Cheyenne Star Jan. 6, 1916
On account of lack of attention, Cheyenne Cemetery and streets are almost to a disgraceful point. Weeks and grass have grown so high that it is difficult to locate some of the graves where no monuments have been erected. We would like to suggest that the citizens who are most interested that a day be apart as Cemetery Clean-Up Day. Some day when the wind is not blowing, go out and burn off the dead grass and weeks and fill up some of the graves which have sunken, prepare the fencing, and all other work that is needed. RANKIN ITEMS: Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson are among the happy bunch. They returned Wed. afternoon after a 10 day honeymoon trip to Texas. Many friends gathered and gave them a lively chirivarie. Mr. Peterson has a nicely furnished home west of Rankin awaiting his bride. Misses Celia Feilner and Gusta Peterson, students of the Weatherford Normal have been home visiting their parents during the holidays. Mrs. Grant McColgin entertained members of the telephone company and their wives on New Year’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long have a new little baby girl at their home. The farmers are busy thrashing their grain in a stack. Mr. B.B. Shaw has been quite sick with lagrippe this week. He and his father spent part of the holidays with friends in Blair County and Mr. Shaw brought his cold back with his recent Christmas gifts. Miss Celia Feilner and Ralph T. Rowe visited with Miss Feilner’s sister at Canadian last week.
DURHAM DOINGS by Lady Beth. Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Gabbart gave a party New Year’s night for the young people. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Porter announced the birth Dec. 28 of a daughter. Mrs. Porter was before her marriage, Miss Betty Hatley. James Price is completing a new four room house for Z.R. Chowning on his farm on Eller Flat. On Dec. 28 Mrs. W.C. Barber entertained with a surprise smoker for Mr. Barber in honor of his birthday. There were twelve gents who enjoyed cards up until 11:00 when refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Ray Redden. Sid Henderson had his right hand badly torn in a power corn sheller last week at E. Carlson’s place. It may be necessary to amputate two fingers. A.W. Thompson, J.C. Cordell, Ernest Kinzer and W.C. Barber went to Cheyenne last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Whitson entertained the young folks on Wed. with a party.
MELROSE ITEMS: Mrs. Ed Mangold resumed school duties again today after a week’s vacation. Truman Wilmoth returned to his home near Strong City after spending the holidays with his brother, R.H. Wilmoth of this place. Ward Calder has lost some cattle from the corn stale poison. W.T. Hatley and Mr. Cauglin are on sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Kinzer of Durham called on their daughter, Mrs. George Lewis.
Area residents on business in town were: William Jencks from south of town, C.A. Bennett of Crawford, Ernest Randall, C.Y. Libby, Dr. Cary, W.W. Funston and Ben Owsley of Rankin, M.J. Calvert from east of town, John Keen, from up the Washita, H.B. Dewey of Pampa and former resident, L.E. Stephens and E.F. Stephens. Mrs Sam Caudle had the misfortune to fall off a wagon last Sat. She sustained a broken arm. Sam Bowers of Mobeetie recently purchased the Sam Cauble farm. Mrs. Falconer and daughters left the first of the week for Weatherford where the girls will attend the remainder of the school term. Rev. W.B. Gilliam pastor of the ME Church here is reported on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Bynum of Strong City were visiting in the T.L. Turner home here last Sunday. Attorney Wheeler of Strong City has moved his family to Cheyenne. They will occupy the residence of T.L. Miller on South Main. Judson and Ray Cunningham who have been confined to their bed during the last three weeks are reported much improved in health at this writing. W.W. Peterson of Strong City has moved his family to the county seat. He is occupying the H.B. Dewey property.
Cheyenne Star Jan. 13, 1916
Albert Barton, who was arrested some time ago on the charge of horse thieving, made his escape from the Co. jail last Friday night and has not been recaptured at this date. Deputy Sheriff Taylor who was sleeping in the office of the jail, awoke just as Barton was making his getaway; but was unable to stop him. By the use of a wire and stick, Barton fished the keys through the cell doors. When Taylor awoke, Barton was attempting to lock the outside door but decided that he had business down the road. He left the doors unlocked. No clue is reported by the officers. A basketball game was evenly matched between the Cheyenne High School team and the Strong City High School Team and to be played this Saturday. Each have won one game apiece. This will be the third game played this season. If you enjoy a real fast basketball game, you should see this one.
Mrs. F.A. Beavin, the Barred Rock specialist of the Roll Vicinity, has returned from Elk City where she attended a Poultry Show. Her birds were winners of five first prizes. J.E. Keen, who lives west of town was here Mon. with two loads of hogs. George Scott of near Strong City was marketing grain in Cheyenne last Tuesday. Roscoe Anderson of Redmoon was here as well as John Scrivner of Rankin, E.N. McGlothlin and Frank Cole of Hamburg, H.F. Shertzer, 1 mile west of Roll, J.C. Crawford of Rankin with load of hogs, Hogle Madden, one of Roll’s prosperous farmers was here marketing grain. J.F. Cowardin of Durham, J.M. Dudney, W.T. Stauber of Roll marketing grain.
A large number of our citizens attended the lyceum number at Strong City. B.R. James and Perry Madden went to Okla. City on business. Mrs. Ethel Graves visited a friend here this week. G.Fred Tunnard of Lubbock spent the holidays with his parents here. Fred’s sister, Mrs. Ada Crossley accompanied him. Mrs. A.D. Feno of Canadian has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Salyer, who reside one mile west of town. The balmy weather we have been enjoying, received a serious setback last Tuesday when the thermometer dropped thirty degrees with a strong north wind. Thursday morning the temperature registered four below zero, which is the coldest weather we have experienced in the last three years. Hugh Randall of the firm of Randall and Wittkopp left last Mon. for Okla. City, where he placed an order for dry goods at this store here.
Cheyenne Star Jan. 20, 1916
A beautiful 6 o’clock wedding was solemnized at the home of J.C. Sprowls, January 16, 1916, Miss Dot became the bride of Mr. Burt Stephens. Rev. L.L. Combs officiated. MELROSE ITEMS: George Baker and Miss Ella Lane, young people of this place, surprised their friends by quietly going to Canadian and getting married. They will live on the old Henry Baker place, which George has rented for the last two years. Ed Mangold and daughters called on Mrs. H.B. Strickland Tuesday. Elmer Reed visited Ed Carlson and family Sun. W.C. Stevens, wife and daughter called on Mr. Vaughn and family of Durham Sun. Matt Shaw’s children of the Washita vicinity are reported to be quite low with scarlet fever. Burt Lane, wife and daughter, Ival, Ward Caulder and wife, George Baker and wife, and Jacob Calder were entertained by John Calder and wife at dinner Friday. G.C. and H.R. Wilma, Ed Carlson and wife, H. Strickland, N.H. White, John Calder, Burt Lane, Ward Calder and wife, were business visitors in Canadian on Mon. and Tues.
DURHAM DOINGS: Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Hawkins were called Thurs. to Elk City where their son, Frank is attending school. He was taken suddenly with appendicitis, but at last reports he is resting easy and is hoped no operation will be necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raff announce the birth of twins, a boy and a girl, January 5, 1916. This is the second twins in the family. Mrs. Ella Foster is visiting her son George and Mrs. Foster in the Roll area. Winter is HERE! How do we know? Because someone less fortunate than one of our merchants took all the clothing off the line last Fri. night and now the merchant and his family have to restock the wardrobe. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Whitson are entertaining the Whitsons mother and sister of Phillips Co., Kansas. J.A. Norris has rented the old Dan Humphrey place east of here. On Sunday Jan. 8, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Potter entertained Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McCord at dinner. It being the 27th anniversary of both couples. The Farmers Telephone Co. met Sat. and elected officers for the coming year: President Allen G. Carber, Vice W.D. Cecil, Secretary-Trea. C.O. Mangold, Directors Henry Beck, Fred Churchill,W.T. Barber. GRIMES PICKUPS: The Methodist Church was re-organized here Jan. 5, 1916, by Rev. Sherman of Rankin as pastor. We believe it is only a question of time when there will be a new ME church and parsonage built in Grimes. Rev. Sherman filled his appt. at Blue Ridge School House last Sunday afternoon. They have a good ME organization there. We are going to have a new cemetery here. The pastor has started a movement for a new ME building and parsonage.
Last Saturday night at 8:30 fire was discovered in the James Garage on West Broadway. The building was a mass of flames by the time it was discovered. The fire soon reached the I.O.O.F. Hall, which was also destroyed (I believe this was the old Cheyenne two-story School House prior to the stone block school} The origin of the fire is a mystery and will probably always remain so. The Odd Fellows lodge was in session at the time the fire was discovered, and through excitement and fear of explosions of three barrels of gasoline, which was in the garage, several hundred dollars of regalia and fixtures were burned. There was no insurance carried by Mr. James who lost a 5 passenger Ford and a building and a lot of auto repairs. The lodge carried $1200.00 on their building and contents. The estimated loss of this fire is about $4500.00. The Odd Fellows for the present time holding their meetings at the Masonic Hall. They are contemplating the erection of a 40×75 foot two story brick building for their new home.
Glenn Hopkins of Gem City has been here this week. T.L. Turner and John C Casady made business trip to Elk Monday. J.E. Majors, who resides south of town was in town. Others were J.J. Moore, the land man of Strong City, John King, one of Roger Mills Co most prosperous farmers, J.J. Wilson of Redmoon area, J.N. Burnam west of town. C.O. Gause in Okla. City making arrangements to handle Ford supplies here. Mrs. J.H. West of Strong City visited her daughter, Mrs. Newt McClain in town. We are glad to note that Judson Cunning ham is again able to resume his duties as Clerk after four weeks absence caused by typhoid. Miss Cora Evans, who has been ill past week, is able to resume her duties at the Co. Clerk’s office.C.N. Cross returned the first of the week from Okla. City where he purchased dry goods for the Miller-Cross Store. The Basketball game here last Sat. by Strong City and Cheyenne, ended with a score of 17-19 in favor of Strong City. A.F. Randall of the firm of Randall & Wittkott is on the sick list. Mrs. T.L. Turner spent several days visiting friends in Elk City. B.R. James, who lost his garage last Sat. night by fire was arranging to erect a concrete garage on the corner lot east of Fred Tunnard’s store. A. F. Randall announces while moving from car to house uptown, he lost a feather bed with small black satchel containing papers of no value, except to himself. Reward for the return of same. G.B. Lovett left the last part of last week for Okla. City where he will remain during the present session of the legislature. He will act as secretary to the president of the Senate, T.L. Mitchell. L.R. Douglas has moved his cream station to the rear of the Kemp building on Broadway, formerly occupied by Eli Graves. He was burned out of the home of the cream station last Sat. night when the I.O.O.F. building was destroyed by fire.
Cheyenne Star Jan. 27, 1916
The Odd Fellows officers were installed at the Masonic Hall where they are meeting since the fire. John C Casady, MG; Judson Cunning-ham, PG; O.R. Prestridge, Sec; A.T. Saunders, Warden; R.N. Higgins, Con; J.M. LesterRSNG; S.H. RimbyRSPG; Jess Moore LSPG; George Prestridge IG; George Harris OG. The Rebekahs installed their officers: Emma CurryMG; Nannie Lester PG; John C Casady Sec; Nora Flemmings, Warden; O.R Prestridge OG; R.N. Higgins IG; Sallie Taylor RSNG; Annie Higgins RSPG. Grandma Beard aged 90 died. DURHAM DOINGS: Mittie Hawkins has returned from Gorham, Texas where she has been visiting for six months. Mrs. Ellen Bowden and little son of Marble Falls, Texas is visiting her son, George Turner. Mr. Mulvehill came in Fri. with his bride and they are now living on Mr. Mulvehill’s place on Eller Flat. There is considerable activity in freighting after the two weeks rest of the cold weather. Mrs. Mary E. Corson, who has been in failing health for the past year has contracted the lagrippe and as result of her feeble condition, has been waging a hard fight. Rev. Gilliam preached at the ME Church Sat and Sun. Rev. Enfield will preach at the Fairview School Feb. 6. South Antelope School has closed, the teacher Miss Iva Hale is confined to her bed with lagrippe.
Cheyenne is getting a little more of her share of the grain this season, at any rate more than can be handled with the present facilities. Last Monday George Redmond, a grain buyer, shipped four carloads of grain and had all the bins full at the elevator and over 1,000 bushels piled on the ground. That day, he bought 54 loads more. Last Sun. afternoon Mr. Rex Poindexter and Miss Florence Trammell surprised their friends by quietly calling at the Baptist Church and having Rev. Wileman say the necessary to make them husband and wife. Miss Trammell is the daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. Trammell and a recognized leader in her social circle. Mr. Poindexter is a young man employed at the L.W. Pate Hardware & Grocery.
Business visitors here this week: O.O. Spake, Giles Parman of Grimes, Roscoe Anderson &Charles Winn Redmoon, C.Y. Libby, Rankin, Mr. Hutton Editor Strong City Herald, G.H. Dodgion, J.R. Emerson from south of town, W.P. Keen & J.I. Brothers of Elk City, Claude Douglas of Rankin, Henry Coym &Tom Hatley, Durham, Harvey Isenhower.
S. Grim attended to legal matters in Okla. City. John Curtis spent several days there also. A heavy rain visited this section of the state much to the advantage of the winter wheat. R.E. Brown returned the latter part of last week from Okla. City where he attended a meeting of the Sheriff’s Assoc. Ira Walters of Rankin was here last Sat. attending the Socialist Convention on Sat. afternoon. C.O. Gause has enlarged his livery and installed auto supplies. He has an up to date garage. Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Barton of Crawford visited Mrs. Barton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cooper. Perry Madden returned home after looking after interests of the town of Cheyenne in the celebrated water works case. Mrs. J.R. Johnson will spend time in Clinton visiting her husband who is employed as prescription clerk in the Red Cross Drugs Store there. Pearl Bellamy was present at the operation of her sister, Mrs. Charles McKinney of Butler.
Roger Mills Sentinel 2-3-1916
Since all of February 1916 Cheyenne Star newspapers are missing; we will be bringing you excerpts from the Roger Mills Sentinel newspaper.
The Tri-weekly rural route to connect with Route 3 from Grimes and to exchange lock pouches, was established Tues. morning this week from the county seat town. The carrier on this route will go on Tues., Thurs, and Sat. of each week. Postmaster W.P. Madden has appointed Will Lester as temporary carrier. J.T. Nicholson, Democrat, will debate Atty. Wheeler, Socialist, in Cheyenne Sat. night, Feb. 19, 1916. Scotty Falconer of this city visited with his family at Weatherford over Sat. last. Judson Cunningham, Co. Clerk visited his sister, Mrs. Bertie McKinney, who is very ill at a Clinton Hospital. Dee Ross, Jim Lester and Beaty & Son are buying hogs here and the bidding of the buyers is spirited, which is an advantage to the farmers. The state school fund apportionment is the largest in the history of the state this year. For each child in the state of school age $1.50 will be paid to respective school districts. Among residents here on business: Prof. J.E. McKinney of Roll, J.N. Cross, the popular druggist of Strong City, O.C. Kennedy, one of the pioneers of the Wilcox township, J.T. Owens of Hamburg.
ROLL ITEMS: Ray Pankey who recently moved to Elk City is here visiting. The 5th Sunday Singing will held at Roll School House last Sunday, but owing to the bad weather, Wild Horse and Roll classes were all that were represented. Curtis Hanawalt made a business trip to Strong City. Forest Miller, the carrier on Route 2 and George Davis of East of Roll are new subscribers to this paper. Sherman Walker shows interest in the mining business at Miami, Okla. And left Sat. for that place to attend to business.
RANKIN NEWS: Miss Bertha Habeck and William Whrader went to Canadian on Fri. Jan. 14 where they were married at the home of Mr. Whrader’s mother. They will make their future home in Colorado. Mrs. Chester Conrad was called to Elk City Monday on account of the sickness of her sister Blanch, who is very low at this writing. Prof. G.H. Cox is again teaching at Hamburg after being dismissed for some time on account of sickness. A literary has been organized at Skipout and will have an interesting program besides the debate next Sat. night. Walter Funston made a business trip to Canadian last Wed. Ruth McColgin, a small child of Mr. and Mrs. Grant McColgin fell and broke her shoulder blade, but is improving rapidly under the care of Doc Cary. Several from here are marketing hogs in Cheyenne this week. George Finch is driving a new Ford these days. W.W. Funston was in Elk City last week. Ella Wheeler visited her parents last Sunday to celebrate her birthday. Dee Hines and Chester Conrad took some fine hogs to market on Mon.
DEMPSEY NEWS: Rev. Sherman preached last Sunday to two large congregations at the school house. Rev. Sherman will speak on Methodism at Blue Ridge School House Sun. afternoon at 3. Marion Frankford is still confined to his home with lagrippe. Mrs. Hugh Dodson is still sick with lagrippe. J.F. Curtis, pastor, states there will be church services at Redmoon every second and fourth Sun. and at Hamburg on 2:30 at the above mentioned Sundays.
Roger Mills Sentinel 2-10-1916
The funeral of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tracy was held Tuesday. Rev. Wileman pastor of Baptist Church here spoke in words of tenderest sympathy and deepest Christian hope and promise. The little form was laid to rest in the Cheyenne Cemetery. Little Harold was sick a very few days and died Tuesday morning, February 8, 1916 about 3:00 of sub-pneumonia.
J.M. Wileman, pastor of the Baptist Church announced that G.W. Wilded of Hammon will preach two services Sun.
Mrs. Clara M. McPherson, wife of Fred T. McPherson, died Sun, Feb. 6, 1916 aged 32 years, five months, ten days. She was born at Dorchester, Nebraska, August 27, 1884. Was married to Fred in 1912. The deceased leaves a husband and two children to mourn her death. William, a son of two years, and Alice E. a 12 week old baby girl. McPherson was a faithful member of the Christian Church and led a devoted Christian Life, Rev. Curtis conducted the funeral service on Monday at Strong City.
J.M. Payne of Dempsey was here with four hogs, which he sold to Beaty & Son for $170.20. The four head weighed 1920 lbs. Mr. Payne has a nice herd of hogs left and expects to feed them out until they reach the top notch in weight. The hogs were twelve months old. On Mon. G.H. Dodgion from west of Cheyenne, sold a nine month old pig to the local buyers, which brought him $22.95. There is an increase in number of farmers raising hogs. Josh Singletary and Dixon English will hold public auction 1.5 miles east of Grimes on Mon. Feb. 14. A.H. Crawford and George L. Bashaw of Hammon were here as delegates to the Democratic meeting. People doing business here; G.L. Finch, E. M. Bryant and Judd Atwood of Dempsey, Will G. Tomlin, Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Beavin of Roll, M. C. Jurgenson, Ben Brooks, Jim Puryear of Grimes, J.H. Kendall, Strong City, J.W. Ginn, M.E. Carlson of Sweetwater, W.M. Brooks, W.A. Anderson, J.J. Moore, Uncle Bill Henry, G.W. Taylor, Strong City, George Brewer SW section of county, J.W. Murphy east of Cheyenne, A.D. Hoover, Charley Bennett north of county, W.K. Nail, Durham.
Jess Willard, the Heavyweight Boxing Champion with Roger Mills Co. ties has signed for a fight with Frank Moran at Madison Square Gardens, New York City, March 17, 1916. While in Strong City last Tues. the editor met with Uncle Tom Keller of Durham. Louie Hoops from the Bachelor Country, was in Cheyenne Sat. with a four horse load of grain. Mr. Hoops and others hauling in grain from the Upper Washita complain that the Hooper Bridge near Redmoon is unsafe and pray the authorities to do the necessary repairing. All the boys interested in baseball are requested to meet in Cheyenne Sat. Feb. 12 for the purpose of cleaning the ball grounds. Those who can, bring teams. George Baker, 79 years of age, (born 1837) died at his home near Square Top on Tuesday, February 8, He was formerly of the Rankin country and will be buried at Rankin on Thursday this week.
GRIMES NEWS: Rev. Sherman had a large crowd last Sun. Mrs. Sarah Repass is suffering with lagrippe. Arthur McCone is reported on the sick list. Miss Patterson, who has been sick for some time, is reported much improved. Mr. Repass is shipping some very fine grain to Sayre. There was a large crowd at Blue Ridge last Sun. afternoon to hear Rev. Sherman speak on Methodism.
RANKIN ITEMS: Do not forget the Valentine Social at the schoolhouse, Feb. 14. Also a good oyster supper. Miss Laura Conrad will have charge. Benefits for the new parsonage. R.A. Dickey visited Canadian. Grandma Crawford has lagrippe and Grandpa was at church last Sunday. Walter Butler and Orville Conrad made trip to Strong City.
DEMPSEY NEWS: C.A. Squire, the teacher at Dempsey, has discontinued school for a few weeks receiving medical attention in Cheyenne. Mr. A. Frankford returned Tuesday from visit to Missouri. George King entertained the young people. William Graham delivered 5 loads of kafir to Cheyenne Wed. Our telephone company has been busy repairing lines since the ice melted off. Mr. Baldwin who resides old Harrington is seriously ill. H.S. Dodson is building more grain bins to store up his surplus corn. Wolf hunters were unsuccessful last week. Miss Bessie Robinson, teacher at Sunny Point had a narrow escape as she was thrown by a horse and dragged quite a ways. J.M. Frankford and Ira Schedule marketed hogs.
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 2, 1916
Cheyenne Star, Mar 9, 1916
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 16, 1916
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 23, 1916
Cheyenne Star, Mar. 30, 1916
Eighth Grade Exams for Roger Mills Co. will be held at the following named places: Thursday & Friday, Apr 13&14. Examiners’ names follow the location: Berlin, J.L. McConky; Cheyenne, Floyd Wheeler; Strong City, Mr. Webber; Hammon, Anna Stewart; Three Corner, __; Croten, Edgar Taylor and Ethel Douglas; Clabber Hill, __; Brookside, Henry Tracy; Sweetwater, Guy Davis; Shirley, W.S. Floyd; Shugart, George Gilland & J.E. McKinney; Fairview N of Durham, ___; Rula, E.E. Tracy; Nine Mile, __; Redmoon, __; Rankin, __; Oak Ridge, W.M. Ballard; Dempsey, C.A. Squire; Grimes, Callie Clark; Lula Woodruff, Co Supt. SWIM Meet at Weatherford April 19 and would be pleased to have the teachers attend.
Kate McGilvery died in this city Thursday morning, April 6, 1916, at five o’clock in the home of her niece, Mrs. G.W Hodges, after a two week illness. Mrs. McGilvery was born Aug. 15, 1833 in Moore Co. North Carolina. At the time of her death she was 82 years, 7 months and 28 days old. The greater part of her life was spent in the state of Arkansas but the last four years she has made her home here, during which time she has formed the acquaintance of a large number of our people, and the same feeling of love exists in the breast of all who have the pleasure of meeting her. At the age of sixteen, she was converted and united with the Presbyterian Church, and since that time she has lived a consecrated life and has been an active church worker. She had a brother who was a missionary to India and died in that country. She was the last of a large family to be called home to the Father who doeth all things well. The funeral services will be held by Rev. W.D. Gilliam at the Methodist Church, Friday afternoon at 1:00.
The Co. Court in session with J.W. Miller on the bench. Many usury and bootlegging cases have been tried. Rev. W.B. Gilliam preached at Durham last Sun. Randall and son have moved from the Kemp residence to the J.L. Warren residence. Mrs. Jimmy Berry left for Wichita Falls, Texas to visit her daughter, Mrs. Maud Ingram. J.M. Bonner of Hammon was here having been called by the death of Aunt Kate McGilvery. A.A. Brown of Hammon was here the first of the week looking after the interest of his clients in county court. Short Bros. recently opened a Blacksmith Shop on west Broadway and report that business much better than anticipated. The recent rains have placed the group in splendid condition for spring plowing and has been a great benefit to grow wheat and oats. Dr. C.W. Tedrowe of Elk City was called here last Wed. Dr. G.H. Wallace, who was suffering from a severe throat trouble. Dr. Wallace was taken to the hospital in Elk City last Wed. It may be necessary for him to have an operation performed.
John Wood of Hamburg was a business visitor here, others doing business were: Elbert Tracy, A.X. Grace of Strong City; Nathan Mouser & J.D. Rorabough of Roll; Ott Mangold of Durham.
Mrs. Ida Poindexter has leased the Kemp Hotel as of April 1, 1916. Rev. A.E. Miller filled the pulpit at the ME church last Sun. at which time three children were baptized. H.R. Ferguson made a trip to Sayre.
Cheyenne Star, Apr. 13, 1916
A fire caused by the explosion of coal oil destroyed the residence of Tom Watson on Monday evening here in Cheyenne. Mrs. Kuendarfer, a widow woman was residing in the house. She was pouring coal oil out of an open vessel into a cook stove, which contained a few live coals. Gas was formed, which ignited and immediately set the walls of the kitchen on fire. By the time the fire engine reached the scene, the flames were past control. Practically none of the furniture was saved, but a purse of $40 was tendered to her by the people of this city.
Yates and Carter of Cheyenne make the following statement: Mr. Farmer is you want to receive the highest market price for your hogs, bring them to us at Cheyenne on Saturday. We have decided to make this special Hog Day, and we will pay more money than any buyer in Western Oklahoma. This is no bluff! We have decided to buy all the hogs that go on the market and the top price will buy them. You can’t afford to sell to any buyer when our prices are higher.
E.L. and R.A. Mitchell returned from a business trip to Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Cross spent Sun. in Canadian visiting relatives. G.H. Lovett, Cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank spent a few days during this week in the Texas panhandle looking after business interests. W.H. Mouser and family left Sun. for Des Moines, New Mexico where he will locate. The freeze last week played havoc with the peach crop in this section of the state. Robert Wheeler of near Rankin was here Sat. attending to business matters. Other people visiting here were: Arnold Hoover of Crawford; John Caffey of Strong City; Jake Bull, C.N. Cole and S.K. Roberts of Crawford; Charles Winn, Doc Carey of Rankin area, F.A. Beavin, Dr. V.V. Grant of Roll, Edgar Taylor west of town on Croten Creek, J.W. Bell, Earl Gabbart and A.W. Thompson of Durham, G.L. Bashaw of Hammon, W.B. Cecil, W.R. Potter of Durham,
R.N. Higgins returned from attending the Democratic State Convention. Leslie Chase of Rankin is moving his family to Cheyenne. He will occupy the W.H. Mouser residence in the southeast part of Cheyenne. Dr. and Mrs. V.V. Grant of Roll announce the birth of a daughter. The little miss came last Sun. and has been given the name Rose Ella Grant. A.M. Rishel and wife of Hammon have been visiting friends here this week. The automobile of Tub Roberts caught fire last Sat. at the edge of town from a defective exhaust pipe. The fire was soon extinguished, doing only slight damage. J.O. Kelly, one of our old time friends, who has resided in the Sweetwater community since the pioneer days, has disposed of his holdings in that area and purchased a valuable farm near Rankin. Mr. Kelly was in the county seat last Sat.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Mrs. Florence Snyder left Fri. for Alva to see her father who has been very sick. J.C. York, Jack Winburn and J.N. Miller went to Cheyenne last Sat. to attend the Democratic Convention. Quite a number from these parts attended the Singing Convention at Liberty Hill Sun. Mrs. Nannie Carr went to Elk City Mon. to see her mother who is sick there. Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Ferguson spent Sun. afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Miller. Miss Millie Hunt is visiting her sister, Mrs. Leonard Black. Oliver Baldwin spent Sat. night with Walter Miller. J.N. Miller & Leonard Black went to Elk City Monday.
Cheyenne Star, Apr. 20, 1916
The sudden death of Mrs. Roscoe Anderson on last Tuesday morning, April 18, 1916 cast a gloom on the whole community. Mrs. R.N. Higgins entertained the graduating class of Cheyenne High School, also Supt. W.T. Fisher and John Casady at a 6 o’clock dinner last Thursday, assisted by Miss Lorene Osborne. Postmaster W.P. Madden is in Okla. City this week. R. M. Turner has removed his family from his farm west of town to his residence in this city. Many athletic enthusiasts attended the school fair at Strong City last Mon. and Tues. Our boys won in all the contests they entered. We will print the list of prize winners when they are given to us. W.C. Winfred, Purcy Tunnard and John Salyer, Jr. returned Sat. from Lawton where they attended a meeting of the Presbytery, which was in session in that city last week. Hugh Randall of the Randall Mercantile Co. has been appointed Co. Registrar. E.L. Mitchell is in Okla. City attending a meeting of the Masonic Grand Chapter. Oscar Casady, who is working at his trade at Canadian (carpenter) spent a few days here last week. Among visitors here last week: F.A. Beavin, Candidate for Co. Clerk of Roll; Walter Funston of Rankin, Dr. W.S. Cary of Rankin, Jim Redden of Crawford; J.E. Keen of near Rankin; L.M. Dudney of Redmoon area; O.D. Lucas, a prosperous farmer of the Hamburg area is in town driving his new Ford.
Mrs. W.W. Peterson is visiting relatives in McAlester. T.M. Kendall of the Cheyenne Produce Co. announces he is paying .13 for hens. Rev. W.D. Gilliam preached the Baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class at the ME Church last Sunday.
DURHAM DOINGS: Mrs. Fred Ogle is visiting her daughter in Canadian. Don Madden of Cheyenne is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Redden this week. A large party of Durhamites went to the singing at Hamburg on Sun. E.E. Gabbart now runs by gas; he has purchased a Ford. Miss Lillie Mae Goodwin spent Sat. in Durham as guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Barber. On Sun. Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Thompson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Claud Young and family, Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Roberts and family all of Crawford. Bunk Kinser left Mon. for Lipscomb, Texas, where he has a position awaiting him. The program rendered Sat. by the pupils of South Antelope School, was excellent and showed much labor by teacher and pupils. The Farmers Telephone Co. has purchased from the Roger Mills Telephone Co. one rural line out west into Texas and the metallic line to Canadian via Gem City. Ed Reed who has had charge of Central since early last summer resigned and Mrs. Dan Wiley took charge Mon. morning. E.E. Gabbart took 11 loads of hogs to Strong City Monday. Snyder’s sale and the phone meeting brought the largest crowd to town on Sat. that we have ever seen here, except on picnic days. Lots of money changed hands too. Miss Rula Woodruff was a pleasant caller in our bug last week.
Cheyenne Star, Apr. 27, 1916
Minnie Anderson dies suddenly April 18, 1916 at the age of 28 years old. She was sick only a few hours. Rep. McLemore of Beckham Co. has accepted the challenge of T.L. Turner Democratic Candidate for Co. Atty. to debate the question, “Resolve: that the Socialist party and what it stands for is a menace to good government.” The debate will be held nightly at the following six communities: Durham, Rankin, Sweetwater, Berlin, Cheyenne, Roll. F.B.Baird of Mack, Colorado spent several days visiting his brother, R.F. Baird and family of Cheyenne. Stephen F. Guier, one of Durham’s popular merchants was here Tues. and Wed. looking after business interests. F.a. Beavin of Roll and candidate for Co. Clerk, was in town Sat. attending a meeting of the Democratic Co. Central Committee. U.A. Albin, Chairman of the Republican Committee of Sweetwater, was here last week presiding over a session of that august body. Others attending the Republican Comm. Meeting were D.S. McCullum of Hammon, J.L. Jenkins of Sweetwater. John F. Curtis passed through here Wed. on his way to Hammon where he will attend the Baptist 5th Sunday meeting. Rev. Curtis recently removed his family from here to his farm northwest of town. Little Dorothy Pate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Pate, underwent an operation for appendicitis. She is reported as improving nicely at the Poindexter Hotel, under watchful care of Mrs. Poindexter. Dr. G.H. Wallace performed the operation. Hugh Randall of Randall Mercantile has been confined to his bed during the past week on account of illness. W.W. Blackburn was here Sat. looking after business matters. Mr. Blackburn recently purchased the News-Democrat in Elk City. The Cheyenne Extension School closed last Thurs., which was crowned by the graduation of eight young people. Class was composed of 5 girls and 3 boys, as follows: Misses Madeline Osborne, Beatrice Tunnard, Lola Tracy, Ruby Alexander, Julia Tracy, and Messers Eddie Tracy, Luther Carter, & Robert Higgins. The class address was delivered by Dr. Eskridge. President of the Southwestern Normal at Weatherford.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: Corn planting is the order of the day. Mrs. J.M. Miller, who was very ill, is reported some better. John Flemming and family visited H.K. Withers on Sunday. Quite a number gathered at the Baldwin home Sun. afternoon for an egg hunt. Mrs. W.H. Miller of Elk City, is visiting at the J.M. Miller home. Ms. B.L. Snyder who has been visiting relatives at Alva, Okla., returned home last Friday.
DURHAM DOINGS by Lady Beth. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Redden are entertaining Mrs. Redden’s nephew, Loren Mosier of Trenton, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirk are visiting in Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. John Keller, Jack and Miss Lizzie Wilson returned last week from a week’s trip in New Mexico. Miss Callie Whitson is with Mrs. James Redden this week. Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Powell left Monday for Kansas City where Mrs. Powell will take medical treatments. Guy Davis and Miss Callie Clark visited Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Bell on Easter. On Thursday the largest crowd of admiring friends and proud parents that ever attended a school play in this area. School room beautifully decorated in blue and white the school colors. Miss Munsey was the teacher and we assure her effort was appreciated by all. Announcement is made of the marriage Sat., April 22 at Arnett of Archie Davis and Miss Bethel Robbins. Sunday morning at 11:00 the Revival will begin with a sermon by Rev. W.A. Randall. There will be dinner on the ground and plenty. A Mother’s Day program will be presented at 2:00 that afternoon. Those on the program are Rev. Randall, Allen G. Carver, Jr. Class, Mamie and Laura Powell, William Tomlinson, Sr. Girls, J.P. Hale, Crystal Wiley, Perry Madden, Opal Keller, Miss Estelle Cowerton, Flora and Effie Gilliland, Maude Scott, Maybelle Keller, Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Mangold.
Cheyenne Star, August 3, 1916
By Dale Tracy. Below is given a partial list of Fair prizes offered by businesses and people: Will Hibler Tin Shop, Harirson Jewelry Co. Jodie Moad of Lily Oil Station, Roger Mills Coop Lumber Yard, C.H. Miller, O.K. Restaurant (Gonzales & Freeman, mgrs..) Spurlock -Smith Realty Co., E.B. Sipes, Herring & Young, Conway & Savage, Thomas Halwabek, J.A. Dugger, Grocer; J.M. Hiatt, Grocer; E.V. Hammon, E.E. Carl, Rula Woodruff, Pearl Bellamy, R.A. Bolgegrain, Judson Cunningham, Wallace Adams, Gladys Salyers, Minnie Slief, Latta Grocery, Judge Miller, Clyde Hanawalt, Ed Anderson, Mrs. F.A. Beavin, GEM Pharmacy, Ms. Adams, M. Myers, J.N. McDougall.
Clyde Kenneth Reigel born Dec. 11, 1913 and died July 22, 1916. Interment in the Union Chapel Cemetery. Last Wed. evening a large number of our towns people called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Butler on invitation to spend the evening and to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Butler to our city. Married at the home of the bride’s parents near Crawford last Wed. afternoon at 4:00 p.m. were Mr. Walter E. Butler and Miss Lillie Mae Goodwin. Rev. Curtis officiated. Miss Goodwin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Goodwin of Crawford. She came to this county about three years ago with her parents from Ft. Worth. Mr. and Mrs. Butler will make their home in Cheyenne. Miss Josie Thomas of Pampa and Miss Klina Potter of Durham are here visiting friends. W.B. Cecil of Durham was here last Wed. having brought the election returns from his precinct. A.Y. Owen, Sec. of the Election Board, was here from Strong City canvassing the election returns. Dr. Dorroeh and Mr. Hines of Hammon were here last Sun. looking after some political matters. Misses Julia and Ruth Tracy are in Strong City this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C.N. Tracy at that place. A number of young people enjoyed a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Brown last Mon. night. Frank Saunders of Roll is here in the capacity of a member of the co. election board, assisting in the canvassing of the results of the election held last Tuesday. A large number of our young people enjoyed Sun. afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Salyer west of town. About 6 o’clock, they drove down to the river and enjoyed a picnic dinner. A.L. Squires of the Sweetwater area was here last Wed. having brought in election returns from his voting precinct. L.M. Dudney and family left for an extended visit with relatives in the Texas panhandle and Montana; they will travel via the Ford route. A.T. Burge, John Caffey, J.J. Moore and W.D. Randall of Strong City were business visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. John West of Strong City spent Sun with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Newton McClain. A teacher’s training course will be held in Cheyenne Aug. 21-Sept. 3.
The Randall Mercantile Co. will pay the following prices for produce, eggs .10 a dozen, butter .25 a pound, spring chickens .12 a pound. T.L. Turner has purchased a three room dwelling of Hardin Myers and has moved it to, and connected it with his building on the east side of the Court House square. This will make this property very desirable rent property. Mrs. John Gober and daughter, Ruth and son, Hughes are visiting the home of Dr. and Mrs. J.P. Miller. Born to Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Brann, a fine baby boy who will be known as Douglas G. Brann.
RANKIN ITEMS: Still no rain here, only an occasional sprinkle. Broomcorn is looking fairly good but other crops are suffering. Almost all the schools in this section of the country have secured teachers for the coming year. Teachers employed are: Mae Jennings at Skipout; Prof William Ballard at Dickey; Dessie Robison at Bachelor; Prof. Gillespie at Enterprise; Earl Smith at Locust Grove; Edith Conner at Wildcat; Celia Feilner at Crescent; Mrs. Y.C. Libby at Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vincent have purchased a new Ford car. Walter Funston is again able to be about. James Scrivner has thrashed his crop of wheat- yield of 15 bushels to the acre. Farmers here are quite busy hauling wheat and other grain to Cheyenne and other markets.
ROSE HILL ITEMS: H.R. Ferguson and Drew Yonker made a trip to Cheyenne. J.N. Miller, Leonard Black, Drew Yonker and Walter Miller made a business trip to Sayre. Quite a number from this part attended the picnic at Drake’s Grove last Friday. Mr. George Black of Sweetwater is spending a few days with his son, Leonard.
Cheyenne Star, Aug. 10, 1916
By Dale Tracy. There is a large shortage in the wheat crop for 1916 and has caused the price of wheat to soar to the $1.24 mark and a possibility of it going still higher. Farmers from a great distance are hauling to Cheyenne market. Print paper soars high. A debate has been arranged for, between Frank Power, Democrat and Robert Goins, Socialist to be held at the Dead Indian School House on next Saturday night. The subject for discussion will be individualism vs. socialism. Mr. Goins to be the only socialist left who will discuss socialism and this will probably be the last time that the party will allow him to discuss it. Miss Rula Woodruff, Co. Supt., informs us that she was called to Old School District No. 5 to attend a school meeting, which was held last Tuesday. It was a surprise to Miss Woodruff who learned that they were making arrangements for an eight month school term and that they had secured Mrs. Marrs, who has had several years experience in the
school room. Twelve years ago, Miss Woodruff, taught a three months school at District No. 5, but now they are to have an eight month school term. This goes to show that this county is making rapid strides in educational lines. Cheyenne and Clinton ball teams played two of the fastest games last Fri. and Sat. that have been played this season on the Hammon diamond. Friday’s game required 13 innings to determine the winner but the Clinton boys finally succeeded in pushing a man across home plate and the game was over with score of 9-8. Saturday’s game was better, in that the score was not so high. The score stood at 1-2 in favor of Cheyenne at the end of the tenth inning.
Winners of the Democratic Candidates for the General Election are: State Senator Perry Madden; Co. Judge J.M. Wileman; Sheriff R.L. Trammell; Court Clerk Guy Eakins; County Clerk F.A. Beavin; Supt of Instruction W.A. Adams; Co. Treasurer George L. Bashaw; County Weigher John H. Ford; Comm.of first district Stone Taylor.
The Socialist have decided that the debates which were held here recently, have not been doing any good, and decided that they will quit. E.W. Crane and Paul Habeck of Rankin were in town. Others were Mann Casady, one of our regular readers on route two; James Atwood, good Republican friend of Grimes; W.P. Keen, Atty for Pittsburg Mortgage Co.; William Allen and J.B. Seymour of Crawford; J.J. Stacker and P.W. Wright of Grimes were marketing maize; G.H. Dodgeion; D.T. Bowman; Fred and Will Gantz and Mr. Thomas of Durham.
Miss Minnie Slief, stenographer for Miller-Baird Abstract Co. is in Okla. City spending her vacation. Miss Erma Monroe left Tues. for Alabama where she will spend her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Reed. G.B. Lovett, cashier of the Cheyenne State Bank was called to Ohio on account of the illness of his wife. A.F. Randall of the Randall Mercantile Co., disposed of one of his farms in the Rankin area last week to A. Finck of Grandfield, Okla. Consideration $5500.00. The Randall Mercantile is contemplating the erection of a large two story building in Cheyenne in the very near future to be used for a store building. Mrs. L.F. Cornel is reported on the sick list. Mrs. C.N. Tracy of Strong City is here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Newton McClain of Cheyenne spent Sun. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carr, near Berlin. Kenneth Cunningham of Lovington, New Mexico arrived here last week to spend a few days visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Cunningham and other relatives. The revival meeting being conducted by F.S. Hogan at the large tabernacle is attracting large crowds. Mrs. Tibbets of Okla. City, is spending the week visiting with Mrs. S. Jackson. They drove over to Texola to visit Mrs. Jack Honer. Miss Sallie Taylor, who has been employed at the Post Office here for a number of years, went to Clinton to undergo an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Henry Kaiser of Springfield, Colo. arrived here to spend a short visit with Mrs. Kaiser’s parents and other relatives. Mrs. Kaiser was formerly Mavis Cunningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Cunningham, who reside one mile north of here. The West Broadway Garage has secured the services of Mr. Ed Stepp of Elk City. He is capable of handling all kinds of repair work. He will move his family to this city in a short time. A large number of political enthusiasts attended the socialist encampment held in Strong City last weekend. Mrs. J.R. Johnson of Hammon arrived here last Sat. to spend a few days visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Casady. The much needed street work has at last begun and from the showing that has already been made, and if the work is kept up for a few days, our streets will be in splendid shape. Arthur Trammell who has been in the west during the last four years returned home. A social evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Eva Anderson, all who were present report a delightful time. Judge Nicholson of Texas, a brother of J.T. Nicholson, candidate for representative on Democratic ticket, came up to remove the hide from a Socialist at the big encampment held at Strong City last week. He did it all right, but he had to let the Socialists name the question and throw in ten minutes extra for good measure before they would meet him.
Cheyenne Star, Aug. 17, 1916
By Dale Tracy. Everybody has their eyes on Cheyenne and the progress we are making with our railroad and the extension of the C&OW. Some people cannot see what advantage the railroad would be to every land owner in Roger Mills County. Some are holding back and want the people of Cheyenne to pay them for that which will make them many hundreds of dollars. Mr. Kell, owner of the C&OW Railroad from Clinton to Strong City, has indicated his desire to build his road further west, and made the people of Cheyenne the proposition to take over their short line from Cheyenne to Strong City and make it a part of his westward extension, provided that the Cheyenne people will secure for the road the right of way for the first ten miles west of Cheyenne. The more miles of road added to the C&OW, the more important it becomes to the people along the line. We hope the people will never let up on this proposition until the road is secured. That would put the old county seat town on the map as it was never on before and will add thousands, yes hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxable property to Roger Mills County.
A change has taken place in the Abstract Company of the Miller-Baird Abstract Company, which is of general interest to the public. Mr. Grim having acquired all the stock and the interest of T.M. Miller in the corporate name of Baird-Grim Abstract Co., with Mr. Baird in charge of that department. This abstract company evolved from the plant established by T.M. Miller in 1902 and it is known to be one of the most modern and best equipped plants in Oklahoma. R.F. Baird has been the manager and the life and soul of the abstract company for several years, during which period of time he has been ably assisted by Miss Minnie R. Slief., who remains with the new company. Mr. Grim is a lawyer of many years standing in this county and everybody knows him. Last Wednesday, W.H. Carl had an accident with his new car. He had stopped the car on an incline and deciding to push it under some shade of a tree, he released the brake and started the car in motion, almost I an instant it got the bulge on him and started down the hill with no one at the wheel. It struck C.E. Carl, a nephew of Mr. Carl, who was digging a well, crushing his leg between the ankle and the knee and then over his back, injuring him very badly. John Cross was in the city transacting business; others doing so were: C.E. Babbitt west of town, George E. Dodgion southwest of town, I.E. Hunt west of town, John King near Redmoon, T.B. Cree from across the line from Rankin in Texas, M.L. Bryson Durham, Pat Wilson & Matt Shaw Hamburg marketed hogs for $9.20 per hundred, E.L. Mitchell, Editor of the Clinton Chronicle, Ed Keen Redmoon, Clyde Goodwin Route 2, J.L. Paschall editor of Sayre Standard, W.P.Keen Elk City. Scotty Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cross made a trip to Canadian and secured a mile of the needed ten miles of right of way required of the people of Cheyenne in order that the C&OW be extended to this city. Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Anderson who live south of town will leave this afternoon for their old home at Thogmoron, Texas after they visit for a while at that place, they will continue their travel for Uncle Billy’s health. They will start their journey in a Ford. Dr. G.H. Wallace left Sat. for Chicago, where he will take a post graduate course and return the first of Sept. The large oil storage tanks have been installed and the Chalfant-Redmond will have them stocked within a few days .They will handle coal oil, axle grease, cylinder oil, hard oil. John Simpler, who recently bought the old Thurmond ranch northeast of town was here transacting business. He is contemplating moving his family here so that his children can have access to our excellent school. Last Sat. afternoon Buck, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. W.R Casady was thrown from a horse causing a broken leg. He and his little brother had gone out into the pasture when the horse he was riding became frightened at a milk cow that had died that day. He is reported to be getting along nicely. Walter Butler is reported very ill with typhoid fever at his home here.
Cheyenne Star, Aug. 23, 1916
By Dale Tracy. The 8th annual Roger Mills Co. Fair will be held in Cheyenne Sept 14-16. Ball game between Moorewood and Cheyenne will be played on the local diamond next Sunday afternoon. The Roger Mills Co. teachers’ training course commenced a two week session here last Monday. Jodie Moad here on business, others were; J.L. Jackson south of town, A.M. Patterson Hamburg, Roy Blalock Hammon, J.N. Cross Strong City’s popular druggist. Arthur Crawford, A.M. Stone, Orville Conrad Rankin, T.O. Arnold Mobeetie, (looking for place for merchandise store) C.M. Cole of Rankin was here Wed on business. Mr. Cole recently moved from Crawford where he had been engaged in farming to Rankin where he has entered in the Blacksmith business with his son. LOST: between Elk City and Cheyenne a hood of a Ford car, notify or leave at this office. Miss Cora Evans, who has been confined to her bed in the Elk City hospital during two weeks, returned here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Bowman and Oscar Casady of Canadian spent several days here visiting. Mrs. B.C. Latta left last week for New Mexico where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.G. Moore and her sister, Mrs. W.H. Mouser. Eddie Tracy, who has been employed by the Hammon Advocate at Hammon spent Sunday with home folks. He is now with the Strong City Herald. Last Sun. some 150 school children, who had perfect attendance certificates for last term, assembled at the Baptist Church at this place and were addressed by Prof. K.R. Campbell, the conductor of the training course now in progress at this place. Following the awarding of medals, the children went down to the Poindexter Hotel and refreshments were served. Chester Tracy, who has been in the employ of the Strong City Herald, since the present management has been in charge, has resigned his position in that office to accept a similar position with the Star. Mr. Tracy is a thoroughly competent printer and we feel we are fortunate in securing him to place in charge of the mechanical department of the Star. He removed his family to this city last Sat. Co. Atty. Sylvester Grim left Wed. for Shattuck where he will attend to legal matters. Mrs. John Gober, with son Hughes and daughter Ruth who have been visiting the home of Dr. and Mrs. J.P. Miller returned to their home at Woodward. W.B. Cecil and William Thomas of Durham were here to hear the lecture delivered by Dr. Eskridge, president of southwestern state normal at Weatherford. Charles Edwards who recently moved here from Rankin area is reported on sick list.
Cheyenne Star, Aug. 30, 1916
By Dale Tracy. Last Tues. the lady teachers who are attending training school, played the town girls a game of basketball. The game was close and snappy from the first whistle and remarkably free of fouls owing to the fact that the girls were out of practice. The teachers’ team was composed of a part of the famous Cheyenne High School team, who dealt all the neighboring teams many a deadly blow. Miss Tracy and Miss Falconer were the stars for the teachers, Miss Lester and Miss Cunningham showed remarkably good teamwork for the locals. In fact all the girls showed up in the limelight. Line up for teachers were M Falconer, L. Tracy were forwards; centers were L. Franklin, K. Potter and guards were B. Kendall and Miss Ayers. Lineup for the locals were forwards L. Cunningham and F. Lester, Centers were B. Tunnard and M. Turner and guards were M. Tracy and L. Fields. Hezzie Cox, son of Don Cox passed away at the age of nineteen. The ladies of the ME Church have made improvements to the interior of their church and contemplating many more in the near future. Mrs. Willie West underwent an operation at Elk City. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Gillam last Tuesday a fine baby boy. Mrs. Gillam and the young preacher are reported to be getting along nicely. The ladies of the Baptist Church put on a parcel post sale at the T.L. Turner’s furniture store, realizing $26. The proceeds will be used in defraying the improvements done to their church. A.T. Burge of Strong City has been attending the teachers’ training course here. Others here: J.L. Ivy a staunch Democrat of Roll area, Uncle Frank Kendall Strong City, A.H. Crawford candidate for Co. Commissioner, George Bashaw, candidate for Co. Trea. both of Hammon, James Atwood, T.H. Gillespie, Grimes, F.A. Beavin Roll, W.R. Potter Durham. Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Lovett returned after extended visit with friends and relatives in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cross went to Okla. City to buy notions for Miller-Cross Dry Goods Store. A.L Randall of Randall Mercantile Co. in Okla. City on business.
Cheyenne Star, Sept. 7, 1916
By Dale Tracy. Friday morning about the hour of 4:00 fire was discovered in the Roger Mills County Court House in Cheyenne. The fire first caught on the stairway and in a very few minutes, gained headway to the roof, after which all hopes of saving the building vanished and all efforts were directed toward saving the records of the various county offices. Practically all of the records were saved, many of which were damaged seriously. Within one hour, the building was nothing but ashes. While the fire was still burning, Sheriff Trammell started out with special officers to find the trail of the incendiary. He himself with four or five other men started east in pursuit, the trail was followed to a place about three miles west of Hammon where the horsemen left the road. He unloaded his men, who continued the search and he continued on to Hammon, where he organized a posse and started them in search of the man that was thought to be in hiding. After a search for a short time, they located a man and horse in a cornfield of Frank Allee. Deputy Brown and other members of the posse commanded him to put up his hands, which the culprit did reluctantly. Deputy Brown placed the man, Shorty Vick, under arrest and took from his person a Colt 44. He was brought to Cheyenne and is now in jail. Sheriff Trammell, after organizing the posse and started them out in search of the man that was in hiding, took the back track and trailed it to the home of Speck Clark in Custer County. Clark and Charles Hamilton were placed under arrest and brought to town. Officers who are in a position to know, say that they have the dope on the guilty parties and have no doubt but what justice will be meted out.
Cheyenne Public School opened last Monday with 196 pupils. The following is the number enrolled as to grades: High School 90; 8th grade 15; 7th grade 18; 6th grade 22; 5th grade 19; 4th grade 21; 3rd grade 20; 2nd grade 16; 1st grade 18; primary 17. With Mr. W.T. Fisher as Supt., Miss Marjorie Falconer as Principal, and Mr. Oren Standifer, Miss Lora Rogers and Miss Ethel Douglas as grade teachers there is no good reason why Cheyenne should not have a successful school term. Married last Tuesday morning at the 5:00 a.m. occurred the marriage of Miss Mamie Kendall of Strong City and Mr. Henry Warren, a prosperous stock man who resides west of town. Married at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. B.D. Cooksey in this city, last Friday morning at 8:00 a.m., Miss Carey Fields and Mr. Leo D. Beaty. The bride has spent the last two years teaching schools in Arizona. Mr. Beaty has been and is now engaged in the cattle business and is recognized as being very successful financially.
District Court convened on Monday with only one criminal case to be tried. That was the State of Okla. vs. Speck Clark, who was charged with the theft of hogs of F.E. Herring. Wednesday afternoon the jury returned the verdict of guilty and assessed his punishment of two years and six months in the state penitentiary ( the recorder speculates that Speck Clark out of vengeance of the court house then torched the Court House on Friday morning.) Emily Mason of Maysville, Okla., who was called here to give testimony in the case wherein Mrs. M.A. Smith was suing the C&OW for personal injuries sustained while a passenger of that road, had the misfortune to fall down a flight of stairs at the Poindexter-Stalbird Hotel last evening, sustaining several injuries. She was intending to arise early in the morning and go to her farm in the north part of the county, and not having a timepiece in her room, she took a lamp and started down the stairs to see what time it was. When she reached the head of the stairs, she lost her equilibrium and fell head long down the first flight to the landing below, dislocating her right arm at the elbow, lacerating her left arm and forehead and spraining her right ankle. Outside these injuries, she is alright!! She was indeed lucky in that the lamp she was carrying was extinguished before it was broken in the fall. The case of Mrs. M.A. Smith vs. C&OW was found in favor of the defendant. Harry Henson of Rankin was a town visitor, others were: Dr. B. M. Ballenger Hamburg, James Harmon SW of town, J.J.Moore Strong City, I.C. Thurmond Okla. City, Tom Lovett north part of county, C.A. Bennett Candidate for Co. Comm. Crawford, J.P.Wilson Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Beavin Roll, S.K. Roberts, popular merchant of Crawford. Miss Katherine Falconer left last week for Stillwater where she will attend school the coming year. J.C. Meek, who owns a valuable farm northwest of town, has moved his family to Cheyenne so that his children may have advantage of our excellent school facilities. L.M. Dudney and his family returned from a month’s visit in Montana. They made the entire trip in a Ford. Lee reports a delightful trip and says that he likes the country fine. Sen. R.E. Echols of Elk City, is here assisting in the prosecution of Speck Clark on the charge of grand larceny. W.H. Mouser, left here last spring for New Mexico, where he is now engaged in practicing law, arrived here last Monday, to look after interests of his client in the District Court.
Cheyenne Star, Sept. 14, 1916
By Dale Tracy. Last Saturday about noon on the road north of Cheyenne, occurred a very serious automobile accident. Four men were in the car when it quit the road and turned turtle, badly injuring the occupants. Those in the car were traveling from Hobart to Ochiltree Co. Texas. They were traveling at a very high speed for the roads in this country and at this place; they were driving down a long slope and they came to a raised place in the road with a low place just beyond. They were running so fast that when they came to the raised place, the car quit the earth and turned turtle breaking both wheels on the right side of the car and throwing all the occupants out. Dr. Wallace dressed their wounds and is attending them at the Poindexter-Stahlbird Hotel.
J.M. Wileman, pastor of Cheyenne Baptist Church announces that the Roger Mills Co. Baptist Assoc. will convene here Sept. 28, 1916.
ROLL ITEMS: A large crowd of Roll people attended the Singing Convention at Durham on the third. The first sale of the season at McElfresh was well attended. We have had a fine rain and our farmers are plowing for wheat. Duff Miller has sold his Ford and says he can afford to go on foot. John McDougall and family attended Sunday School at Clear Springs last Sunday. Our school opened Last Monday with a large attendance. Prof. Earl White is the instructor. Clear Springs Church Superintendent is F.A. Beavin. He and his family attended the box supper at Hamburg on the ninth.
Following the burning of the court house, all county officers are under shelter. Most of them in the school building. The damage caused by the fire is hard to estimate. The records of the Co. Treasurer will have to be transcribed, which represents an enormous amount of labor. The records contained in the vaults of the Court Clerk and Co. Clerk were not damaged very badly. Although several of the large record books will have to be rebound. The office fixtures and building were covered by an insurance policy of $2000, which will cover only a small per cent of damage received. The Co. Treasurer and Co. Clerk offices are now located in the old Cotton Exchange Bank Building on Broadway. Co. Supt. office is at the home of Miss Rula Woodruff. The remainder of the county offices occupy the basement of the school building. The Co. Commissioners are making necessary arrangements of the erection of a fireproof Court House. It will be necessary to vote bonds for this purpose as there are no funds in the treasury that can be used for building purposes. Sheriff Trammell has removed Speck Clark and Charley Hamilton, two of the suspects under arrest for arson to Sayre for safe keeping. They have been unable to make the required bond. Short Vick is held in jail at this place, charged with having applied the torch.
Atty. Perry Madden went to Okla. City for legal business. Rev. W.B. Gilliam made business trip to Hinton. J.A. Reagan has the only exclusive dry goods house in Strong City. Miss Cora Evans, who has been ill at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J.P. Miller in this city, is able to be at her post of duty in the Co. Clerk’s office. Ed Freeman of the Rankin area was in Cheyenne last Wed. with a load of wheat. He received a $1.40 per bushel, netting him $84.00 for the load. J.L. Warren, one of our most progressive stock men of the west side of the county, was in town last Wed. doing business and happy about the rain. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackburn of the Beckham Co. Democrat of Elk City spent several days in this city this week. Walter Butler, who has been quite sick with Typhoid fever for the past few weeks, is up and around again. Uncle Frank Kendall of Strong City was here on business: Others were John C. Hendricks of Sayre (Legal matters), J.T. Funston Hamburg, and W.W. Funston of Rankin, Dick Mitchel editor of Roger Mills Sentinel, J.O. Kelly, Frank Ogle of Roll, Eddie Tracy of Strong City Herald, W.D. Kendall of Strong City, Mrs. W.C. Barber of Durham, G.H. Dodgion of south of town. E.C. Winfred closed a deal this week wherein Frank Purvis became the owner of a valuable farm west of town and O.F. Fowler became the owner of the farm owned by Mr. Purvis. Amount involved was approximately $6,000. S.H. Rimby who recently removed his family to Okla. City has rented the Young Property in the South part of town and will move them back in the near future. He will probably engage in business at this place.
REDMOON BEAMS: Miss Minnie Cole, daughter of Frank Cole of Hamburg, passed through on Monday’s mail car enroute to Denton, Texas to take a course of study in the college of industrial arts. A.J. Smith and wife of Cheyenne were visiting friends out here last Sunday. Dean Cross has business up the Washita last Sat. John King is off to the Texas panhandle on a pleasure trip. Mrs. Eva Tracy is in Albuquerque, New Mexico visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Collier. She took the three kiddies along and will be away for a month. Farmers up the Washita have come to life on the railroad question at a meeting last Saturday at the Washita School House, committees were appointed and everyone present felt assured that the ten miles of right of way will be secured without much difficulty.
Cheyenne Star, Sept 21, 1916
By Dale Tracy. The eighth annual Roger Mills Co. Fair held in Cheyenne, Thursday, Friday and Sat. was a great success. There were cows, chickens and ducks. Loving’s Electric Picture Show will locate in Cheyenne on the corner opposite the Randall Mercantile Store. They are temporarily located in a tent, but will soon be located in a building on the same site to be erected by the Randall Mercantile Co. The first show will be given Friday night. Mr. Loving has a good outfit and promises us a complete change of program every night.
Last Sat. morning about 9:00, Lloyd Purvis shot Dee Ross in the face with a double barrel shotgun, inflicting a very serious wound in the back of the head. The shooting took place at the home of A.L. Purvis, father of the would be man killer, who lives about seven miles west of Cheyenne on Croton Creek. Ross was brought to town on Sunday afternoon and is under the watchful care of Drs. Miller and Wallace. He is getting along even better than could be expected, yet he is not out of danger. Ross had walked over to the Purvis home to borrow some gasoline and he and the father of Lloyd had gone out to draw the gasoline when young Purvis came out of the house with a shotgun and called to Ross to look around and as he turned about face, Purvis pulled the trigger. The full contents of the shell struck him in the side of the face severing off the lobe of his ear and severing the artery in the neck, lodging in the back of the head. Jewel Purvis, a brother of Lloyd, prevented him from shooting the second time. Ross fell to the ground but soon was able to get on his feet, he became frightened and ran home, a distance of nearly a half mile, when officers and physicians were notified of the shooting. Drs. Miller and Wallace soon arrived on the scene and it was not a great while until the blood was stopped. Sheriff Trammell and undersheriff Brown went to the Purvis home where he was placed under arrest and brought to town and placed in jail await development of the wounded man. The trouble arose through jealousy – it seems that young Purvis and his wife have been having trouble and she had left him and went to the home of her father near Roll., after which Mr. Ross took her to Beaver County. Purvis made a trip to Roll the day before he shot Ross and says that he learned some things concerning his wife and Ross that was not in keeping propriety and that he resolved to kill Ross. It appears that he is desperately in love with his wife and thinks she has been untrue to him and that Ross is responsible for her leaving him.
E.S. Taylor states that it has been reported that he has discontinued the meat market business in Cheyenne. He states that to correct this report, he has not handled meat continually because there has been an ice panic, but he will continue to sell the best packing house beef that can be bought. Lonnie Cauble is reported ill with fever. Pat Wilson was business visitor in Cheyenne: A.C. Titsworth of near Sayre, W.A. Denton of Strong City, E.N. McGlothin, Grover C. Wilson of Hamburg area(wanted to make proof but because of Court House fire, there were no papers for him to complete it), J.C. Crawford, John Isch of Rankin, O.A. Bowman west of town, George L. Bashaw near Hammon (candidate for Co. Trea.)
Guy Eakins, Court Clerk, spent Sun. with home folks near Hammon, his father, N.J. Eakins accompanied him to this city and transacted business on Monday. Mrs. Fred Beckel of Canadian and her mother, Mrs. Fred Ogle of Durham spent several days last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Salyer west of this city. Sam Ross, a former resident of this city, but now Texas, arrived here last Wed. having been summoned to the bedside of his brother, who was shot last Saturday. The Star office printed bills the first of the week advertising a sale for E.B. Freeman and B.B. Thompson to be held six miles south of Hamburg on Sept. 27. WE also printed handbills for a cattle sale for Mrs. Annie Henson for the estate of H. Henson on the Bill Perkins place, five miles west and 1/2 south of Cheyenne Sept. 26. Burl James returned the latter part of the week from Okla. City where he placed an order for an electric light plant where he will install in Cheyenne in the near future. This is an enterprise that has long been needed in Cheyenne and we predict it to be a very profitable business from the start. He has secured contracts for lights for practically every business firm in town. Edgar Taylor, a stock farmer who resides on Croton Creek was in the city last Monday where he told of his discovery of a large buzzard in his vicinity wearing a bell. The fact that none of his stock wore a bell and hearing the tinkling of one excited his curiosity and an investigation revealed the fact that it was a Bell’s Buzzard. He fancies there is some inscription on the bell and is devising a plan to catch the new visitor.
Cheyenne Star, Sept 28, 1916
By Dale Tracy The preliminary hearing of Speck Clark, Shorty Vick and Charles Hamilton was held here last Mon. at the Maddux Building in Justice Falconer’s court. The council for the defendants, Judge Hendricks and Perry Madden. Co. Atty. S. Grim represented the state. The trio is charged with the burning of the court house here on September 8 for the purpose of destroying the court papers. In the case of the state vs. Speck Clark on a charge of grand larceny, Clark was found guilty by the jury and punishment fixed 2 years and 6 mo. in the state penitentiary for appropriating a number of hogs belonging to F.E. Herring. The records in this case were left in the open court room and were destroyed by fire on the morning of the eighth.
Sheriff Trammell and Mr. Lester of how the trail of the horse was followed from the large arbor on the Court House Square to the cornfield of Frank Allee near Hammon, where Vick was arrested and brought back to town. Sheriff also told where he had taken the backtrack and followed it to the barn of Clark in Custer Co. where he arrested Clark and Hamilton. Jay Morton who had been notified by Sheriff Trammell to watch the road and not let anyone pass, told how he had stopped Shorty Vick in the road near his house and inquired about the court house burning, and how Vick had told him that it was true and that Trammell had sent him to guard the road a little further down the country near Hammon and how he told him to go on. At this evidence, Shorty Vick laughed at his cleverness in believing that he was a representative of the Sheriff. Atmer Bowman, who lives only a short distance from Speck Clark’s home, told how he had heard a conversation between Clark and Vick just a few days before the fire at which time the plot was laid to destroy the court house at this place. No evidence was introduced connecting Hamilton with the burning and he was discharged.
The heavy rain that visited this section was a great blessing to farmers in western Okla. It will insure a very large wheat acreage.
Lloyd Purvis who shot Dee Ross with a shot gun on Sept. 16, waived preliminary hearing and was released from jail on a $2000 bond. Mr. Ross seems to be improving very nicely and has been sitting up quite a bit lately. In fact, he has been driving his Ford about town. This will lighten the case for Purvis considerably, for if Ross had died from effects of the gunshot, Purvis would have been charged with murder.
T.L. Turner made business trip to Hammon. J.R. Robbins,
Comm. of this district was here Tues. Others transacting business were: Dr. and Mrs. W.S. Cary, Ed Lozier, Co. Ira Walters, Bill Swope of Rankin, G.E. Shufeldt of Redmoon, James Harmon, D.S. Martin of Grimes, L.E. Stephens east of town, Stone Taylor, C.A. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman west of town, J.L. Warren Croton Creek. Dan Burns is in Okla. City taking in the State Fair. Other fair goers are Fred Tunnard and daughter Jessie, R.N. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Beaty, Mr. and Mrs. J.L.M. Curry.
The household effects of S.H. Rimby have arrived and will establish their home in Young residence in the south part of town. The Strong City Herald was awarded a contract for the printing of the general election supplies for $46.00. The Herald may make money, but we doubt it. Miss Myra Warren, who was reported ill last week, is able to assume her duties as music instructor in the public school. C.O. Gause returned home from Okla. City where he purchased a new 1917 model Ford for his livery service. A great deal of broomcorn has been brought to town and fancy prices are being received by the farmers. A farmer doesn’t need but little stuff to market this year in order to get by with the prices they are receiving. Judson Cunningham, Co. Clerk here, returned home after spending several days in Okla. City where he had the county records re-bound that were damaged in the fire that destroyed the court house. John A. Vincent, a well to do farmer-stockman who resides across state line in Texas has purchased the property known as the Sam Elliott residence in the north part of town. He will move his family here within a few days to get the advantage of our excellent school.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 19, 1916
By Dale Tracy. Cotton prices are the highest in several years to 17.31 cents per pound, the highest since 1874. Cheyenne is now overrunning with people who have moved to our city for permanent residence and to send our children to excellent schools. Every available house in town is occupied and there are many applicants for houses that can’t be supplied. Our schools are full and overflowing, having an enrollment of over 250 pupils, who are being ably taught by a core of teachers that are second to none in this section of the state. A number of substantial buildings will be erected just as soon as the C&OW begins operation of trains to our town, which will be as soon as the road can be placed in proper condition to accept heavy trains.
The Methodist Episcopal Church will have a benefit musical on October 24. Those on the program are: Mr. and Mrs. Lovett, Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. Henry Warren, Mrs. Walter Butler, Miss Falconer,
Messrs Hill, Miller and Latta. Mrs. T.L. Miller, Vera Johnson, Laura Warren, Percy Tunnard, Mrs. G.H. Wallace, Mrs. G.H. Tunnard, Gladys Bellamy, Mrs. Falconer, Miss Douglas.
The new law firm of Mitchell and Madden has been organized to practice law in Roger Mills and Custer counties. Perry Madden will be located at Cheyenne and Sen. E.L. Mitchell will locate at Clinton. Mart Poindexter from up the Canadian River was a business visitor here; others were: E.F. Stephens who resides on Beaver Dam Creek southeast of town, & J.W. Cooper who resides southeast of town. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Taylor left last Sat. to attend the Dallas Fair. Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Madden were married at Chillicothe, Missouri on Wed. of last week, arrived in Cheyenne Monday of this week to make their home in our city. Rev. G.W. Wilder will conduct the services at Baptist Church Sun. morning & evening, signed J.M. Wileman, pastor. F.M. Ogle states that owing to ill health, he will sell his grist mill outfit in Cheyenne, consisting of one six horsepower gas engine, two sets of burrs, line shaft, pulleys and belting, at a bargain, if taken at once. Mrs. G.H. Cox of near Rankin, was injured rather severely Tuesday afternoon when a rein broke and the horse she was driving ran away, throwing her out of the buggy, spraining her ankle and bruising her in several places.
The residence of George Redmond in the west part of town was completely destroyed by fire Thursday evening, owing to the high wind. All efforts to save the house availed nothing, the crowd being able to save only a small portion of the household effects. H.C. Robinson who resides ten miles west of this place, will hold a public auction at his farm on Tuesday, October 24. Mutt and Jeff will cry the sale. Mr. Edgar Vaughn and Miss Bessie Price were quietly married at the ME parsonage Monday, Oct. 16, 1916 by Rev. Gilliam. They will make their home near Durham. Rula Woodruff, Co. Supt., announces that examinations for county teacher certificates will be held in Cheyenne school house October 26-28. Elder Christianson, who has been preaching for the Latter Day Saints here, closed his meeting last Sunday. F.A. Beavin and W.A. Adams were here last Sunday looking over the political situation. They are pleased with the outlook for a democratic victory on the seventh of next months. Mr. Beavin is the Democratic Nominee for Court Clerk and W.A. Adams for Supt.
DURHAM DOINGS by Lady Beth. Mr. and Mrs. D.O. Cloud are entertaining Mr. Cloud’s niece, Mrs. Walter Hudgel and Mr. Hudgel of Drumright and his nephews, Mr. George Circle and Mrs. Circle of Oilton, Okla. and Mr. Ezra Vance and Mrs. Vance of Canadian. Miss Rebecca Kinzer left Tues. for her brother’s place in Pampa. Miss Estella Cowardin left Wed. for visit with relatives in Missouri. Little Melvin Manning of Kansas City arrived Thurs. to spend the winter with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Barber. Mrs. W.A. Thompson and children returned Sun. from a three weeks’ visit with relatives in Kansas. Mrs. L.A. Straughan left Wed. for points in Okla. and Kan. where she will visit relatives. J.G. Gantz made trip to Canadian on Wed. Mrs. Whitson, Mrs. Ira Whitson and children, Miss Callie Whitson, D.R. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Ogle, Mrs. S.F. Guier, M.H. Bowden and children are a few of the Durhamites who attended the big Democratic Rally in Strong City. J.S. Harper is visiting his daughter in Tulsa. Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Gantz left Fri. for Pampa. Mr. L.A. Straughan was chief clerk at Barber’s Store Wed. in the absence from Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Barber, who went to Canadian on business. Mesdames Dennis Raff and Bernie Raff are visiting their sister, Mrs. Will Price. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gantz spent Sun. with A.W. Thompson and family. A new firm will begin building after the new year in our burg. They will handle John Deere Implements, heavy hardware and keep a full line of repairs. The firm will fill a long felt want as an implement firm is something we have needed. Friends at Durham received cards this week announcing the birth of a son, October 11, 1916 to Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Wilmoth. Mrs. Wilmoth is at her mother’s home in Canadian.
Cheyenne Star, Oct. 26, 1916
By Dale Tracy. The Platonic Club met on October 6 and their Roll Call topic was “Would you like to vote?” and give a reason. They met in home of Mrs. G.B. Lovett and Myra Warren was leader. C.A.L. Robins will have a public sale of livestock, consisting of hogs, horses and high grade Jersey cattle at his farm seven miles west of Hamburg, Mon. Nov. 6, 1916. I.C. Thurmond sold a large number of high grade cattle, but still has 100 head that he will sell at the Hightower place, four miles south and two miles west of Cheyenne on Friday morn Nov. 3. Visitors with business here: J.W. McCall, the genial sewing machine agent of Hammon; J.L. Ivy a progressive farmer near Roll; John King a farmer near Rankin; John Cross; W.P. Keen of Elk City; L.M. Dudney who resides up the Washita near Redmoon; George Puryear, a farmer stockman in southwest part of county; E.F. Stephens who resides southeast of town; U.A. Albin publisher of the Sweetwater Breeze.
Col. Short, A.A. Hill and A.C. Chase went to Elk City to hear Allan L. Benson, Socialist candidate for President deliver a political speech. Mrs. Perry Madden returned home Wed. after an extended visit with relatives in Seattle and Port Angeles, Wash. A musical given at the school house Tues. night for the purpose of raising funds to decorate the interior of the ME Church in this city, was well received by an appreciative audience. Picture show will run a two reel comic feature every Thursday night – Tom and Jerry. A pie supper was given at the Anderson School House last Sat. for the benefit of the school- proceeds of $43.20 will be used in buying fuel. Col. J.A. Moad, Republican candidate for Sheriff was here Wed. shaking hands with friends and incidentally talking politics. Col. Moad is a good friend of ours but in the wrong pew. J.P. Barker will conduct a public sale of cattle at his place, one half north and 2.5 west of Rankin on Nov. 1.
A large number from this place went to Canadian, Texas last Sat. to attend the big Indian Stunt pulled off at that place. The Indians killed two wild Texas steers with bow and arrows, thus staging the feat performed in the days of the buffalo. Mrs. R.F. Baird and son, Dick, Jr. returned home after spending several weeks visiting relatives in Texas.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 2, 1916
By Dale Tracy. The youngsters of this place pulled off their Halloween pranks last Tuesday night, turning over privies and piling up obstructions on the sidewalks, painting doorknobs with tar, etc. Little real damage was done and the boys had their fun, so I suppose that everything is well.
Dr. Cary of Rankin was here the first of the week looking after business; other visitors were: Grant McColgin & Orville Conrad of Rankin, Judge C.S. Gilkerson of Elk City, R.A. Mitchell of Strong City, Uncle Vint Thomas of Durham, J.M. Calvert of Route 2.
Mrs. S. Jackson left Sat. for Tulsa where she is enjoying Grand Opera. Dick Cunningham left last Mon. for Strong City to accept a position with the Strong City Herald.
George Puryear of Sweetwater and wife spent one day visiting Mrs. G.W. Hodges of this city. Mrs. W.H. Mouser left the first of the week for her home in Des Moines, New Mexico. She had been visiting her sister, Mrs. B.C. Latta for several days. Mrs. Mildred Light, daughter of Mrs. S.A. Wallace, arrived here last Thurs. to spend a few weeks visiting with the home folks. Rev. Gilliam and family left last Sat. for annual conference. Mrs. Gilliam and children will spend the time with her parents at Lone Wolf. See Charley Chaplin, the highest paid movie actor in the world, at the picture show on Sat. night. Also four more reels of the best. Admission is 15 cents and 10 cents. W.R. Potter, who has been filling some speaking dates for the Democrats, was called home last Wed. by the serious illness of his wife, who was stricken with paralysis last Tues. afternoon. We are glad to note that her condition is much improved but not yet out of danger.
The Dixie Minstrel Co., composed of the Gem City Ball Team, will show at the high school auditorium Sat. night, featuring the newest novelty minstrel performances and song. Admission 35 cents and 25 cents. Among those who attended a Democratic Rally here last Sat. from Durham were: W.B. Cecil, William Thomas, Klina Potter, W.C. Tomblinson, Guy Davis, Mrs. W.R. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Barton, who left this state some time ago for New Mexico where they own some valuable land, returned a short time ago to visit with Mrs. Barton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cooper, who reside a few miles southeast of here.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 9, 1916
By Dale Tracy. The Democratic Cyclone sweeps Roger Mills County. County Judge – J.M. Wileman, Democrat won over J.W. Miller, Socialist. County Attorney – T.L. Turner, Democrat over H.Floyd Wheeler, Soc. County Clerk – Guy Eakins, Dem over Grant McColgin, Rep. and W.B. Leslie Soc. County Clerk – F.A. Beavin, Dem over S.C. Thompson, Soc. County Sheriff – R.L. Trammell, Dem over Joe Moad, Rep. County Treasurer – George L. Bashaw, Dem over K.C. Paulk, Soc. County Assessor – J.M. Lester, Dem over William Hanawalt, Soc. County Surveyor – John B. Tracy, Dem over Charles Finch, Rep. Co. Superintendent – W.A. Adams, Dem. over Rula Woodruff, Rep. and C.A. Squire, Soc. County Weigher – John Ford, Dem. over George Crossland, Soc. County Commissioner #1- Stone Taylor, Dem. over G.W. Franklin, Soc. County Commissioner #2- Grant Hiatt, Rep. over Arthur Crawford, Dem. County Commissioner #3- Charles Bennett, Dem. over George Flue, Soc.
A large crowd was in Cheyenne last Sat. having been attracted here largely by the sale of the Cheyenne Short Line Railroad Company. Some thought that the sale would not be had, on account of certain ones interfering, but they were surprised when W.E. Hocker, receiver for the company, began reading the order of sale and offering it for sale. Only three bids were offered and it was sold for $1750.00 to Mitchell, Madden and Grim, Attorneys who have been representing the people of Cheyenne in this case. Title will be transferred to Frank Kell, owner of the C&OW. Cheyenne will be the terminus of the C&OW just as soon as the roadbed can be overhauled and new cross ties and steel laid for the heavy trains to travel safely, which will not be later than January 1, 1917. Rev. Gilliam has been retained by the Methodist Church for another year. J.O. Eakins of near Hammon was here. Frank Cole, John Spencer, F.W. King & A.C. Wilson of Hamburg were also here, Dr. Cary, E.M. Bocox & J.M. Payne of Rankin were here on business, W.B. Cecil of Durham was gathering election supplies for Washita #1, B.O. Cloud of Durham was here, R.P. Kepley of Strong City, W.W. Funston, Prop. of the Big Store of Rankin, has been making many trips to the road recently in his two ton auto truck.
Cheyenne Band accompanied the Democratic speakers to Durham last Sat. night to furnish music for the Big Stunt that attracted the largest crowd that has been assembled at this place this year. The two children of John Vincent, who recently moved here from the Texas line, are reported as being very low with typhoid pneumonia at this writing. The Socialists of Roger Mills County all went up Salt River last Tuesday to spend their vacation; the Republicans went with them.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 16, 1916
By Dale Tracy. The re-construction on the Cheyenne Short Line began last Monday. A large crew of men is employed taking up the defective steel and ties, straightening track and repairing bridges. This work is being done by Mr. Kell, owner of the C&OW. As soon as it is made safe, he will assume title and begin operating trains from Clinton to Cheyenne. Ten miles of right of way, west of town, has been guaranteed and it may be that this road will be extended west into the Texas Panhandle in the spring. This is good news for the people of Cheyenne and to the farmers who live west of town, who have been having to haul their produce many miles to market. Work of re construction has caused a great deal of property to change hands in the county seat town and many deals are being negotiated. The erection of four large store buildings is being contemplated and will no doubt be under construction within the next few weeks. Resident houses are about the scarcest thing in town at this time. Calvin Tackett of near Rankin accidentally shot himself in the arm with a shotgun Wed. evening. The wound was such a serious nature that it became necessary to amputate the arm that night. Calvin had been over to Jim Scrivner’s place that day and had taken his gun along for a little sport, and as he was getting out of the wagon, it somehow discharged taking effect in his arm. Dr. Wallace and Cary performed the operation Wed. night.
Last Monday afternoon the home of Will Ogle of this city was destroyed by fire. The contents were also destroyed. Mrs. Ogle had gone to a neighbor’s place after a pail of water and while she was gone, the children who were playing in the house set fire to a lace window curtain, which caught fire to the wallpaper, which spread over the entire house. The high wind and the lightness of the structure aided the flames in consuming everything within a very few minutes. As usual the fire engine was out of commission. It had been left outside and the chemicals were frozen. B.R. James has installed a large engine to pull the generator which makes light for Cheyenne. Last evening was the first night that he has had his new engine in operation and a marked difference was evidenced in the lights. While the plant is not the largest in the world, it is plenty large for Cheyenne at present and as the town grows, Mr. James will enlarge his plant to meet the demand. Last Wed. morning the death angel hovered over the home of Mr. ad Mrs. John Vincent of this city and claimed Victoria, their little fourteen year old daughter. Victoria had been dangerously ill for some time with Typhoid and for some time little or no hope for her recovery had been expressed by those who knew best of her condition. Victoria was born August 15, 1903 and died November 15, 1916 making her 13 years and 4 months old at the time of her untimely demise. The remains were taken to the Rankin cemetery for interment Wed. afternoon. Rev. Gilliam, pastor of the Methodist Church at this place, conducted the funeral services. Last Tuesday was declared Clean up day in Cheyenne by the City Council. It might be well to declare every day clean up day for thirty days or until all rubbish is cleared away from the alleys and back yards – the front yards are usually kept clean. There has been too much typhoid in our town the past year and it is largely due to open closets (outhouses) and filth in the back yards. If the Council can’t control the situation, the Board of Health should be called in to help make Cheyenne a sanitary town. Mrs. C.N. Tracy spent Tues. with friends in Strong City. Mrs. A.Y. Owen, Strong City visited friend here last week. Uncle Frank Kendall of Strong City was a business vistior in the metropolis last Tuesday. Other residents making a trip to Cheyenne were: Dr. and Mrs. W.S. Cary, Ed H. Williams & J.W. Douglas of Rankin; J.W. Fimple of Leedey; Sam Berry near Redmoon. Alvin Moore is teaching school near Hamburg, was not able to return Monday to his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Newt McClain have removed their household effects from south main and are now doing light housekeeping at the R.N. Higgins’ home. Mrs. A.T. Burge of Strong City is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. J.L.M. Curry here. A cold wave has visited this section last Sunday has caused us to wonder what has become of our summer wages. Another one of the Vincent children is reported to be suffering from typhoid fever here. Bob Herring has sold his farm south of town and has moved to this city to send his children to school. E.E. Tracy and daughter Julia commenced what promises to be a very successful school tern at Brookside southwest of town last week. A.F. Randall was confined to his room last week on account of illness, but is now able to up at his duties at the Randall Mercantile. Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Beaty have moved to their home on south main street and are now at home to their friends. Mr. Beaty recently purposed this property from Harry Brown of Strong City. Miss Marjorie Falconer entertained the high school and eighth grade last Sat. evening. The evening was spent in playing games and music.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 23, 1916
By Dale Tracy. The County Court of Roger Mills County convened in this city last Monday morning with the Co. Judge J.W. Miller on the bench. “Grandma” White, Mrs. Ellen White, died last Thursday night, Nov. 17, 1916 in the home of her son, W.K. Nail, who lives three miles west of Crawford. Grandma White was 76 years old and a member of the Methodist Church. She leaves two children and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Rev. W.D. Gilliam of the ME Church conducted the funeral services. Mrs. C.G. Conway(Elizabeth) of Hamburg died last Saturday, November 19, 1916 after an extended illness. She was born March 1, 1847. She was a former resident of this city and have many friends at Strong City and Hamburg. Remains were laid to rest at Cheyenne Cemetery Sunday afternoon. The head surveyor of the C&OW Railroad, Mr. Cook, states that in a few days they will have some 50 men and teams on the construction work. A comparison of the votes cast in 1916 versus 1914 shows that Socialism in Roger Mills County has come and gone. Mrs. L.D. Beaty on Friday, Nov. 17 hosted the Platonic Club with Mrs. S.A. Wallace as the leader of the program. The first four chapters of Acts were discussed. Ed Mangold of Durham had business in Cheyenne; others are: G.E. Shufeldt near Redmoon, S. Taylor Comm. elect for this district; Henry Dewees who resides a few miles south of here and marketed his corn; J.W. McMurtry of Hammon; Ed Taylor who resides west of town on Croton Creek; John Cross from two miles north of Cheyenne; W.S. Farmer, a progressive stock farmer of Sandstone area; J.L. Warren who lives west of town on Croton Creek; Pat Shaw and Pat Wilson of Hamburg.
Jim Lester returned last Sat. from Hammon, where he looked after some business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson of Miami, Texas were visiting relatives here this week. Born on Wed. last to Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Howard, an eleven pound baby girl. Walter Walkup who has been employed at the West Broadway Garage left last Sat. night for New Mexico where he will spend the winter. Miss Gladys Salyer entertained a number of her friends at her home last Wed. evening. Mrs. Jennie Berry returned last Monday from an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs Maud Ingram at Wichita Falls. Chester Tracy who has been employed as compositor in this office for the last four months, left last Sunday for Magdalena, New Mexico, where he has accepted a similar position on the Magdalena News, edited by A.G. Carter, former editor of the Star. Last Monday night a number of our wide awake business men met at the Star Office and organized a Fire Company with T.L. Miller as Chief. This is one of the needed things in Cheyenne so that property can be properly protected in case of fire. We have a splendid chemical engine and with trained men, fire can be controlled.
Cheyenne Star, Nov. 30, 1916
By Dale Tracy. Last Thursday Hugh A. Randall of the Randall Mercantile Company here invited a number of wide awake businessmen to meet with him at the Poindexter-Stahlberg Hotel to talk Commercial Club. The invitation had twelve responses. Each man was called on to discuss certain subjects of vital importance to the progress of our little town and each responded. It was consensus of opinion that a Commercial Club would be of great service here and should be organized. Another meeting was held in the court room on Monday evening for the purpose of electing officers for the year 1917. Those elected were: G.B. Lovett President; John C Thornton Vice-President; R.F. Baird Secretary; W.H. Lee, Asst Secretary; and Hugh Randall Treasurer. Several committees were appointed whose duties will be to look after the welfare of our town. Last Sat. night, the Odd fellows elected officers for the ensuing term. Those elected O.R. Prestridge, NG; Alvin Moore BG; Hugh A Randall Secretary; John C Casady Treasurer; F.G. Brann, Trustee. Upon Wed. occurred the death of Dessie Chance, who was born August 11, 1903 and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Dawkins, who reside southeast of town. Dessie was 13 years and three months of age at the time of her death, which was the result of an attack of typhoid fever. Rev. Gilliam conducted services at the Cheyenne Cemetery where the body was laid to rest. The following rates will be charged for the light service and wiring. A charge of $2.50 for each light will be charged. Residential rates are $1.50 per month for one light and two lights for $2.00. Three or more lights .75 per light. Meter rates are .15 per kilowatt. Cliff Westbrooks, a young man who has been employed at the Tunnard Mercantile Co. here for several months, accidentally let an automatic pistol go off while riding in an automobile today. He was demonstrating how the pistol operates, when it was discharged, the ball striking him just below the knee, going through the bone without breaking it. Mr. Chase, who was driving the car, was burned on the leg by the same ball that penetrated Mr. Westbrook’s leg. He was immediately brought to town and taken to Dr. Wallace’s office where his wound was dressed. He was then taken to the home of Mrs. Douglas, one mile north of town, where he will be cared for by his brother, Neil Westbrooks, who is employed on the farm by Mr. Douglas. Mrs. Maude Goff, wife of A. Goff of near Redmoon, died last Thursday after an illness of only an hour. On Thursday night she retired, showing nor feeling any symptoms of ill health – but sometime in the foretime of the night, she was stricken with apoplexy and before sixty minutes had passed, she was dead. Mrs. Goff is a young woman of only 32 years of age, when the leaper caused the flower of life to wilt. Among those who mourn her death are mother, father and three brothers. On Friday her remains were interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery with Rev. Curtis conducting the funeral services.
Hix Duncan of near Rankin visited our town; other residents making appearance in Cheyenne: Mrs. Clyde Young residing west of this city; J.M. Thompson progressive farmer from south of town; Uncle Perry Taylor on Croton Creek; J.D. and L.T. Funston of Hamburg; J.A. Sadler who resides south of Crawford; R.H. Wallace from Durham; Mrs. W.A. Young from north of town.
Perry Madden and Leon Young returned from Carnegie today where they looked after business matters. Oscar Casady, who has been working at his trade in Canadian during the past 18 months, returned home last Tuesday to spend the winter. A.F. Randall returned Wed. from Okla. City where he looked after business. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gabbart of Durham passed through here on way to Elk City, they were accompanied by Misses Klina and Ruby Potter. Klina will attend the State Teachers’ Meeting in Okla. City and Ruby has enrolled at the female college at Chickasha. B.R. James and L.C. Chase of this city returned home Tues. from Okla. City where they went on business. Born on Monday last, to Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Anderson on Nov. 28. Alvin Moore who was teaching school near Hamburg left last Wed. for Okla. City where he will attend the State Teachers’ Meeting. C.A. Purcell of Rankin area spent several days in town and are living here sending their children to school. Misses Ethel Douglas and Laura Rogers left last Wed. for Okla. City where they are attending the State Teachers Meeting. These two ladies are teachers employed here.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 6, 1916
By Dale Tracy. The construction work on the Cheyenne Railroad is being pushed as fast as possible by Mr. Cook, who is in charge of the construction work. He has a large crew of men at work and a great showing has been made in this past week. There are several who are ready and waiting to commence the erection of substantial buildings, just waiting for train service to be resumed so that the freight rate will not be so high on building material. The extension will mean much to Cheyenne —it gives them that feeling of assurance that makes men turn loose their money and improve their homes and build better ones. We don’t hope to make a city of 100,000 but we do hope to make a nice little city, large enough to take care of all the needs of the trade territory. On Wed. of last week A.L. Squires of near Sweetwater met with a serious accident. He was on his wagon loaded with hogs on his way to Erick when a runaway team of Mr. Clevenger struck the back end of his wagon, knocking him off and then trampling him underfoot. He was immediately taken to a doctor who dressed his wounds, which were pronounced serious. The latest report we have are that he is getting along very well but is still in a very serious condition.
The following prices will be charged for electric light service and wiring: a charge $2.50 will be charged for installing each light, both business and residence, all inside wiring will belong to the party having lights installed. Rates for a residence with one light, $1.50 per month; 2 lights $1.00 per light per month; Three or more will be .75 per light per month; Business two or more lights, $1.00 per light; meter rates: .15 per kilowatt. DISTRICT COURT is set for Mon. morning, Dec. 11 and there are many important cases that will be tried at this term. Last Sun. night a team drawing a buggy came into the yard of Mr. Hiatt, east of town. After an investigation was made, it was found that a dead man was in the vehicle. It proved to be John Ackley, a resident of Sandstone. Mr. Ackley went to Strong City on Sat. and obtained some whiskey and spent the night with Jim Kimzey, east of that place. Mr. Kimzey hid his bottle and Achley came back to Strong City on Sunday. After he was in town a short time, he showed up with another bottle, almost empty. When he was found dead at the Hiatt place, he had still another bottle together with a lot of “Old Abbott Whiskey” advertising $2.25 stuff. It is thought that this poison labeled whiskey, was the cause of his death, as he was in perfect health when he left home Saturday and no other cause can be attributed to his death. Every time a man drinks bootleg whiskey, he hazards his life, for it is impossible to know what he is drinking.
The Cheyenne Commercial Club held a meeting last Tuesday eve. at the court room. The committee on civic improvements have made arrangements for public watering troughs for the farmers’ teams. The Cheyenne Star has printed an order of sale bills for J.P. Harris advertising a public sale at his farm, nine miles west of Cheyenne. The sale will be held Dec. 12, 1916. A municipal Christmas tree will be had in Cheyenne this year, the first attempt at such in the history of our city. The tree will be in the center of Broadway, which will be beautifully decorated and have electric lights, and each child in the city will be remembered by Santa Claus.
DURHAM ITEMS by Lady Beth.
The Durham community has received word of the marriage of Miss Dolly Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Wilson of Hamburg, to Mr. Debbs McGlothlin of Plainview, Texas. Miss Wilson has been employed by the telephone company at Plainview for the last three years. Miss Marian Malson, who has been with Mrs. Barber since Thanksgiving with home folks near Roll. Quite a number of Durhamites went to the singing convention at Roll last Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Butler of Cheyenne were pleasant callers at Durham friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Vaughn entertained the young friends of their son, Arthur in honor of his 17th birthday. Rhual Hughes is back from New Mexico. Andrew Wylie, T.L. Holstine, Louis Crawford and Henry Mangold are Fording it in New Mexico. Mr. Holstine having sold his ranch near Grand is seeking a new location. Mrs. Ray Churchill, who was operated on last week by Dr. Caylor, is improving nicely. Miss Zula Carver was five years old Tues. and Mrs. Carver asked all the little ones of the neighborhood to a party at 2:00. Work on the Methodist Church at this place is progressing nicely. Announcemnt is made of the marriage of George Lewis and Mrs. Dennis Cockrell. Both are well known young people of our community. Arthur Vaughn left Sun. for Colo. where he will visit his brother, Charlie and family. Will Gabbart in charge of the blacksmith shop at this place, in the absence of Mr. Whitson, who is in Kansas City.
F.M. Hammond and Frank Cole of Hamburg area were business visitors in the county seat as well as F.A. Beavin, Roll; J.O. Kelly, D.B. King, Rankin; C. Rowley, Co. Comm. near Crawford. C.A. Square and Miss Leona Franklin of Dempsey were united in marriage the latter part of last week. J.M. Lester has disposed of the Farmers Café and has moved his family to the residence on Broadway that he recently bought from Mrs. Jennie Berry. Jack Crossley of Lubbock arrived here Thurs. to have a short visit with Mrs. Crosley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tunnard. Farm House and contents of Mr. J.N. Thompson was destroyed by fire last Sat. night. Mr. Thompson has just recently traded for this property and had no insurance. The Star has been informed that diphtheria has been reported in the area west of Durham. The Loving Picture Show is furnishing some excellent programs at their electric picture show. Mr. W.B. Johnson and son, John of Canadian visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Salyer, west of town. Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Pool of Panhandle, Texas are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Casady. Mr. Pool is a brother of Mrs. Casady. Mrs. G.W. Hodges left for Okla. City where she will remain a few days. She will spend the winter in Texas and has placed her business affairs in the hands of R.F. Baird. Strayed or stolen from the pasture of Frank Purvis on Croton Creek, 3 cows branded O on left thigh. John Clay, who resides south of Durham purchased the farm known as the Carr place. Guy Davis, one of Roger Mills County’s teachers was here last Sat. The W.L. Osborn farm 1 mile west of the Funston’s store at Rankin was purchased this week by John C. Wheeler.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 14, 1916
By Dale Tracy. The case of the state versus Shorty Vick, who is alleged to have set fire to the court house in this city last September was called Wed. and the evidence taken. The State proved the condition of the court house at the time when the fire was first discovered, that the first arrivals put the fire out on the stairway, only to discover that the blaze had worked its way up to the attic, between the ceiling and the outer wall; that these parties then went into the Clerk’s office and began carrying out the records, until the avenue of escape was cut off and they had to get out through the windows. Sheriff Trammell’s testimony was that after he had done what he could to save the contents, that he organized several posses to go out on all the possible roads leading into town and guard the same and ascertain if anyone had recently passed that way.
He soon discovered the tracks of the horse having been hitched under the arbor and that with several others, the Sheriff started out in a car to follow the tracks. He testified that the tracks led to within a mile of Strong City and then turned east and south. The tracks were followed until he reached the neighborhood of Mr. Allee near Hammon. There the party separated, Mr. Trammell going on into Custer County to the hope of Speck Clark; that from near Allees, Trammell backtracked the horse to Speck Clark’s residence, and that he was unable to find any other tracks leading away or to his residence. On account of the rain during the early part of the night, it was easy to trail the horse that alarm had been sent out over the telephones, and when the possee reached the Morton home near Herring, they met Jay Morton, who told them of a man who had passed there on horseback about thirty minutes before and that he had talked with the man and had asked him how far he had come–and the man stated that he had come from Cheyenne. When asked if it was true that the court house was burning, the man said it was true and that Trammell had sent him out on that road to try to catch the man that had fired it, that Trammell had traced him around by way of Strong City and that he was guarding the road. Other members of the posse scattered from Allee’s place, some on foot and some horseback; two of the number finally located Shorty Vick asleep in a corn field, while one watched him, the other went and got the balance of the posse and upon their return, they arrested him and brought him back to Cheyenne. Mr. Morton testified to having the conversation with Mr. Vick, that he informed Mr. Trammell of; that he didn’t recognize Mr. Vick when he passed his place. Although Mr. Morton had a slight acquaintance with Mr. Vick and it was just getting daylight; that he identified him when he was brought back by the officers as being the man who had passed there earlier in the morning. There was also some testimony to a partial admission on the part of Mr. Vick that he was the man who burned the court house, but this was not definite. The testimony showed that the horse used by Mr. Vick had one or two peculiarities in the way of the shape of his hooves and some portion of the hoof being broken off, which made trailing very easy. After the horse was returned to Cheyenne, He was taken out and ridden along side the earlier tracks for some distance and the two tracks were practically identical. Testimony in this case took the greater part of the day and after supper, the case was given to the jury. About 9:00 after one and half hours of deliberation, the jury returned the verdict of 5 years in the state penitentiary. Attys Grim and Baird represented the state; Mitchell and Madden represented the defense. Judge T.P. Clay of Mangum officiating.
This week, J.M. Lester of Cheyenne was awarded the contract to haul two carloads of lumber from Strong City, which will be used in the construction of a large depot in this place by the C&OW. The location has not been definitely decided but thought it will be at the end of fourth street. A man by the name of Hughes has been awarded a contract for erecting the structure and will begin work next week. It is thought that construction of the railroad would be finished by the first of the year.
Court convened last Mon. afternoon and on Tuesday morning the docket was sounded and cases called, but no one seemed to be ready for trial of their cases. The court was about to dismiss a number of cases by reason of attorneys not ready for trial, when it was brought to the attention of the court that sufficient notice had not been given to counsel as to when their cases were to be tried. Tuesday afternoon the jury was impaneled, but not called until Wed. afternoon. The cause of the delay was on account of the court dockets not being printed on time by the County printer, The Herald newspaper of Strong City. This delay is said to have cost the county $100.00 on account of the 50 jurors drawing $2 per day. Arthur Crawford of Hammon was here doing jury service; other attending district court: Ruhel Hughes, Will Thomas of Durham, J.P. Wilson of Hamburg, G.B. Hammon of Hammon, W.P. Keen of Elk City, Judge Hendricks and Judge Tracy of Sayre; H. Floyd Wheeler, editor of Strong City Herald. Business visitors: John Dunn and Bill Slack from upon the Canadian River, John Briscoe south of town, George Casady of Grimes. Asa and Hoy Wright of near Rankin were here last Sat. morning, making the necessary arrangements for a big public sale to be held at the Hoy Wright farm, four miles north and three west of Rankin on Dec. 19.
M.W. Squires near Sweetwater who was recently injured when he was knocked off his wagon by a runaway team has died last Monday morning. The direct cause of his death is a broken rib which penetrated his lungs in such a manner as to produce death.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 21, 1916
By Dale Tracy. Wednesday evening about 10:00 fire was discovered in the Tunnard Mercantile warehouse, which was soon extinguished. As the weather was very inclement, Mr. Tunnard had put an oil stove in the building to keep fruit and other articles from freezing. It is supposed the flames from the stove caused some crates of oranges nearby to catch fire, and had the observation of the fire been postponed a few minutes it would have been impossible to save any of the contents of the building. As it was, about 15 crates of oranges, as well as some other fruit was saved. Cheyenne will soon have a new elevator. Mr. G.W. Rippy of Weatherford representing a Clinton Grain Co., making arrangements for the erection of an office immediately and will soon commence building a large elevator near the depot. As soon as the office is built, it will begin doing business, buying grain, etc. This is one of the many businesses that will soon be launched in Cheyenne and will mean a great deal to Cheyenne’s market.
Mrs. R.M. Harper of Oklahoma City, daughter of A.F. Pierce, died last Thursday, Dec. 14 in Oklahoma City of tuberculosis. She grew up in Cheyenne and attended school here and was a member of the Baptist Church. E.F. Stephens who resides northeast of town had business here. Others doing business were: Mrs. F.A. Beavin near Roll, Jess Thompson, O.O. Spake of Rankin, E.N. McGlothlin of Hamburg, Peter S. Tro of Durham, George Hutton of Strong City (former editor of Strong City Herald).
District Court adjourned Fri. evening after having made disposition of all cases on the docket. Mrs. Jess Moore leaves Fri. for Missouri having been called to the bedside of her mother, Grandma Ewing. Grandma Payne, who has been critically ill for some time at the home of her son, Ben Payne in this city is reported as not expected to live but a few days. Mrs. Willie Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Beaty, arrived here last Thurs. to spend the holidays with home folks. F.A. Beavin was familiarizing himself with the work of the County Clerk before he is sworn into office January 1. Misses Lorene and Madeline Osborn, who are teaching school near Miami, Texas, arrived here Mon. to spend a few days with home folks.
Dick Sloan of the Crawford area came down to the county seat town the first of the week to visit his family, which is living in town for educational reasons. Last week we failed to record the arrival of a fine baby boy at the home of Sheriff and Mrs. R.L. Trammell. Mother and baby are reported to be doing nicely. Roger Mills Co. is promised another successful sheriff in the years to come.
Cheyenne Star, Dec. 28, 1916
By Dale Tracy. In last week’s Strong City Herald appeared an article that pertained to the criticism of the Star for publishing an article in the Dec. 14 issue under the caption, “Delay in printing Court Dockets”, incites that part of our write-up is to lay the blame of the delay in the trial of jury cases at the door of the Herald for failure to deliver these dockets in advance of the convening of District Court, costing the taxpayers of this county $100 for juror fees. The claim has been made that Roger Mills Co. has been saved several hundred dollars during the present Socialist administration by reason of letting the county printing to the low bidder. The Platonic Club met with its president Mrs. R.F. Baird, Fri. Dec. 15. Mrs. Perry Madden presented a lesson on the apostle Paul and his conversion and persecution. Mrs. S.A. Wallace read an excellent paper on Roman Highways. Dainty refreshments were served and Mrs. Lovett and Mrs. Martin furnished the music. Next week the club will meet with Mrs. S. Jackson. Grandma Payne died Dec. 26 of dropsy and was buried at Arnett.. Cheyenne Produce Co. has moved to the old Evans Livery Barn where they will have more room to handle their poultry business and have good shelter. The new location is at the rear of L.W. Pate Hardware on Fourth Street. Mr. Perry Taylor and Miss Myrtle Jones, both who reside in the west part of the county were married at the Baptist parsonage here Wednesday. Myrtle is from Redmoon area. Perry from Croton Creek area.
The recent inclement weather and other things have caused a slight delay in the construction work of the railroad that is being built into Cheyenne from Strong City. Work ha commenced on the Cheyenne Depot, which is to be located in the center of the block between Main and Fourth Street on a tract of land formerly known as the Cox property. This considered to be the most desirable location that could be found near here and the most satisfactory to the people of our town. This depot when completed will be one of the largest and best along the C&OW Route. Frank Tharp of the Roll area had business here along with: Lee Dudney Redmoon, Frank Cole Hamburg, Jim Currier, R.F. Bradley, Grimes, I.E. Hunt west of Cheyenne, Will Stephens, George Saffer, J.B. Vaughn of Durham, Edgar Taylor of Croton Creek. Mrs. Muriel Tracy left Magdalena, New Mexico where her husband is an employee of the News. Mrs. P.H. Bowman of Canadian is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cross. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moore on Wed. a baby girl. Mrs. Jess Moore left the latter part of last week for Missouri having been called to the bedside of her mother, Grandma Ewing. Mrs. A.D. Fenno of Canadian arrived here to spend the holidays visiting with home folks near this city. James P. Boggs, who originally bought the McBride Farm south of Cheyenne has moved his family to that place. Miss Birdie Douglas, a student at Southwest Normal spent holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tracy, who are teaching in the Moorewood schools, visited with home folks during their Christmas vacation. Van Burns, who has been attending Hill’s Business College in Okla. City this winter, returned home last week to spend holidays here. The Misses Katherine Falconer and Isabella Fields, who have been attending Central Normal at Edmond spent their Christmas vacation here.