The Directors of the Cheyenne Cemetery are listed in the Cheyenne Star of January 27, 1910. They are H.D. Cox, Milo Burlingame, and R.N. Higgins. They requested interested people “come to the Cheyenne Cemetery February 7, 1910, to do repairs and improvements. Many graves are badly sunken and all who can bring wagons and teams will be needed to haul dirt.”

On 1 April 1898, William FLASHBURN and his wife deeded some land to the Trustees of the Cheyenne cemetery for a burial plot. The Trustees were J. M. PARIASH, John LEARY, J. N. PARRISH, and W. W. ANDERSON.

On 6-22-1903 John and Annie L. REED deeded some land to the trustees for $25.00. On 4-14-1913 Alfred GRAY and his wife Gertrude deeded the Trustees 10 acres. On 4-30-1963 Tobe CALVERT and his wife, Oweita deeded some land to the trustees.

The trustees were R. L. TRAMMEL, Dean CROSS, and Eddie Lee MCDANIELS.

On 3-18-1980 Tobe CALVERT and his wife deeded 5 acres to the trustees.

Trustees in 1990 are Wanda TRAMMELL, Eddie Lee MCDANIEL, and Donovan WESNER.

First Born—Gensie ANDERSON—1805

First Buried-Leonard TUCKER—-1889, Stillwell———–1895, Oaks B. COLLINS—1895

No. of graves———-1300, The cemetery is well kept.

This information was taken from the book “Cemeteries and More” by Glena Belle CRANE. Wanda PURCELL has submitted updates and corrections.

[A] [B] [C] [D-E] [F-G] [H-I] [J-K] [L] [M] [N-O] [P-Q] [R] [S] [T-U-V] [W-X-Y-Z]



After 2024, obituaries will be listed here for individuals buried at Cheyenne Cemetery.