Newspaper Summaries for 1912
News about County Residents (Grouped by Year) Taken from the “Local and Personal Columns” in Early Newspapers.
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Cheyenne Star, Jan 4, 1912
The Philhar-monic Club at this place will hold a meeting at the school house next Mon. Jan 8. There have been some changes in the various Herring and Young stores since Dec. 31. John Ford of Cordell is the new manager at this place. Mr. Ford is not a stranger in this city as he was connected with the store here several years ago in the capacity of bookkeeper, he will move his family here just as soon as he can secure a home for them. J.M. Bonner has the position of bookkeeper at this place while Don Mills, who has been holding that position, will be transferred to Elk City. T.L. Miller, Dry goods man will probably be transferred to Erick. Herman Herring, a nephew of F.E. Herring who has been connected with the Herring & Young Store at Erick has been transferred to their store here. No further changes have been made. J.O. Galloway and Bufford Patterson both of Cheyenne became the new owners of the Grand Hotel, located on south second street. The deal was closed yesterday afternoon for the consideration of $3200.00. Mr. Galloway is also proprietor of the Central Hotel at Cheyenne. C.G. Butts has rented the Southern Hotel of Walker Huff and took charge last Mon. Mr. Butts has been running the English Kitchen at the old Central Hotel stand. This morning about 10:00, while the southbound local was switching in the railroad yards at Carpen-ter, a man named Whitlow who was braking went between the cars while in motion to cut off, and slipped and fell on the rail, was run over by the cars, cutting off one leg above the knee, the other below the knee, one arm near the elbow and a part of the other hand. He was put on the train and rushed to Elk City but the unfortunate man expired before reaching there. He leaves a father and mother. Dr. and Mrs. Gregoire and Atty. J.L. Anderson attended the Elks Open House day at Elk City last Mon. C.A. Bennett of Crawford was a business visitor at the co. capital Tues. George Hutton of Hammon was in the city the first part of the week. J.F. Maher of Clifford was transacting business with county officials this week. Prof Thacker returned the first of the week from Weatherford where he spent the holidays with home folks. W.W Funston, Rankin’s popular merchant, was here last Tues. O.R. Prestridge has moved his tin shop from the building known as the Dobbs Building to the Odd Fellows Building on west Broadway. O.F. Selby of Hamburg was in Cheyenne. A.G. Garver of Durham was in Cheyenne Wed. News was received here last Fri. of the death of former resident Prof. O.R. Bellamy who was living in Cherryvale, Kan. J.R. Emerson, an old resident of Cheyenne but who had been living on a farm near Grimes for the past few years, has had us print him some sale bills. John W. Douglas of Rankin was in co. capital last Wed. making proof on his homestead. Harry Truax of the firm of Truax and Hopkins Hardward dealers at Hammon has sold his interest to B.H. Hopkins. The firm will be known as Hopkins’ Brothers in the future. Former resident Dick Howard of Seattle, Wash. arrived here last Mon. night. Dick says there has been consid-erable change in Cheyenne since he was here last. R.E. Lee of Okla. City is here visiting his brother H.E. Lee, one of Cheyenne’s popular drug men. Ben Bullard who was seriously hurt a couple of weeks ago in a runaway was brought to the Southern Hotel last Thurs. so he might under the care of the doctor. Dr. Wallace and Gregoire are attending. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Rimby returned Sat. from Chandler, Okla but say Roger Mills looks best to them.
Cheyenne Star, Jan. 11. 1912
The officials of the C.& O.W. Railroad are here this week in the interest of the extension of their road through Cheyenne, which if the right of way is secured by the citizens of Butler from Clinton to the river, will soon begin building out of Clinton. {2012 note-didn’t happen as they ran out of money at Strong City}The officials of the C&O.W. Railroad want Hammon to donate the right of way from the river to Hammon for a depot site and 5 miles west of Hammon. Mrs. James Jackson who lived seven miles SE of Cheyenne died last Mon, Jan. 8 in Sayre after a brief illness. She was laid to rest in Elk City. The next regular teachers’ examination will be held in Court House on last Thurs and Fri. of January 1912. John Salyer is paid $30 a month as City Marshal. Dr. and Mrs. Gregoire attended the Elks Open House day at Elk City last Mon. C.A. Bennett of Crawford was a business visitor in county capital Tues. George Hutton of Hammon was here. J.F. Maher of Clifford transacted business here this week. A.A. Brunk was in the city Tues. L.C. Barton returned Tues. from Houston where he was spending his holiday vacation. Atty. J.L. Anderson attended open house day at Elk City Elks. Prof Thacker returned the first part of the week from Weatherford where he spent the holidays with home folks. W.W. Funston, Rankin’s popular merchant, was here last Tues. O.R. Prestridge has moved his tin shop from the Building known as the Dobbs Building to the Odd Fellows Building on west Broadway. O.F. Selby of Hamburg was in Cheyenne the first part of the week transacting business. A.G. Garver of Durham was in Cheyenne on Wed. Miss Lucille McKinney who has been visiting home folks here during the holidays has returned to Elk City last Mon. to assume her school duties at that place. J.R. Emerson, an old resident of Cheyenne, but who has been living on his farm near Grimes for the last few years, was in town Mon. and had us prep him some sale bills, advertising a public sale at his farm Jan. 11. John W. Douglas of Rankin was in county capital last Wed making final proof on his homestead. Harry Truax of the firm Truax and Hopkins Hardware Dealers at Hammon, has sold his interest to V.H. Hopkins. The firm will be known as Hopkins Brothers in the future. Dick Howerton, a resident of Seattle, Washington now, arrived her Sun. night. Dick says there has been considerable change in Cheyenne since he was here last. Ben Bullard, who was seriously hurt a couple of weeks ago in a runaway, was brought to the Southern Hotel last Thurs. so that he might be under the care of the doctor. Doctors Wallace and Gregoire are attending. Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Rimby returned last Sat. from Chandler, OKC and other points in the east part of the state. They report having a good time, but say that Roger Mills looks best of all. Hammon celebrated moving into their new school house on Jan. 1 by having a big holiday. Schoolhouse has the largest assembly room in western Oklahoma—three big rooms thrown one by rolling partitions. They have 325 pupils enrolled and more to come, seeking 500 in this term. Hammon school now has 7 teachers. Rula Woodruff is one. Col. C. Settle was in city Tues. John Trammell is reported as being very sick with pneumonia fever. Tom Keller was transacting business in the city. K.W. Holmes of Leedey was business visitor in Cheyenne. Dr. V.V. Grand of Roll was transacting business. H.O. Brown made business trip to Cheyenne. Mrs. Sam Bowman is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ira Hensley. Mr. and Mrs. Stoney Duke visited at the Milo Burlingame home several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Goode of Durham passed through Cheyenne Wed. in route to Hammon. School was suspended here Mon. and Tues. on account of extreme cold weather and shortage of coal. J.W. Allen of Brantley made final proof. Si Moore of Texmo was in the city making arrangements to take possession of the Central Hotel on Jan. 15. W. Dow Mills who has been with Herring and Young at this place as bookkeeper for the past year and one half, left Mon. for Elk City where he will act in the same capacity for the above named firm. Our mail service has been very poor since the bad weather commenced about three weeks ago. R.M. Turner who has been figuring on erecting a large concrete building has abandoned the undertaking due to the high cost of material, having to haul it so far overland, but he has ordered iron to erect an iron building now and when the railroad comes, he will build the concrete building he was contemplating. A.C. Wilson and John of Hamburg were business visitors Wed.
Cheyenne Star, Jan. 18, 1912
A play”Under the Laurel” will be staged in the near future by local talent. The proceeds of which will go to the Cheyenne Band. The eighth grade examination will be held on April 11-12 and May 16-17, location has not been decided. The residence of V.V. Grant of Roll caught fire last Sun. morning at 11:00. Mrs. Grant and another lady were in the living room when the fire was discovered in the kitchen. The fire was caused probably from a leak in the coal oil tank of an oil cookstove. The dripping coming in contact with the flame, which set fire to the wallpaper. By heroic efforts of the Roll Bucket Brigade, the flames were extinguished. Walter Blackburn of Crawford spent Sun. in Cheyenne. Judge D.G. Moore spent several days in Leedey last week. Harvey Welty of Roll was a business visitor here last Mon. Hillary Warren was transacting business. Gip Suiter of Crawford was transacting business yesterday. Will Neider of Hamburg made final proof. Daniel Sadler of Crawford was among those who made final proof yesterday. The café in connection with Southern Hotel is kept open day and night with meals at all hours. E.S. Repasse, postmaster and merchant at Grimes, was a pleasant caller at the Star office. J.J. Moore and Oscar Casady made a trip to Roll to adjust damages caused by fire last Sun at Dr. Grant’s residence. J.L. Funston, Rankin’s popular miller, and with the Funston and Libby Auctioneers, made final proof Wed. Brice Ellis who is running the passenger hack between Cheyenne and Hammon made a trip to Canadian last week after his family. Walker Huff and W.T. Bonner returned Wed. from Guthrie where they were summoned to give testimony in the Coffey vs. Cox case, before the Federal Court. John W. Wood, one of our old Hamburg friends was in town. C.H. Moore has taken charge of the Central Hotel. Mr. Moore comes to our town from Texmo where he has lived for a long time. He is a brother to Judge D.G. Moore, an Atty. of our town. John A. Chandler of Hammon made final proof. Ed Carpenter, who is held in the co. jail on a charge of forgery was arraigned in Judge Casady’s court. Last week, A.D. Feno became the owner of the Star Meat Market here. Mrs. A.D. Hoover of Roll was shopping in Cheyenne. Arrangements are being made to entertain visiting teachers with a program given by the Elk City Glee Club. The teachers that come Fri. afternoon will report at the school house or at Prof. Adams residence two blocks east of the school building. Prof Adams and Mrs. Ora Black will see to assigning them some place to stay.
Cheyenne Star, Jan. 25, 1912
Dr. A.A. Perry of Rarnkin was found dead in the Big Store where he had an office on Fri. Jan. 19. The officers here were notified and Justice J.R. Casady and Sheriff Trammell went at once to the scene. An inquest was held and the jury returned a verdict of death of an unknown cause. Reports are that the deceased had been accustomed to the use of opium and that an overdose was taken either by mistake or with suicidal intent. The next NW Teachers Meeting will be held at the Fairview School House Sat. Feb. 10, 1912. Among those on program are J.L. Duggan, Miss Laska Moore, Mrs. Jessie Rakes, Misses Dixie Wagoner, Ruth Nichols and Orpha Conrad, Leila Romine, F.A. Beavin, Miss Hellen Heagy, Earl White, Joseph Amend, T.C. Moore, Ray Boigegrain, W.A. Alloway, Miss Ella Fritz, Miss Dicie Thomas. Charley H. Howery of Roll made final proof. Mrs. Dr. Howell returned from extended visit with parents in Oklahoma City. Samuel B. Willet of Durham was in town Wed. and made commutation proof on his farm. Atty. J.W. McMurtry of Hammon was transacting legal business here Sat. Joe H. Walton, one of the pioneer settlers of the Dempsey area, was here on business. Dr. J.A. Gregoire left Mon for Guymon where he will spend a few days looking over the medical field. He will probably locate there in the near future. Harry Henson of Rankin, formerly owner of the Big Store at that place, was in the city last week. He is now living on his farm northwest of Rankin. Star job department printed sale bills for a farm sale to be held by C.A. Goode two miles north of Antelope Hills. Sale will be Thurs. Feb. 1, 1912. The initial issue of the Social Democrat was published last week at Sayre with N.S. Mounts as editor. It is a Journal devoted to the interests of Socialists. According to the Sweetwater Breeze, the prospects are bright for a bank at that location. S.A. Gardner of Altus has made an offer to establish a bank if the citizens will take $2500 of the stock and grant a free lease for 3 years on a piece of land 60×140 feet for the bank. R.M. Turner has let the contract for the erection of an iron building, 24×70 feet on the lot between Cheyenne Livery Barn and Leon Young’s office. Work began on the building this morning and as soon as complete, it will be occupied as a pool hall. C.O. Gause has purchased the contract for carrying the mail between Cheyenne and Sayre from Walker Huff. Mr. Gause has been running an express and passenger hack over this line. Shan DeCow of Red Moon was in town. Bert Redden of Carpen-ter was looking after business here.
Cheyenne Star, Mar 7, 1912
Cheyenne experienced a $30,000 loss by fire this afternoon. It was by far the most destructive fire our little city has ever suffered. The fire started in the rear end of W.H. Lee’s Drugs Store on the north side of Broadway, and completely destroyed everything in that block on that side of the street, except the new building of R.M. Turner’s , which had just been completed, but not occupied; and the Cheyenne Livery Barn. The Turner Building was damaged considerable, but by the heroic efforts of the volunteers the fire was controlled at this building and not allowed to spread any further. The buildings burned were Lee’s Drugs Store, Central Hotel, Moore and Mouser Law Office, Scott and Scott’s Farm Loan Office, J.A. Ragan’s Dry Goods Store, Cheyenne State Bank, Cooper and Dewey’s Loan Office, Berry’s Grocery Store Building owned by H.D. Cox, Mrs. Cauble’s Cleaning and Pressing Parlors, Dr. Evans Drugs Store, White Hall Rooming House and Young and Young Law Office. Most of the merchandise was saved from the fire except the stock of drugs of W.H. Lee’s; yet a great deal of damage was done to the different stocks by piling them in the mud. Only $600 insurance was carried on the property that was loss so it is practically a total loss. The saving of the south side of the street is attributed to the efforts of those who stayed on the roofs of the buildings and fought against the tremendous heat. The saving should be especially credited to the efforts of T.M. Reynolds and those who assisted in carrying water to him. The fact that he stayed on the roof of the Herring and Young Store until after the Central Hotel had fallen saved the building and all other buildings on the south side. The same praise should go to Milo Burlingame, Alfred Gray and R.M. Herring who stayed with the building opposite the White Hall Rooming House and others in the center of the block. The cause of the fire is not known, but it is thought it is started from a gasoline light system. Cheyenne State Bank which burned was opened up in the building in R.M. Turner on Friday morning at the regular hour ready for business. Their new fixtures are on the way and will be in Cheyenne Friday night. Cheyenne State Bank will erect a substantial building just as soon as it can be built, H.D. Cox, W.H. Lee and J.F. Evans will build, the stock of J.A. Ragan’s will be stored for a few days until a building can be secured. This is a hard blow to our town but in a very short time all the buildings will be re-built and our town will put on a better appearance than before. Judson Cunningham announces for the office of Co. Clerk. The Old Fiddlers Contest last Tues. was well attended considering that the weather was disagree-able. It was decided to have a contest on April 19 on the day of the Old Settlers Reunion. {100 years later, we can’t get a fiddler}The pioneers of Roger Mills County have decided to hold an Old Settlers Reunion in Cheyenne on April 19, the anniversary of the opening of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Country and the anniversary of Cheyenne. These dear people who came to this part of Oklahoma, twenty years ago, settled and improved it, established homes, and converted a wilderness into one of the greatest broomcorn and alfalfa producing countries in the world, deserves a great deal of admiration. One thing that will be had on this day is an old-fashioned barbecue, one like we had in the early days. The first of the week a skeleton of a man was exhumed in the vicinity of Texmo, which has caused considerable speculation as to who the man was. It is thought that the man was have met with foul play as he was buried in a very peculiar way. He was buried in a gate pass-way, one of the gate posts set to the man’s head. Present owner W.D. Wilson made the discovery as he was enlarging his barn and was digging up the posts when his pick struck the skull of the skeleton. John B. Tracy announces for Co. Supt. Jim Lester announces for Co. Sheriff as well as R.L. Trammell. T.L. Turner (37) for Co. Judge, Fred Ogle for Co. Clerk, Shell Caffey for Co. Assessor, Harry Henson for Co. Trea., John Osborne and J.T. Berry also. A Laurel Leaf tale by Scotty Falconer is included. H.L. Goode of Leedey is in city this week. Arthur Miller of Sweetwater and A.C. Quattlebaum are here attending Dist. Court. Fred Hammon of Hammon was in town Wed. Tom Keller who lives east of town here on business Sat. D.H. Arnold of Hammon attended to business Friday. Benjamin B. Smith of Grimes made final proof, JA. Moad of Hammon was here Wed. attending the Republican Conv. Lawrence Love, Assoc Editor of Hammon News is in town watching Dist. Court go round. Harry Henson of Rankin, Candidate for Co. Trea, spent several days here last week. Public Sale of T.F. Smoots last Mon. was a good one; sweet potatoes brought $12.90 a bushel. Boots Fields arrived Sun. with a bunch of cattle he had bought near Elk City. Boots says “they are the poorest he ever saw but thanks to cottonseed and kafir corn will bring them through all right.” Last Sat. morning when ground was covered by a sheet of ice, John Ford, mgr. of Herring & Young Store at this place, slipped and fell and was so injured that he has not been able to get to the store this week. The star office turned out a job of sale bills this week advertising a public sale of Sanford and Smith to be held 3 miles north and 2.5 miles east of Rankin on Mar 8. J.D. Funston will cry the sale. Fred Ogle who is teaching school at Carpenter was here Sun. soliciting votes for the office of Co. Clerk. The NW Teachers Meeting will be March 6 in District 86(Dog Holler or Wilson School), 5 miles south and 1 m. west of Crawford. People on the program: Bill Nye, Hellen Heagy, Virginia Beavin, Lela Romine, Mr. Duggan, Flossie Keller, Mr. Beavin, L.J. Moore, Mrs. Pearl Mangold, Miss Orpha Conrad, Miss Ora Waldrip, T.C. Moore, Mr. Conrad, Mrs. W.R. Potter, David Page, Mr. Patterson, W.A. Alloway, Dicie Thomas, Secy.
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 14, 1912
District Court was in session and the case of the State vs. Frank Parham for murder was found not guilty by the jury. The killing took place in Old Day Co. before statehood and investigated by grand jury in that county and no indictment was found. Ed Carpenter and Newt Cantrell were arraigned on charge of forgery and pled guilty. Oscar A. Miller was found guilty by a jury of grand larceny. D.A. Koontz was charged with burglary and dismissed. State vs. R.A. Graham, con-joint robbery dismissed on motion of Co. Atty. State vs. C.H. Howard, assault with dangerous weapon dismissed. Last Mon. morning the dog belonging to Lafayette Anderson began acting peculiarly, biting everything that came his way and it is thought that this dog had hydrophobia and the general dog killing should take place so no dog that was bitten by this dog be let to run at large and probably bite some child. The report has been circulated in various towns in this part of Oklahoma that the people of Cheyenne are preparing to move to the new town northeast of Cheyenne, a point supposed to be the terminus of the C&OW Railroad, when that road builds west from Butler.(editor’s note – this is most likely circulated because of the fire that destroyed practically all of the south side of one block of Cheyenne) Charles T. O’Kelly, formerly Clerk of the District Court, mysteriously disappeared about a year ago. An audit of his books showed that he was short in his accounts as Clerk of the Court, he disappeared and no one knew his whereabouts. His bondsmen were held for the shortage, but found a considerable sum of money in the bank to O’ Kelly’s credit and with some of his property made up the shortage. A warrant was issued for him and he has returned and his trial will be held in the near future. Three buildings are already under construction and others will follow in a few days. The burned out block will soon be re-built and old Cheyenne will put on a more attractive appear-ance than before. Mrs. J.E. Keen is visiting friends and relatives in Weatherford. A.C. Bradshaw, editor of Leedey Times is here at Court.. F.M. Bates of Sandstone is serving on the jury this week. Joe Foster, Hammon City Marshal is a witness at court. John Ferrell Prop. of the Ferrell Hotel at Hammon is here as a witness. Charley Bean, who lives a few miles east of town was here Fri. Judge J.W. McMurtry, editor of the Hammon News has been in Cheyenne during this week looking after interest of his clients in Dist. Court. Coleman White renewed subscription to the star and Dallas News. Mr. White is a staunch Socialist but believes in reading papers of other faiths. W.H. Lee announces that “having had my stock of drugs lost by fire and needing money, I ask that parties knowing they are indebted to me, to come in and make settlement at once.” Our town has been full of people all week due to Dist. Court and owing to the fact that the Central Hotel was burned last Thurs and the Southern Hotel not being large enough to accommodate the crowd, homes have been thrown open to house them. L.W. Pate is attending Rep. Conv. in Guthrie. A.C. Wilson of Hamburg was here and R.H. Wallace of near Durham. Lee Dudney of Redmoon was in Co. capital last Wed. F.E. Herring of Elk City spent several days this week looking after his interest in Cheyenne. Si Moore has moved into the J.R. Johnson residence since the fire last Thurs. He was the Proprietor of the Central Hotel but since then, he found himself without a place to call home. He says that he intends to erect a building and start a business soon. The Rep. Central Comm. met here March 6. J.A. Moad called the meeting to order. Those in attendance: A.H. Carter, H.V. Guernsey, H.D. Cox, John P. Burger, Will Hart; A. Brown, Ben Saylor, S.W. Hiatt all from Hammon; L.W, Pate, S.E. Dewees, Cosmo Falconer.
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 21, 1912
The idea is being circulated that the people of Cheyenne are thinking of moving to a location seven miles away, that may never be more than a siding. There are four new buildings being constructed in Cheyenne at this time and the people of Cheyenne are not making any preparation to leave town. Miss Pearl Salyer and Arthur D. Fenno became man and wife last Sunday. Rev. W.O. Morris, the grandfather of Miss Salyer, performed the ceremony. Miss Salyer has been connected with the telephone exchange for a long time and has been practically reared in our city. Mr. Fenno is a popular butcher in our town. There has been a general dog killing here for the last few days, upon order of the board and City Council. All dogs running at large in the city limits, not securely muzzled, were ordered killed on account of a number of dogs being bitten by a mad dog. Rev. H.O. White resigned as Baptist Church pastor to take effect second Sunday in April. He will be moving to South Dakota, where he will accept a similar position. S. Jackson made business visit to Sayre Sun. T.L. Turner is erecting a residence on the east side of the Court House square. Dowell Mills has resigned his position as bookkeeper at the Cheyenne State Bank and accepted a position in the Co. Treasurer’s office. Leon Young has accepted a position as bookkeeper at the Cheyenne State Bank. W.H. Anderson of Redmoon area was in the city Tuesday. A.G. Gray has resigned his position as bookkeeper in Co. Treasurer’s office. He will devote his time to the Grand Masters Work as he was recently elected to Grand Master for the State of Oklahoma. H.D. Cox will erect two more large buildings on Broadway, one of them will be occupied by Dr. J.F. Evans, drug stock, the other will be office rooms. Milo Burlingame returned from Elk City Wed. where he has been doing business. W.C. Winfred returned Wed. from Clinton on business. Shell Caffey of Hammon of Hammon and candidate for Co. Assessor was in town Mon. on business. He is one of the old timers. The Star job department printed sale bills for E.O. Hawk who lives eight miles south and 2 west of Durham; sale will be held on March 27, with A.G. Carver, Auctioneer. Sheriff Trammell, Co. Atty. S. Grim, Justice of the Peace, J.R. Casady and May Cunningham went over to Texmo last Mon., where an inquest was held over the skeleton that was found in that vicinity a short time ago. The skeleton is thought to be that of Jim Baker who disappeared from this country eleven years ago. The body was dug up by a party who has the W.D. Wilson farm rented. It was found in an old corral formerly owned and used by Francis Crow while removing a post in a corral. Uncle Jim Evans has bought a fine surrey for his livery and is having his buggies all re-painted. The Star job dept. printed sale bills for C.B. Sanford of Hamburg. His sale is March 20.
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 28, 1912
The Spelling Bee at Cheyenne last Mon. night was very well attended but very few took part in the spelling. Dr. A.B.C. Davis is now at Crawford, having returned yesterday from Oklahoma City. He says that place is overrun with his profession and he is returning to locate here. The Old Fiddlers Contest will be held at Cheyenne on April 19, immediately after the Old Settlers Reunion held on that date. Every old fiddler over the age of 30 is invited to come and take part. A few weeks ago we called attention to an Old Settlers Reunion to be held at Cheyenne on April 19. This celebration promises to be a very interesting event, if it is carried out as it has been planned, but nothing can succeed without someone at the head, so it is high time that we get together and appoint committees to see that the various things that are necessary to attend to in order that we may have a real jubilee Next Monday is the day set to meet at the Court House to discuss plans for holding the celebration. All who are interested in this celebration are requested to attend this mass meeting. Twenty years ago on this date, this part of Oklahoma was open to settlement, then only a wilderness, now it is one of the largest broomcorn and cotton producing districts in the world. John E. Leary is on the sick list. Boots Fields in Elk City on business this week. Fred Brann made business trip to Hammon last Mon. H.C. Marsh of Roll was business visitor here. E.C. Winfred made trip to Leedey this week. Henry Tracy has just closed a very successful term of school at Red Top and is again at home here in our city. Henry Berry passed through our town to Hammon for business. J.D. Miller and J.D. Wood of Rankin marketed corn for .65 a bushel here last Wed. W.H. Mouser made a business trip to Hammon last Tues. J.W. Finch of Weatherford, who used to live on his farm southwest of town, came in last Tues. to look after his interests here. Dr. Wallace and wife made a flying trip to Elk City last Tuesday on business. W.H. Mouser has bought the bldg. of Mike Keho formerly occupied by him as a shoe shop. Mr. Mouser is having it painted and papered and will convert it into a law office. The new bldg. being erected by H.D. Cox on Broadway, to be occupied by J.A. Reagans Dry Goods is nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy in a few days. William Anderson of Cody, Nebraska has written to Milo Burlingame of our town, for a price to be placed on the famous thoroughbred stallion, Peter McCue, which he is now standing at this place. Mr. Burlingame has set a good long price on this horse and it is hoped that the offer will not be accepted, as Mr. Burlingame wants our people to have the benefit of this horse this year. It may be that this offer will be accepted and a sale consummated, so those wishing to breed to this horse had better do so at the earliest possibility. J.C. Meeks, one of our progressive farmers, was here the last part of last week. J.A. Reagan of Sayre and proprietor of the Reagan Dry Good Store here is looking after his interests. He will move his stock of merchandise from the Odd Fellows Building to the new building. Mike Keho, an old resident of our town, has decided that he has worked at his trade as shoemaker long enough and has left for Kansas City, Kansas where he will make his home with his niece.
Cheyenne Star May 2, 1912
The businessmen of Cheyenne have taken the road proposition up and decided that the only way to put the highways in good condition for the farmers to travel is to roll up their sleeves and do the work themselves. As the township has exhausted their funds, the only way the roads can be put in good order, is by donation, which is being done and the businessmen are donating liberally. The farmers cooperating with the businessmen of Cheyenne will be able to put the various roads leading into our town in tip top shape. Several tornadoes visited Oklahoma last Saturday, killing many and destroying property which will run into the hundreds of thousands. Butler lost 32 houses, twenty six house were lost southeast of Butler; Sentinel had two people killed; one person at Hinton killed; Hobart had two people killed; Lugert had seven killed; Rocky one dead; Calumet three dead; Eldorado four dead; Martha, Warren and Blair had communication cut off; in addition to the deaths, there were many injuries. The wedding of Mrs. Burt Emerson of Cheyenne and Mr. Ed Lozier of Rankin was solemnized at the ME parsonage last Monday. The couple will make their home on Mr. Lozier’s farm near Rankin. D..J. Jackson was a business visitor here last Sat. Flake Hammond of Hamburg was here Friday, accompanied by Frank Cole of Hamburg. Lee Dudney of Redmoon was here doing business. Peter D. Work called at the Star office. A social dance was held at the home of W.H. Carl who lives west of town last Fri. night. Mr. an Mrs. B.D Cooksey and daughter DoniLita left Tues. for Louisiana where they will visit Mr. Cooksey’s parents and other relatives. H.L. DeVillers who has been employed on the Star for the past six or seven years has moved his family to his farm in the Dempsey area. Henry will try broomcorn raising this year. Mr and Mrs. JLM Curry left Mon. for Texas where they will visit relatives. J.S. Morgan who is selling buggies in this area and who owns a valuable farm south of town, paid a visit to the Star. S.A. Stauffer made a trip to Sayre. Mrs. W.H Mouser and children are visiting in Leedey this week. Taylor’s Confec-tionary has fresh light bread for 5 cents a loaf. George Anderson of Redmoon was here Wed. Dr. Bell has moved his office to his residence south of the furniture store. Cooper and Dewey are erecting an office on the lot east of the Cheyenne State Bank. Miss Carey Fields returned Tues. from Butler where she has been visiting with Mrs. Bird Pierce. Doc Ballenger of Hamburg is here today making final proof on his homestead. J.H. Karr and Grover Wilson are with him acting as witnesses. Mrs. J.R. Johnson who had been in Cheyenne this past winter to get the benefit of our public school, moved to Butler where her husband, Roscoe Johnson is connected with the Rome Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson, Mrs. Hornbeak and Miss Erma Wallace made a flying trip to Erick last Sun. Fletcher White of Hamburg, was here Wed. on his way to the eastern part of the state where he has business interests. Mrs. Rosa Newkirk closed a very successful term of school at the Rocky School Dist. last Thursday evening. The patrons of the school hope to secure her for their teacher next year. The Eastern Star held a program at the school house on Sat. featuring John Tedrowe and wife of Indianapolis. The Tedrowes have been on the vaudeville stage for more than five years. DURHAM DOINGS: F.Y. Jobe’s children returned from Cheyenne Wed. where they have been attending school. A.F. Keller and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keller east of Cheyenne. On last Tues fire destroyed part of the contents of William Webb’s barn, mostly grain. Jess Cunningham was calling on our people assessing last week. Messers I. Howard and Hunt were business callers at our burg last Thursday. Charlie Raff has rented the Dr. Grant place southeast of this place for the coming season. Elbert Thomas is home from Pampa where he attended school this winter. While at work in the shop last Sat. Will Gabbart was painfully injured by having his hand slip on the sharp edge of a plow blade. Lloyd Grant is home from school in Cheyenne. J.F. Hughes, J.A. McCord and W.C. Barber went to Canadian Mon. with fat hogs. I no U no
Cheyenne Star, May 9, 1912
The City of Cheyenne is making plans to celebrate the Fourth of July. Sheriff Trammell and Ervin Hunt made a raid at Carpenter last Sat. They were successful in arresting the proprietor of the alleged thirst emporium and seized several cold bottles that was kept in a vault on concrete in the floor of the cave and a large number of rubber poker chips. The man who was arrested made bond at Hammon and was released. Rev. H.O. White has filed for State Representative as a Democrat in our county. Jno. H. Osborne is making the race for Treasurer. Scotty Falconer’s Laurel Leaf Tales begin in this issue. Tuesday set aside as day to work on the roads. The town board of trustees has issued an order that all dogs running at large within the limits of the town of Cheyenne will be killed without notice to the owner unless securely muzzled. The entertainment last Sat. evening at the school house, given under the auspices of the Eastern Star Lodge, was well attended and enjoyed by all. E.L. Mitchell made a business trip to Hammon Monday. John Warren who lives west of town was transacting business in the city Monday. Dr. B.M. Ballenger of Hamburg was here Tuesday assisting Dr. Wallace in an operation. John Ford, manager of Herring and Young’s store here, has been on the sick list during this week. Mrs. Lucille McKinney who is teaching in the Elk City Public Schools spent Sun. with home folks here. Rev. H.O. White, pastor of Baptist Church here, is conducting a series of meetings at Berlin this week. Mrs. John Ford and two sons return Mon. from Cordell where they have been visiting with relatives the past two weeks. Madden Miller, chief clerk of the school land depart. spent a few days with home folks here this week. T.J. Duke, one of the early settlers of Sandstone was here Friday. A number of Miss Irma Wallace’s young friends surprised her Mon. evening by gathering at her home to spend the evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Miller made a trip to Sayre Sunday where they were met by Mrs. Hornbeak and Margie Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. S Jackson are in Oklahoma City this week. Walter Blackburn, cashier of the Crawford Cotton Exchange Bank spent Sun. in Cheyenne. J.W. McMurtry, editor of the Hammon News was here yesterday attending to legal business. B.F. Bynum, cashier of the Cotton Exchange Bank here, made a business trip to Roll last Wed. Many of our townsmen are having storm caves dug this week. The recent cyclones have caused people to take precaution. Walker Huff and W.A. Beaty returned Mon. from Washita Co. where they had been on business. They were in a train wreck on the Frisco between Bessie and Cordell last Sat. but received no injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Will Earnest were in the city the first part of the week where Will was attending to business interests. Will is a cashier of the Oklahoma State Bank of Hammon. A.X. Grace returned from Texas where he and his family had been for several days. Mr. Grace cried the sale of F.M. Jenkins who lives near Hamburg, during his absence from the city. He reports that everything sold well, especially the livestock. W.H. Horr, president of the various Cotton Exchange Banks in western Oklahoma, passed through here last Mon. Mr. Horr and family have been spending a few days on their ranch near Crawford, but were forced to return home on account of Mr. Horr being thrown from a horse and receiving a fractured leg. DURHAM DOINGS: Last Sat. evening fire of unknown origin destroyed Mr. Burt Faye’s barn, grainaries, wagon shed and hen house. Harness, grain, hay and quite a number of hens and geese were consumed by the flames. Miss Docie Bryant, the eldest daughter of Mrs. Alice Bryant, was taken suddenly ill last Mon. The symptoms are very unusual and condition is said dangerous by the attending physicians. After a brief stay of one week in her earthly home, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer was called to her heavenly home last Thursday.
Cheyenne Star, May 16, 1912
From time to time we have printed articles concerning railroad prospects for Cheyenne, these have all been true, still there has been some changes relative to the said C&OW RR. They have sought means to miss our town and cause property to depreciate in value. Other railroad builders are interested in this section, which is yet untouched by any road. More than one proposition awaits us and Cheyenne will have a railroad in less than twelve months. Should anything happen that these propositions fail to materialize within this time, Cheyenne still has cards up her sleeve that have never been played yet. Mrs. J.D. Clay was thrown from a buggy Tues. night as she was returning home from the entertainment at the auditorium, and received injuries from which she died at 11:45 p.m. the same night. The accident occurred on 4th street within one block of the Clay residence. The horse driven by Mr. Clay suddenly became frightened and commenced to kick. At the same time one of the lines broke and as the horse ran in a circle, Mrs. Clay was thrown from the buggy to the ground. An examination made by the attending physician discovered that death resulted from a concussion of the brain. Commercial Club met recently and decided to hold a County Fair in Cheyenne the latter part of September this year as it is centrally located and convenient place for it. Last Tuesday evening Misses Frankie and Berta Kendall entertained a large number of their young friends at the home of Leon Young, with a farewell social. Thomas Compton, finished teaching at Blue Ridge School six days prior to his death. A.C. Wilson of Hamburg was a business visitor here Sat. Leslie Barton and Asa Bartels went to Elk City. Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Miller are visiting with T.L.’s relatives in Ft. Worth. Rev. Townsend returned Tues. from extended visit with home folks in Kentucky. Mrs. E.E. Tracy is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. J.B. Tracy who lives in Red Moon vicinity. E.N. McLaughlin and Elijah Sadler of Hamburg were business visitors here. W.T, Bonner and family with Mrs. Isabella Fields have moved to their ranch north of town where they will spend the summer. Rev. H.O. White left Tues for Oklahoma City, where he will attend the Southern Baptist Convention. A. Hammond of Melrose, New Mexico, former resident of Hamburg is visiting with his son, Flake Hammond. Mrs. A.H. Carter is confined to her bed at the hospital at Elk City following an operation recently performed. Prof. D.V. Seaver made business trip to Hammon. Homer Wood of Hamburg was here on business. Michael M. Lewis made final proof before Judge Tracy here. Born on Tuesday last to Mr. and Mrs. I.F. Conaway a boy and a girl—mother and twins doing nicely. Milo Burlingame returned Sun. evening from Oklahoma City where he has been tending business interest. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson returned from Oklahoma City. Judge D.W. Tracy of Elk City was here the first of the week looking after interests of clients at this place. Fred Ogle, of Crawford was here shaking hands with the dear people of this town. Henry Miller of Sweetwater, was in city Wednesday circulating a petition to be presented to the governor asking that a pardon be granted to Oscar A. Miller who is serving a nine month sentence in the state reformatory. The young people of our town enjoyed a social evening last Fri. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brann. John Ford, manager of Herring and Young’s department store here left Sun. for Sulphur Springs, OK where he is in hopes of regaining his health, which is very poor. Mrs. Huff who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bird Pierce at Butler, returned home. We are sorry to chronicle the death on May 14 of the almost one month son of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Jackson who live two miles south of town. The little one was laid to rest in the Cheyenne Cemetery Wednesday. W.H. Anderson, one of Rush Creek’s progressive and substantial farmers was transacting business. A set of youngsters surprised Miss Isabella Fields last Sat. evening by gathering at the Baptist parsonage and then going in a body to her home to spend the evening.
Cheyenne Star, May 23, 1912
At a meeting of the Commercial Club last Sat. night it was decided it was time something be done to protect Cheyenne’s interest in a railroad. H.D. Cox and J.W. Cooper and other local capitalists who are among the strongest financially in western Oklahoma., are behind the proposition and it looks very much like a railroad will be in operation in time to haul the fall crop to market. A company will be organized, stock sold and a railroad built to connect with the C&OW about five miles east of Cheyenne where a town will be platted and sold. This town will no doubt make the best town on the C&OW route, being the junction and located as it will be in the very heart of the richest agricultural valley in Oklahoma. This will be a big undertaking but the people of Cheyenne and surrounding country are capable of handling big propositions and this road will be built this summer. Sheriff Trammell conveyed Dave Koontz to the penitentiary at McAlester for safe keeping pending an appeal to the Criminal Court of Appeals. Koontz is in very poor health and his friends prevailed on him to go to the penitentiary where he can get outdoor exercise instead of staying in the county jail. A large number of citizens from Cheyenne were joined on the west road last Thurs. by farmers living in the vicinity of the road and assisted materially in putting the road in good condition. This work was all donated. Jessie, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hartnett was laid to rest in the Fairview Cemetery, May 8, 1912. Mary Elizabeth Dudney, Wife of Benjamin Dudney died in her home west of town Sunday, May 19, 1912. She was the mother of Joe and Lee. The former was laid to rest in the Cheyenne Cemetery ten years ago. Her husband was called home during the same year. Friends of J. Homer Johnson are circulating a petition to present to Gov. Cruce asking that a pardon or parole be given to Mr. Johnson who was convicted of grand larceny in September last. Miss Carey Fields is visiting in Canadian. Dr. V.V. Grant of Roll was here Monday. W.D. Kendall who lives northeast of the city was in town. Flake Hammond of Hamburg was here on business. Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Brann spent a few days this week at Geary visiting with Mr. Brann’s relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mon Baker who live near the Texas line were here last Tues. on business. W.H. Anderson who lives in Red Moon vicinity was here Sat. last. Last Sunday the stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Morris who live west of town and left a fine baby boy. Cheyenne State Bank are now located in their new building which has recently been completed on Broadway. Albert Park of the Grimes area was here on business. Mr. Tom Berry together with Rev H.O. White made a business trip to northeast part of county. Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Lovett left Tues for Dallas where he will buy the fixtures for the new bank that is to be put in at the new town. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Curry are now the proud parents of a fine baby girl. Born on Friday last to Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Brown, a baby girl. Mrs. Zack Miller and son, Arthur of Sweetwater area were here first of the week. B. Ellis and family leaves Fri. for Canadian, Texas where they will visit after which Mrs. Ellis will go to Missouri to spend the summer. Miss Nona Keen who has been attending school at Weatherford returned home Wed. DURHAM DOINGS: Mr. George Brunegee has just completed a cement cave for Mr. Ed Mangold and is now putting one in for J.A. Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Allen McClure left Wed. to visit Mrs. McClure’s sister in Pratt, Kansas. Miss Josie Vaughn is employed at the telephone exchange at Canadian, Texas. Mr. John Usrey of Miami, Texas is visiting his brother Mr. Seth Usrey. Ralph Mullen was thrown from a horse one evening recently and in falling broke his right arm just above the wrist. Mr. Clyde Tigard is entertaining his brother of Arnett. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Davidson of Canadian are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson this week. Dave Reed of Roll spent Wed. with W.M. Landon and family. James T. Hughes made trip here combining business and pleasure. Mr. Rob Christian who is working on a ranch in Texas, spent Sun with home folks here. Hail has destroyed some of the gardens in this area. Mr. Ward Calder made trip to Cheyenne Monday. Mr. C.R. White has purchased the Albert Reynolds place. Dr. Oscar Huff and Dan Humphrey made trip to Canadian. Mr. and Mrs. John McClure who spent the winter in Kansas and Missouri returned home last Sat. Mr. McClure is in poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Roll visited W.M. Landon Sat. and Sunday. James Price is building a new barn for Mr. Hawkins.
Cheyenne Star, May 30, 1912
J.W. Maney, President of the C&OW RR will leave this morning bound for Clinton with about 75 laborers for railroad construction work. The men will be taken from Clinton over the new “Red Moon Route” to Butler and placed at work on the Butler-Strong City division. It is thought that trains would be running into Strong City by July 15 or September 1. This road when completed will be one of the principle feeders to the Oklahoma City stockyards. IF the railroad will not go to Cheyenne, Cheyenne will go to the railroad. For the purpose of placing Cheyenne on the railroad map, State Sen. E.L. Mitchell of Cheyenne, H.D. Cox and J.W. Cooper representing the Cheyenne Commercial Club were in Oklahoma City Mon. conferring with bond buyers relative to the sale of the bond issue of $60,000 the proceeds of which about five miles of track will be laid to connect Cheyenne with the C&OW. Weekly visitors were Aaron Welty and son, R.D. of Roll, A.A. and W.M. Butler of Leedey,A.C. Bradshaw, editor of Leedey Times, Dr. B.M. Ballenger of Hamburg, A.C. Wilson, progressive of Hamburg, Miss Lavern Young returned from medical treatment at Weatherford, A.D. Brown, editor of Hammon Advocate, Tom Cree of Rankin, Red Ogle of Crawford, William Brooks of Roll(just recovering from severe case of mumps), A.W. Clapp. The Ladies Home Mission Society of the Baptist Church will give an ice cream social on the church lawn on Friday, May 31. Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Lovett returned home from Dallas where G.B. bought furniture for bank in Strong City. The boys are figuring very strongly on organizing a baseball team here. Cheyenne is large enough to support a good team and we have the players so let’s all work together and have a crack team this season. Last Thursday a large number of young people gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Kendall to spend a social evening. A very destructive hail storm last Fri. destroyed crops in its path. There was a great deal of damage in the Dead Indian area. Hail stones of unusual size fell thick and fast and accompanied by high winds which absolutely pounded corn, oats and everything else that was up into the ground. Born on Tues. last to Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Gray a big boy. Young people enjoyed a social at the home of Milo Burlingame. DEAD INDIAN ITEMS: Due to the recent wind and hail many farmers will have to plant their crops again. The entertainment at the school house was splendid. Entertainment at the Welcome School House will be next Sat. night. Mr. and Mrs. Will Barry were guests at home of Mr. and Mrs. Price in Cheyenne on Sat last. Mr. and Mrs. J.M.R. Smith of Snakey Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith of this community were guests at Will Barry’s home last Sunday.
Cheyenne Star, July 18, 1912
W.P. Keen announces that he is the owner of the Green Tree Barber Shop on the west end of main street and that E.L. Baugh and Frank Tipton are the workmen in charge. County residents seen in Cheyenne during the week were M.A. Day of Hamburg, Dr. and Mrs. Tedrowe of Elk City, Walter Blackburn of Crawford, John Shufeldt and Uncle Johnnie Anderson of Red Moon, Bob Martin west of town, J.W. McMurtry and Lawrence Love of Hammon, Mrs. Alice Blackburn of Sayre, J.A. Moad of Hammon, W.M. Brooks of Roll, F.M.Hammond of Hamburg and Guy Eakins. Clyde Donaldson is now holding down the second chair at the Owl Barber Shop. Miss Lucille McKinney has accepted a position in the Co. Treasurer’s office as deputy.R.D. Alexander of Oklahoma City was here Tues. looking after matters concerning the waterworks proposition for Cheyenne. Crawford is advertising a big celebration to be held at that place on Friday and Sat. of next week. A nice program has been arranged and a large crowd is expected to attend this occasion. Miss Carey Fields left the latter part of last week for Spur, Texas, where she will visit at the home of Dr. Tom Standifer. She will also visit with relatives in Ft. Worth and Dallas while she is away. She will return home in September. The ball game here last Sunday resulted in a victory for the Hammon team. The score was Hammon 18-Cheyenne 9. R.M. Herring and family left last Sunday for Kansas where they will visit with Mr. Herring’s mother. R.M. will work in the harvest there. Mrs. J.R. Johnson, and children, Vera& Cullen, of Butler who has for some time been visiting at the home of Mrs. Johnson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Casady of Cheyenne. The people of the thriving little town of Hamburg are making preparation for a big celebration to be held August 1&2. Hamburg always puts on a good show for her visitors, and this occasion promises to eclipse all former efforts in that direction. The people of Sayre were pleasantly surprised at the last day of the celebration when the Band Boys of Cheyenne arrived in that city and furnished them with high class music at intervals throughout the day. Many of the members of the band are businessmen of Cheyenne who closed their places of business and voluntarily went to Sayre to assist in making their celebration a success. Cheyenne had a two day picnic on the 3rd & 4th and then the Band Boys thought to visit Sayre and have a little of the good time which they knew was on tap down there. Sayre’s arrangement committee took the band boys in charge after their arrival there and paid their hotel bills and other local expenses, believing that one good turn deserves another. DURHAM DOINGS: Mrs. Austin Goode of Leedey is visiting Mrs. Victor Schmidt. Thomas Hawk who has been confined to his bed for the past ten days is able to be up around the place a little. John Baker and James Price are painting the store and residence at Evelyn. Charley Christian who has been in Texas and New Mexico since early spring, returned home Friday. Mrs. W.A. May and Jake Amrine are entertaining their father from Colorado. Born on June 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Denton, a daughter whom they will call Nancy Lillian. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dugger entertained a few friends with a dance Sat. evening. The music was furnished by Mart Trammell and the Baker Brothers. Signed by Lady Beth.
Cheyenne Star, July 25, 1912
Cheyenne City visitors for the past week were Frank Hobart of Hamburg, E.K. Thurmond of Sayre, W.W. Sanford of Hamburg, Uncle Sam Frankford of Dempsey, Jeff Peterson of Dempsey, W.O. Horr of Elk City, C.A. Horr of Leedey on business with the Cotton Exchange Bank of Cheyenne. Poly Cross is again at his old position at Cooksey Drugs Store, “jerking soda”. Miss Erma Wallace returned home last Thursday after a two weeks’ visit at Texola. Mrs. B.F. Bynum returned home last week from a two weeks’ visit with friends at Arapaho. Miss Freda Keen returned home last Mon. from Weatherford where she was visiting for some time. The ladies of the Baptist Church will serve chicken dinner at the Burlingame building on Broad-way August 6. J.M. Lester, who is a candidate for sheriff, made a business trip to Enid last week. J.M. says he had the pleasure of hearing W.J. Bryan deliver an address while there. Last Sat. Fred Brann drove to Elk City where he met his wife who had been visiting relatives in Weatherford. Dr. A.C. Scott delivered a lecture at the school house last week. A five cornered fistic encounter was pulled off on our streets last Sun. afternoon. Several of the younger set showed themselves to be proficient in the art of pugglelism. Jack Johnson’s clubs will likely be organized as an outcome of the affair. The Stallard-Fox debate last Sat. afternoon here was well attended. Stallard was representing the Socialist Party and Fox the Republican Party. H.G. Romberger of Elk City, passed through here last Mon. enroute to Crawford where he will relieve Walter Blackburn as Cashier of the Cotton Exchange Bank at that place. Walter will take his annual vacation during the coming month. Ogle and Son have a short order café in the first door east of the Owl Barber Shop. O.R. Prestridge, prop. of the Cheyenne Tin Shop announces he has moved from the Dobbs Building to the IOOF building.
Cheyenne Star, Aug. 1, 1912
The Co. Excise Board met in the court room with the following members present: E.E. Tracy, Chairman; S. Grim, J.E. Keen, T.C. Moore. The Clerk John H. Osborn, being absent, T.C. Moore was selected as temporary secretary. Last Sat. about noon the home of Fred Harmon, who lives southwest of town was completely destroyed by fire. Mrs. Harmon was at home alone with her children at the time and after having kindled the fire to cook dinner, she left the children in the house and started to the well, which is about two hundred yards from the house, after a pail of water. When she reached the well, she discovered that the house was on fire. She ran back to the house and tried to save both her children. One of whom was a small baby about eight months old. On entering the room where the infant lay on the bed, her clothes caught fire and she was forced to flee from the flames with only one of them, leaving the small babe perish. Mrs. Harmon was severely burned in her heroic attempt to save the little one. The funeral services were held last Sun. and the remains laid to rest in the Cheyenne cemetery. The auctioneers of Dewey, Custer and Roger Mills Co. will hold a reunion at Leedey on Aug. 17. The businessmen of that city will give the “hot air merchants” a banquet on the evening of that date. The following comprises the invitation committee: Zode Hyer, Leedey; Joe A. Moad, Carpenter; Grant Kerr, Thomas; and E.G. Snyder of Cheyenne. A.H. Carter, former editor of the Cheyenne Star and late banker at Carpenter, has launched a Strong City Herald at Strong City, the terminus of the C&OW Road. Oklahoma leads the nation in broomcorn production. People visiting here during the last week were T.J. Duke of Sandstone, James Jackson of Sandstone, E.K. Thurmond of Sayre, John B. Tracy of RedMoon, A.H. Carter, Strong City; H.S. Perkins, south of here; Elbert Tracy, west of here. J.K. Patterson of Roll had us print him some sale bills advertising a big sale to be held Sat. Aug. 3. A.X. Grace will cry the sale. J.W. Abercrombie of Rome, had a load of cows, heifers and steers on yesterday’s market that brought $4.50 straight through. He has a good string back, and the finest grass in the world—the corn is coming along at the same pace also. W.S. Tibbs of Rome had a cow weighing 1170 pounds on the quarantine side yesterday that sold for $5.50. She was with a string of heifers that brought $4.40 and other stock.This cow had born three mighty good calves and Mr. Tibbs has two of them which are heifers, which he will keep. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Stephens are entertaining guests from San Francisco and Cincinnati at their ranch in the vicinity of Square Top. Miss Cleda Moore assisted in getting out the paper this week while the ox was in the ditch. Dr. Howell and family left Mon. for Tillman Co. where he will locate. B.F. Bynum left Tues. morning for Cleveland, Ohio where he will represent the Eagle Lodge of this city of the Grand Lodge of that place. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson and C.L. Barton have spent a few days in Oklahoma City attending to business matters.
Cheyenne Star, Aug. 1, 1912
The Co. Excise Board met in the court room with the following members present: E.E. Tracy, Chairman; S. Grim, J.E. Keen, T.C. Moore. The Clerk John H. Osborn, being absent, T.C. Moore was selected as temporary secretary. Last Sat. about noon the home of Fred Harmon, who lives southwest of town was completely destroyed by fire. Mrs. Harmon was at home alone with her children at the time and after having kindled the fire to cook dinner, she left the children in the house and started to the well, which is about two hundred yards from the house, after a pail of water. When she reached the well, she discovered that the house was on fire. She ran back to the house and tried to save both her children. One of whom was a small baby about eight months old. On entering the room where the infant lay on the bed, her clothes caught fire and she was forced to flee from the flames with only one of them, leaving the small babe perish. Mrs. Harmon was severely burned in her heroic attempt to save the little one. The funeral services were held last Sun. and the remains laid to rest in the Cheyenne cemetery.
The auctioneers of Dewey, Custer and Roger Mills Co. will hold a reunion at Leedey on Aug. 17. The businessmen of that city will give the “hot air merchants” a banquet on the evening of that date. The following comprises the invitation committee: Zode Hyer, Leedey; Joe A. Moad, Carpenter; Grant Kerr, Thomas; and E.G. Snyder of Cheyenne. A.H. Carter, former editor of the Cheyenne Star and late banker at Carpenter, has launched a Strong City Herald at Strong City, the terminus of the C&OW Road. Oklahoma leads the nation in broomcorn production. People visiting here during the last week were T.J. Duke of Sandstone, James Jackson of Sandstone, E.K. Thurmond of Sayre, John B. Tracy of RedMoon, A.H. Carter, Strong City; H.S. Perkins, south of here; Elbert Tracy, west of here.
J.K. Patterson of Roll had us print him some sale bills advertising a big sale to be held Sat. Aug. 3. A.X. Grace will cry the sale. J.W. Abercrombie of Rome, had a load of cows, heifers and steers on yesterday’s market that brought $4.50 straight through. He has a good string back, and the finest grass in the world—the corn is coming along at the same pace also. W.S. Tibbs of Rome had a cow weighing 1170 pounds on the quarantine side yesterday that sold for $5.50. She was with a string of heifers that brought $4.40 and other stock.This cow had born three mighty good calves and Mr. Tibbs has two of them which are heifers, which he will keep. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Stephens are entertaining guests from San Francisco and Cincinnati at their ranch in the vicinity of Square Top. Miss Cleda Moore assisted in getting out the paper this week while the ox was in the ditch. Dr. Howell and family left Mon. for Tillman Co. where he will locate. B.F. Bynum left Tues. morning for Cleveland, Ohio where he will represent the Eagle Lodge of this city of the Grand Lodge of that place. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson and C.L. Barton have spent a few days in Oklahoma City attending to business matters.
Cheyenne Star Aug. 8, 1912
This year’s Roger Mills Co. Fair will be one of the most important exhibitions to be held in Western Oklahoma this fall. The commercial club and other commercial organizations in our county are behind this fair movement and nothing will be left undone in the effort to make it a glowing success. Last year some of the townships of the county had floats arranged with their banner and exhibits. This is a splendid idea and the Washita Township is responsible for.
DURHAM DOINGS: Mrs. James Davidson is very ill at her home southwest of here. Dr. Huff is in attendance. Returning home Sun. Mr. Bob Davidson and Vern Adams were slightly shocked by lightening. No serious effects will result other than a good scare. John Corwardin has purchased the William R. Adams farm south of here. Consideration $1700.00. Dr. and Mrs. Huff’s household furniture has arrived and he and Mrs. Huff are at home in Durham now. Miss Cora Burton has the measles. While riding an unbroken horse last week, Mark Trammell had the misfortune of having his nose broken. H.A. Garver is improving very nicely. J.T. Corwardin took a load of fat hogs to Canadian last Tues. and sold them for $7.15. Miss Mary Trammell is nursing a very bad case of poison oak. After an absence of ten months spent in the school at Weatherford, Miss Pearl Cordell returned home Sunday. James Price is papering the hotel at this place. Bertha and Maude Christian are visiting relatives near Hamburg last week. Josie Vaughn has resigned her position as “hello” girl at Cheyenne and returned Thurs. to her home down on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Esau Hammond of Hamburg visited Sat. with Will Landon family.
Our news has been light this week owing to the fact that candidates have been taking up much space.
T.C. Moore was very fittingly remembered by the Roger Mills Normal Institute student body, who presented him with a fine silver water urn on last Thurs. Not content with building their own railroad, the people of Cheyenne have voted $60,000 worth of bonds for the purpose of bringing a bountiful supply of pure water into the thriving little town. Resident A.S. McKinney of the Cheyenne Commercial Club is completing arrangements for the work. Six miles from Cheyenne there are a group of springs spouting forth pure soft water. The springs are at an elevation of 307 feet above the city and the water will be brought down by a gravity system. Experts have estimated that the plant will supply enough water for a city of 10,000 people, which should be ample for Cheyenne for years to come. Stoney Duke, age 35, has died and buried in Elk City.
Among those from out of town visiting here were J.W. McMurtry of Hammon, William Brooks of Roll, W.H. Anderson of Red Moon, J.H. Morgan of Carpenter, W.C. Tomlinson of Durham, J.A. Moad of Hammon, Jim Banks of Hammon, A.C. Wilson and son John of Hamburg, Mrs. C.W. Tedrowe and son John, A.L. Hale Co. Comm. of Hammon. Quite a number of this area attended the picnic at Hammon on Fri. Strong City is advertising a carnival to be held at that place, Aug. 14-17. Crop prospects were never brighter than at this time here. Recent rains guarantee the largest corn crop in the past five years. Lightening struck the residence of G.B. Lovett Wed. afternoon doing considerable damage to the building as well as many articles in the house. It struck the chimney and threw soot all over the interior. A camp meeting will commence at Saints Chapel, two miles east and ½ mile north of Strong City, Aug. 16 and continue ten days. A large number of our people attended the celebration at Hammon last week. Sam Kendall, who looks well after the county’s affairs as one of our efficient county commissioners could not stand the waiting of the latest return of the primary and came in today to get the results right off the bat.
Cheyenne Star Aug. 15, 1912
T.C. Moore announces that the boys and girls of the Agriculture Club are asked to exhibit ten ears of corn at the county fair, with the winning corn exhibit sent to the State Fair. Also the same for kafir and maize. The Cotton Club must have at least ten members to enter the cotton contest. Prices of agriculture commodities on August 4, 1912 were: Corn $.79 bu., Wheat .89 bu, Oats .44 bu, Barley .66 bu, Rye .78 bu., Hogs 6.64 per hundred, Beef 5.54 per hundred, field calves 6;33 per hundred, sheep 4.21 per hundred.
H.D. Cox a resident of our town, has a five acre tract sown to alfalfa. Off this tract he has cut and baled 746 bales of alfalfa hay this year. This hay is readily sold at .30 per bale making an income of $223.80.The present crop is being kept for a seed crop which will more than likely net $50 an acre or $250 on the five acres. He will get at least two more hay crops after the seed crop is harvested. The net income off the five acres will be approximately $470.
Visitors to the county seat were Miss Iris Standifer of Elk City, Mark Good of Elk City, E.K. and I.C. Thurmond, Frank Thacker of Weatherford, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown of Elk City, Charles W. Stamper from east of town, W.O. Horr of Elk City, C.A. Jencks of Grimes.
George Prestridge left last Fri. for an extended visit in Texas. Mrs. Baird entertained her friends on Wed. D.N. Hunt has accepted the position of cashier at the Cheyenne State Bank. A large number of our young people attended the carnival at Strong City last Wed. Mrs. B.D. Cooksey entertained a number of her friends with a dinner last Thurs. evening. The Wild Horse community is enjoying a series of revival meetings conducted by the Baptist denomination. A large number of the young people here enjoyed a pleasant evening last Mon. at the ME parsonage. Ike Howard left Thurs. for Elk City where he will conduct the farm loan business for Scott & Scott there. Rev. H.O. White, pastor of Baptist Church here, is conducting a revival meeting at the large tabernacle on the court house square. Walter Blackburn, cashier at the Cotton Exchange Bank of Crawford, has been assisting in the bank here this week. Miss Nora Brown and Miss Cole of Weatherford are visiting in the Keen home here. The report comes to us that Strong City has a case of scarlet fever. Those who are contemplating attending the carnival should investigate this before they go as it is a very dangerous disease and should be kept out of our town if possible. Dr. G.N. White of Durham passed through here last Mon. from Guthrie where he was called to the bedside of his daughter, who was suffering from an attack of appendicitis. A successful operation was performed and she is getting along nicely. Dr. White was accompanied home by his little granddaughter and daughter-in-law, Mrs Emma White, who has been teaching school at Weatherford. The Rankin SS is planning a picnic for Labor Day, Sept. 2 to which all of the Sunday Schools in the county are invited. Mrs. G.M. McColgin of Rankin desires the names of all the SS Supt. of our county, their names, post office address and exact location of church or school house where you meet.
DURHAM DOINGS: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bowden is very ill. Word has been sent to the children of J.B. Foster calling them to the bedside of their father whose life is despaired of. Mr. A.F. Keller and his sister, Miss Flossie started Fri. morning for Hobart where they visited relatives. The ladies aid society served ice cream in the arbor on Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Will London and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Esau Hammond near Hamburg Sat. and Sun. We have been blessed with plentiful rain the past ten days and the ground is in excellent condition for plowing.
Cheyenne Star Aug. 22, 1912
A survey for the Cheyenne Short Line was completed this week. The line will run from Cheyenne to Strong City and is financed by local capitalists. A very favorable grade to the terminus of the C&OW Road was found and in fact a much shorter route and better grade was discovered than was ever imagined by its promoters. It is thought that in thirty days, dirt willbe flying on this proposition. A rural carrier examination will be held at Grow, Cheyenne and Rankin on September 14. The post office is attempting to fill a vacancy a carrier vacancy at Grow and other rural routes as they become vacant. It has been decided that our county will make an exhibit at the State Fair and every farmer is asked to contribute something to make the display an eye-opener. Glass showcases will be used as much as possible to protect needlework. Lee McDonald of Carpenter shot George Sanders, a former resident and barber of Elk City, five times on last Sat. at Carter. The trouble grew out of an alleged speech supposedly have been made by Sanders. None of the wounds are considered serious and it is thought that Sanders will recover. The Rankin SS picnic will be held Labor Day, September 2. Invitations are extended to every pastor, SS Supt. and SS member in the county. Mrs. Grant McColgin of Rankin is in charge.
Strong City Leader, a newspaper printed at that locale, made its first appearance on Thursday last week. It is published by J.E. and Billy Williams, who are good newspapermen.
DURHAM DOINGS: A great many of our neighbors are over in Texas hauling off the big wheat crop raised over there this season. Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McCord and family went to Strong City Friday to take in the carnival, returning Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. G.M. White returned Tues. from Guthrie where they have been visiting for three weeks. Miss Pearl Cordell is clerking for Carver & Holland. Miss Winnie Davis has been engaged to teach the Melrose School this term. Prof. Barrett closed a very successful singing school at this place with a concert before a large audience in the hall last Friday night. There were a few boys who did not know how to behave. A glee club has been organized at this place with following officers: D.O. Cloud, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Tomlinson, Pearl Cordell and Otto Mangold. They meet every Sun. night at the town hall. Mr. J.E. Holland begins a series of meetings next Sunday, Aug. 25 in the Arbor. Durham will celebrate with a two day picnic Aug 30-31.
Among the county residents visiting our town last week were: William Brooks of Roll, Walter Richerson of Berlin, Phil Allbright, barber from Elk City, Reuben Beisley of Roll, George Wells of Hammon, J.N. Barnard, J.W. McMurtry of Hammon, Charles Eck of Durham, J.H. Sing of Dead Indian, F.M. Bates,D.S. Coon of RedMoon.
Many of our farmers are jerking broomcorn at this time and the outlook for a good market is flattering. Mrs. F.A. Powell of Hubbard City, Texas is visiting her sons Mann and Ed Casady, who live here in town. W.C. Kelly of Hammon is assisting in the song service at the Baptist Revival Meeting now being conducted by Rev. Pender in this city. Mrs. R.N. Higgins and Lorena Osborne have been visiting with relatives at Miami, Texas. Elk City has suffered another heavy loss by fire on Sun. night. Shortly after the rain that evening, fire was discovered in the J.F. Strites Pool Hall on Main Street. Lightening is supposed to have struck the building in the vicinity of a gasoline light plant and ignited the gas. The loss is estimated at $18,000 while only about $9,000 insurance was carried on the property. S.H. James has moved the telephone exchange from the Lindley Building to the Morris Building on the south side. E.S. Taylor has installed new machinery making ice and ice cream at his new ice house in town.
Cheyenne Star Aug. 29, 1912
Last week several engineers made a report before Cheyenne’s Commercial Club concerning the new Cheyenne Short Line Railroad. They expect the road to be completed in ninety days. The Western Engineering Co. of Oklahoma City is financing this proposition. The right of way committee was appointed by the president of the Commercial Club, A.S. McKinney. The committee is composed of Jim Lester, J.W. Cooper, H.B. Dewey, and E.C. Winford. A bonus committee composed of Ed Keen, H.D. Cox, S.A. Wallace, W.A. Beaty, Jim Cooper, Dave Bowman, J.F. Cunningham, Bob Turner, John C. Thornton and S.Grim and they report that the entire amount necessary to construct this road will be easily raised within the next ten days. The preliminary survey shows that only 100,000 yard of dirt is to be handled and no heavy grading is necessary. A railroad man has offered to do this at 10 cents a yard, which would mean $10,000 would do the dirt work. Steel for the seven miles, which is the distance between Cheyenne and the terminus of the C&OW, figuring steel at $37 a ton and the same weight of steel that is used on the COW Road, the cost will be $3,183 a mile or $22,281 for the entire road. Ties cost from .30 to $1.00 each, figuring 2650 ties to the mile and the use of 60 cent ties will cost $11,130.00. It will not be necessary to pay for but little of the right of way as most everybody is anxious to see the county seat have a railroad. They are willing to donate the right of way to get one.
The big SS picnic Sept 2 will be held half way between Cheyenne and Rankin on Croton Creek near the A.C. Taylor home. There will be a refreshment stand and program, music by an orchestra, ice water and a good social time. This will be the last picnic of the season in this beautiful place just off the main road. Cheyenne School commences next Monday. School Board has secured seven teachers and feel that our school is the best in the county. Many students come from a distance to our town each year to attend school here. The Oklahoma and Pacific Railroad is the latest addition to possibilities of Cheyenne obtaining a railroad. The new road is projected between Oklahoma City and Cheyenne by way of Sayre. Cheyenne’s Commercial Club is making arrangements to raise a $50,000.00 bonus to route the railroad through this place.
DURHAM DOINGS: Fruit thieves are getting numerous. A man who will steal melons by the dozen and peaches by the peck would, if he didn’t fear being caught, take your pocket-book. While Messers John Keller and Tony Widener and their family were away from home, their melon patches were visited and the nuisances not being satisfied with eating all the melons, they proceeded to tramp the patch, ruining all the melons that were ripe or nearly so. Mr. Winford of Cheyenne and a party of business associates were here Saturday. Mrs. Will London of this place, received word Wed. of the death of her niece, Mrs. Roy Laney of Hamburg. Mrs. Laney leaves a husband and wee baby to mourn her loss. Broomcorn pulling is all the order of the day – some few are thrashing their early corn. Mr. Robbin who has been ill at this place, died last Wed. evening and the remains were laid at rest at Fairview Cemetery Thursday afternoon at 4:00.Mr. Robbins was ill when he came to town from a threshing machine where he had been working and weak-minded from disease so it was some time before anything definite could be learned about his family. His wife is in Kentucky on a visit. Word was sent to his son, a boy of 14 years old who was with friends in Comanche County, OK. He arrived a day before his father’s death, and the kindhearted neighbors donated toward an entire new wardrobe for the boy and the little money his father possessed was given to him after a ticket was purchased to send him to his mother in Kentucky. Mr. W.B. Cecil took him to Higgins to get him on his way. Someone visited Mr. Josie Lewis’ orchard one night recently and gathered nearly half his peaches. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Anderson started Sun. for Oklahoma City where they will attend the Adrent Camp Meeting the coming week. Mr. J.E. Holland began a series of meetings in the arbor at their place Sun. Mr. John Barber left Mon. for Iowa to spend the winter with his mother. Mr. D.V. Calder gave a farewell dance Fri. night for Mr. John Baker. A nice crowd was in attendance. Mr. Guy Gabbart started to Higgins Mon. with broomcorn. The first I believe to be marketed from this area this year. Mr. Esaw Hammond of Hamburg was in our village on Sat. Mrs. Pearl S. Cloud filed her bond Sat. as assistant carrier on Rural Route #3 from here. Mr. Cloud is the carrier.
H.D. Cox and Perry Madden are in Oklahoma City attending to legal business. Judge D.W. Tracy was in attendance at Co. Court latter part of last week. Stephen H. Guyer, who is in the drug business at Durham, spent several days attending Co. Court last week. Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Bowman had moved into town to spend the winter. They are occupying the Cunningham residence on Main Street. Rev. H.O. White is conducting a meeting at the Anderson School House this week. W.O. Horr of Elk City, who is president of the several Cotton Exchange Banks was in the city Mon. looking after his interests at this place. John H. Osborne and son Johnny and daughter Madiline left last Wed. for Miami, Texas where they will spend a few days visiting with Mrs. Osborne’s father, a former resident of our town. Madeline returned with them. F.G. Brann, Mgr. of the White Lumber Co. of this place, was visited by Edwin Thomas of Geary. Prof Breckner of Oklahoma City arrived in Cheyenne the latter part of last week and has rented the residence of W.T. Bonner in the south part of town, where he will live during the next year. Prof. Breckner has been secured by our school board as Supt. of the Cheyenne Schools for the coming term. Uncle John Anderson of Red Moon area was in our city Tues. transacting business. He is very enthusiastic over the railroad prospects which our town has. While he has no property in our town, he has some very fine farms along the Washita which will be greatly enhanced in value should a road go up that stream, which is the only feasible route for any road to take. W.C. Barber ordered sale bills for his store at Durham. George Prestridge and Family and Jess Moore returned Sun. from Texas where they were visiting.
Cheyenne Star, Sept. 5, 1912
By Dale Tracy. Cheyenne Short Line is a sure thing as the bonus committee has met with more success than was anticipated. A.S. McKinney, President of the Commercial Club, states that the people of Cheyenne have done the right thing in giving liberally to finance this proposition and if the farmers come through with their part, Cheyenne will have a railroad by November 15.
The Durham Picnic was a great success in spite of prediction that the picnic would be a failure. A large crowd was in attendance both days. Opening address on Friday at 10 a.m. was by W.R. Potter. Next on the program was an exhibition by Jack Johnson, well known boxer; a baseball game between Texas line team and Durham ended with the home team being victorious; W.E. Hatley won the fat man’s race. Saturday’s attendance was higher than Friday and the prettiest young lady’s contest was won by Miss Virginia Kinzer. Prettiest baby under one year was the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Burl Abram. Prettiest baby over one year was won by the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Estes Poff; boys race was won by George Ross; homeliest man on the grounds was won by Allen G. Carver—judges for this contest were Mesdames A.F. Keller, W.B. Cecil and Lay Churchill. Judges in the baby contests were Uncle Vint Thomas, Uncle Johnny Bogan and Harvey Donnell, all confirmed bachelors and therefore competent judges of infant beauty. Speakers were Messrs Walters of Rankin, Sprowls of Cheyenne and Robbins from southeast part of the county. Ball game between Rush Creek and Durham was won by the latter: score 7-1. The horse race between James Gantz with Clyde Osborne as rider and Mr. Hooper’s horse with Burl Abram as rider ended with a victory by the Hooper horse. The committee who organized the picnic were Messrs W.R. Potter, C.A. Perry and William Martin. A.L. Vaughan and family and Messers Ogle and assistants, Messers W.T. Hatley, Ernest Henderson had charge of the dancing platform; music furnished by Earl and Guy Gabbart.
DURHAM DOINGS: A young man by the name of Burson who lives west of here was thrown from the engine of the Gantz thrashing machine and his foot crushed so badly that amputation was necessary. Mr. Burnson had already lost one limb above the knee. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gates announce the birth of a son Aug. 26. Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Vaughan were entertaining her parents this week. Mrs. Allen Duncan came home Sun. being called to the bedside of her father, J.B. Foster. Authur Raff, 23, who has been ill for the past year died Sun. evening at his parents’ home north of this place. He was buried at Fairview Cemetery Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Wilmouth are proud parents of a daughter, Aug. 25. Mrs. Wilmoth was before her marriage Miss Ethel Bailey. Miss Jettie McCord is spending the week with Mrs. K.E. Gates on the Washita. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Stevens left us some fine apples this week that are as fine as can be grown anywhere. Considerable stock is dying in this area lately. J.A. McCord lost a cow and hog, Mr. Cordell a yearling steer and Mrs. L. Moggs three hogs—cause of death is unknown. The writer thanks Mrs. Hartnett for the first tomatoes of the season. The Durham ball team will play Cheyenne the last day of the County Fair for a $30 purse. Dr. and Mrs. G.N. White are entertaining their daughters, Mrs. Geo. Gwens and babe and Mrs. Fred White and little daughter, Rita. Quite a number of our people are in Cheyenne courting.
Visitors to Cheyenne were: A.C. Wilson of Hamburg, G.D. Moore of Leedey, Sen. R.E. Echols, Messers Stoney and Jeff Duke, J.W. Hughes of Strong City, F.M.Hammon of Hamburg. Co. residents attending District Court this week were Bill Slack for jury service, J.McMurtry editor of Hammon News, Mr. and Mrs. Converse, G.L Converse, Frank Cole of Hamburg, W. Booth Merrill of Elk City, Judge D.W. Tracy of Elk City. From the Co. Fair Catalog, Supt of Culinary Art is Minnie Burlingame. Premiums offered for the burro race by John Salyer, a $2 bridle; Jake Ivy offered $1 for the best peck of rye. Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Bowman are proud parents of a big baby girl. E.C. Winfred has moved into the residence of W.P. Madden recently vacated by John Ford, Mgr. of Herring & Young Store. Miss Carey Fields who has been visiting in Texas, returned home in time to commence her school work at this place. H.D. Cox, L.W. Pate and A.S. McKinney were in Oklahoma City the first part of week looking after interests of our town. Erma Wallace, who had been employed by Herring and Young for several years here resigned her position last Sat. to accept a similar position with Fred Tunnard who is adding a complete line of dry goods to his grocery stock. Miss Wallace left Wed. for Oklahoma City where she will buy the opening stock. The Star printed sale bills for Mary E. Nemsgern last Monday advertising a public sale to be held at her farm eight miles South of Cheyenne on Sept 10. Mrs. J.C. Thornton and children have been visiting in Texas returned home accompanied by her brother, W.A. Bonner, who will visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bryan of Clifton, AZ, former residents paid their friends a short visit. T.L. Miller, dry goods salesman at Herring & Young is entertaining his brother, William Miller from Dallas.
Cheyenne Star, Sept. 12, 1912
By Dale Tracy. Another old soldier was mustered out Wed. evening at his home east of Durham when J.B. Foster, loving known as Daddy Foster, laid down his arms and crossed the great divide. He was buried in Fairview Cemetery. Many people have assembled at the fairgrounds having their farm products and livestock entered in spite of the threatening weather today and heavy rain last night. This fair stands to be the best of the kind ever held in western Oklahoma. Cheyenne will soon have a railroad and water works too. The bonus committee is in the country soliciting notes of the farmers who will be directly benefited by the construction of the road to Cheyenne. The committee has indicated they are meeting with great success and their work to raise the required amount will be finished in a few days. By the time the road is completed, a bountiful supply of water that is emitted from the surface south of here will be conveyed to our city by a gravity flow with sufficient pressure to knock the shingles off the roof of any house in town. Died two miles of Durham in Roger Mills Co. Arthur Raff, son of Francis and Louisa Raff August 25, 1912. Arthur was born in Iowa and died at the age of 23, buried in Durham Fairview Cemetery.
People of the area in Cheyenne this week: B Hopkins of Canadian, George Hutton of Snakey Bend, Dr. Carey of Rankin, Frank Ogle of Durham, Guy Eakins of Hammon, J.J. Wilson of Hamburg, Johnny Gober of Woodward, A.C. Wilson and J.T.Wilson of Hamburg, Charley Guernsey of Oklahoma City.
A large crowd has thronged the county seat the past two weeks attending district court. Miss Bertha Cunningham has accepted a clerk position in Butler. Miss Erma Wallace returned Mon. from Oklahoma City where she has been buying the opening stock of dry goods for Fred Tunnard’s new store. Uncle Jim Evans has been on the sick list during the past week. Atty John Stokes, of Mound City, Missouri is in the city employed as counsel in the Shufeldt case. J.M. Lester has opened up a meat market in the Burlingame Building on Broadway. Fred Tunnard is fitting up the bldg. on the corner of 4th and Broadway for an up to date line of staple dry goods. Cheyenne needs more houses. People are trying to rent houses everyday to send their children to school, but there is not a vacant house in town. H.D. Cox has been confined to his room during this week with a fever. Miss Minnie Turner left Sun. for Weatherford where she will attend Normal School.
Cheyenne Star, Sept. 19, 1912
By Dale Tracy. One of the most pleasant and enjoyable features of the Co. Fair celebration was the large band. The Rankin Band joined the Cheyenne Band and all played together making a 30-piece band. F.A. Beavin displayed the first place oats and first broomcorn baled. L. Prestridge had the first alfalfa bale. Sam Berry had the first place alfalfa seed. Agnes Beavin displayed first place peanuts and cucumbers. William Jencks had the best collection of squashes. R. Conrad first place muskmelon; Paul Burlingame first pears; Ray Cooksey first collection of canned goods; William Jencks first sheep fleece; Ed Keen first place Jersey Cow; Jake Ivy first milk cow; J.T. Caudle first general purpose stallion; Milo Burlingame first place racing horse “Peter McCue”; J.E. Keen first saddle horse; first matching team by Murl Lester; Rosa Dudney first white leghorn; Mrs. Beavin first brown leghorn; Hagen Beavin first pigeons; Wilford Beavin broomcorn premium. It was a rainy day.
The railroad bonus money has been raised and work will begin next week.
DURHAM DOINGS: Mrs. A.L. Vaughn’s parents have been here visiting. Miss Josie Vaughn accompanied her grandparents and will remain in Thomas probably two months.
Lester McDonald has charge of the central office here during her absence. Quite a number of our young people went to the fair Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Smith and daughter Thelma and the Misses Chloe and Doris Adams are visiting relatives in Kansas and Missouri. The Mrisses Maydell and Ruth Trammell have returned to school at Mt. Carmel Academy in Wichita. Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Jones announce that Sat. Sept. 7 inst. a son. No name suitable and satisfactory has been found yet so he is still the Baby Jones. Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes went to Cheyenne Wed. to attend the fair. Lina Hawk who formerly ran a shop at this place, is now at Strong City, Blacksmithing. Mr. S.A Phenis and family left for Weatherford where the children will attend school this winter. Mt. Vernon school opens Sept 16 with Miss Margaret Holstine in charge.
Will P. Keen left Wed. for Chicago where he will spend a couple of weeks. After this date both our barber shops will close promptly at 8 p.m except Saturdays. Visitors here this week: Otto Mangold and Flossie Keller of Durham, William Hext of Canadian.
Vera Johnson, confined to bed with tonsillitis, is now able to attend school again. Cheyenne State Bank will sell seven head of horses and colts on the streets of our city on Sept 21. Mrs. G.H. Wallace returned home Mon. from extended visit in vicinity of Durham at the home of R.H. Wallace .Misses Gladys Salyer and Florence Trammell left today for Elk City where they will attend the St Mary’s School. Frank Roberts of Rankin moved his family into town the first of the week to send his children to our excellent public school. John B. Tracy moved his family from Redmoon into town the first of the week. He is occupying the residence of T.L. Turner, which was recently vacated by Charles Janson, mgr. of the J.A. Ragan Dry Goods Store here. The Star job department printed sale bills advertising public sale of Dr. G. N. White of Durham to be held on Sept. 25. Dr. White will sell horses and cows, many useful articles at this sale, after which he will go to Enid where he will spend the winter. He plans to return in the spring and resume his practice here. Lightening struck the store of Fred Tunnard’s last Thurs. morning doing considerable to the rear end.
Cheyenne Star, Sept 26, 1912
By Dale Tracy. At last the contract for the construction of the Cheyenne Short Line was let to the Western Engineering Co. of Oklahoma City on Wed. evening. The building of this road will enable the farmers surrounding Cheyenne to market their products off the farm. H.D. Cox has given over ¼ of the amount which was required to build the road. In addition a $60,000 water works system has been contracted for this week and old Cheyenne will soon come to the front in a way that no other town ever did. Our water works system will be unsurpassed by any town in the state when it is completed. Real estate is already changing hands and many new businesses will soon locate here.
Following meetings at Hammon and Cheyenne in which Col. Suggs, Chairman of the State Highway Committee was present, these two towns have organized a good roads association. Col. Suggs explained that it was impossible to ever have good roads under the present law. Elder G.F. Martin of the Christian Church has been conducting a series of services at the court house this week and will continue through this week. W.A. Givens who lives across the line in Beckham County, near Sweetwater, shot and killed Paul Bodine on the road in front of the latter’s home last Thursday morning. It is rumored that Givens and Bodine had had trouble before and on that day Givens put his pistol in his pocket expecting to see Bodine as he passed his place. Bodine seeing Givens approaching, shouldered his Winchester and started out to meet Givens. When Bodine came near Givens stepped out of his buggy and began firing, several shots taking effect. After the shooting Givens went to the nearest telephone and notified the officers that he had killed Bodine and then went home to await their coming.
D. G.H. Wallace has been on the sick list this week. A.S. McKinney and H.B. Dewey made a business trip to Hammon this week. Born on Wed. last to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Blanton a fine baby boy. John E. Fonder one of Roger Mills prosperous farmers and Samuel E. Fender of south of town, made final proof on his homestead Tuesday. The Socialist encampment held Mon-Wed. was not well attended on account of the inclement weather. Among area residents who conducted business in Cheyenne this week: W.H. Jencks of Grimes, H.S. Perkins from North of town, W.L. Smith of Redmoon, Dr. H.C. Laird from west of town, Ed H. Williams of Rankin, J.W. McMurtry of Hammon, H.W. Carl.
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Jencks of Grimes are the proud parents of a fine baby girl last Fri. T.C. Moore will have a public sale at his place two miles north of Cheyenne on Oct. 15. T.C. always has good stock and it will pay you to attend this sale. Rev. H.I. Bryant of Cestos, Oklahoma has been lecturing at the Socialist encampment which closed here yesterday. Mrs. Fred Brann is visiting at Leedey this week.
DURHAM DOINGS: Mrs. Storm on the Texas side left Wed. to visit her sister in Wichita. Mrs. Parker and her little daughter and her sister, Mrs. Harxter are visiting in eastern OK. Our neighbors who were fortunate enough to attend the Co. Fair are all reporting a good time. They say that red was the prevailing color to use in decorating. Everyone was wearing it; men, women, children, old, young had more or less RED MUD on them. Clyde Figard made final proof, James Hartnett, John Mul- were his witnesses. Miss Olive Manning commenced a six month term of school at Durham, Mon, Sept 17. Quite a number of our young people attended Canadian circus and Higgins Fair. Married at Canadian last Tues, Mrs. Flewelling and Lloyd Purvis. Mrs. John Keller is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hale in Higgins. Mr. A.X. Grace was a business visitor here Friday.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 3, 1912
By Dale Tracy. Tuesday’s passenger train brought Col. Sidney Suggs and W.I. Gilbert to Butler. There citizens accompanied them to Hammon where they held a rousing good meeting in the afternoon. About three miles the other side of Hammon, Col. and the Butler bunch were met by the Hammon boosters by the Cheyenne Brass Band. A very enthusiastic meeting was held in the school house. From Hammon the Col. went into Cheyenne with the Hammon boosters.
DURHAM DOINGS: Mrs. Victor Smith and her sister, Miss Doris Adams on the Texas side returned home Sat. from a three weeks’ visit at Kansas City and Maysville, Missouri with relatives and friends. Mr. Horace Waller was in this are Tuesday and Wed. buying broomcorn. Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Watson and little daughters are home from a very pleasant trip to Virginia. The day dawned damp and cool but a large attendance attended the sale of Dr. White’s. A splendid luncheon was served. Col. A.G. Carver mounted the stand with a whip in hand and began to dispose of the various articles advertised. The doctor and his family will spend the winter in Enid returning here next spring. The first frost came last Wed. and was a little earlier than usual. The farmer folk were caught with very little or no fodder cut. Mrs. Dixie Wagoner will open a four months term of school at South Antelope on Mon. Sep 30. Mrs. W.B. Powell is building another room on the residence. Mr. John Gooden is building a three room house. G.G. Price was in Durham Mon. to buy mules and horses. We understand he did not purchase very many. Our farmer folk know too well the value of their livestock. Mr. Warren Gillespie traded his farm of 560 acres on the Washita for town property in Mt. Park, OK, consideration $10,000. He expects to close up his affairs and leave for his new home in October. Melrose School will open Mon. Sep 30 with Minnie Davis in charge.
Dee Ross who lives west of town on Croton Creek is reported critically ill. Mrs. T.L. Miller is reported very ill at the home of Dr. Miller in this city. Will P. Keen left Sat. for Dublin, Texas where he will attend to some legal matters. Mrs. Fred Brann returned the latter part of last week from a week’s visit at Leedey. Miss Golda Miller is attending the Rebekah Assembly at Muskogee. She will return the last of the week. Mrs. J.H. Ridges and grandson, Leslie of Tucumcari, New Mexico are here visiting at the home of Mrs. Elmer Blanton. Born on Sun. to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Scott, a baby boy, Mother and babe are reported doing nicely. We are sorry to note that illness of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Young, who live west of town on the Washita. R.N. Higgins and family of this city spent several days at Oklahoma City during the past week attending the State Fair.
Camp’s Comedy Company showed Mon. and Tues. nights of this week to large crowds. The Camp show always receives good patronage while here. Stonewall Jackson, President of the Cheyenne State Bank is in Oklahoma City attending to business matters and incidentally taking in the sights at the State Fair. W.S. Rimby, who has been connected with the Pate Hardware for the last five years, has resigned to go to Seattle, Washington where he will make his future home. Mrs. and Mrs. S.H. and Mr. and Mrs. B.R. James are in Oklahoma City at the bedside of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.H. James who is critically ill in that city. The Star job department printed sale bills for T.C. Moore the last week advertising his big sale which is to be held Oct. 15. Three auctioneers have been employed for this sale and they are Grace, Short and Snyder. Frank Thacker of Weatherford, who is employed as teacher of the Strong City School, spent several days in the City this week. J.W. Murray who lives southeast of town was here Tuesday on business. Fred Brann, manager of the White Lumber Co. is in Muskogee this week attending the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Williams and Miller have established an up to date cotton cleaner and boll machine in their Gin here and have their machinery in first class condition. Mrs. W.S. Rimby and Mrs. Roy Graves spent several days attending State Fair. Mrs. Rimby went to Chandler where she will spend a month visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Farrar, former residents of this city. Mrs. Graves returned home Wed. We printed sale bills for R.A. Dickey of Rankin. He will offer for sale on Thurs. Oct. 10 at his farm near Rankin some very fine milk cows. Col. J.S. Short will deliver the hot air. P.D. Work is operating a news stand in Cheyenne. If there are magazines or books that you want, he will order for you. Carl Kemp purchased two lots on Broadway of S. Jackson last Sat. and will commence the construction of a two story brick building in a very short time. John C. Whittom, one of the pioneers of our county was in this city first part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Mitchell are proud parents of a baby girl. A fire company should be organized in Cheyenne and regular practice drills taken every few days. If a fire should break out in town, it is doubtful if there is a man in town who knows where the chemical engine is or how to operate it. A meeting should be called and organize a fire company so that something could be done in case of a fire.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 10, 1912
By Dale Tracy. Married at the residence of J.H. West Wed. Oct. 2, 1912 at 8:00 by Rev. H.O. White were L.B. Carr of Berlin and Miss Nannie West of Strong City.
DURHAM DOINGS: Large acres of wheat are being sown, Allen.G. Carver and Mrs. James Price and Patterson are on the sick list. Miss Nell Kinzer will begin 4 month term of school at Flatley Schoolhouse, Mon. Oct. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raff are entertaining Mrs. Raff’s brother, her sister and husband from Custer Co. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Nichols announce the birth, Oct. 2 of a daughter. Mrs. Nichols before her marriage, Miss Emma Jones. Mr. Parsons entertained quite a crowd of young people Fri. night with a dance in his new barn. Dwight Calder, one of our more energetic young men but has cast his lot elsewhere and will leave us as soon as he disposes of this year’s crop, returned Sat. from a visit near Watonga. He visited Oklahoma City while away, this was his first visit to the city and he seems favorably impressed. Our neighbors are very uneasy about the disposal of their broomcorn crop. There seems to be no market whatever and many of the good people have depended solely on broomcorn to settle up their indebtedness this fall. Sunday, Oct 6 was Rev. McCann’s regular appt. at Durham. At 11:00 he explained the views of the ME church on infant baptism after which he very graciously surrendered the balance of the day to Rev. Combs who has been conducting a meeting at Crawford and who was with us for four days only, after which he goes to Roll. His lecture Monday night on why boys and girls go astray was well attended.
George Hutton, R.A. Dickey of Rankin, John Caffey of Strong City, W.A. Kilby of Herring, Uncle Al Jones on Sandstone Creek, Billy Williams, one of the publishers of the Strong City Leader, E.K. Thurmond and J.A. Ragan of Sayre, O.H. Thurmond of Erick, Col. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. J.Y. Guthrie who live northeast of town, John W. Spence of Hamburg, Mrs. W.C. Morris, transacted business here. S. Jackson, Perry Madden, and W.H. Mouser attended State Fair last week. L.W. Pate is putting in shelving in his hardware store for a complete line of groceries. E.C. Winford who has been ill is able to be up and around. Will P. Keen returned from Grandbury, Texas where he was called professionally. A.S. McKinney, President of the Cheyenne Commercial Club is in Oklahoma City on business this week. Miss Anna May Blanton from Egon, Texas is visiting her brother’s home, Elmer Blanton, who lives west of town. T.M. Miller, Chief Clerk of the School Land Dept. of the state is here visiting home folks. Mrs. Mildred Light, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Wallace is visiting friends and relatives here. Master J.R. Casady and Vera and Cullen Johnson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Johnson at Butler a few days last week. E.S. Taylor returned last week from extended visit to friends and relatives.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 17, 1912
By Dale Tracy. Last Sat. afternoon, C.E. Cook, a farmer who lives in the Nine Mile area shot a young man named Roy Godfrey in the thigh at the latter’s home with a large caliber revolver. Reports have it that Cook was passing the Godfrey’s home when young Godfrey rode across the road in front of Cook and entered the yard. It seems that Godfrey said something, apparently to his horse which Cook took for an insult and began abusing Godfrey by the use of extremely strong language. Godfrey started toward Cook who opened fire, chasing Godfrey into an orchard where Godfrey fell with a bullet hole in his left thigh. Sheriff Trammell was called to the scene Sat. night and placed Cook under arrest. He then brought the prisoner to this place and put him in the county jail. Godfrey will recover from his wounds in a short time as they are flesh wounds. Cook was arraigned in Justice Court Tues. when the right to a preliminary hearing was waived. The case will be taken up at the next term of District Court. The club year for Platonic Club opened Sep. 26 at the home of Mrs. Baird. Mrs. Cooksey as hostess, assisted by the officers. Among other members present were Mrs. Lovett, Mrs. G.H. Wallace, Miss Fields, Mrs. Bonner, Mrs. C. Young, Mrs. Fields, Mrs. Cooksey who will meet once every two weeks this year because everyone is so busy. All Democratic committeemen of our county are requested to be present at a meeting of the County Central Committee at Court House, Sat. Oct. 19 at 1:00 p.m. Perry Madden Chairman.
DURHAM DOINGS: Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Tomlinson, the Misses Flossie Keller and Pearl Cordell, Messers Guy Gabbart and Otto Mangold represented Durham at the Singing Convention held Sun. Oct. 6 at Wild Horse School House. Durham returned with the banner and the next convention which will assemble in Jan. Mrs. Gabbart, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gabbart, James Sprowls and the Misses Mintie Hawkins and Myrtle Hughes went at visitors from Durham. Rev. Combs left Tues. accompanied by Bro. Holland for Roll where he will begin a meeting. Mr. and Mrs. D.O. Cloud are entertaining for a few days the Rev. and Mrs. McCann and little son. Mr. and Mrs. James Ross and their two sons were in Oklahoma City attending the State Fair. Mr. Seth Usury made a business trip to Cheyenne and Strong City Tues. and Wed. Messers Will Webb and John Keller came in Sat. night from Higgins with flour for the merchants and Charley Klenk with a load of merchandise from Canadian. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davidson left Sun. for Miami where Mr. Davidson has employment on a ranch for the winter.
H.D. Cox in Oklahoma City on business. Among county residents doing business in Cheyenne this week were J.J. Moore of Strong City, Uncle Johnny Anderson of Red Moon, Walter Blackburn of Crawford, John H. McFarland of Roll, T.L. Weador of Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Morris of Hammon, Shell Caffey of Hammon. John H. Osborn made trip to NW part of county this week. Mrs. Leon Young returned home Sun. after week’s visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Kendall of Strong City. Judson Cunning-ham, who has been in Oklahoma City since Democratic primary returned here Sun. Kenneth Cunningham who left here for New Mexico a few months ago to file on a homestead is visiting here. Walter Greenwood of Collins County Texas purchased the Bill Black homestead located near the Meadowood School House last week, consideration $1500.00. Mrs. J.L. Ivy is reported as being very ill at her home on east side of town. The Star job dept. turned out an order of sale bills for Mrs. S. Duke who lives on Sandstone Creek last Sat. The sale is Thurs, Oct 24. Col. E.G. Snyder will cry the sale. J.H. Tunnard has opened up an up to date grocery in the building formerly occupied by J.A. Ragan’s Dry Goods Store.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 24, 1912
By Dale Tracy. Alfred G. Gray of Cheyenne was elected to the office of President of the Degree Class in the Annual Fall Reunion of the Scottish Rite Masons, which closed in Guthrie last night. Strong City suffered its first loss by fire last Monday when two buildings were consumed. The fire started in the cleaning and pressing parlor of Kelly Scott’s which was completely destroyed. Gilkerson’s Barber Shop was also destroyed. It seems from the reports that Kelly attempted to fill a gasoline stove while it was lighted, which caused the flames to spread and consume the two buildings. Scott received a bad burn on the hand, but the burns are not considered serious. Cheyenne City Council has purchased a large chemical engine to use in case of fire, and there is no one in the city who considers it his personal duty to see that this engine is placed in service in case of fire. All who are interested in organizing a fire company for Cheyenne should assemble in the Owl Barber Shop, Mon, Oct. 28 at 6:00 for the purpose of organizing a Volunteer Fire Department. E.S. Taylor advertises a new ice house and machine for making ice cream.
DURHAM DOINGS: The teachers of the northwest district met at the Durham School Sat. afternoon, Oct. 12 with fourteen teachers present. In the absence of the president, the meeting was presided over by Mrs. Jessie Rakes, Vice-President. The next meeting will be second Sat. in Nov. at the RedMoon School House. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stark and family returned home last week from Kansas where they visited the past three months. Miss Flossie Keller went to Higgins. Mr. J.A. McCord made a business trip to Strong City Monday. Mr. Norman White entertained a party of young people at his home on the Texas line Sat. night; dancing was the pastime. W.H. Dugger of Berryville, Arkansas is visiting Harry Dugger, his son who lives south of here. Mrs. James Price who has been ill is reported much improved. Miss Margaret Holstine and Miss Ollie Manning spent Sat. and Sun with Miss Holstine’s parents on the ranch north of Grand in Ellis County. Miss Pearl Cordell is teaching the Lone Tree School north of the Canadian River. Mrs. Dr. Huff is on the sick list. The Methodists have purchased a building here in town and have removed it for a church and have held their first meeting, Oct 29.
Lady Beth
Among visitors to Cheyenne were A.L. Love of Hammon, Dr. W.S. Cary of Rankin, Walter Blackburn of Crawford, John Hooper of Redmoon, H.B. Bradford, D.S. Coon of Redmoon, F.M. Bates of Sandstone, Rev. L.L. Combs and William Brooks of Roll. H.V. Guernsey returned Tues. from extended visit in northwest Oklahoma. Mrs. R.H. Wallace of Durham is visiting at home of her son, Dr. G.H. Wallace of Cheyenne. A.S. McKinney has been in Oklahoma City during the past two weeks returned home. Rector Douglas of Valahoe, California arrived here last Fri. He is visiting his sister, Mrs. F.G. Brann. Mrs. W.S. Rimby, who has been visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Farrar at Chandler returned. A.G. Gray, Grand Master of the State of Okla. returned from Guthrie where he was among those who received the Scottish Rite Degree. H.D. Cox returned from business trip and has been ill ever since, but we are glad to note that he is much improved and will be able to be up and around in a few days. Shan DeCow of Redmoon was here Thurs. and reported a loss of several head of cows. He attributes their death to their feeding on alfalfa and kafir that had been caught by the frost. Fred Tunnard is moving his store building onto his lot west of where the building now stands. He will build a 30 foot addition on the rear of this building and then will have a large commodious store building. Dr. B.M. Ballenger who left Hamburg a few months ago and located near Coalgate Okla. returned yesterday and will re-locate at the village of Hamburg. A.C. Wilson and Daddy Karr went to Elk City and brought the prodigal home. Doctor is sorry he left Hamburg and has repented many times.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 31, 1912
By Dale Tracy. A Durham breed cow has been offered as first prize for the winner of a corn growing contest. Forty three contestants have entered so far. These contestants must have their land measured by disinterested parties, have corn gathered and measured by the parties and make a written statement giving the full history of the crop. Signed T.C. Moore. A gentleman by the name of Bud from Sayre has rented the ground floor of the IOOF building and will soon have on display several carloads of furniture. The road leading north from Cheyenne is in very bad condition and needs immediate attention. With very little work, this road can be put in condition but if it is neglected, it will be necessary to re-clay it, which means the spending of a large sum of money. Cheyenne receives a nice trade from the farmers who live north of town and unless the roads are repaired, those farmers will be forced to go elsewhere to do their trading.
H.C. Carr, first County Judge of Roger Mills County was visiting here.
DURHAM DOINGS: Misses Margaret Holstine, Olive Manning, Dicie Thomas, Klina Potter attend teachers’ meeting at Cheyenne Oct. 27. Mrs K.E. Gates and children and her sister, Mrs. M.L. Bryson left Fri for Kingfisher where their mother, Mrs Louise Perkins is seriously ill. The ladies of the Christian Church will serve dinner at Durham on Election Day and proceeds will be used to defray the expenses of enclosing the arbor so that religious services may be held there in the winter. There will be a box supper at the Melrose School house southwest of here Sat. Nov. 2. Proceeds to be expended to purchase a globe, charts and other necessary fittings for the school room. Miss Winnie Davis has charge of this school. Lee Moore and his sister, Mrs. Carter and family have rented Mrs. Crosby’s place for the coming season. Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Davis have moved to Durham. They are to take charge of the telephone central office the first of the month.
SQUARE TOP NEWS: The Socialist had a meeting at Square Top, leaving enough cigarette stubs on the floor to remind us that Debs is still alive. Quite a number of the young people attended the party at the home of Lee Waldrip last Fri. night. Clint Ware, Tavia Calvert and Grace Maltby spent Sun with Maude Hiatt. Ora Lee Malone visited with Laska Moore two days. Winn Maltby and son Robert have returned from Dead Indian where they stayed for several weeks. Ray Hiatt and Fred Hisel and family Sundayed at the Hiatt home. Milton Hawkins and Mr. Reynolds went to Elk City with broomcorn Sun. Mrs. Hartsell returned home from Hammon where she had been nursing for two weeks. W.D. Malone spent a few days with his family. George Keller and Ernest Stephens had drifted in home from an extensive southern trip. Dot Sprowls, Pearl Maltby and Ora Lee Malone attended the teachers’ meeting in Cheyenne. Newt Malone and daughter, Dora, were Strong City visitors.
Dr. G.H. Wallace made a professional trip to Durham. Among those county residents visiting Cheyenne last week: R.L. Graves, A.M. Patterson of Hamburg, Rev. Martin and son Johnny of Rankin, C.A. Bennett, Fred Stern and Reuben Beasley of Crawford, W.W. Funston of Rankin, Albert Parr of Grimes. “Some of Strong City citizens were on the streets begging subscriptions to build a church the other day.” We always knew that Strong City would require help of Cheyenne sooner or later but really this is a little sooner than we expected. The above item was received in the mail unsigned. W.C. Gilkerson and wife of Strong City visited at the home of J.A. Petty. Fred Tunnard has moved his store building and the addition is nearing completion. Mrs. W.T. Bonner who was taken suddenly ill last Sat. is reported as much improved. We are glad to note that Daddy Cox is again able to be up and around. A.S. McKinney returned from Oklahoma City where he had business. B.R. James and family returned from Durham where they looked after the interest of the Roger Mills Telephone Co. The Band Boys went to Roll last Sat. and made music for the Democratic Meeting at that place. George Casady of Wheatland, Calif. returned to his homestead in the Grimes area.
Cheyenne Star, Nov 7, 1912
By Dale Tracy. P.D. Work operates the newsstand
DURHAM DOINGS: The ladies of the Methodist Church gave an oyster supper on Thurs. night and considering the inclement weather, their receipts exceeded their expectations. The boys played their usual Halloween pranks on our citizens that night. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Barber entertained Friday evening with music, both vocal and instrumental for twelve people. While hauling in bundle of kafir the rack on which Claude Osborn was riding gave way, throwing him under the wagon. Two ribs were broken and at present writing, those in charge are unable to say whether or not there are any more serious injuries. Union S.S. is held every Sun. at the ME Church. J.L. Gantz’s sale on Nov. 1 was well attended and everything brought high prices. Mrs. J.L. Grant and family will move their work to Leedey where Mr. Grant has purchased property and intends to engage in the plastering business. Miss Margaret Holstine is boarding with Mr. and Mrs. James Price during the term as teacher at Mt. Vernon school. J.L. Grant and family spent Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McCord. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnell entertained a large number of the younger set on Thurs. night. Tom Hatley went to Higgins Mon. for flour for W.C. Barber. Mr.and Mrs. W.T. Hatley announce the birth of a daughter, Oct. 31. They christened it Alpha Louise. Miss Jettie McCord is clerking in the Holland Store at this place. Mr. Lorina Boggs went to Canadian Mon. for his aunt Mrs. Stilwell.
SQUARE TOP NEWS: The Halloween Party at Win Maltby’s was well attended in spite of bad weather. Clint Word, Ernest Stephens, Octavia Calvert went persimmon hunting Sun. Johnnie Coble left for Elk City Mon. where she will attend High School. Miss Maud Hiatt visited with her sister, Mrs. Herb Hisel last week. Mr. and Mrs. Keller and daughter, Opal, spent Sun. with the Malone family. Mrs. Pearl Maltby and Misses Gracie and Flossie Maltby visited with Bruce Jones and family Sat. and Sun.
Area people visiting Cheyenne were: N.C. Miller, Frank Cole of Hamburg, L.C. Hollingsworth, C.O. Mangold of Durham, Harry Henson of Rankin, Uncle Sam Kendall, Comm.. of 2nd District, Charles Janson, C.A. Bennett of Crawford, A.C. Wilson and son John of Hamburg.
Burl James was in Elk City Tues. wiring Election returns to Election Headquarters. T.C. Moore, Supt of Public Instruction of Roger Mills Co. attended the NW teachers meeting last Mon. He returned home the first of the week with a severe case of tonsillitis. Mrs. L.A. Beaty is the representative of the celebrated corsets and also sells pianos. Miss Mavis Cunningham visited her sister, Berta and friends at Butler. Dr. Tom Standifer and Boney Fields of Spur, Texas arrived in the city Mon. having been called to the bedside of Mrs. W.T. Bonner who has been critically ill the last two weeks. Dr. John Standifer of Elk City came.
The C.O.&W. railroad is offering free excursions from Clinton to Strong City from Nov. 18-23. This is in order to promote the auction of lots in Strong City. Strong City Commercial Club has made arrangements to run these excursions. Strong City property will be offered to the public and sold to the highest bidder. Sale will take place in the big tent, rain or shine.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 14, 1912
By Dale Tracy. Cheyenne’s $60,000 water system will be completed in the near future. The soft water of the bubbling springs Southwest of our town was needed for fire protection and domestic purposes. These springs emit a sparkling liquid that is equal to the springs of the Rockie and a quantity sufficient to supply town of 25,000 population. The elevation of these springs is 370 feet above the city and the supply to our town by gravity flow will have a pressure of 125 pounds per square inch or in other words, giving sufficient power to throw a stream 150 feet in the air at the highest point in the city. Bonds have been sold and the contract let. Two or three large wells will be sunk at these springs, or even more if necessary, which will be concreted from top to bottom so that it will be sanitary, then there will be filters through which the water will force its way to the large reservoir, which will be securely covered so that it will be impossible for anything unsanitary to come in contact with it. It will then be conveyed to our city through large mains for public use.
R.L. Graves had the misfortune of losing a finger and thumb last Fri. afternoon while working at the planning mill in his blacksmith shop. It seems that in some way Mr. Graves allowed his finger to strike the planer and in a flash, a finger and thumb of his right hand was severed. It is thought that attending physicians he will be able to follow his trade again, as soon as his wounds heal. Mike Kehoe suddenly died at the Southern Hotel last Sunday. Mike came several years ago and engaged in the shoemaking business until a year ago when he moved to Kansas City to live with his sister. Upon registering at the hotel and coming from Colorado, he was very ill. By the time the doctors were called in, he was gone. He was buried in the Catholic tradition and the body was sent to Kansas City.
Last Mon. the news reached the officers of this city that an unknown man had died at a farmhouse near Berlin and indications showed that poisoning was the cause of the death. Sheriff Trammell began immediately to find who was missing from the Rankin area. He soon learned that George A. Tackett, who lived two miles east and ½ mile south of Rankin had started for Sayre that morning with a load of broomcorn. An inquest was held and fro the evidence given in it, indicates that after Tackett had eaten his lunch, which had been prepared at this home before starting that morning. He had driven almost a mile and left his wagon in the road and walked back in the direction he had come, to a farmhouse. On entering the house he stated to the occupants that he thought he had been poisoned and had a doctor summoned, but before the doctor arrived, he was dead. The body was brought to Cheyenne where the stomach was dissected and the contents sent to Oklahoma City to be analyzed to ascertain what kind of poison, if any, caused his death. Mr. Tackett’s father and mother and a brother arrived Tues. from Weatherford, where they were joined on Wed. by another brother and his wife, Sarah, as well as the wife of the deceased. The party left for Rankin on Wed. where the body was laid to rest in the cemetery near that place. Mr. Tackett leaves a wife and five children to mourn his death.
Mrs. W.T. (Ruth) Bonner passed away. It is hard to pay a fitting tribute to someone who was such a friend to all. The death angel came at 2:30 Mon. afternoon to claim her, leaving a husband and four small boys besides her mother, Mrs. Isabella Fields, two brothers, Buford and Boney Fields, three sisters, Mrs. B.D. Cooksey and Misses Carey and Isabella and a host of friends to mourn her death. She was a charter member of the Platonic Club. Eastern Star had charge of the service and she was buried in the Cheyenne Cemetery.
Work began Wed. on the Cheyenne Short Line, which is expected to be completed in 120 days. First dirt was moved on the John Osborn place. For twenty years the people of Cheyenne have talked about the railroad coming to our city. Last spring when the C&OW began its extension west from Butler, Cheyenne was about to lose the fight and go down in defeat. The C&OW was extended 30 miles to a point seven miles of the county seat. This was entirely too close to Cheyenne for this city to maintain its present size and control her trade with a railroad town that near. The C&OW claimed to not be able to come to our town because of insufficient funds. A number of our local citizens said, “We will build a road to connect up with the C&OW.” A committee was appointed to solicit funds for this purpose and the necessary amount was finally raised to complete the line. The contract was let to R.D. Alexander of Norman to construct seven miles to Strong City. A subcontract was let to James Tucker, a railroad contractor of Cheyenne to do the grade work. The first dirt was thrown and A.S. McKinney, President of Comm-ercial Club was holding the plow handles.
Born Nov. 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sing a baby girl. Tommy Wallace was on the sick list this week. Good roads meeting here on Nov. 19 will be the greatest meeting of its kind ever held here. Walter E. Butler of Rankin will shell corn for 2 ½ cents a bushel or 4 cents snapped. Roscoe Anderson had us print some bills advertising a large number of horses, cattle and hogs for sale at Uncle Johnny Anderson’s place, Wed. Nov. 20. Rev. Combs will commence a series of meetings Sun. evening in this city and will continue indefinitely. It is not known where the services will be held at this time. C.A. Feno arrived here Tues. from Ogiltree Co, Texas where he had been freighting. Shorty came back to Cheyenne and will work on the Short Line RR. He has a contract on part of the grade.
DURHAM DOINGS: Most of the schools in this area were closed one day because of election day. Mr.and Mrs. John Goodwin opened their new house Sat. Nov. 2 to many friends. All the teachers in this area are young ladies, having been successful convincing the various School Boards that they were superior to the men teachers and from all reports they are giving excellent satisfaction. The Ladies Missionary Society of the ME Church with a little assistance from outsiders are preparing an evening of fun at Thanksgiving. The proceeds will be used to help defray the indebtedness on the church building. Harry Osborn came over from Texas Sat. to see his brother, Claude. It is pretty dry for most of the wheat country and some of our good brethren are blaming the Democratic landslide for the lack of moisture. Miss Lizzie Wilson is home on a visit from Mexico. Several from here went to Strong City Fri. with broomcorn. Mrs. J.P. Wilson is on the sick list. We are glad to report that Claude Osborn is improving from his recent injuries from falling off the wagon.
Area residents visiting here: J.H. West of Strong City, Dr. W.S. Carey of Rankin, Mr. Scrivner of Rankin, Rev. Martin of Rankin, Johnny Gober, former resident now at Woodward, John Ford, Mrs. J.E. Standifer and son Oren.
T.L. Miller, employed at Strong City’s Herring & Young spent Sun. with home folks here. Charles Cross, bookkeeper for Herring & Young spent Sun. with his wife here. A.S. McKinney returned from Oklahoma City where he has been in the interest of the people of Cheyenne concerning the railroad proposition. A.M. Rishel, chief engineer of the Cheyenne Short Line RR, returned Mon. from Oklahoma City where he has been attending to some business interests there and visiting friends. Rev. L.L. Combs, who has been conducting revival meeting in the north side of the county, preached at the court house last Sun. night, to a large and appreciative congregation. We printed sale bills advertising cattle and livestock for Mr. Wallace who lives on the O.P. Vanderpool place north of town.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 21, 1912
By Dale Tracy. The RMC Good Roads Assoc. held a meeting at the court house in Cheyenne Tues. Nov. 19, at which a large number of good roads enthusiasts were present. A number of interesting talks were made by Sen Mitchell, S. Grim, Perry Madden of Cheyenne, W.C. Kelly and J.D. Hall of Hammon and W.D. Kendall of Strong City. The next meeting will be at Hammon on Nov. 25.
DURHAM DOINGS: Dr. A.B.C. Davis has returned to Durham. J.Riley Lewis and family expect to start Mon, the 18th inst. for their future home in Ohio. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josie Lewis is seriously ill. Drs. Huff and Davis in attendance. A strong wind Mon. and Tues. “Blew in” about 15 salesmen to our burg on Wed. and Thurs. They are hustling for business while times are good. Jess Dukes is heading kaffir for A.G. Corner. Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Vaughn and daughter Josephine will go to Thomas to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes entertained a large gathering of young people on Sat. evening with an oyster supper. Mart Nichols sold a horse to W.C. Barber last week. Persimmons are ripe. There was a very large crowd at C.A. Perry’s sale on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Perry expect to leave in a few days to spend the winter visiting with a few old friends and relatives in Michigan. James Sprowls completed a large granary on Wed. and on Fri. night a large crowd “tipped the fantastic” until the “wee small hours”. Mr. James Hughes went visiting in the Berlin area Sat. and Sun. Missionary Society of Durham is preparing for the grand Thanksgiving entertain-ment. Miss Lillie Lee Potter who has been seriously ill for the past ten days is reported slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reed of Roll spent Sun. with Will Landon and family. Mr. Adrian Noblitt is home again. His health was not benefited by the southern trip as he had hoped it would be. Lady Beth
Area residents making trips to Cheyenne: Jett Logsdon of Roll making final proof on homestead; former resident Johnny Gober of Woodward; I.C. Thurmond of OKC; S.E. Brown of Elk City; J.D. Hall of George Wells of Hammon; J.D. Funston of Rankin; Miss Berta Cunningham of Butler; P.G. Perkins of Roll.
W.S. Snider of Herring will pay the highest market price for corn, kaffir corn and milo maize. Mrs. J.H. Johnson of Butler is in the city visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Casady. Dan Tracy of RedMoon has moved to Cheyenne and has accepted a position in R.L. Graves’ Blacksmith Shop. L.L. Combs of Joplin is holding a series of meetings at the Cheyenne Baptist Church. Mrs. Combs is also here. We have printed sale bills advertising a large combination sale for B.W. Beisley and E.W.Rogers of Roll. A.G. Carver will handle the whip. P.D. Work will pay 30 cents a pound for all the butterfat you have. Mrs. Newt Harmon who lives southwest of town is reported much improved in health after several weeks with typhoid. Dr. Miller is attending. Frank Cole of Hamburg spent Wed. night here on his way home from Mineral Wells, Tx. Rev. H.O. White is in Hammon conducting a meeting. Fred Tunnard Grocery has potatoes a dollar a bushel, Flour 2.40 per hundred, cabbage $2 a hundred.
S.A. Wallace is selling lots in the Wallace addition of Cheyenne on south side of the city on high ground, four blocks from Broadway.
Strong City Herald 28NOV1912
By Dale Tracy.The Cheyenne Star for November 28, 2912 files are missing. Today’s 100 years ago column is taken from the Strong City Herald.
Strong City’s big auction lot sale has netted the townsite company a little over $41,000. This means that the town will become the largest and greatest shipping point in western Oklahoma. Resident lots sold from $15 to $100 per lot and business lots from $150 up. New buildings are already contracted and several are in the course of construction. One thousand two hundred and thirty-six lots were sold. Autos buggies and wagons brought farmers and nearby residents to the sale. Quite a number of owners have already been offered considerably more than they paid for their lots and some have sold for a profit. There was a drawing for two free lots each day; first was won by J.B. Parrish, a farmer living southeast of town, his winnings were two lots opposite the school house in Block 28 on 8th street. Tuesday our blacksmith, Rex Curry was lucky enough to receive two lots which adjoined his residence on Second and Maney. Wed. W.A. Bert Redded received two lots in Block 77, 2nd and Nance. Billy Williams of the Strong City Leader Received two lots in Block 38 at 5th and Humphrey. Friday the young people were allowed to draw from over 2,000 tickets in a box and little eight year old Max Bellamy had his name on the first ticket out and was given a business lot, Lot 58 on 5th avenue adjoining his father’s property. On Saturday, J.S. Feather of Butler was the first name drawn and he received two lots on 5th and Gardner. Each day excursion trains ran on the C&OW carrying large crowds to the sale. Saturday was the big day, the train came in on time with over 1200 passengers; the train crew requisitioned freight and stock cars at every station along the line to handle the crowd. Even then, there was not room in the cars for the crowd and many rode outside on the platforms and top of cars. John Gates has been appointed Co. Weigher for Strong City and will use the scales at the Grant Lumber Yard for all official weighing. The Owl Drugs Store has added a fine line of jewelry embracing everything usually found in a first class jewelry store. The Hammon Central Telephone Co. has added a Strong City branch with a $1.50 for resident phone and $2.50 per month for business phone. John. M. Bonner was proprietor of a produce house. J.H. Johnson is a building contractor. Walter & Denton has a general merchandise store. W.F. Rarick of Crawford is a Real Estate Agent. Advertising 680 acres near Crawford School for $13,000; 320 acres six miles from Durham for $3200.00; 160 acres with two room house, well, windmill, orchard, 15 acres hog fenced, sandy loam, all farmable seven miles from Crawford-Rent $150 per year or sell for $3,000. Sparks and Strong offer ice delivered morning and evening and various grades of coal delivered anytime, located east side of the track. Goode Grain Co. dealers in grain, flour and feed, north side of main street near depot. Strong City Tin Shop and Curry’s Blacksmith Shop. T.J. Berry is proprietor of Livery Stable, wagon yard and camp house, offering separate rooms for the ladies. E.E. Callahan operates South Side Barber Shop; Sisson Lumber Co. located at Herring. Hill and Donaldson operate the OK Gray Line. J.H. Kendall Store with furniture, crockery ware, undertaker supplies. City Meat Market with G.Beeson, proprietor at the rear of Bellamy Grocery Store. Burnett and Stice Livery and Feed Stable. First State Bank with S. Jackson as President, A. Falconer is Cashier, F.E. Herring is Vice-President and G.B. Lovett as Cashier. Hotel Strong operated by Robert Schmidt. Dr. Russell could be located at the Owl Drugs Store. Cotton Exchange Bank is the second bank in town. There are two cotton gins in town and every line of business is represented and you never saw the like of broomcorn that is stacked all over the city. We saw one rick that looked to be about 50 feet wide, 100 feet long and piled up 15-20 feet high and then there are acres of it piled around in different places. Walker and Denton just received a carload of wagons and buggies. Frank Hiatt, Hotel man from Sayre, bought a hotel location on South Redmoon where he will soon erect a modern hotel building. J.P. Johnson was down from Roll and informed us that he had not yet received his commission as Postmaster. He will open the office just as soon as he is authorized to do so.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 5, 1912
By Dale Tracy. The Star office printed sale bills Tues. advertising a combination public sale of F.H., E.B. and J.R. Ogle who live in the Crawford area. They will sell a large number of horses and mules as well as cows, hogs, implements, etc. The sale will be held on Tues. Dec. 12 beginning promptly at 9:00 a.m. Combs and Carver will cry the sale. Rev. H.O. White preached his farewell sermon at the Baptist Church here last Sun. morning. He will make his future home in Washington. J.F. Lewis, who lives 3 miles south and 3 west of Durham, was here Wed. and had us print him some sale bills advertising public sale to be held at his farm, Tues. Dec. 17. Mr. Lewis will sell his belongings here and then move to Iowa. Combs and Carver will cry this sale. Fred Tunnard will leave Sat. on a trip to market where he will buy the most complete line of Christmas goods ever brought to Cheyenne, including $50 worth of useful presents which will be given away absolutely free to his customers during the holidays. Cheyenne Short Line received the charter from Secretary of State. The company is capitalized at $75,000 and proposes to build the short line from Strong City to Cheyenne a distance of seven miles. It will be completed in 60 days as three miles of the grade work is now practically completed. Steel will begin laying as soon as possible. When this road is completed it will make connection with the C&OW at Strong City. The COW completed its road to Strong City last summer. Organizers of the company are W.A. Beaty, H.D. Cox, R.N. Higgins, Sen. E.L. Mitchell, R.D. Alexander. The second number of the lyceum course which is being conducted by the Platonic Club will be given at the school house Mon. evening Dec. 9. The Aller Trio is the company appearing in this number. Co. residents visiting here: C.Y. Libby of Rankin; J.J. Moore of Strong City; E.N. McGlothlin of Hamburg; Elbert Tracy of Redmoon; J.L. Jackson; George Foster of Durham; C.A. Bennett, Comm. elect of Crawford; James P. Myers of Grimes; W.A. Berry.
Born on Mon. last to Mr. and Mrs. Riley McDaniel a baby boy. Born on Nov. 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey who live south of town, a boy. L.W. Pate’s Grocery has for sale popcorn that was grown on the Meadowbrook Farm by T.L. Meador. A baby girl was born Nov. 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnard who live west of here. D.N. Hunt, cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank spent a few days visiting with friends in Clinton this week. Dr. and Mrs. Gregoire, former residents and practitioner of this city are here visiting with old friends—he is now located in Guymon. A.G. Gray, Grand Master of Masonic Grand Lodge of OK returned Tues. from the east side of the state where he was the guest of a number of working lodges. Mrs. T.L. Miller of this city is spending the week with her husband who is dry goods salesman for Herring and Young in Strong City. C.L. Barton returned Tues from Texola where he has been on business for a couple of weeks. The ME S.S. will have a Christmas tree as has been the custom since the organization of the church in this city. Rev. E.L. Wilson, pastor-evangelist of the Presbyterian Church will occupy the ME pulpit Sun. morning and evening. A.S. McKinney, president of the Cheyenne Commercial Club returned Tues from Okla. City where he assumed the charter of the Short Line.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 19, 1912
By Dale Tracy. Miss Mary Trammell and Harlan Hopkins were married at the home of the bride’s parents on the Washita River. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Trammell and the groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bee Hopkins of Canadian.
DURHAM DOINGS. Flossie Mangold is on sick list. Miss Mittie Hawkins is teaching the North Antelope School during her absence. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Northrup are proud parents of a daughter born Nov. 29. J.C. Thornton of Cheyenne was in this area on business. Dr. Davis has rented the Sanford Building here. His daughter, Miss Jessie will keep house for him. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis made business trip to Crawford Mon. as did also Messers Charles and George Baker. The Crawford Druggist is contemplating moving to our burg. Miss Jessie McCord is visiting on the Texas side Sun. J.M. Frank is working this area this week with his hay baler. J.A. McCord is erecting a new granary. J.A. Keller has purchased from H.A. Beck, 120 acres joining him on the west. Consideration $1500. Jess Cordell is building a large barn granary and cattle shed combined. Bob Boggs is home after a summer spent in New Mexico. James Price is confined to the house with a severe cold. A.G. Carver is kept busy these days with his sales crying business. Quite a number seem to be deserting the ranks, selling out and moving away. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Aytes left Sun. for New Mexico to visit his father and look up a claim. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Barber spent Sun. with P. Trammell and family. Billy Bonner is in this area on business.
Oscar Caudill has received a sentence of three years in the penitentiary for assault with intent to do great bodily injury. Thanksgiving night, the ladies of the Durham Missionary Society served dinner in the church from 5-7:30. About $30 was raised which will be used to defray the indebtedness on the church building. Among those on the program were Mesdames Adams, Boden, Cloud, Cecil, Cordell, Keller, Price, Potter, Webb. Others giving a recitation were Andy Cloud, Estelle Cecil, Lilly Adams, Bessie Price, Jettie McCord, Mr. and Mrs. E.O. Cloud, Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Mangold, Mrs. W.B. Cecil, Claude Osborne, Raymond Potter, and Little Helen Potter. Newly elected officers of the Cheyenne IOOF Lodge are John C Casady, Noble Grand; Coleman White, Vice Grand; Fred Brann, Rec. Sec.; T.L. Turner, Finance Sec.; S.A. Wallace, Treasurer; George Harris, Trustee; J.M. Evans, RSNG; Stone Taylor, LSNG; Leon Young, Constable; Jess Moore, Warden; S.H. Rimby, Chaplain; A.F. Pierce, RSS;R.L. Wrights was the LSS; E.E. Casady, RSVG; J.M. Lester, LSVG; George Prestridge, IG; John Hall, OG. The Eastern Star elected their officers: Mrs. J.C. Thornton, Worthy Matron; Mrs. W.V. Jergens, Asst WM; W.V. Jergens , Worthy Patron; Miss Erma Wallace, Conductress; Miss Laverne Young, Asst Conductress; Mavis Cunningham, Sec.; Cora Evans, Treasurer.
Miss Bessie Cooper and Mr. C.Leslie Barton were married in the home of the Bride’s parents at 6:00 Wed. morning. The wedding was quiet. Walter Blackburn made business trip. County residents visiting co. seat this week: J.A. Wood and Harry Henson of Rankin; Steven F. Guyer of Durham.
S.Jackson left for Oklahoma City with Mrs. Jackson who underwent an operation for appendicitis on Tuesday. Sale Bills were printed for Sam Welliver who lives on the Dan Hurst farm north of Durham. A.S. McKinney will have stock sale at his farm on Dec. 21. Mrs. L.W. Pate returned from Oklahoma City and Shawnee where she purchased an elegant line of Christmas goods. Married at the Methodist parsonage on Sun. Ruth Hutton and Sterling Morrow of Hammon. Miss Berta Cunningham who has been employed at the Mahew Mercantile Co. at Butler is at home in this town for a couple of weeks. Mrs. G.W. Hodges returned last week from extended visit in Texas. Walter Butler is busy shelling corn in the Rankin area this week. Charles Y. Libby of Rankin has been buying broomcorn at Elk City and other points.
SQUARE TOP ITEMS: A free entertainment will be given by the Square Top School Sat. Dec. 14 at 8:30 p.m. Dot Sprowls returned from Durham last Fri. Mrs. Mann Casady and family and Charley Maltby and family Sundayed Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Whittom. Ora Lee Malone and George W. Keller made a business trip to Cheyenne Sat. Edgar Waldrop is living among Square Toppers once more. Preparations are being made for a Christmas Tree at Square Top this year. The directors added a large dictionary to the school apparatus last week.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 26, 1912
By Dale Tracy. The marriage of Charles McKinney and Berta Cunningham of this city were solemnized in Butler last Sun. evening. Christmas passed very quietly in Cheyenne, business of all kinds was suspended and big turkey dinners were served, in fact it was a general feast day for our people. Christmas tree was held at the Methodist Church Christmas Eve which was beautifully decorated by the ladies in charge. County residents who made trips to Cheyenne: Frank Cole and John Karr of Hamburg; W.O. Horr; Jim Redden of Crawford; Miss Ora Lee Malone and sister, Mrs. Beauman; Grover Wilson of Hamburg; Pat Wilson of Hamburg; Dr. and Mrs. W.C. Tedrowe and son Johnny of Elk City; L.M. Dudney of RedMoon; John Woods and John C. Machino of Hamburg; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Purvis of Gem City, Texas. A.S. McKinney Stock Sale which was to have been last Sat. was postponed. W.P. Keen and Miss Lela Jones are in Weatherford visiting friends for the holidays. F.G. & Myrtle Brann left Tues. on his Christmas vacation to Weatherford and Geary. Misses Myra and Loura Warren arrived Sat. from Texas where they attended school. R.A. Mitchell, Editor of the Roger Mills Sentinel and Mrs. Mitchell along with Chester Tracy and Miss Neva Repasse, spent Christmas Day at the home of E.S. Repasse of Grimes. JW. Douglas’ Sale of household goods attracted a large number of ladies last Sat. Charles Blackburn is holding down the position of cashier at the Cotton Exchange Bank at Crawford relieving him is Charley McGeary. Miss Carey Fields and Seaborn Wallace were honored by a birthday dinner served by Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Wallace.