able sermon at the Methodist Church here Sunday night. Rev. W.C. Rutledge of Elk City, was watching the probate court grind Tuesday. Charley Shufeldt was doing business in town Sat., hustling for his washing machine. J.W. Davidson was down from Harrington Sat., talking business with our merchants. R.E. Echols and W.D. Cardwell of the Elk City Bar were doing legal business with the probate court Tuesday. I.L. Hoover, editor of the Star and still an astute politician was attending probate court this week. J.S. Williams brought in the first bale of cotton to Cheyenne Thurs. morning. It brought, including the premium of $24.25 the sum of $70.40. A good pair of ponies and a second hand buggy and harness for sale. See T.M. Wood, pastor of Cheyenne Methodist for bargain. P.D. Work was down from Rankin Sat. talking trade and fun with our people. We are sorry to learn that the gin company which he organized to build a gin near Rankin has about fallen through. Our old friend, John Caffey, was up from Elk City Monday and paid us a welcome visit. He reports that Elk City is now on a building boom. The fine new school house is nearing completion and three new two-story buildings are going up on main street. Broomcorn and cotton are beginning to come on the market. It now looks like a big crop of both. Every friend or patron of our school is requested to contribute a picture, flag or other ornament to make the schoolrooms inviting, pleasant and home like. Stair matting, new blackboards, new desks, a large flag for each room and other much needed supplies have been provided by the board. A new fence to protect the school grounds will be built at once. Leave your contribution with Mr. Hendricks, Tracy Bros. or Prof Scott at the school.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam September 15, 1905

Last Thursday evening of last week, the mail hack from Sayre, carrying seven passengers was overturned by high water in the creek just south of town, and three children of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith of Delague, Colorado were drowned. A flood of rain fell here that afternoon and the little stream was raging. The hack, carrying Mrs. James Kerns and babe, Mrs. Ed Smith and three children and Mrs. Fred Burns paused at the top of the steep hill just beyond the creek, some 100 yards from the stream, to investigate. It was still raining and the creek didn’t look so bad from that point and the driver, one Mr. Cook, a new man on the line, not knowing the depth of the stream, started down the hill. As they approached the stream, they all became alarmed and the driver locked the wheels and tried to stop, but the horses could not hold the hack on the steep road and all were plunged into the raging current. The top being up, the hack immediately turned over, washing them all out into the deep water. Sebe Wallace and Johnny Tedrowe saw the accident and rushed to town to spread the alarm. The whole town turned out and went to the rescue as fast as they could run on foot and on horseback, but it must have been 10 or 15 minutes before anyone arrived to help. They found the driver clinging to the top of a tree in the stream, holding on to Mrs. Kerns and her baby. They were rescued and sent to town. Mrs. Ed Smith was found clinging to the limbs of another tree lower down, at least 100 yards below the crossing. Her baby had been violently wretched from her arms and she was almost drowned when rescued. Mrs. Burns had succeeded in reaching land by her own efforts, though much bruised by striking something in the swift descent. It was nearly an hour before any of the children were found. The little girl was first found and it was thought she had a little life at first. The boy about 8 years old, was found immediately after-ward and everything possible was done to restore both children, but neither ever breathed again. The baby was not found until about 8 a.m. Friday. Deputy Sheriff C.H. Cope was at the county seat last Thurs on official business and he in company with Sheriff Elliott was among the first to reach the scene of the mail hack accident and gave assistance in rescuing Mrs. Kerns and her infant child from their perilous position.


The whole town was plunged into the deepest gloom by this heartrending accident and Mrs. Smith, who lost all her children, has the profoundest sympathy of the whole community. Mr. Smith was wired but could not arrive before the children were buried at Cheyenne Cemetery Sat. Nearly all the mail was lost in the same accident. the hack was completely wrecked and one of the horses was drowned. The letter mailbag was recovered, but all the rest lost.


District Court convened Mon. Morning Sep. 11 with Judge Irwin presiding. A number of attorneys from abroad were representing their clients in 50 different cases in court. Schools open on Mon. Pupils wishing examination and those who don’t know what studies they should take this year, should meet the teachers at the school building Fri. afternoon from 2-4. Born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Owen Carter, a boy. Born Wed. Sep 13, to Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Moore, a six pound boy and Jim has been unable to reach the ground with his feet since. Mrs. Clarence Madden has been quite ill for several days and is now rapidly improving. Mr. L.B. Bloom of the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. returned Sat. evening from a business trip to St. Louis. John Monroe went to Elk City Mon. to accept a permanent position in Herring & Young Mercantile establish-ment. Mrs. Olive Paschal came in from the farm Wed. morning, preparatory to attending school at Cheyenne during the ensuing term. Dr. T.E. Standifer of Elk City has disposed of his property there and will remove with his family to Oklahoma City where he will continue to practice his chosen profession. Mrs. Hartzog of Day County who has been in the city several weeks undergoing medical treatment of Drs. Standifer and Tedrowe is improving rapidly and will soon be able to return to her home. The machinery and equipment generally of the Cheyenne Cotton Gin are being repaired and put in first class condition for this season’s work by Mr. James Kerns, an experienced machinist and cotton gin expert. Immediately following the recovery of the bodies of the drowned children, who lost their lives in the accident Thurs. of last week, the home of Dr. and Mrs. Miller was used temporarily as a hospital for the injured women and dying children. The excitement incidental to the sad affair resulted in Mrs. Miller’s collapse the following morning. Dr. Tedrowe being called during Dr. Miller’s absence to prescribe for a severe case of nervous prostration. Leo Beaty was kept busy during the recent storm period protecting his herd of fine hogs from drowning. All night long Thurs. of last week, he herded them on the high lands away from the creek bottom when he called role Fri. morning every hog stood on his hind legs and squealed!


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam September 22, 1905

John Robinson, Son of G.W. Robinson was thrown from a freight wagon returning from Sayre last Sat. morning at a crossing on the Sgt. Major Creek 4 miles south of town and was instantly killed. He was driving a four mule team to a heavy load of freight, riding on top of the load. At the steep crossing on the creek, he lost his balance and fell off, alighting on the upper side of the road. The ground where he fell was gravelly and very steep, causing him to slide backward under the wheel of the wagon, passed across and broke his neck. News of the accident was instantly brought to town and a number of people went out to the scene of the accident, including Dr. Riley, the county coroner. No doubt to the facts leading to his death, and no inquest was held. The body was brought to town that afternoon and was buried at the Cheyenne Cemetery Sunday. At the time of the accident, G.W. Robinson, the father of the boy was sitting as a juror in the Price murder trial. When the court learned of the sad accident, the judge stopped the trial and excused Mr. Robinson. This necessitated the discharge of the other jurors and the case was continued to the next term of court because of the suddenness of the tragedy and the entire community, where the boy was well known. He was about 18 years old, he was an inoffensive, polite, good boy. His father and mother and numerous relatives have the profoundest sympathy of our people for this most unfortunate disaster. Jud Cunningham, 19 years old, son of J.F. Cunningham lost his left arm in a broomcorn thrasher this week. He was working at the machine when his arm was caught, tearing and lacerating it so that it had to be amputated in the upper third. Dr. Standifer performed the operation and reports the patient doing well. Ora Ballard was accidentally shot and seriously injured by a son of George Prestridge Thurs. morning. The latter shot at a domestic chicken with number four shot and didn’t see Ballard, who was in the bushes. He was struck in the head, face and throat by scattering shot. It is hoped the wound will not prove dangerous. A.C. Wilson was down from Hamburg Tues talking business with our merchants. A boy was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graves of the RedMoon community. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hunt rejoiced in the birth of a boy they welcomed last week. A charter was issued Tues. to the Hammon Cotton Gin, capital stock $4,000.00. The incorporators are O.L. Johnson, I.C. Thurmond and W.P. Cherry. A.C. French was charge Tues. with carrying a pistol and with assault with a deadly weapon and the case set for trial Thurs. in the probate court. C.W. Hunley was arrested Tues. under charge of assault and battery and using obscene language. Trial was set for Oct. 30 in probate court. D.J. Cox and family returned last week from Mexico. He says that he prefers to live with his own kind of people. He has taken a position of manager of Cox Lumber Yard. The funeral of R.P. Burge, who died Sept 12 of paralysis at Norman, OK was held last Fri and remains laid at rest in the Berlin Cemetery. Sheriff Elliott accompanied by Sheriff Nelson of Greer Co. and by Ex-Sheriff Pat Oates of Wood Co. who went last week to Baker City, Oregon to bring back Sam Green and Pete Whitehead, reported to have been captured at that place, found upon arrival that the men arrested were not those wanted. Deputy Sheriff D.H. Monroe received a message from Mr. Elliott Wed. night that the men arrested were a brother and father of Pete Whitehead. They answered nearly exactly the written description sent out but Sam Green and Pete Whitehead are well known to Pat Oates, who went along to identify the men, and they could not have changed their personal appearance so as to render their identification doubtful. Sam Green and Pete Whitehead are badly wanted here upon the charge of murdering Jack Bullard and John Cogburn, June 30, 1902. Mr. Elliott has been untiring in his efforts to locate these parties and keen disappointment is felt that he must now return without them. A. Inman charged with the blowing of the safe and robbery of Richerson’s Store of Doxey, something over a year ago, was arraigned for trial on Thursday last. He entered a plea of not guilty” and a trial by jury was had. D.W. Tracy looked after the interest of the defendant while J.C. Hendricks, Co. Atty and Welty and Harrison appeared for the territory. The jury was out only about one hour and returned a verdict of “guilty of burglary” in the second. Saturday afternoon, a motion for a new trial was overruled and Inman sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. At the preceding term of court. Charley Marsh and A.B. Haskins, charged jointly with Inman in the committing of this crime were tried and sentenced to the penitentiary, one for a period of three years on the plea of guilty and the other for a term of five years after the trial. RIDGETON: Homer Tomlinson returned last week from Weatherford, where he worked during the threshing season. He reports better crops here than there. Paul Hughes and family have returned home from their overland trip to Pioneer, Texas. J.R. George took a load of sweet potatoes to Cheyenne last week. The largest potato weighed 5 pounds and 14 oz. Rev. Will Jones held a series of meetings at the Union Chapel last week. At the school bond election, Sept 13, in School Dist. #75, 19 votes were for bonds, but not a majority of those living in the district. Leslie C. Chase has built a new house and moved into it. He also has a new son, born Sept 9. James Wells and Miss Belle Williams drove to Cheyenne and were married Wed. Sept 13 by the pastor of the Methodist Church. Their friends surprised them with a “chaivarie” the following evening.


Beaty & Carter Real Estate Agents have for sale: 240 acres, 80 acres in cultivation, 160 acres good plow land, 80 acres fine grass meadow, good four room frame house, good cistern, well and windmill and good tanks; mostly Washita River bottom land; half mile of good school; six miles from Cheyenne. $2600 takes this place. F.E. Tanner and family are again residents of Cheyenne and occupying the Houston property on the hill. Elder Martin commenced a series of meetings at the Methodist Church on Monday evening. A quite heavy hail, doing considerable damage to growing cotton fell in the Hamburg neighborhood Sun. evening. A.Hammond of Hamburg recently received a letter from an official of the St. Louis Exposition in which is stated that Mr. Hammond had been awarded the bronze medal for the best corn exhibited in the agricultural dept. of the fair. E.W. Franklin of the Grimes neighborhood was down Sat and left some very fine samples of milo, maize and kafir corn. John Warren and family moved in from the ranch Sat. and will occupy their town property during the winter.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam September 29, 1905

GRIMES: The government inspector was out and viewed the route for the rural mail delivery. Miss McBride is engaged to teach school here beginning Dec. 4. Prof Welch will lecture at Emerson School on Sunday evening Oct. 8. At the colt show at Grimes on Saturday, W.F. Turner captured first prize, $5; G.W. Brewer second money, $2.50. Twenty colts were exhibited.


The gin work began Sat. J.P. Johnson took home a fine surrey Sat. W.T. Bonner, mgr. for Herring & Young made the sale. J.E. Brown of RedMoon was brought to Cheyenne Hospital on Thursday last. On Friday Drs. Standifer and Tedrowe assisted by Dr. Wallace of Hamburg performed an operation and removed the right half of the lower jaw. Mr. Brown, who is 52 years of age, rallied quickly from the operation and is improving rapidly. Tackett and Co. the RedMoon merchants, had bills printed on Fri. last announcing a grand low priced closing out sale on all their big stock of merchandise. They contemplate moving up near the Texas line. The Berlin Fair is the attraction this week with the crowd attending being large. H.B. Dewey was transacting business in the Rankin neighborhood Wed. John H. Osborne, Co. Clerk, has purchased the residence property of Mrs. Slain in the south part of town and will take possession at once. The consideration was $400. Texmo bank was organized with $10,000.00. The infant baby boy of Rev. and Mrs. H.O. White died on Monday evening last and was buried in the Cheyenne cemetery Tuesday afternoon. The Parrish Store is being remodeled by H.S. Hudson and occupied by the Dixie Store under management of L.B. Bloom. The two year old child of Thomas Northrup living near Durham, Day Co., drank concentrated lye thinking it was water, one day last week. From the effects of which it died of Monday last. Another inquest by Dr. Riley, County Coroner, was held concerning the death of John L. McDaniel, beginning last Monday. Dr. Riley claims that there is some evidence that foul play was used in his death and that the facts should be thoroughly sifted, although no new evidence has been introduced aside from some ante-mortem statements of the deceased. Marriage licenses issued to James H. Wells of Creston and Miss Marabel Williams of Ridgeton and George Royce of Sedalia to Miss Dora Hunt of Berlin. D.W. Tracy went to Berlin yesterday to deliver an address to the WOW camp. F.E. Herring came up from Elk City Mon. to look after getting the Cheyenne Gin underway. The gin has been running steadily this week, the cotton coming fast enough to keep it busy. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Kelley of Clarendon, Texas are here visiting Mrs. Kelly’s mother, Mrs. N.R. Monroe and other relatives. Edward E. Tracy went as a messenger from the Mills County Baptist Assoc. to the Baptist State Convention in session this week in Oklahoma City. Ed Bauman was in town Tues. exhibiting a sample of delicious cling stone peaches raised on his Croton Creek farm. They were of extra quality and flavor and above the average in size. As a specimen of the vegetables produced by Roger Mills County soil, W.B. Sprowls brought into the Cheyenne Sunbeam office a turnip beet measuring 28 inches in diameter and weighing 14 pounds. Roger Mills is hard to beat, not only in vegetable growing but in the adaptability of its soil and climate for the successful growing of almost every known variety of cereal crops. NOTICE: Mr. J.H. Parrish left his notes and accounts in my hands for collection. All parties indebted will please call at my office and settle as soon as they are prepared to do so. R.K. Houston, Atty.


Cheyenne Sunbeam October 5, 1905 {missing Star files}

G.M. Goode residing ½ mile south of Cheyenne, will sell a number of cattle, horses, mules and farm implements at public auction on Saturday, Oct. 21. Sale will begin at 1:00 p.m. Calvin M. Rosser was a pleasant visitor from Elk City this week. He is a good businessman and very popular about Cheyenne where he used to make his home, as well as wherever he is well known. There is talk among his friends of trying to get him to make the race for County Treasurer next year. He would make a number one Co. Trea. if he could be induced to take the office. Marriage licenses: Freddie Hisel to Miss Bertha Hiatt both of Cheyenne; J.B. Nichols to Miss Bertha Young both of McArthur; Kirby Poarch of Poarch to Mrs. Carey A. Davis of Elk City; F.M. Tidwell of Berlin to Miss Oma Chesney of Cheyenne. W.M. Burgess a good citizen of the Sandstone neighborhood was talking business in town Thursday. The sheriff was called day before yesterday morning to go to Nine Mile to arrest some parties accused of stealing cotton. A serious cutting affray is reported to have taken place on Dead Indian Wed. One report is that the man cut died of his wounds, but we are unable to verify the report before going to press or learn the names of the parties involved. A natural bridge has recently been discovered by the editor of the Grand Progress. It is located near Texmo in Day County and is on the homestead of J.H. Parks, but a heavily traveled road goes over it, and the public is using it at the present time, as it is the only means of crossing a small but deep channeled stream. The bridge is 25 feet wide up and down the canyon, and is composed of a stone arch three feet thick over which arch is a deposit of red dirt six to eight foot thick. The Bailey and Ringling Bros. Circus will appear in Elk City on Oct. 10. Excursions will be run on all railroads. The hippodrome tent is the largest ever made and will comfortably accommodate 12, 000 people. The menagerie annex is almost as big and shelters more than 100 cages, dens and lairs of the rarest wild animals. This production involves more than a 1,000 people, and is the most massive extravagant and magnificent display of spectacular invention ever seen under canvas. R.E. Echols was doing business before the probate court Mon. The case of territory vs. Will Parker will continue Mon Nov. 6. Mrs. J.W. Hightower is dangerously sick this week. The total enrollment of the Cheyenne Schools at the present time is 163 against 151 for the corresponding time last year. Mr. and Mrs. P.D. Work of near Rankin are in Cheyenne this week with their infant child who is dangerously ill of brain fever. It is reported that grading on the proposed railroad between Doxey and Berlin was begun last Mon. Suit was brought last week in the probate court by W.H. Anderson as president of the Farmers Union of RedMoon against George E. Shufeldt for possession of the charter of the local. The probate court gave judgment Mon. for $100 in favor of the territory against M.E. Story, charged with selling beer on Sunday. The Roger Mills Co. Bar Association was organized Monday by electing Judge C.S. Gilkerson President and W.D. Cardwell Secretary. D.W. Tracy, John C. Hendricks and W.D. Cardwell were appointed a committee on by-laws and constitution. Co. Commissioner Bates informed us that the Farmers Union will soon have in operation a Lumber Yard at Elk City, perhaps open for business by Nov. 1. The union was for-tunate in securing Mr. Bates services as manager. Co. Treasurer Kendall and C.B. Thompson are stocking their lakes on the old Ab Anderson farm with several varieties of bass, croppies and catfish. The lake is supplied with water from a spring and is 1,000 feet long, 140 feet wide and 8 feet deep. It is the intention of the owners to eventually make this place a resort for patrons who enjoy fishing, boating and bathing. Two new bridges were finished this week by the county, one 40 feet long across Beaver Dam, costing 148.95, and one across Nine Mile, 36 feet long costing 144.73.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam October 12, 1905

L.S. Carin and Mrs. Anna Lewellen, living south of town were married on Sunday last at the residence of the bride, Elder R.K. Houston officiating. Rev. G.F. Wilson of Dudley and Miss Rhoda Casady of Cheyenne were married at the residence of J.R. Casady on Wed. afternoon last. “Squire Casady”, an uncle of the bride performed the marriage ceremony. Orville Monroe and Irma Wallace were married last Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Wallace, Rev. H.O. White officiating. The groom is a popular salesman for Herring & Young at this place, the son of our sterling citizens Mr. and Mrs. N.R. Monroe. RIDGETON: The farmers are nearly done hauling off their broomcorn and cotton picking has begun in earnest. Brice Ellis, who has been working at Neodesha, Kansas nearly all summer has returned home to gather his crop. John A. Spencer with his little grandson, A.W. Song’s son, after a few months visit in Kansas are now at home on his claim cutting his fodder crops. Lewis T. Funston has built a residence on his claim in Sec. 7-14-25. Orville Monroe and Miss Erma Wallace were married on Sun afternoon last at the residence of the bride’s parents. Rev. H.O. White, pastor of Baptist Church, officiating.


WEST CROTON: Edgar Taylor and family accompanied by Mrs. J.B. Miller and children went to Elk City to see the circus Tuesday. Will Crabb went to Elk City Wed. to meet his father, brother and sister. Mrs. Amy King is sick this week. A large crowd attended the singing Sun. afternoon at J.B. Miller’s. Mary McCaskill was here from Cheyenne to spend Sun. with home folk. Dr. J.E. Standifer sold his residence in town last week to A.G. Gray for $900. H.S. Harrison received his patent last week for his farm near town The land is the SW1/4Sec 20-13-23. Mrs. Alice McDaniel made final proof Wed for her land on the upper Washita. R.N. Higgins sold last week his 80 acre farm in Custer Bend to Mary E. Guernsey for $600. The land is the S1/2SW1/4 Sec 13-14-23. John R. Hall last week sold to Robert N Turner his fine farm on the Washita for $2,000. The land is the E1/2SE1/4Sec 34-and the S1/2SW1/4 Sec 35-14-24. Among the appointments recently made by the annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church of OKC we notice Rev. Pines appt to Elk City and Rev. Diehl to Grimes. While playing with matches some small boys set fire to Editor Carter’s barn last Friday afternoon. The fire was promptly extinguished by Cheyenne’s efficient volunteer fire department before any serious damage was done. Marriage licenses; G.E. McReynolds to Miss Ora Fowler both of Larned; Jack Billings to Miss Lessie Thompson both of Berlin; L.S. Cann of Hamburg to Miss Anna Lewellen of Cheyenne; Otto Spake to Miss Osceola Penrod both of RedMoon.


OCTOBER 19, 1905

Married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Reynolds on Wed. October 8, 1905, Miss Gertrude Reynolds to Alfred G. Gray. The Rev. T.M. Wood officiating. The bride was the bright and gifted teacher for a number of terms holding part of the time the place of principal. The groom is one of the best known of our public men. He was for twelve years, County Clerk of this county, retiring voluntarily from that office to accept a position as Assistant Cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank. Little J.J. Ray, five year old son of Mr .and Mrs. J.J. Ray was bitten and severely injured Tues. afternoon by Sheriff Elliott’s big shepherd dog. It appears that the little fellow with other school children was playing with the dog and probably teasing him, when the dog became enraged and made a savage attack on J.J. The school children went at once to the rescue but he was severely bitten in the head and under lip before the dog could be taken off. The doctor dressed the wounds at once and it is thought nothing serious will result. The dog was killed immediately after the occurrence, which was a proper, if somewhat tardy step, as other children had been bitten by him, though fortunately not seriously hurt. Miss Mattie Taylor of the Rush Creek area has just harvested a crop of peanuts which will net her a handsome sum. From one bushel of seed she has gathered over 75 bushels of peanuts which she has sold to Mr. Crane at $1 per bushel. The entire crop was produced on a trifle more than one-half acre of land. The next quarterly examination of teachers will be held in Cheyenne on Thurs. and Friday, Oct. 26 & 27. A.R. Harris, Co. Superintendent.  Just as we go to press, we learn that Mrs. Crady who lives north of Sayre committed suicide about 9 o’clock this morning by hanging herself. The children of whom there were three, had gone to school and Mr. Crady was temporarily absent from the home when she shut herself in the chicken house and ended her life. Mrs. Crady had returned only yesterday from Kansas City where she had been for some time undergoing medical treatment. Her mind was unbalanced at times and it is supposed that it was so when she committed the rash act. After an illness of three weeks Mrs. Hightower died Tuesday October 17, 1905 at her home on the Sgt. Major leaving a husband, four children , one a baby boy, three weeks old and two step-children to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held by Rev. T.M. Wood at the Cheyenne cemetery Wed. afternoon. Marriage license issued to W.P. Peterson of Rankin and Miss Nannie Hutchins of El Reno. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hendricks departed Mon. morning for a brief visit with Mr. Hendricks’ father at Diamond, Oklahoma. Diamond is located in Beaver County about 120 miles from Cheyenne, but to reach their destination by rail, Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks will have to travel nearly 700 miles. School District #3 sued the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. for $600 in the probate court last week. It grows out of the burning of the Redmoon School House in July.

RIDGETON:  E.C. Winford has returned home after a few weeks visit to his old home in central Texas. Arthur V. Reigel and family are entertaining his father and mother from Marcelene, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. P.N. Oaks of Rome are visiting their son. The first frost came Oct. 11 and did considerable damage to the late cotton and fodder crops.

S.Jackson and wife were at Grand, Day Co. on Sun. last. H.D. Cox of the Cheyenne Mercantile Co. is in Oklahoma City this week. A. Hammond the World’s Fair premium corn raiser of Hamburg, has been on a tour of investigation in Kansas and various points in Oklahoma for the past three weeks. He has succeeded in interesting the Northwest Telephone CO. to the extent that a telephone line will be extended to his town at once. He has also interested some eastern railroad promoters of the feasibility of a railroad project for this portion of the territory. Sunbeam/Star, October 20, 1905


OCTOBER 27, 1905

Cotton pickers are in demand in this county. The price offered being $1 a hundred. W.M. Coxby a good citizen of the Redmoon neighborhood, was in town Monday as a witness in the Lamons contest. The trial in the probate court involving the proof of Alma Lehmans will was postponed Monday  to Nov 4. The contest of George S.Lamons vs. Julia A Padgett, involving homestead entry #1934 for a tract of land near Redmoon, occupied the attention of Deputy Dist Clerk Carter, Monday. The ground alleged was abandonment. W.O. Williams appeared for the contestant while Tracy & Tracy appeared for the contestee. Logan Smith was also a witness in this contest. A new bank was started at Grand this week, with E.K. Thurmond, President,  J.H. Kendall, Vice-President and J.P. Johnson, Cashier. Grimes is soon to have a Free Rural Route. Cheyenne still has none. We suppose that our people are satisfied as it is . They can have such a route if they want it bad enough to get a move on. Klebe Thurmond of Sayre was here Tuesday and Wednesday. John Casady, of the statesman force of Elk City, accompanied by Dr. Kaylor and B.F. Nichols were in town Monday. Quail and prairie chicken are very plentiful this fall and our local nimrods all report good sport on returning from their hunting trips. George Boone has opened a butcher shop in the room adjoining the Star Office. John C. Whittom has charge of the cleaver and knives. Comm. John H. West and 15 of his Custer Bend neighbors came in Mon. each with a wagon load of hogs, which they sold on the market at $4.35 to $4.40 per hundred. Mrs. Alice L. Blackburn of Grimes, editor of the “home column” of the Oklahoma Farm Journal of Oklahoma City and the “Sunshine Dept.” of the Clipper at Bethaney, Missouri was in town Sat. attending a county convention of the WCTU, which was in session here Sat. afternoon. C.L. Tackett, manager of the mercantile firm of Tackett and Company, Redmoon, accompanied by Mrs. Tackett, transacted business in Cheyenne Monday. C.L. is a pusher and is doing a fine business at Redmoon. Proposals will be received at the Post Office Dept. until Dec. 5, 1905 for carrying the mails on Star Routes in Roger Mills County, O.T. as follows: From Cheyenne by Berlin to Sayre, 24 miles and back, six times a week;  from Cheyenne by Trammell to Sedalia, 15 ½ miles, service three times a week both ways, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays; from Cheyenne by Redmoon to Hamburg, 17 miles and back, six times a week.

RIDGETON: C.W. Rockwell and James Parkinson are building a new house 15×26 feet for Mr. Butler on the Crow claim in Sec. 29-14-26. Ethel Jaques went to Hereford, Texas where she will attend school this winter. Thomas F. Elson, lately sold his claim the SE1/4 of Sec 1 to Mrs. Isabella A. Wakefield of Poarch, Oklahoma.   Sunbeam/Star, October 26, 1905


NOVEMBER 3, 1905

Rev. Wood and family left Tues. morning for Texas points for a two weeks’ visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Wood will attend the annual conference before he returns. The Dixie has men’s socks at $5 a pair and work shoes at $1.25 a pair. S. Jackson made a trip to Grand on Saturday. The elegant new school building at Elk City is now completed and school began on Mon. last. John T. Caudle made final proof on his farm Friday before Deputy Clerk Carter. W.A. Beaty left Monday morning for Dallas, Texas where he will attend the Texas State Fair now being held at that place. D.C. Carter made proof on his claim near town on Friday last. William W. Anderson and Scott Harrison were his witnesses. Milo Burlingame is  in Shattuck this week. C.R. Roberts, presiding elder, was in town Sun. and Mon. attending quarterly conference and held services both day and night at the Methodist Church. John B. Hendricks returned Thurs. evening from a ten days visit with friends and relatives at Guymon.

RIDGETON: On Sunday Oct. 22, a prairie fire burned over a few sections in Mason’s pasture and on claims just south of Camp  Hollow. Robert Provines has returned home after a few months stay in Custer County. Solomon Beaty, of Martinsville, Illinois is now visiting his sons, John and George W. Beaty. Mr. Johnson, who recently sold his farm in Custer Co. will live here with his daughter, Mrs. P.H. Oakes this winter. Ed Smith has lately built a neat frame house and began a residence on his claim in Sec. 19-14-26. Co. Supt. Harris visited School #66 last week and school closed Oct. 27, a three month term taught by G. McColgin. Dr. and Mrs. Laird and their baby daughter, who have a claim near town, were here today and gave this office a pleasant call. Their little daughter (Mignon), although 18 months of age, can spell and read as good as would be expected of a child five or six years of age. Dr. Standifer returned this week from an extended trip to poinst in Oklahoma and Texas. Coroner Riley and J.W. McMurtry of ElkCity, were in town yesterday attending the preliminary hearing in the Clark case. An oyster supper will be given at the Methodist Church Friday evening, Nov. 10 by the Women’s Home Missionary Society. Prof. C.R. Talkington of Sweetwater attended the teacher’s institute here Saturday also Prof J.C. McKenzie who has a school at Carter this year was one of the county board of examiners at the teacher’s examination. C.H. Cope was up from Elk City Friday on business. Members of the Farmers Union of the Yankee Front area took 70 bales of cotton to Elk City last week and sold it in a single lot at $10.05 per hundred. Herring & Young bought it. Thurmond Bros. bank at Erick has been changed to a national bank under the name of First National Bank of Erick. Ernest Beatty is Asst. Cashier of the large bank. The Thurmond Family hold the other offices. J.C. Whilton received his patent last week for his farm three miles east of town. Seth Milligan recently sold his farm just east of Berlin to J.G. Winters for $2000. There is a brisk demand for wood in town now owing to the cotton picking season. Little wood is coming in J.L. Taylor, Sec and Treasurer and E.A. Collins, manager for the Pittsburg Mortgage and Investment Co. were here Mon. looking after the company’s loans.  Star/Sunbeam  Nov. 2, 1905


NOVEMBER 10, 1905

Dr. Laird, w ho has been away for some time is home again and will be at Hotel Black for some days yet. Tuesday, Jess Aiken and Rand Wood were arraigned in the probate court on a charge of petty larceny, the outcome of the mysterious disappearance of a lot of cotton in the area of where the defendants reside. Trial by jury was demanded and had and after hearing all the evidence and arguments, the jury concluded that they didn’t know what went with the cotton and failed to agree. Dr. and Mrs. Laird will begin a series of Free Entertainments at the courthouse Mon. night. Admission is free. Madames Alice Blackburn and Singletary of Grimes area were in town Sat. attending the meeting of the WCTU held here in the afternoon. The preliminary examination of Moore and Lyle, charged with the killing of Ben Clark near Hammon in March last was held before Judge Gilkerson in the probate court on Wed. and Thurs. of last. After hearing all the evidence procurable, the Judge held the defendants to the grand jury under a bond of $3,000 each; bond was promptly given and defendants released. The County Comm. at their meeting on Mon. and Tues. among other things, decided that they could not purchase a poor farm to be used as a “County Poor Farm”, without a petition to that effect signed by ¼ of the legal voters of the county. We believe this matter should be taken up again and a farm purchased for this purpose, as there would be a great savings in the care of paupers if they could be concentrated at one point and looked after and cared for at one place. Bert and Asa Cox are in town visiting the family of their  uncle H.D. Cox. Rev. Father Heienshal of the Canute Catholic Church passed through town Tues. in route to Roll. Father Heienshal has the distinction of having the largest territory of any priest in the U.S. His territory embraces all the country west of Hydro and south of Woodward County in Oklahoma.

GRIMES: William McCarty will have a sale on the 11th. He expects to move to Wisconsin in a short time. William Bennett will also have a sale on the 17th and go to Montana on a prospecting tour. Frank Winters was out from Berlin last week, visiting his uncle, Mr. Rushton. He was trying to sell lightning rods to our people. A singing school was started at Fairland Church on Mon. night with  Prof. Rice as teacher. Prof. Smith is teaching at Grimes.  Mrs. Joseph Myers who has been very sick is improving. Her mother, Mrs. Croninger was also suffering from blood poisoning but is better. Rev.Newton, the Baptist minister, was unable to fill his appointment here on the 5thSunday, but will preach at Grimes hereafter, every 3rd Sunday. School commences in Dist #52 on the 6th with Mrs. Cora Hines as teacher. Louie Carr will attend school at Berlin this winter. Boyd Snyder built a house for Nelson Colburn last week. About 30 young people were entertained at the home of T. Singletary on Wed. night, the social being given in honor of Charles Blackburn who starts to school at Cheyenne next week. Two rural routes will start out from Grimes very soon. From the amount of cotton being hauled to market, the sandhills have done its share in raising that product this year. The MWA went to Joe Myers and assisted him one afternoon last week in picking his cotton. He has been confined to the house on account of the sickness of Mrs. Myers, who is getting better.

N.J. Eaken, one of the earliest settlers on Kiowa was one of the numerous witnesses from that area who attended court this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Corrigan of the Rush Creek area  are rejoicing over the arrival of a 9 pound baby girl at their home Tues. October 31. Judge Leary received a message from Mexico Mon. conveying the information that his brother had been seriously injured in a mine explosion but no further details of the accident were given. Several teams passed through Cheyenne Tues. in route to Elk City for lumber, which will be used in the construction of a school house in Dist. #77. The building will be 18×32 with seating capacity for 75 pupils. Rev. White of the Baptist Church will deliver a sermon on Sun. night next for “men only.” You are invited to attend. The broomcorn crop in this county is sweeping the money into the pockets of our farmers. Mrs. N.R. Monroe and Mrs. Roby started this week to Perry Co., Tennessee on a visit to relatives and friends at their old home. Mr. Wood, a good citizen of Kiowa attended court this week s a witness for his son, Rand. L.L. Collins, our hustling hardware and tin man this week sold his extensive hardware business to L.W.  Pate. Mr. Collins retained his tin shop, which has taken his time so completely that he could not give his personal attention to the hardware business. Mr. Pate is well known in the county especially in the Redmoon area, where he formerly made his residence. Monday the trial of Will Parker upon a charge of assault and battery upon Will Burton at the Washita School house last spring, resulted in a hung jury and the case was set for another trial today. Marriage license issued to D.C. Martin of Dempsey and Miss Irena Harmon, Cheyenne. Star/Sunbeam, Nov. 9, 1905


NOVEMBER 17, 1905

RIDGETON: The stork took advantage of the rain last Sat. Nov. 4 and left a young daughter at George B . Beatys and a son for  Paul B. Hughes. Prairie chickens are very numerous here and destructive to kafir corn. Farmers are too busy gathering cotton to hunt and some would welcome hunters provided that they would not molest the quail.

Final proofs: Edward Nugent of Rankin; Benjamin Piper of Sedalia; Charles Hutchins of Rankin; Joseph Pyle of Cheyenne; Mark Harden of Cheyenne; Columbus Morris of Carpenter, James Kerns of Rankin; Ellen Nugent now Robinson of Harrington; Ellie Sipple, formerly Scott of Cheyenne; Texia Jackson, formerly Hornbeak of Cheyenne; Thomas Keen of Redmoon; Samuel Daugherty of Carpenter; Robert Watson of Berlin; Thomas Seale of Trammell; Thomas Smith of Cheyenne; Joseph Little of Cheyenne; Sherman Walker of Roll; Orin Burt of Cheyenne; John Linville of Larned; Hubert Case of Redmoon; John Hunter of Larned; Peter Wooden of Hammon; Ross Evans of Larned; Edward Lacey of Larned; Harriet Adams of Hammon; Edward F. Keen of Cheyenne. Milo and Mrs. Burlingame spent the week at Oklahoma City. W.H. Winn was talking insurance and loans in Cheyenne last week. Don’t fail to attend the sale of the personal effects of the late J.L. McDaniels, at his farm west of Cheyenne on Friday the 17th. Keen Barr of the Mercantile Company has been on the sick list for several days. William Kell of Dempsey has had sale bills printed for a public sale at his place on the SE1/4 of Sec 12-12-25 on Dec. 9. He will dispose of a number of horses, mares, colts, cows, hogs, farming implements and household furniture. Will Parker charged with assault, was tried the third time on Sat. last before Judge Gilkerson. This time the jury agreed and assessed a fine of $10 and costs. Miss Ermine and Lon Atwood of Dempsey were trading in town on Saturday. While here Miss Ermine filed on a 40 acre tract of land near Dempsey. J.H. Seamons informs us that B.A Winn and sons of Berlin will soon have a four stand gin and a 2 burr steam mill. Prof. Scott, principal of our Cheyenne Public Schools entered a mathematical competition held under the auspices of the U.S. magazine in which a prize of a beautiful silver set was offered to the party correctly solving the ten very difficult problems. The professor was agreeably surprised and somewhat elated to receive notice a few days since that he was the winner of the prize and the only one out of thousands of competitors who solved all ten problems correctly. The silver set of three pieces arrived Sat. night and is a beauty. Mr. and Mrs. Laird are giving a series of lectures and entertainments at the court house this week. As entertainers, they are a success and you will enjoy a very pleasant evening if you attend. Mrs. Laird is a versatile actress and would grace the boards of any first class theater. The doctor as a specialist stands high in his profession and is spoken of very highly wherever he has been. Mrs. Ed Keen returned Mon. from Weatherford where she has visited relatives and friends during the last three months. W.A Bright had a narrow escape from a fatal accident last Sat. night as he was returning home from Cheyenne. His horse became frightened and shied to one side of the road, when the animal stumble and fell. Mr. Bright was thrown against a wire fence and such force that he sustained an ugly cut across the throat, but fortunately not deep enough to prove serious. Paul Hoefle of Canadian was in town first of the week looking after his business interests here. Dr. Tedrowe was called to Hammon this week to render medical treatment to Mrs. Stanford, who is seriously ill. Mrs. George King of Croton township was in town Monday inspecting the fine assortment of merchandise on display.  Star.Sunbeam Nov. 16, 1905



Cheyenne Star, November 23, 1905

Jess Aikens who was arrested some time since on a charge of stealing cotton from a neighbor, John Crosby and was tried on that charge several days ago, in which trial the jury failed to reach a verdict, was tried again before Judge Gilkerson on Monday last. It was a jury trial and this time the jury agreed, fining his $25 and costs. A train of 30 flat cars loaded with cotton arrived last week at the El Reno Compress Co. There were more than 2,000 bales of cotton on the train. Many of the cars were decorated with streamers, showing that the cars were loaded in Roger Mills Co.


EMERSON ECHOES: Recent rains did much damage to cotton. Everything sold high at the McCarthy and Bennett sales. Singing class at Grimes is progressing fine with 18 industrious pupils. E.W. Franklin has received notice favorable to his appt. as mail carrier. School begins Dec. 4 with Mr. Tidwell teacher. A pie social is reported for Dist. #52 on Thanksgiving evening. The proceeds used for buying maps for school purposes. School begins at Grimes Mon. with Miss Hattie McBride as teacher. Miss Edith Franklin will begin a term of school in Dist. #45 on Dec. 4.


S.A. Staufer, who has been doing the shuffling of the type on the Sayre Standard for the past few weeks is back on his claim near Rankin. J.H. Bradshaw of Sedalia came in Wed. and renewed his allegiance to the Star. W.O. Mounts contemplates opening a real estate and abstract office at Grand about Jan. 1, 1906. On Tues. last J.H. Butler was arrested on a complaint of assaulting Kid Dobbs. After hearing all the evidence obtainable and exhaustive and eloquent arguments of attorneys, Judge Gilkerson came to the conclusion that no assault had been committed and the defen-dant was discharged. J.A. Moad, the enterprising president of the Elk City Northern Telephone Co. is pushing his telephone line into new territory and is making arrangements to place an exchange in Butler. E.W. Franklin of Grimes was downtown the first time for about three months. The sale of town lots and lands delinquent for 1904 taxes going on at the courthouse this week, are very lightly attended. Most of the land being bid in by the county for want of purchasers. The delinquent list this year was much smaller than usual and in fact, there is less delinquent land in this county than in any other county in the territory. Rev. T.M. Wood, who had charge of the ME church at this place has been assigned by the late conference to the church at Mt. View. Rev. H.L. Maudlin has been assigned to Cheyenne circuit. C.L. Tackett the enterprising and progressive merchant at Redmoon was in town Thurs. looking after business matters. He reports good at his place. A. Hammond, fine host of the hotel at Hamburg was down after fruit trees last week. W. Birchenough and J.W. Crawford of Rankin were in town Sat. witnesses in the land contest case of Carey Wagoner vs. W.W. Danbury. E.F. Cornels our enterprising abstractor is erecting a commodious office building on the court square adjoining John C. Hendricks office. It will be 14×28 and complete in every detail.


Adila Hendricks is now the proud possessor of a “bobcat”, a species of the wildcat or catamount family. This species is becoming very rare in Ok. It is intended if little Paul Hendricks, who has taken the cat under his own special protection, can be prevailed upon to give it up, to send the “bob” to Atty. Cardwell, the author of “Why is a Wildcat Wild?” A single statehood club has been organized at Cheyenne and Judge Gilkerson elected as our delegate on the single statehood special. A committee of three, consisting of John C Hendricks, D.W. Tracy and Cosmo Falconer were appointed to draft suitable resolutions upon the statehood question and expressive of the views and wishes of Roger Mills County. Albert Lovett the twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lovett, who reside near Hammon, was seriously injured last Saturday by being kicked in the chest by a horse. Dr. Tedrowe was summoned and upon examination he found the heart and lungs torn and dislocated from their natural position. The boy is reported to be in critical condition. Charles McLain and wife are spending a week or two on their farm near Berlin. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Harmon is sick with an attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. C. O’Laughlin spent a week on her claim in the Rankin neighbor-hood, returning to El Reno last Saturday. A box supper given at the Hiatt School House Saturday night was well attended and proved a decided success from a financial standpoint. {Editor’s note – does anyone know where this school was located?} Jess Thompson was in town Sat. and turned down an offer of $400 for his team of mules. Mules will soon be legal tender for debts, both public and private. Rev. and Mrs. H.O. White, Baptist pastor, departed Tues. morning for an extended trip through New Mexico, Colorado and Oregon. The winter months will be spent away from home with the hope that a change of climate will prove beneficial in restoring Mrs. White’s health. The annual conference of the Methodist Church last week sent our pastor, T.M. Wood to Mt. View. J.H. Henson was appointed for Doxey, J.H. Hoover, Elk City; J.F. Roberts, Sayre; and H.L. Maudlin at Cheyenne.


Cheyenne Sunbeam, December 1, 1905

Converse Bros. are here this week completing their arrangements for establishing a new banking house at Cheyenne. They have secured the building immediately west of the Hotel Black, formerly occupied by John Stahl, and now have a force of workmen engaged in remode-ling the interior preparatory to placing their new furniture and fixtures, which will arrive in a few days. Co Atty. Hendricks has received two large crayon portraits of Roger Q. Mills, one of which will be hung in the Court House and one in the Cheyenne Public Schools. Roger Q. Mills is recognized as one of the foremost statesmen of the Lone Star State and of the Union. Every Texan has a good word for Roger Q. Mills and his personal friends in Roger Mills County, who were formerly intimately acquainted with him in Texas are numbered by the score. D.W. Tracy has sold the Sunbeam to J.O. Long of the Sayre Standard. Mr. Tracy cites that his growing law business as the reason for the sale. Mr. J.L. Paschal will have charge of the publication. Ed Keen of Red Moon has informed the public that he would be in the race for County Treasurer next year. Ed is a good Democrat and a good fellow, a member of the County Central Committee and would make a good official. In 1903 up to November 14 there had been ginned in Roger Mills Co. 3731 bales of cotton. This year 10,970 bales had been ginned up to the same date. In 1903, the total crop of this county was 9249 bales against 19,132 bales for 1905.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam December 8, 1905

Ben H. Monroe who has been under sheriff here for the last three years will be moving to Mangum where he has purchased a large barn and will be engaged in the livery business. The citizens of Mangum will find that Benny Monroe is “a yard wide and all wool”. Pike Lynch’s sale west of town brought fair prices. R.D. West and family will be moving to Edmond next week. Prof. A.R. Harris stole a march to Clarendon, Texas where he took himself a new bride, Miss Hattie Donnell last week. Surprised his many friends here and we welcome them here. Prof. Harris is the County Supt of Schools and the former Miss Donnell is a popular teacher of that city. The Star and Harris’ many friends extend congratulations. J.C. and Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Carrie Wagner of Rankin were visitors to the sales at the local businesses this week. C.R. Roberts has purchased the Collins tin shop and stands ready to assist you with anything you may need in that line. Ella Sipple made final proof on her claim. The box supper at the Washington School House netted $68.50 and the cake for the prettiest lady was presented to Miss Irene Woods. Over $41 was collected at the pie supper held at the Grimes school with Neal Singletary paying $3 for one pie.


Cheyenne Star/Sunbeam December 15, 1905

SPRING VALLEY NEWS: Everything is moving along nicely in these parts. Cotton is mostly picked and people are preparing for cold weather. The pie supper was a grand success. Pies sold from 75 cents to 1.95 each. The net proceeds were $39.75. There will be a musical entertainment at Spring Valley on the evening of the 21st, given by Prof. C.E. Bartels, of Osceola assisted by other local musicians. Supper will be served at the schoolhouse for a reasonable sum. Proceeds will be used in buying furniture for the schoolhouse. Mrs. John Walker is suffering from the effects of piercing a darning needle into her knee. Dr. Wallace of Hamburg is attending her.


RIDGETON NEWS: Little Joe Bennett has been very sick during the past two weeks but is now improving. Miss Eva Tomlinson is also on the sick list. Mrs. May Slusher made a business trip to El Reno last week. Uriah Gray a railroad brakeman from Chickasha is spending the winter with his brother, W.S. Gray. Earl Estes has added a windmill and tank to the many improvements on his claim.
J.H. Parrish has bought land in California and settled there permanently. He has placed his fine plantation above Cheyenne on the Washita River, in the hands of R.K. Houston to be sold. A.W. Philips and wife of the Dempsey neighborhood were in town Tues and Wed. taking advantage of some of the bargains our merchants are offering. Miss Lula McCree, an expert stenographer is now in the service of Miller-Gilkerson Abstract Co. Her initiation in the service in Roger Mills Co. was taking the testimony in the preliminary examination of C.E. Vance, charged with the killing of Walter Sheehan and Henry Madoux at the Williams Saloon at Sayre on November 28. Preliminary examination was before Esq. Casady at Cheyenne on Tuesday of this week. The territory was represented by Co Attnys John C Hendricks, assisted by J. Frank Trimble, Sayre. The interest of the defendant was looked after by Attnys John B Harrison & B.B. Welty of Sayre. The shooting was the end result of a fight which began 40-50 minutes prior to the shooting at which time Madoux displayed a knife. C.E. Vance, the defendant was a bartender in the saloon, and ordered Sheehan and Madoux to stop the fight and get out “as he would have no fighting there, if there is to be any fighting done, I am one of the swiftest fighters in the county, and if you don’t quit fighting, I will kill all of you.” To these orders Sheehan and Madoux paid no attention. Madoux left the saloon, Walter and Luther Sheehan remained. Vance sent for Madoux and conversed with him over the bar. Madoux departed from the front door of the saloon and Vance sent to a hardware store for a shotgun and a box of shells with instructions to get “the largest shot that they had”. Soon after Madoux then re-ntered the building from the rear with a revolved in his hand and attempted to strike Walter Sheehan on the head with the gun. Luther Sheehan wrenched the gun from Madoux’s hand and started with the gun to the front door. Vance then passed behind the bar and securing a double barrel shotgun, opened fire. He fired two shots toward Luther Sheehan but missed both times. After throwing the gun onto the street, Luther Sheehan re-entered the saloon where Madoux and Walter Sheehan were engaged in a hand-to-hand struggle in the bowling alley. Vance fired again from behind the bar, the load taking effect in Sheehan’s head and Madoux’s hand. From the effects of this wound, Madoux died at Cheyenne last week. Vance was held without bond to await the action of the grand jury and was committed to jail.


CHEYENNE SCHOOL closed the third month with a total enrollment of 154, average daily attendance 141. Pupils ranking highest in respective grades are: Kindergarten, James Montague, Frances Madden, Sarah Thornton; 1st, Thelma Madden, Julia Tracy, Winnie Kendall; 2nd Clyde Rockwell, Hezzie Cox, J.J. Ray; 3rd Margie Falconer, Madge Gray, Newt McClain; 4th Mary Cox, Cecily Case, Kate Leary; 5th Nona Dewey, Frances Montague, Cora Pierce; 6th Henry Warren, Chester Tracy, Rob Hood; 7th Lewis Elliott, Ora Calvert, John Dewey; 8th Olive Paschal, Eddie Hood, Hilary Warren, Jewel Miller, Seab Wallace, 9th Walter Sprowls, Mimi Alexander, Lucille McKinney.


Herring and Young took in over $2100.00 during their two day special sale on Friday and Sat. last. Trade came from as far away as Grand in Day Co. and as far west as the Texas line. W.M. Crabb of RedMoon dropped into the office today on his way home from the railroad. Roscoe Staton and Miss Bertie Snowden of Sedalia were married at the ME parsonage on Wed. afternoon, Rev H.L. Mauldin officiating. John Stahl is nursing a sore hand from a scratch from a rusty nail, having terminated in a slight attack of blood poisoning. J.W. Dobbs of Sayre has purchased the freighting teams and outfit of French and will take them off the road. Among the many notices of final proof are ones for Newt Harmon, Francis Bates, Peter Oden, James Paulk, George Pendleton, George St. Clair, John Linville, Zylpha Myers, Walter Keen, Joseph Whitcell, Miranda Stephenson, Edward Lacy, Harriet Adams, Ross Evans, Clarence Madden, Columbus Morris, Samuel Lyles, Hubert Case, Alford Patton, John W. Hunter. WCTU met the afternoon of Dec 1 in the home of W.T. Bonner.


Cheyenne Sunbeam December 21, 1905

Roger Mills County is now the possessor of a new Burroughs Adding Machine, which was installed in the County Clerk’s office this week. While it may not be generally known thorough out the county, the fact remains that we have at Cheyenne one of the best caricaturist in Oklahoma. Those who reside in the vicinity of Cheyenne and those who have had occasion to visit the county seat, are all familiar with the work of Scotty Falconer; but his fame as a caricaturist has extended beyond the limits of our territorial lines, and not long since readers of the Kansas City Star were afforded amusement by a reproduction of some of his local characterizations.  J.A. Maddux and family parted Thursday for Oregon where they will make their future home. They are old time residents of Roger Mills County and have many friends here to regret to see them leave. Mr. Maddux still retains his farm property here, having rented it for the coming year, and it is not at all improbable that he, like others before him, will conclude that Roger Mills County can’t be beat and will return to settle down for life.


Mrs. J.H. Osborn who has been seriously ill during the past week, is now convalescent. The telephone company are putting in new telephone poles inside the town limits and are raising the wires several feet higher which will place them beyond the reach of loaded wagons. Some much-needed roadwork is being done on the road west of town leading to the bridge across Sgt. Major Creek. A high grade is being constructed along the lowlands which have heretofore been almost impassable immediately following a heavy rain. The work is being done under the supervision of E.F. Stephens, and it will be much appreciated by those who have occasion to haul heavy loads into Cheyenne from the western part of the county. {The bridge spoken of was located ¼ mile north of the present bridge}
The editor of the Foss Enterprise had occasion to visit Cheyenne a few days ago and upon his return home, he wrote of his trip thusly: “On the occasion of the last general election the returns from Roger Mills County were the last to get in. The most remote precincts in Arkansas had turned in the results of their ballots long before Roger Mills was heard from, and Frank Matthews was the last man to learn just how bad a Democrat could be beaten. This was to us unaccountable, but we have since made the trip from the railroad to Cheyenne and no longer marvel. They say it is only 24 miles from Sayre to Cheyenne; but we walked farther than that just trying to keep warm If it is one mile it is 40. Instead of being located out on a bleak and barren prairie, as everyone very naturally supposes, it is situated in a valley surrounded by hills. The county looks and is extremely fertile in this part of the county that bears the name of the distinguished Texan. Instead of it being the typical western town that we imagined, Cheyenne is a small peaceable town and incidentally has more pretty women than any town of its size. If it had not, no one could account for the fact that Bob Thurmond and Sam Brown did so well in making their selections of life partners. We were in jail, while at the seat of government of Roger Mills Co., put there by the sheriff too. He let us in to talk to a client and seemed to have forgotten all about it, at least that was his excuse when he returned from Elk City and let us out. While we were in there, it seemed that one should have been able to crawl to Elk City and back on their hands and knees. Just before we died, we were turned loose and will talk to our clients in the courtroom hereafter.”
WILDHORSE GLEANINGS: Farmers in this vicinity are wearing a smile as crops are nearly all gathered. Only a little cotton yet to pick. The yield fell short of expectations. H.N. Farris went to Kingfisher Thurs. of last week to look after his farm there. Rev. H.O. White failed to hold his appt. Sat. and Sun. at Beulah Church. Born on Monday, Dec. 18, to Mrs. G.W. Underwood a son. Lester McClellan who was accidentally shot last week by a younger brother is able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Underwood will visit Mr. Underwood’s mother at Rocky Okla. this week. Lee and Orville Cardwell are plowing for C.R. Roberts on his place near Berlin this week. Richard Sing has put up a house on his claim and has moved in. H.H. Aderhold went to Elk City Tuesday to purchase shingles for his new house. Mrs. Aderhold is recovering from her serious illness of last week. Mr. Jim Bennom has completed a new house for himself. Sutt Stone left Sat. to make his home in the Chickasha nation.